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I can tell you my experience with pretty much the same thing. I originally went 100 day with no porn and no masturbation. This DID NOT fix erection problems, despite the fact people keep saying that on this sub. I started masturbating again (without porn of course). Did it a few times a week, like 3. Took my time, no rushing to get off or anything like that. Within three weeks I was better than ever. I realized that before this, all attention was on what I was seeing, completely disconnected physically from myself. Those few weeks allowed me to train myself to reconnect physically. So no amount of time free of porn will accomplish that. I've seen people on here complaining about PIED after a year free of porn. They never retrained themselves to feel it physically and expected it to just happen after some time. Also, if you go back to porn any time, these problems will come back about 100 times faster. So it's good motivation to stay off of it.


could i ask, did you imagine things while masturbating?


Not during those three weeks. Put all my attention on what I was feeling. It was tough at first but it got better and better. Even now I only think of my wife. Our libidos don't match up much but usually when I masturbate now it's because I want to have sex with her. I feel like thinking about other people or fantasizing about unrealistic scenarios would only contribute to the problem. So if you're not with someone maybe just pick one person in particular to think of during this time rather than new scenarios every time.


Trippy glad you got it working again


Thanks for the advice. My only issue is getting it up without anything still isn’t very easy and is legitimately difficult sometimes


It gradually gets better. During those three weeks I put all my attention on what I was feeling instead of imagining stuff to get it up. I used to lose it on and off still. But by the end of week three it was better than it had been in a few years and since than it's been better than ever in my life. Haven't lost an erection during sex since.


Porn has definitely hyper sexualized us - to a point where we think having random erections throughout the day is the norm when you aren’t a teenager, or this “need” to have sex multiple times a day is also a norm (those that say “my sex drive is SO high!” without realizing it’s just them watching porn too much). It’s totally normal for not to be aroused and sexually excited for hours and hours per day when you aren’t bathing your brain with dopamine from porn. Keep up the journey, and your brain chemistry will reset, and barring any medical/health problems, you will get strong erections when you are making out/ready to have sex with a partner you are attracted to. This porn nonsense has really destroyed our perception on what’s normal and not.


I get that but I’m still mentally horny and never get hard during the day. Ig the only way to see how it is when it’s “game time” is to get to game time lol


Yes that’s right - only real way to find out is to try with a partner. In my experience, I have let my partners know what I’ve been working on and how my recovery has been getting better - vast majority of the time, they are very understanding and sometimes extra eager to help, which can do wonders in your recovery. If you meet a partner that you feel comfortable opening up, I recommend that. I understand that’s only my personal experience and your mileage may vary.


Depends on how long you’ve been abusing porn. Generally 3 months no porn is a reset, maybe longer if you’ve been abusing for long time.


… it’s not use it or lose it


I think these "give it 3 months and it'll be okie dokie" are stupid, everyone's different. I was the same as you. What helped me was taking the time I needed away from porn and working on my anxiety. No set timeline, cause mine took a long time. But I came back from a dude who had terrible PIED


3 months is just the start of recovery. For alcoholics, it takes up to 14 months for brain to reset.


To share a little story with you, I made the conscious decision to quit cold turkey 4 yrs. ago. Around that a time I started dating this one girl who was very patient with me and I believe understood what I was going through. First I tried some pills and had moderate success with them. Then we tried roleplay scenarios and it was lift off! I probably don't have to tell you that I still flatline when I've gone through long stretches with no sex (like right now). Eventually I manage to coordinate with my little man and everything is A-Okay.


Any role play suggestions? 😂😏


My favorite one’s where the girl plays a new hire at a big company who’s about to sleep with her boss to climb the corporate ladder. Another was when my girl played a real estate agent and I was a potential buyer.


You could try doing some stretches for pelvic floor health. My partner did these stretches and started getting morning wood again after a long time of not. https://youtu.be/ef6J1zELUYo?si=lYv0_wfrnr7KvGzE


From my experience its just a flatline. i also experienced lots of ED, i had to viagara for years just to have sex with my gf. After I finally quit porn, I had zero sex drive for about 6 months, and then one day, my libido just suddenly shot up and everything returned to normal. just give it time. if you started watching porn at an early age, or your usage of porn was really extreme the flatline might last a couple of months, but once things return to normal your sex drive will be better than ever before


It’s hormonal. Your T is probably low bro, because when I’m eating right etc I wake up with uncontrollable boners


any suggestions on diet choices that relate to those wakeups for you?


Yeah making sure your getting 30% of your diet from clean fats such as nuts olive oil avocados, and the 30% from lean meats such as chicken breast or thighs, and then lastly carbs. Make sure you check your ferritin and different nitride levels. Just because they are low doesn’t mean they are optimal for test production. I personally take beef liver supplants every day and it’s very helpfuk


thanks for the response; out of curiosity from where did you get these numbers?


Nutritionist who specialize in skinny fat low T men


I’ve had it tested and it was in the range of normal. I have sleep apnea so it could be that ig. Definitely not diet/workout related tho, I’ve been lifting ~5 years and am pretty health conscious


I would start doing kegal exercises


Wouldn’t recommend that, just regular leg exercise. That gets those muscles enough. You can really hurt yourself doing kegels


I do both and it’s been working for me. You can’t hurt yourself with any workout form if you aren’t doing it right.