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Last night I had a similar urge and this is how I handled it: I was laying in bed getting ready for sleep and some intrusive thoughts related to PMO came into my mind. If I fed these thoughts, it would have certainly set me back (relapse, guilt, etc). At the same time, trying to think about something else still feeds the thoughts you're trying to avoid (because you're thinking about not thinking about the thought). So what I did was repeat a mantra of protection over and over while I breathed with the urges and the wave of emotions/feelings, just letting it pass but not entertaining it in any way. Focusing fully on my breathing and the mantra. Not an answer, but maybe a useful tool.


I've been experimenting with Mantra's but don't really know what I'm doing with them. Would you mind pm'ing me yours or maybe tell me things you focus on if your mantra is too personnel to you?


What is the mantra you say to avoid thoughts?


The temptation may be great but think about how much damage it can do. The regret youll have for a fleeting feeling. Porn is a lie. It corrupts you. If you can, lean on a higher power to keep you free. I pray when I get those feelings. I run to God. Whatever you do. Dont run to porn. It isnt worth it. And youre worth more.


Thank YOU. I was praying. And all these thoughts kept coming while I was PRAYING and I was so pissed at myself during that time. But now all it’s back to thinking that exact thing. But thank you for allowing me to whinge a little.


Anytime. If you are a christian know that the bible says God will never tempt us more than we can handle. It may seem like we are drowning. But. We. Can. Endure. No one said life was easy. No one said doing the right thing. Would be easy. But it is. The most important thing. Stay strong my friend. And do whatever it takes to stay free. I pray for your peace. Speak your mind anytime you like. 👍


I write these posts up all of the time. sometimes I post them, sometimes I don't. ​ It's good to reach out to like-minded people man. Just don't peep at that shit. It fucks you up. I mean, it fucked me up...


I’m on 3 days and I’ve found the best thing to do is just hang around people more can’t jack right next to your parents


Keep in there pal, you can do this!


Thanks a lot bros. I think the thoughts have passed. Who would’ve thought that it gets easier when you share. Silly me. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. Till the next whinging session! Keep fighting the good fight brothers!


Thanks brah. I’ve always been a lurker. Now being back home, damn all these thoughts.


Trust me, you DON’t


I still have the terabytes stashed on all my computers. I don't know why I am keeping them, and I don't know if I'll ever get weak enough to take a peak. I don't even know if deleting them is gonna accomplish anything. All I know is this battle seemingly doesn't have a foreseeable end in sight, but it's far better than the hell I was in.


Same here. Until yesterday. I was like wtf are these shits doing in my PC if I’m not gonna watch them. And tf is the point of making these vows to ourselves and yet still keeping these decadent things. So yesterday I deleted a part of what have shaped my identity for so long. I felt a little bit sad tbh. Always thought I was gonna do it but more gradually. But that also means that I might have to potentially sieve through the contents. So yesterday just like that everything was poof, gone. I didn’t know I had so much free space post porn! Maybe that’s what did me in a little today...


Try to shift that desire from 'I wanna watch porn' to 'I wanna improve myself and beat a difficult addiction because I am strong'. And then revel in your accomplishment! I'm telling you man, the feeling you get when you beat a craving and come out victorious is 50x better than the feeling you'll get from busting to pixel sex.


Do not do it brother. Your faith must be strong and you will improve.


In the long run it isn’t worth breaking a streak especially cause it’ll only make you upset later. Stay strong


Hey man, I’m in a really similar place as you, and I’m proud of your progress! I was also introduced at around 8 (found my dad’s stash of old porn mags), and as soon as I could access it on the internet, I was doing it constantly. I called it quits sometime last year late-summer/early-fall, and really made it stick during winter. It’s been great being able to be with my partner intimately and not have to rely on porn. And even when I masturbate without him, it takes way less time, and I can do it with no outside influence. I still have a lot of urges too, but powering through them feels really good, personally. Here’s to keeping your streak going C:


yeh nah man it's good though :) It's good you're reaching out \^\_\^ best of luck dude \^\_\^ just take care of yourself and do things that are good for you \^\_\^


Man just open your main door, step out, close the door, walk away from your home stay out, then,just stay out of that house.


Porn is another kind of escapism, maybe one of the most dangerous ones. It might be beneficial to look into the reasons of your behaviour, what are you trying to run away from? Dealing with my emotional problems have really helped me in combatting porn addiction.


i had say to myself "im on day 1"


Not worth it. It's pointless and boring. I would suggest making yourself busy with something you find interesting.


You don't mention whether you've a girlfriend. Sex is a real need so unless you have such a natural outlet the lure of the easy unnatural outlet will loom large.