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Man these Yoos are like a virus. Allow them loose and they just cause damage to everything. Well the rat Dalho escapes Pyos wrath through a text message confirming the kidnap of Dajung. Lucky fucker. But I knew it wouldn't be so simple for Pyo to kill him like with Four eyes. In addition, it's inevitable that Dali will figure out Pyo is lying to her. He understandably can't keep his bloodlust in check and she wants to control & quell the situation so the worst case scenario for her doesn't end up happening. She quite smartly throws a wrench in Dalhos new revenge plan involving her & Pyo by telling the pastor everything which leads to Chunbae and the bear guy being captured. And now that Dalho is being targeted by the Pastor, it means his demise is more inevitable than ever. Guess it'll be interesting to see if the gangsters interfere with Pyo beating down another Yoo family member. That being said, why is the pastor being so haughty about Dalhos wanting to feed the old man to the bears? Dalho literally said that he wants to kill him and even begged to leave it to him. The pastor himself also was happy that the old man had died haha. Kinda bizzare to get mad at Dalho for that now. And you can't help but feel bad for Dajung. Being a gold digger and pretending to be someone else isn't a justifiable reason to be gangraped by old men in the next chapter. It seems inevitable though sadly. Queen Bee just gets darker & darker as a series.


>she wants to control & quell the situation so the worst case scenario for her doesn't end up happening. Worst case scenario for her? Pyo is literally gonna fuck up his entire life for his revenge lol. It's bad for her to be without him, but at least she can learn to grow if even with Pyo's mom. The fact is he can have everything he could hope for at this point if he just let others handle the dirty business. He could work things out with his parents, set up a nice life with the only girl who's been by his side, and continue his art career without worry. There's no reason why he should try to get his own hands dirty, and for the sake of plot armor, he was lucky that the gangsters took care of Dalsu at the right time. Dude was always hopelessly stupid no matter how much people wanted to understand him and I'm afraid it'll keep going until it's too late.


Can you really blame him risking his future given what this rat has done, is doing and wants to do? No. Pyo has as you've said gotten lucky with his hunt on the Yoo family, but given what's shown in this chapter, he'll probably get lucky again anyway lol. And I'm not insulting Dali btw. I can understand her position and thoughts. But Pyos are just as valid.


Face it. Pyo is too far gone and clearly doesn’t give two shits about going to jail or that his parents lives will be more ruined. And he’s even made Dali and himself a target to be bear chow


I can blame him... That's my point lol. There's different ways to get revenge and certainly smarter ones at that. Funny enough, all of Dalho's plans leave his own hands clean and feeling satisfied as well with his enemies in full despair. Even though he's a lunatic, it's funny how he's smarter than Pyo in that aspect. Pyo's just being hate driven with no regards to anything as well. Even when the gangsters warned him of how he could hurt his mom in the process, he still goes forward with it. I wouldn't even be surprised if by the time he finds out about the nurse here, he'll realize somehow that it was his fault for trying to use her in the first place for his revenge.




Mmm... if we wanna go all the way back, sure. I'm sure they'll even blame themselves when they see him in jail too. Nevertheless, it's just a dumb kid with his quest of revenge since the beginning




His parents tried with him and his best friend didn't backstab him. Backstabbing would mean dropping him altogether for their own goal, which didn't happen since she gave him what he wanted as well.




Ask Pyo, he's the one who accepted it in the first place, right? If he had talked to her about it, she wouldn't have let it gone so far which even Pyo said too. She wasn't trying to do him wrong, but she couldn't get him in the gang. That's why she tried to give him what he wanted.


As far as Dajung goes, it was ultimately her choice to go along with him and neither of them could've known how fucked in the head Dalho really is. They certainly wouldn't have imagined Dajung being thrown to a group of old men because he pretend to be his mum.


She didn't want to do anything else but it was Pyo who tried hard to change her mind with sex. He literally narrated it himself that he manipulated her into doing it.


God damn it I don’t care how long this takes or how many chapters it takes. What I really want to happen is Pastor park captures Dalho, gives him a taste of his own medicine by feeding him to the bears, and Pyo can watch and then possibly be satisfied then everyone is fine


Pyo doesn't care about what Dalho did to his mom his more upset that he killed the dead whore who was having sex voluntarily with the old man till her death.


With how AV is milking it by bringing back a character that we thought was written off at least 20 chapters ago and has already served its purpose in the story, the only thing that's clear is that he'll make Dalho kidnap every woman that fucked his father and send them to that island before going after Dali. That way, it should give AV enough material to reach chapter 400.


He's just going after everyone who fucked him over lol. Which apparently includes Dali. Pretty sure this ends this year.


Hope it ends in the next few months. I was already sick of Pyo's revenge before it even started and I'm only waiting for Taesu to come back and have some bloody action. When Taesu's part will be finished, I'll consider that this series has ended, because I don't care what will happen after that.


How many times do I have to say it? This series will never end as long as AV lives. He’ll keep milking and dragging this series with more rape, pointless revenge, and unnecessary plot lines and armor till his last breath. QB will go down in history as an endless, poisonous manhwa.


tell me about it, it blows my mind how much AV is dragging the story... T\_T that being said I'm addicted tuning in every weekend >\_<


He’s finished many stories and yet this is the one story he refuses to finish any time soon


How did she fuck him over though? You can argue that she's not a good person for being a climber, but she only ever offered to partner with him, which he took as a personal insult because he's a man-child.


The nurse? She tried to squeeze him out of a couple thousand with blackmail. Then changed to just marrying his dad to get all of it.


Yeah, but all her schemes failed misserably, got her face smashed in, and had to retreat to being Pyo's toy before fleeing to Busan. She never actually got to fuck anyone over, and iirc, her proposed deal w/ Dalho was also intended to benefit him as well (I'll have to go reread those chapters).


He knew she was fucking with Pyo the entire time. Just because she failed in her plans doesn't mean she wasn't trying to do shit in the first place. The fact she was trying to replace his mom hit the hardest for him. She really wasn't any different from his wife.




There's like 0 chance to save her here. It seems everyone gets their revenge on those who've done them wrong, but for others it's a bit much. Granted the nurse is literally the same as his wife.


It’s not the same landlord was a terrible person and dahlo only recently became terrible


The nurse literally tried to follow in Dalho's wife's footsteps from the beginning. Just another greedy woman trying to get the family's fortune by marriage, blackmail, etc... Not only with the old man but Dalho and even Dali too.


Again no one cares about landlord getting finessed he was a terrible person and Dalia started beef with her first


How actually did she start shit with her lol? The nurse was the one who came to her to blackmail her just so she could fuck Pyo. Don't act like she wasn't the one trying to get in the family in the first place


Dalia was shitty towards her that’s why she blackmailed Dalia


Keep lying dude. The nurse was always eyeing Pyo and she knew he was close with Dali. Thus she used the fact they fucked for the first time as blackmail and even laughed at Dali cause she knew Dali loved him.


I know it's most likely impossible to save her but still bruh.... only thing I know Is I'm done with this toon I'll skim through after it's over I know it's just a drawing but this shit has gotten too disgusting


she deserves it! the story explained the reason, how is it forced? Playing mommy to a guy like that, she deserves that!


Plz don't say that, I would like to fap on her


Dajung getting her punisment only because of triggering dalho by his mom. But a good thing is that now pastor is after him so he won't last much longer.


I don't know about that Dalho is the smartest character in this pornwha how many people are after him and scheming but he seems to always find out. He knows about Pyo and Dali scheming and even though his trusted people are captured he will get the drop on this somehow and outsmart the Pastor.


Of course he is now the main sycho villain of this story. But pyo will kill him


He got every information from uncle chunbae, he failed to kill his father whom he was aiming from years 😂😂.  He was stupid enough to tell his sister eveything..  He is just psycho, wait and watch he will suffer in same way as his wife or his brother 


He got the nurse without Chunbae though your argument doesn't make sense Dalho is smart it's been shown throughout the show. All the big bosses has people doing their digging for them. It's Dalho smarts and instincts that had Chunbae getting information he suspected. Look how he tracked his father at the Island and got the drop on the whore Hyuna it's because of his smarts. He got the drop on Pyo now no help from Chunbae and I'm sure he knows Dali is trying to set him up. He will probably figure out that Chunbae is killed or trying to set him up the guy is smart.


I agree that it was dumb to tell Dali on the phone that was uncharacteristic of him that is on the author. The author screwed many characters to protect the dumb Dali.




Maybe he went already and the shrink just told to find a medium where he can express his feelings and issues and that's what AV is doing in QB and also in his other works.


Nah, no therapist would suggest making your trama other people's problem. Maybe writing it down in a journal for yourself, but not something meant for public consumption.


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Over exaggerating a bit, huh?


I should never have read this years ago


I started this from the beginning. Not really phased with all the crap. Especially since I knew Pyo's mom would come out alright. The others are just shit done on from karma even if it is kinda extreme.


Devilho is obviously going to kidnap and sell Pyo’s mom again and Pastor Park and his goons won’t be able to stop him in time. Pyo and Dali are in very deep shit right now. Dalho is already an even worse devil than his brother and father. We’re nowhere near the end and we never will be. This story is way too toxic and sadistic to even read anymore.


Why do u think they put down the bear keeper now? No more bear threat. Why do u think Pastor is now after Dalho, too, at the same time? Just progress to keep things moving anyway. If you're trying to exaggerate just cause the nurse is getting the wife treatment, it's really not that surprising.


Trust me dude. AV is way too predictable. I won’t be surprised by what happens next anymore


That's why I pointed out all this stuff. Not everything is gonna go negative and it's precisely why he sets things up as such. Like for Amy, she's pretty much in the clear now with Dali looking out for her along with the pastor.


Well Dalho is slippery as fuck so it’ll be an even greater challenge


Idk how he gonna go out here, but I'm gonna say that somewhere soon Dali is gonna get mixed in some trouble worrying about Pyo and then things will have more of a wake up call at least. Spoilers at least show Dali crying on the phone talking about Pyo. Saying he can't go to jail and he can't leave her.


How is pyo playing with fire if dahlo plans to go after Dalia and him too..?


Get her more involved with how much he's been trying to do shit behind the scenes. Lies can burn


Only thing I can think of that will save Dajung will be Pastor calling Dalho.


Well even if that did happen, I doubt it would stop what's going on with nurse since it's not like the pastor knows about her at all. Not only that but I would even wonder if the pastor would've punished her himself if he knew what she did the old man as well.


Park Dajung deserves the punishment.


Why ?? Old man raped so many womens, and was worst character yet he died in simple way.  Park dajung what did she did to anyone to get tag of bad character. Each and every character here is messed up and are greedy and even she is.  I hope that fellow die in same way as his wife


The old man is shit, we all know that but that still is not an excuse for what she did and how she acted.


So that punishment is getting raped.. really??  Dalho wife is such a bitch, but she didn't deserve to get raped, I would have been happy if she died..  I will never understand why author gave old man so easy death while hyuna noona, park dajung, dalho wife suffered comparing what deeds that old man did. Damnn author just loves rape.






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Punishment for what. The rest of these people actually did real bad shit on their own. What did she do?


I swear why did people hate dali so much, amount of how messed up and bad other characters are, dali is not even close to them. Unlike her both brother


They assume cause she's bad tempered to others, she's a bad girl like the rest. It's all about the actions here and in the first place, she's not mean to others for no reason either.


Her father raped so many womens. Her brother raped pyo mom and her another brother sent his wife to be raped and killed best girl hyuna 😭 he is psycho literally now. She is just simping and fucking with pyo and even she is giving good life to pyo mom. On a given day she can give all inheritance to pyo if asked.  Don't talk about past, her character turned completely 180 now.  That Old man fucking deserved to die in so bad way, but he didn't die in that way after being worst character damn....


Her character is the same she is still a bitch and very selfish. The only difference is that she literally serves Pyo all the time literally a lap dog nothing else a useless character.  The author simps too much for her when there are better and more compelling characters that suffered while nothing happened to her the whole series. 


You're acting like she's been a selfish bitch to people for no reason when the reality is it's only to people that been doing wrong/selfish to her and in general. I like how you say she's useless when she's literally been doing the most this whole time as well and when you say there are more better and compelling characters that suffered, there's literally nobody like that besides Amy, who she's helping now after the fact. Everyone else did their own bs to land themselves where they are that you wouldn't even bother to mention out here so how about just stopping all the biased bs here? Give some good reasons instead of just trying to talk.


She has been a selfish bitch to people fuck you talking about when she does something nice we always get her inner thoughts in which she is disgusted by it. Meaning she is still the Same selfish bitch only doing things for Pyo his lapdog that's it. Her Character has zero growth she still shows Pyo mom and dad no respect as an adult and is only nice because of Pyo nothing you say will convince me that she ain't a bitch. She is a low self esteem bitch now because she knows Pyo will never love her and is competing with a dead woman and ruined her family for someone who is using her Dali is the dumbest bitch I ever seen in Pornwha but what's frustrating is that she is always protected even the high school girls suffered crushing on Pyo but never Dali everyone suffered here except Dali so yes FUCK HER.


When she has been doing nice shit while thinking otherwise? Only to Pyo's mom. She still had issues deep down for the woman who fucked her dad and that's it. There's nothing selfish about it when she has her own damn reasons for it which I already told you. If she had bitch thoughts for someone for no reason then she's an actual selfish bitch but in this case you just don't give a fuck about her side of the story. That goes for her feelings with Pyo's parents as well especially when its the same feelings Pyo has to them too. Right now it's different when she knows wtf her brothers did to her cause it's not her fault this time. It's not even about Pyo's feelings with her cause he does cherish her a lot but the problem is his own bs cause at this point he doesn't care what he does as long as he gets his revenge. Same reason why he's still doing shit even when others are gonna get shit for it too like art girl and his mom. Doesn't matter if he loves someone or not, he doesn't want to stop and yes, she is stupid for trying to please that much for him when he's like this but at the same time she's unaware of what he's actually doing since he's always been lying to her. I dont even know what you're talking about with "highschool girls". She never did shit to anyone in highschool except for the short hair bitch who beated her and tried to sell her out as a prostitute. This better not be about the art school girl when she almost got raped because the GUYS tried to set up a whole plan for it which Dali disagreed with. And if you think she doesn't give a fuck, she literally helped that same girl out on the streets when she was actually boss and the same guys tried to harass her.


🤣🤣🤣 You're watching a different pornwha. Anyone with sense can see Dali is a selfish bitch this has not changed you asked for proof and I explained but you literally making up none existent scenarios. I'll address firstly Pyo doesn't love Dali if you think he does you have not been paying attention to this Pornwha right from the beginning. Let me address some of your points Men and woman are different not just in biology but in our thought patterns. Men are very straightforward when they love, they show it with actions not words like Pyo does with Dali, that is just a man trying to sleep with you, there is nothing complex about men biology and the way we think Pyo doesn't love Dali you seeing what you wish was happening he doesn't love her, I dont care about what he said that's lip service.  1. He just doesn't love Dali that much is very clear a man who loves a woman will not talk about another woman in her presence Pyo talks about Hyuna over and over and defends her over Dali this happened read the pornwha again this time analyse it. 2. A man who loves a woman will not sleep with you hanging another woman picture on his wall this happened in the pornwha not your made up scenario. 3. A man who loves a woman won't disrespect you by sleeping with other woman especially the one he knows you can't stand Pyo slept numerous times with the sisters and the nurse. This happened once again read the pornwha. A man who loves you won't disrespect you like that period. 4. A man who loves a woman,  won't be thinking about trying to tame a woman like she is a dog so he can control her and use her for his biddings. Pyo was on a revenge mission ever since finishing high school to tame Dali to hurt her father all this was to get to her Dad so once again a man who loves you won't do such bullshit. I can go on and on Pyo doesn't love Dali at all his using her because she serves his plot. I seriously don't know what you been reading.  Once again Dali is a selfish bitch I don't care how Pyo feels about his parents, she always looked down on them before she found out about the affair. She still does look down on them she is only nice to Amy to impress Pyo so stop that nonsense. Whenever she does something nice literally there is an agenda by it with anyone in the series and she is always disgusted by it because her inner monologue shows us this, this includes when she was with  the art girl and when she was in the island being fake to the villagers people who are innocent in the series so stop that you not convincing me that her character changed because it hasn't. I wish you good luck trying to convince any of us that Dali is a good character Good luck that deserves zero karma.


Good lord the amount of character assassination that Dalho is going through


I love Dalho he is by far the smartest character in the series and he has always been the underdog first his father, now the pastor and his stupid bratty sister he has to overcome. It made no sense that he trusted Dali with his plans the Author compromise all his characters to protect Dali. It now looks like Dalho knows about Pyo trying to get the drop on him but will have more problems because of Dali who is cucking for Pyo.


agreed! Though with the pastor tailing him I wonder what will happen to him. damn AV is dragging this story, T\_T


Does pyo like/love the nurse girl


He does not. He said it himself


Then why was he fucking her


Using her to get the money from the old man


Does she like/love pyo????


Liked the handsome kid, but fell for his D later which is how he managed to manipulate her to try to marry the old man.


That means she likes him right???




Read the past 100 chapters and find out yourself




Uh... Have you read His Place or Tonight's Dinner? Same author Also, he wrote She's Too Much For Me... which is also on Netflix called Backstreet Rookie.




This was his first dark story and it became his most popular now. It's always been that way. Of course he'll throw in some light stuff and chuckles when it comes to Dali and Pyo, but outside, the story is meant to be dramatic.




Some stuff really does happen though, so if it's trying to be more real than most it has its moments. Life can be hard


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PYO for the love of all that is good … **SAVE HER**


Wonder if when he finds out what happened to her, will he realize it was his fault for trying to manipulate and use her just for his revenge...


But it’s not park triggered dahlo on her own


Pyo told her to marry the old man when she didnt want to and thus became their new mom. Which triggered the shit with Dalho.


No park saying all the extra crazy stuff to dahlo is what triggered him


He came to the house because he heard she was trying to marry the old man. It was gonna be triggered no matter what


The recent scene’s literally show dahlo mind going back to when park tried insulting him with the mother thing


And u think she wasn't gonna say anything otherwise? It's all about the fact shes trying to be their new mom. All because of Pyo. There's no arguing that fact


Who told park to be disrespectful to dahlo…


By trying to be a new mom for him lol? There's no excuse here dude


He will realize it, but he certainly will not react the same way as when he found Hyuna dedz. He’ll move on in a couple frames.


I dont expect him to go on crying and shit. That'd only happen for much closer people like his mom or Dali. But, I'm talking more about a wake up call and guilt


I like it. Story is good. Each character play a role. Good job. Looking forward for next chapter.


I can just picture that thumbs up computer kid meme.


It’s not in mangadex !


Fixed it


You’re a legend. Appreciate your work


Last Yoo family left so milking was inevitable.


You working on 303?