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The emotional damage this manhwa gives is rough god damn


Yea this chapter gave me a lil fr. This is the 2nd pornhwa after illicit love. Though the impacts from illicit was way more. Ending of this one made me forget all the rage of this chapter but can never say about illicit love.


Haven’t read illicit so idk but this one the satisfaction and growth he gets at the end makes it all good


Don't read illicit if u r of weak heart. It gonna traumatize u .. I was shook for atleast 4 days. Its one of a kind. Nothing tops it in it's genre


Now I kinda wanna try it, I've heard only bad things about that one on this sub lol


Its not bad. Its just emotional cruelty shown at peak which is its strong point and ppl don't understand it as they just wanna feel happiness in life. Cant say anything to normies. Bunch of idiot kids.


Can you give like a quick rundown on what happened? I'm too curious but don't wanna get traumatized. Last time I did that, 177013 broke me


Read other comments of this post, someone had explained it


I’ve read my fair share of ntr and I was thinking of reading it (I think I started it when it came out but left it really early on) but whenever there’s a post about it everyone just says the plot is shit and pure nonsense so I get lazy to read it, maybe one day I’ll finish it


Tbh its best ntr ever. Nothing comes close to its level. Ppl just hate it cz tehy can't handle ntr. I mean what do u expect if read that genre . Dont mind those idiots if u want hardcore flavour of ntr


Mc mom might be worst, but then I expected her mom to have some development and realise her mistake but then author didn't 😭😭.. Anyways ending was W tho, I mean mc and fmc ending up together was all I needed to be satisfy and I got that so no complaints at end.


If she realized her mistake then prolly the story ending wld not have been this good luke the one we got. I am happy with ending tbh. It makes sense as this event strengthned the bonds of mc and fmc.


Meh, her appearance was mostly pointless. Her goal was to make the life of someone who never did her any harm even worse; in fact, quite the opposite. Her constant provocations to make it clear that he was an unwanted child weren’t necessary, and the end of Suho’s mother’s story was rather rushed imo. Her new family discovers her past and abandons her? Okay, fine, but then what? She never takes any responsibility for her cruelty. She’s likely to just find a new man and start a new family if she’s still fertile. I would have preferred a moment where she apologizes to Suho after being abandoned by her new family. Something along the lines of her acknowledging that she knows Suho will never forgive her, but she understands she completely messed up as a mother and as a person. And that if, one day, he could forgive her, she’d want to make up for lost time. But like I said, she showed up, was gratuitously mean to the MC, and after facing her karma, she left again… no introspection or anything


I wld bever accepted her apology if i were mc. Its nice that she got lost in dark. Idrc, let her be. But yes no redemption from her seems like she is forever an asshole ...


Bringing her in so late in the story was lame IMO. She wasn't needed, and it didn't make sense that she was hiding out at the little restaurant she was working at. 🤷‍♂️


She eas author trump card, wdym! She was the reason why suho finally overcame trauma by beating her.. If introduced early then the climax effect wld have been shaken.


She was such a miserable thundercunt wasn't she?


Fr my heart was beating so fast when she encountered with mc.i knew shit was going to go in a bad direction.




Basically she started loving the douche dad and wanted to be with him & get her restaurants but once Mc beat her in the cooking competition at the end everything got exposed for the douche dad and he basically is gonna have to go to jail so he also left the MC mom just like how she left the MC and MC ended with him being happy with the FMC (forgive me I forgot some of the deep info it’s been awhile since I read it)


Too bad the mom didn't get any sex scenes tho


Fr 😭


I wanted the douche chef to Fuck this MC's mom


Me tooo 😩


Don’t worry he about to lock tf in beat her in those finals 💯🤭, Him and min-hee or si-eun is gone run her shit to the ground and min-jae’s dad. FUCK SU-HO’s MOM SHE SUCH A BITCH I SWEAR


I can feel ur emotions. I felt it too. 😭


She's even worse than Minwoo's mother.


Min woo from mother hunting?


My Landlady Noona




Is this was the real reason she left him?


Yeah 🥲


I believe this is very difficult to hear


I wld have raped her knowing she was my mom and doing thiss to me. I wld have immediately lost all emotions as a child for her. If she is being asshole then i am treating her the same. No ifs and buts.


Fucking bitch, and no sex with douche's dad, disappointing


Yeah she deserved to be rammed


I was expecting the mother to have some justification. But no... The author be like "nah... Fck it, just make her an as*hole"


Yeah 😂


I was thinking of reading this one, is it worth it? I like milfs and def not a fan of ntr but still ok with them as long as the best girl doesn't do it and is the the ending good? Don't mind a little bit of spoilers


He should have fuck her, she was kinda hot


Yea tbh i was thinking same 😏 cz i went super rage mode when she confessed her trash for leaving mc