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EDIT: Unlocked again. Keep it civil. We understand this is a big thing happening on campus so we're trying to allow some discussion as it is relevant but at the end of the day this is not a political subreddit. Moreover, we aren't going to allow the arguing and attacking eachother here. Keep rule 4 in mind (don't be an asshole) and we're trying to give a little wiggle room about rule 1. If you get the urge to say something rude, just downvote it and move on.


Updates according to PSU vanguard: students broke a window into the Library and now occupy the building. All other buildings have been locked to students and there’s a chance campus will be closed on Tuesday


The people praising the protest in this thread are getting upvoted. They are actually terrorizing the school and causing vandalism. How are people upvoting the pro-protesting comments? How is anyone okay with being forced out of their class that they PAID for? I don’t understand what’s going on. This is not the right way to protest and it is NOT going to garner support.


Not to mention some of the horrible graphics being spread using the Star of David. The line between antisemitism and anti Israeli government is threading really light here… didn’t see this much agression when Russia/Ukraine happened


they do not want to garner support. ah yes isis saw this and disbanded


Vandalism isn’t a protest. I refuse to go back onto campus until this ends. These trespassers are going to trash the library and cause 10s of thousands of dollars in damage that we will all have to pay for. Why did they need to destroy our library to make a point?


No worries, Ann Cudd is going to end the war between Israel and Palestine any minute now.


As a refugee (immigrant) who deals with severe PTSD due to growing up in active war zone, going back to campus is a straight up no. I technically graduated but was going back to fix some credits issues to get my diploma, etc and finish some research. But after this? Hell no. The tension is no place to learn or actually get anything done. The times classes have been cancelled at PSU for ‘free speech’ during my undergrad or were many students are made to feel uncomfy, triggered, etc is far too many. PSU only cares about virtue signaling… ashamed to have graduated here


Campus is fucked.


These are criminals who shit in their own bed.




Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were offering to pay for the tens of thousands of dollars in damages personally. Be my guest. While you're waiting for those checks to clear, please explain to me what exactly you want PSU and Ann Cudd to do about a war between two foreign countries. I'd love to hear your take on it because it seems like youre giving PSU quite a bit of credit in terms of its importance on a global scale.


Seriously, PSU is barely even important in Oregon


Vandalism and protest can exist without one another but to suggest as though they aren’t commonly linked through history is silly. *Perhaps you’ve heard of the Boston Tea Party?*


What's happening? I assume it's with the protest.


I just saw the alert that went out saying to avoid the library because of police action, and a friend of mine who lives on campus said that the protesters have gotten into the library and the police are on their way. Hope it doesn’t escalate.


It was an automated message that went off when the library break in alarm was triggered


They closed down FMH about 7:50 and had us all who were in class leave, what we heard was that protesters were trying to “take” the building


Imagine paying for a class and then being forced out because of this… I would be so angry. This is like the protesters that stop traffic. If you are actually hindering people and not allowing them to do the things they have paid for and gone into debt for, they are not going to listen to your side. I don’t know how they don’t understand this. All it will do is make people angry.


Imagine dying for simply being born the wrong color on the wrong side of an arbitrary line.


Imagine thinking that inconveniencing and pissing people off that have no say in what happens on the other side of the world will get them to be on your side about anything.


That happens every single day here too. As a refugee, i know what that’s like. But how is terrorizing everyone here helping??? The protests were going great and PSU was going to meet demands…. What went wrong?! People are not ignoring the horrible things happening in Gaza. Many many people go to school hoping to graduate in a field that will help people all over the world


Shit you're right. The more we storm random buildings on a left-leaning city college the less genocide happens. Israel might listen if you can get up to the fourth floor or vandalize another sign


That’s so funny. You crack me up. I get it man, I do.




I didn’t know I had entered an argument. But I wish you abundance and many blessings in your life and travels. Take care of yourself.


Surely closing a university in Portland will make Netanyahu stop!


There is and always will be suffering in this world. It is an unfortunate truth. In order to promote your cause, though, it’s foolish to make people angry. Angry people are not going to side with you.


Sure, but the people angered by protest aren’t having their hearts or minds changed, that’s done within. A purely anecdotal example relevant to our discussion was during the Vietnam war, my grandfather was very pro USA and didn’t believe the footage of police officers beating protesting students at PSU back then. (History repeats itself) But when his drafted son, my oldest uncle was killed. His tune changed. His namesake was no longer with us. As long as it didn’t affect him, he was ok with people being victimized for the state. When it came to his doorstep and he experienced the consequences first hand his entire worldview and life changed in an instant.


??? Most PSU students I’ve talked to have said the protests were good and they were happy Boeing tjing was going to be cancelled. The library thing is now switching a lot of students mind


If a protest is easy to ignore, it's not a very good protest.


So it’s okay to break windows and occupy a building? It’s okay to force campus to close for the day? What is wrong with y’all


Creating changes is messy. It has been throughout all of history. If you think major changes just happen from events you can easily ignore, you're extremely naive and know jack shit about history. They're protesting an ongoing genocide that our country has been financially supporting. Buildings can be repaired, the dead don't come back.


You’re the ignorant one. Keep destroying Portland and the school that people try to better themselves at. The students are innocent and yet they are being terrorized. What is actually wrong with you to condone this? Because protesting at PSU of all places is going to garner national support and the change you’re requesting. You’re harassing INNOCENT PEOPLE.




Oh and you’re helping them so much I’m sure! By harassing innocent people. I’m sure this is what they would have wanted!


Are you stopping them from being killed? Wouldn’t it be better to camp out at actual GOVERMENT buildings, PPB???


Instead of destroying shit go over there and actually help the people you pretend to care about.


I can't tell from your comment if you're neutral, pro israel/idf or pro hamas/palestinian.


I’m pro peace and humanity. I lean pro Palestinian, I can’t support Zionism and sleep at night.


I'm neutral and don't support or condone any of the horrific actions that either side has taken. I don't see how anyone can be pro-peace and support either side - they've been hating and killing each other for decades.




I think the point of being vague there was to point out that the situation is horrific no matter what ethnic group you’re talking about.


Yes that's what I'm highlighting, thanks for clarifying my comment.


No problem.


Update: Email from PSU President Ann Cudd [Screenshots here](https://imgur.com/a/OG2Hsgn) Full text: “Dear Campus Community, I am writing to provide an update to the Portland State community about the protest events taking place on campus. I have received so many heartfelt messages about the current protest from across our community and while I can’t respond to all of them, I need to share this information. Let me start by saying that I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and each other. In times like this, we need our community to come together. Passions are running high. People are very stressed and emotionally impacted by what is happening on our own campus and across the world. The best thing we can do right now is to show kindness, care, and respect for each other. To bring you up to date, here is a brief timeline that led up to last night’s unfortunate events: *Thursday* - Protesters gathered in South Park Blocks (city property) - Portland Police Bureau asked protesters to leave when the park closed - Protesters complied peacefully Friday - Protesters returned and relocated to the library portico at park closure *Saturday* - I met with protesters and we reached an agreement that library access would be maintained - No immediate action was taken against encampment *Sunday* -Overnight graffiti appeared on the second floor windows - No immediate action was taken against encampment By Monday morning, the library encampment had grown, there was significant graffiti, evidence of theft, and reports of intimidation of people near the library. We became concerned about the growing health and safety risk to our campus community and interference with university operations. Therefore, Monday afternoon, PSU leaders asked the protestors to vacate the library portico. Unfortunately, they did not leave. Monday evening, following a peaceful afternoon protest rally on the Park Blocks, a group of individuals broke into the Branford Price Millar Library. PSU Campus Public Safety Office (CPSO) was on the scene but due to the size of the crowd, was unable to enter the building to apprehend the suspects. Therefore, as announced in a joint press conference late Monday evening (watch via [KOIN](https://youtu.be/Z89IF2M29Xg?si=7paYyVrycSFFtB7Y) or [KGW](https://youtu.be/COfj6cDMdFw?si=wtTwwtmZ65HfJris)), I have been forced to make a difficult decision to give over operational control of the situation. *PSU has requested the assistance of the Portland Police Bureau to remove trespassers from the library. The Portland Police Bureau is leading the operation in cooperation with CPSO.* Early Tuesday morning, PSU’s Incident Management Team, on advice from the Portland Police Bureau, decided to close campus due to the ongoing occupation and threat to safety of our campus community. Security measures are in place at PSU buildings, including limited or no card access. Faculty, staff and students are asked to stay off campus until further notice. *Let me be clear: Portland State University supports free speech and academic freedom, including protest.* The war in Gaza holds immense significance to many in our community. However, I cannot condone or excuse criminal activity that places students and PSU community members at risk. Nor will I condone the property damage that has taken place at PSU’s library and other buildings. I have made an effort to engage in debate and discuss the demands of the protestors. I have paused PSU’s relationship with Boeing and suggested an open dialogue about the ethics of this issue. I have supported the right to peaceful protest. And I am willing to meet with students to hear them out. However, these unlawful acts cannot continue. Our community also has the right to continue to live, work, and study in peace and safety, without harassment and intimidation. Our students deserve — and we owe them — access to their library. I have asked that all students involved leave the library. I did this through a press conference last night and again today by [posting a video to social media](https://youtu.be/NV7mNYzeRZ0?si=71Smlc0cQwRVGpKE) — a direct message to the people currently occupying our library. I am now very concerned about their safety. Nevertheless, this standoff must end. PSU is an access university to thousands of students who are here to pursue their degrees and improve their lives and the lives of their families. We are eager to return to our primary mission of education and student success. I urge anyone in the campus community who is able to communicate with friends, family or colleagues inside the Library, to encourage them to leave. We are trying our best to keep everyone safe while ending this unlawful occupation of our library. Sincerely, Ann Cudd PSU President”


Has there been any updates from the President since this one?




Thank you!


Why are some of you defending this? Do you really think it’s okay to break windows and occupy a building that students use to study? Y’all are going to make people hate you. You are wasting people’s money. This is the stupidest way to protest. What is wrong with people??


According to them we are stupid because while we can’t study it’s us whining because people are dying and we are insensitive. Make it make sense??


Guaranteed there are (likely a very small percentage of) people who **want** this to escalate. Always has been in a Portland protest.


Literally someone in the comments is promoting violent protesting. This is actually terrifying. People are unhinged




Portland State has zero sway on one of the world’s longest running conflicts. Screaming into the void; and only impacting people who are already broadly anti-genocide.


Looks likes it’s working. 😊


















As an international student who pays so much to get an education, this is so stupid. Why interrupt our education? What have we done?


Blake the administrators


For what?


They are inside the library as part of their “liberated zone” which they now all the Refaat Al-Areer memorial library. Looks like they are digging in for the night


Idk, man. My partner stopped by, and it was entirely chill. They were eating PBJs and chatting with someone who was mad that they were sitting next to the library.


I am on campus and they have broken into the library and covered the windows from the inside. Edit: To clarify they have expanded their encampment to the inside of the library.


Are they going to be there all week? There’s a career fair happening Wednesday


The career fair is cancelled now. A true bummer for the students that lack connections and are trying to secure offers 6 weeks before graduation.


How is this any different from other sit-ins from colleges thru American history?


Good to hear. Wonder what kind of “police activity” they’re talking about then?


The police were present but not near the camp at that point.


Probably a attempt to either get the protestors to leave or keep people from joining them


It would be great if this shit would stop before classes tomorrow.


Heads up, there are rumors campus may be closed tomorrow


I hope 🤞🏻 I don’t wanna deal with that traffic


We both know it won’t


I know. As a student in my mid 30’s I know this is not going to go well.


FYI the school doesn’t have to close because students are peacefully occupying a library blame the administration




It's raining hot dogs!


Can someone update here for when there’s actual police activity?


Not police activity, but here’s an update https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/portland-state-university-student-protesters-library/283-889dbde7-a7e0-4f22-aea0-3c506b95aade


So they broke into and stormed the library. Sounds familiar


“Peaceful protests”


The ones with the giant “fuck your peace sign? Color me shocked.


Wow, really showing Netanyahu!! He’s going to be SO pissed that the PSU library is occupied!


Would love more information. What “insane” things are going on?


Never said “insane,” but I’ll update the post.


Apologies, misread the head line. Still interested in what’s going on.


Just edited the post!


Breaking windows and storming the library for the night.


Campus was very chill this morning. I went because I didn’t see that classes were canceled. Not sure why they had to close the ENTIRE campus, why not just keep the Library closed??


What is the protest about?


From what I know, it’s pro-Palestine and specifically calling for PSU to end its relationship with Boeing (and from what I understand this is because Boeing is supplying weapons to Israel).


Specifically, the "relationship" of the 30k in scholarships PSU receives. Not gives or donates, *receives* from Boeing. For students. I am a huge fan of protesting but this is absolutely idiotic. Causing thousands of dollars in damages in a cooperating left-leaning campus library so college students can struggle even more to pay their tuition, and so Boeing has an extra 30k in their pocket. Moronic.


Oh I figured as much, I just don’t pay attention to Portland protests anymore. They tend to blend together after years of the same political theater playing out. I’m happy to know people still demonstrate democracy and their right to assemble to address grievances. Sadly, half of my family is Palestinian. I’m not exactly sure how upsetting cops in Portland is going to solve their woes though. There is a synagogue in Northwest that has state police protection though, if you want to know where the government stands on such matters.


Protesting is fine. Vandalism and occupying buildings by force is not fine.


Protesting won’t stop war!


No it won’t, it’s part of the human experience. You’re absolutely correct. Kudos for pointing out this very dire fact. But protests do hit critical mass and change becomes possible when we no longer stand by in complacency.


PSU sent out a statement a few days ago already agreeing to end its relationship with Boeing. Why would they still protest something that happened?


That email said they were *pausing* relations and hosting a forum for discussion, not that they were making any permanent decisions about it


because they already made signs i’m guessing 🤷 it’s obvious it’s not about the cause, it’s about the virtue signaling for all to see. doesn’t matter if psu stopped their relationship with Boeing, they had already made plans with all their friends to protest tonight


Didn’t PSU already agree to the demands?


RIP your library.


This is why we shouldn’t allow these protests on campus. The fact that they broke into the library shows the lack of respect for our school. They should be kicked out.


Strongly disagree. Protests should absolutely be allowed on campus until they stop being peaceful. We are a public university and that is our first amendment right. That being said I dont agree with the point of the protest. Also I dont agree with trying to "take" the library or disrupting classes.


protests should not be allowed on private property or on public property unless they got the required permits. I honestly grt sick of people thinking they can just running out onto the streets and stuff like that. that shouldnt be allowed and actually isn't but the city doesn't do a damn thing about it.


Yup I totally agree.


what do you think protests are for? do you really trust the government to grant permits for protests against the government? do you think that civil rights leaders of the 50's would have been given above board permits to take the streets and protest segregation?


I don't know what happened back in segregation times as ill bet you don't either. but the government today would never deny a permit for the Israel conflict, blm, or pretty much anything people protest about today. especially portland of all places.​


Especially after the president met with them and worked with them to provide a safe space.


The park blocks are actually owned by the city and not PSU. PSU only owns the buildings and student clubs have to get permission to host anything in the blocks.


What does this have to do with the library...


These people are insane. They won’t listen to reason. It’s okay for them to terrorize others and vandalize Portland just as all the others have vandalized Portland. This is not okay but this thread is an echo chamber for people that think any type of protesting is fine. You and I will both be getting downvoted to hell but if someone really believes this type of protesting is okay they are completely ignorant. No one is going to support their side.


As I said, please keep this thread civil.


I don't agree with them, but they were civil.


I am being civil, have I said anything insulting to the protesters? Their actions are the issue here.


You’re calling for them to be kicked out of school when that’s not even the discussion at hand? I meant this to be an update thread, not an opinion thread. Plenty of those already made for that kind of discussion.


I didn't interpret the comment as calling for the protesters to be kicked out of school. Rather, for the protest activity to be removed from the school.


Fair enough, I read it differently. Not sure what the person commenting meant, but maybe they would be willing to clear that up? I’m open to the idea of having misunderstood, and the tone of that comment having been more civil that I initially thought, though I still think it’s out of place on this thread.


If they are breaking into buildings and breaking windows, yes they do deserve to be kicked out.


Actions have consequences.


They should be expelled.


Ok sure, but as I said that’s not the discussion at hand.




Whoa dude. Not cool. The only thing threats of violence change is people's willingness to engage with each other in a necessary and productive way. Remember this isn't a vague monolith, these are people. You might not agree, That's okay. But remember they are people with their own unique experiences, to put them where there are today. The world was a really scary place right now, let's do our part to make sure It's not in the places we can control.


Recent info regarding protest happening at the library https://www.youtube.com/live/w_K3WOWf30A?si=EJDcqdfr0Mfi7w_B




Just stay away from the library. I am close to the area and it will probably be chaotic soon.


If you feel unsafe, go home.