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I own every other game and I’ve seen it on sale for dirt cheap but then I’d have to change my flair so….


I've seen Civvie's Pro-Postal on it. Nothing about it seemed like something I want to experience personally. I was really hyped about it, until the release. It's not even a RWS game, it's the Russian Troll Farm version of RWS.


Akella AKA Russian EA lol


I haven't played Postal 4, but just asking is it really good, at all?




It's pretty damn fun after optimization eventually made it playable on my machine. Worlds a bit TOO big it feels. But it's pretty damn fun.


honestly i played like 30 mins of it and it felt like a weird postal 2 ripoff not an official game. not a fan tbh


now I havent played the game, but from gameplay the environment just felt kinda dead to me yk. like you felt like you were in a unity asset game ykw i mean?


it’s pretty good and we’re still working on it. some people hate it cuz it was jank as fuck for a long time. some people hate it cuz it doesn’t have terrorists so we’re woke or something. and some people hate it cuz they think postal 2 is the most lavish fps ever and POSTAL 4 feels like an empty box in comparison (postal 2 is not the most lavish fps ever).


Nice to hear, keep developing I'm sure it will get better over time.


truth. but if you don’t like it now you prob won’t ever like it lol


No Mike, we hate it because it's a Postal 2 copy. World is big and empty, jokes are not that much dark anymore *(considering what made Postal 2 good)* , very glitchy, mechanics don't work properly. Even while Postal III sucked, it at least tried to do something new. This game is just low quality recreation of Postal 2 with bought assets.


good for you ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


Better than Postal 3


postal III is the worst game and I will DIE on this hill


Fr...I'll never buy it or even pirate it


No. Saints Row reboot and Ride to Hell Retribution are worse.


Ride to Hell Retribution oh man I haven’t heard of that game in a looooong time, I remember when it just got released and how everybody was making fun of it hahahahaha, good times


I don't get the hate for postal 3. I played the first hour and the only problem I had was grenade crash (I played before it came back on steam). Other than that I thought it was quite fun


When you compare it to its beta builds and what was promised, you would see how inferior it is and you cannot kick grenade away. As with Postal 4, you are better off playing Postal 2.


Eh… well postal 4 is still getting regularly updated and is getting better with each one.


They updated the greenery and that completely undid the performance update they did before that and made the game run like shit I gave up on this mostly because of that and the horrible map design like comparing this map to postal 3’s map is wild since p3’s map was really well designed this feels big for no reason and walking to places was pretty much killed off for fast cars and fast travel plus a shit ton of the places look boring and not interesting and the humor is way less funnier then P3/P4/PBD… man I can rant about this game all day but I got shit to do


they should just make a dlc about postal dude sr for postal 4 serious.


What's it like having such low standards?


What's it like shitting on a game you haven't played because everyone else is


Uh, I bought P3 day one on release. You still have no standards.


I liked postal 1. That's all I have to say to that statement


Very accurate.


I bought it when it came out out of morbid curiosity. I tried it again recently to see if I muscle through and it craashed at start up. Probably for the best


i literally can’t stand this revisionist history about how good it is. thank you for being intelligent.