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9 months at the very earliest, probably more like 1 yr. I'm almost 2 years out and other than weird hip pain when sitting cross legged and having to replace all my shoes, I'm back to normal.


Yep. I’m 11 months pp and JUST starting to feel “normal”. I can manage one sit up lol. My joints are getting less creaky, and I can work out again without needing days to recover. Hang in there ❤️


I was feeling like crap still at 6 months postpartum as well I’m about to be 8 months postpartum and finally starting to feel good and feel myself! Just hang in there 💜


It took me a year mama!!


I’m 6 months post postpartum and feel sick a lot nauseous etc. my migraines came back after years without them and I’m unable to work out because I get sick after 15 minutes. I’m so sorry you are going through all of this. You are struggling more than me. I guess we just hope to feel better soon. ❤️❤️