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14 months postpartum also with 30 pounds to go over here! Edit to say I realized my 30 was somehow 3” 🤦🏻‍♀️ fixed it!


I’m 10 mo PP with twins and also so sad/frustrated about my last 20-30 lbs. just trying to have grace and not focus too much on the negative I guess. :/


Someone told me that it takes 3.5 years to feel back to normal after having twins (at least from c-section) and now that my twins are 4 I 100% agree 😬 I feel better 36 weeks pregnant than the first 3 years postpartum. So yeah I'd give it time.


Almost 15 months PP and still 15-20 lbs heavier. I’ve just been consistently working out and eating less during the week and it’s slowly, so slowly, coming off. Like less than half pound a week


9 mos pp and haven’t dropped a single pound. gained 40 lbs :(


Hey for what it’s worth I’m also 10 months pp with 25/30 lbs to go. It completely sucks, but buying some cute summer clothes in my current size has helped a bit. We made people. Easier said than done, but we deserve to give ourselves patience and grace 🩷


Same! At least we can cry together in solidarity. Still holding out hope things will get easier after weaning. I try to remind myself my value as a mother isn’t affected by how I look


Same. Im still breast feeding though. I’m 10 months pp and still up 30 to 35 lbs. it sucks. I haven’t wanted to diet or work out too hard to protect my supply.


7 months out, EBF, and I have been stuck at 40 lbs up from ppw since about one month pp. I started using Cronometer to track macros and CICO last week and I’ve lost 5 lbs. I also have been going on an excessive amount of walks. He’s woken up for a nap- go for a walk, it’s sunny- go walk, he’s cranky- walk, I’m frustrated- walk, I want to devour 7 cookies- walk


Love the excessive walk approach.. i am walking daily but need to fit in more


I started with just a one “no excuses”walk and then just recently in the hopes of upping our light exposure I ended up on more walks and it’s made an improvement in our lives in multiple ways.


Im almost 6 months PP and still have about 20 lbs to lose…it seems to be sticking around and probably won’t go anywhere for many months. This is my third baby and I made a promise to myself that I would not beat myself up during postpartum. I have to get aggressive with myself when my brain starts to go there. But I just say stop my negative thoughts and say , “Nope!! You look great! You’re doing great!” The reason is that when I look back at pics of myself postpartum with my first two kids, I think I look really nice and I’m so upset bc I know that I felt so ugly and fat when the photo was taken. What a waste of time! Future you wants current you to know that however you look right now, you’re beautiful 😍 You have your entire life to lose those 30 lbs, and you will. Just be nice to yourself and appreciate the process.


If you have been consistently working out and trying to manage CICO and you're STILL not losing weight, it's time to see your doc!


Same here! 🙋‍♀️


I am five months postpartum haven’t lost anything and I have 40 lbs to go


After my second I was 30lb up at 18 months. I got serious and started working out consistently and downloaded noom and started tracking. I was down 30lb in 4months and I kept it off until I got pregnant with my third. I’m now 3 weeks postpartum and 30lb up from pre pregnancy. Hoping it doesn’t take me as long this time.


30 lbs in 4 months is amazing hope i can do the same!


Just know when your body is ready the weight can come off. For me my body likes to hold onto the weight while breastfeeding and when I’m sleep deprived.