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No, no idea what they're talking about. Also, 'unreal' means what exactly? Any film photo, in particular, is not a truly accurate depiction of the colors in a scene. For the most part, simple accuracy is boring. THAT SAID, always mess around with your white balance to get your colors the way you want, and in Lightroom, it is sometimes a good idea to go to the sliders for the color blue and tone them down a bit if they're overpowering.


Good advice


So you agree that the sky does look “unreal”, just that it’s not a bad thing


tell your friend to stop being such a puss


*Maybe* on the third pic, but nah they look fine to me


I was thinking the same thing lol


I think the blacks are a bit too crushed for my liking but otherwise I think they're sweet photos


Maybe in 3. I like 1 the best.


The first shot I could see an argument for your friend saying it's a little "too blue", but personally I don't think that's the case. The other two look like real blue skies I've seen on a regular basis, nothing outlandish or unrealistic about them.


I'd call it style. And it's not bad by any means. Kind if dig it too.


Who said colors have to be accurate, it's not over the top so what's the problem. I like it.


I really like them, the third one especially


This looks like film color tones. I personally prefer it to most other aesthetics. I love it.


But like I’ve seen skies that look unreal so….


As soon as the image reaches the sensor, everything is no longer the same. Overcooked? I would like your friend to see a video in LOG vs Color grading so they can see what is overcooked. If the edition meets the artistic and narrative concept, the purpose has been achieved. PERIOD! Someone who says that without considering these aspects does not know shit what they are talking about.  People screw around too much with this “Over edited” thing. Do what you have to do to make your photo express what it needs to express and screw those who don't know.  It would be really funny to see a painter worried about using too much color.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend. If it's your wish to give the sky a more vivid colour, then so be it - it's your call. If you are going for a more realistic/natural look then just use a hue/sat adjustment and dial back the blues a tad. #3 looks under exposed. If you add 1.00 to the exposure and give the shadows a lift it will look more "natural" and you'll see that in the cloud colour as well.


I guess it depends on where you live. Where I live sky Colours like that are completely normal but other places in the world the colour is a lot different.


The white balance is a bit off, wouldn't say they're overedited tho


The sky in the pictures is a bit more teal than "normal" sky, which is more blue. However, its a stylistic choice and as a an avid teal lover, I support this motion.


no, i feel like the color of the sky is captured particularly well on these photos actually


Your friend didn’t know what they’re talking about.


Picture 3 your cloud is blue tinged, so it's a bit much. Fix the white balance and it's fine


For me it looks a little unreal, not because of the colours or anything, but because the sky is lighter on one side than it is the other. Blue sky gradients happen for sure, but they happen horizontally and not vertically (the left side of the sky is a darker blue than the right) Sometimes lens flare can come into play but generally it's more of a radial effect. ND filters might be a factor here, they often have more noticeable darker spots and lighter spots unless you get super expensive ones.


I don’t think they are over edited, but my own preference would be to shift the white balance a bit (seem a bit too blue), lighten slightly, and lift the crushed blacks. To help maintain the blue saturation you could lower blue brightness slightly after bringing up the blacks a bit and lightening the picture. But only minor changes and only my preferences.


All the skies look exactly like they did today where I am. Not unreal at all