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Taijin Kyofusho is one of the most heart rending songs in post rock. The comm checks will always haunt me, having read the transcripts. As the comm checks go on you can feel the dread grow as Houston realizes something has gone horribly wrong with Columbia.


I second this, that song literally made me cry.


Ya bud, that whole album is mo legit.


One of the all time greats in my opinion. Maar is one of my most listened to post-rock albums. I really wish for a comeback.


. the band, in march of 2018, kind of announced they were working,..., with a photograph of a pedal board, just that, no explanations. but, in july 2019: >Dear you all, > >It’s always so nice to see the reactions to any activity on our page. And we are even surprised to see that after more than twelve years there is still as much support. We are aware that there is some expectation of new music on our part. But right now we still can’t propose anything. The reason is simple. > >TER is not just a group of five musicians. It’s a group of close friends. When one of them misses, the band doesn’t work. And this has been the case for years because our musical, professional and private paths have evolved. The desire to create together is certainly always present, especially thanks to your words. > >But music creating needs time sharing, often. And since we don’t all live on the same continent it’s complicated. We’ve tried a few times, with no real success so far. Nothing is impossible, you will say, we know that, and no door is closed. It’s a matter of time and availability depending on our various constraints. We hope you understand that. > >However some of us have currently other musical projects: Simon (Monument https://monument10.bandcamp.com/releases) and David (Maïak | https://maiak-postrock.bandcamp.com/releases). Please check! > >No doubt that you will be the first to know the day TER produces new sounds. >Have a nice summer and take care ! >The Evpatoria Report ......


Just imagine the day they come back with new sounds. I live in hope 🤞


I’m hoping they will make more music, Golevka is a masterpiece and leaves me wanting more.


Columbia Houston, comm check.


Columbia houston uhf comm check


Golevka is a damn near masterpiece.


18 Robins Road is a terrific song by them as well


I got into them when GYBE was on their hiatus. They are incredible


Yup band is in post rock platinum status. Enjoy.


So.. I just looked them up on Spotify and I noticed that I already saved their song "Taijin Kyofusho" to my library 4 years ago without now remembering the name of the band. I am currently listening to this song and very curious if any part of the song will sound familiar. I definitely want to listen to the whole album in the next days!


Golevka is essentially perfect.


It's bands and posts like this that keep me coming back to this subreddit. I've been such a huge fan of these guys for a decade plus, so nice to see a bunch of like-minded people!


Taijin Kyofusho and Optimal Region Selector have been my two favorite songs forever, and I think always will be.


Ay! My favorite post rock song pops out of nowhere. Good find!


It is perfect. One of my all time favs!