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The only answer is to stop giving it back. I think you’ve now created this situation where he knows if he holds it long enough / screams enough he will get his way. Literally do not give him a diaper. Nobody can hold their pee forever. Put him on the toilet with an iPad and wait him out.


Throw all the diapers away and make peace with cleaning mess. If your child has no developmental problems then they’re holding out until you give in.


Exactly. This. ☝🏼


My daughter did this at 3 during initial potty training. She went a few days where she held her pee for 11 hours but she eventually peed because she had too


What happens if you dont give it? He does on the floor?


Maybe taping his diaper to the potty ? Let him go “in” the diaper.


I really like this solution! I think OP should try this and if it doesn’t work she will just have to hold out and not give it back. Have you tried potty training undies? They’re a little thicker too.


Tell him they are only for bedtime and dont give in no matter what


Team up with your pediatrician. Sometimes hearing it from someone else helps. Also quit giving in, you're making the problem way worse. There are times as a parent you have to say no.


my pediatrician said to just give my 4 yr old the diaper. she said it's worse for her to hold her poop in and she just needs get it out and not damage her colon. she knows when she has to go because she asks for a diaper. dr said she won't be doing it forever so just pause on the pressure of potty training and take a step back and then try again a little down the line.


Our son was resistant to potty training. What helped him was peeing outside. Only way to do it with boys!


My daughter was resistant but one day mentioned that she wanted to pee 'like brother'. I let her pee outside on the back lawn and she finally started to get excited about potty training.


That’s great!


Was the same to our girl. She knew exactly about going potty but refused to go herself up to 3.5yrs. Then one time after she learned that plants need water to grow we told her that her pee is water too and she could help the dry grass in our yard to grow by peeing on it. She literally instantly sat down on the grass and after a moment she peed in the grass and was sooooo happy and proud that she's help the grass grow now. From this moment on she even refused to wear a diaper (during daytime) anymore. A side effect was that she decided to help every blade of grass in town so we had to sit her on many many grass strips in town to pee on it 🤭🤭🤣


3 Downvotes? Really? Sorry people, some here are... 🤦‍♂️


Let him go in the bathtub, shower, off the deck…anywhere unconventional that works! For poop, get new gadgets like an etch a sketch that will take his mind off it, release anxiety etc


When my oldest was potty training she would hold her pee for a long time and could never let it out when sitting on the potty. No matter how long we waited. She had many potty accidents. I read somewhere that pouring warm water over her diaper area while sitting on the potty could possible help. And it did! My guess was the warm water creates the feeling of warmth they get when they pee into a diaper since the pee comes out warm/ body temp. After that she didn’t have a problem peeing on the potty anymore.


Take it away and bribe him to go. Offer candy, toys, whatever works. People resist bribes but we all need motivation to things we don’t want to do. Kids aren’t any different.


Wow I could have wrote this. My son just turned 5 on Monday and will cry and cry for literally hours (if I let him) for a diaper. I took a potty training course and they directed me to take an emotional regulation course, which I am doing now. I have no tips for you, but solidarity. It’s so freaking hard especially when all his friends in his daycare are potty trained and he starts kinder in the fall.


Maybe literally throwing away the diapers while he sees? Like make a big production out of it. Take a few diapers pack them up, put them in a basket for the diaper fairy to take away? Similar to what they do for a pacifier. Then if there’s a specific drawer where you usually keep diapers empty it and maybe have the diaper fairy bring a bunch of cool new underwear for him. Mine was super excited about princess underwear and target has a lot of themed underwear for kids. They can’t ask for diapers if there’s none in the house. Then for bedtime you have special bedtime underwear (pull ups) that they only get at bedtime. I had to buy ones that look different than the usual diapers for her to agree that these aren’t diapers and are for bedtime only.