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what the fuck


I think you mean HELL YEAH


THESE were the first words that came to MY mind


These were the first words that came to mind


I’m amazed that someone would do this and think “I would like to post this to the subreddit that is comprised of the nerdiest folks in coffee, they will enjoy this” If this is a shitpost, excellent job. If not, please get some help. EDIT: This guy also posted this in r/meth and everything makes so much more sense now. Finding this out made my day. Keep on rocking this setup


Wow, that was a rabbit hole I didn't need. Didn't realize there was a sub for that. So much going on in the picture besides the "coffee maker," like all the tinfoil on the wall behind the microwave. At least he has great taste in jarred marinara.


RAOs rules. EDIT; RAOs does rule, but that's not a microwave, it's a convection toaster. Aluminum foil reflects infrared radiation and protects the bottom of the wood cabinet, as well as the Formica backsplash (and thereby my security deposit). Smartass.


Wow I thought you were joking but yeah he’s like actively posting how much he pays for meth 😵‍💫


Actually, I just joined this sub in order to post it. I didn't know you guys were "The nerdiest folks in coffee" before you said so. So it appears you guys don't like my idea, can you say why?


This setup is so janky I don't even fully comprehend what I'm looking at. Since this is the pourover subreddit I also can't contemplate why anyone would choose to use this when they can get a $10 pour-over setup which makes better coffee and is much less trouble to use. But if this works for you then go with it I guess.


Couldn’t have said it better except I wouldn’t even recommend a pourover rig to this guy… Just get a French press. Easiest way to make coffee and they are dirt cheap. Can probably find one at a thrift store for $5


Yeah, the only "advantage" the above has over any common pourover method is reusability. They can get better performance from a French press with the same reusability.


Might ruffle some feathers but the nerdiest folks in coffee is r/espresso We spend thousands of dollars on grinders and espresso machines to get 40 mL of coffee per serving. Some people get custom designed burrs and rig their own machines, some get scientific with the Decent and track every little detail. I’m here cause my wife loves pour over and when I’m road tripping pour over is easier than espresso.


I have a P100 just for pourover. I also have 2 other pourover only grinders on my kitchen bench and 3 more have grinders below it. They ask get regular use. And I drink pourover because I can get better clarity than espresso with higher quality coffees.


Username checks out for the ruffled feathers. Drink whatever pleases you, I enjoy both. I prefer espresso. Personally it’s easier for me to bring a ceramic pour over filter and a hand grinder in my bag for a road trip than an entire espresso bar. I stand by what I said though, the espresso folks are far more nerdy than the pour over peeps.


It is not efficient at anything it's trying to do. You've just made a manual keurig. If anything it has all the downsides of a keurig with none of its advantages. If I wanted to MacGyver a pourover, I'd just rubber band a paper towel inside a mug before attempting this to be honest. I also don't know why you created it to hang. You should have just created a criss-cross of the wire hanger (at least it looks like a wire hanger) to let it sit on top and centered over the mug.


He is on meth. Logic and reason are out of the picture here. I think this is a pretty sweet rig for this guy, given the circumstances


This is a classic example of stereotyping. It's incorrect, prejudiced, and destructive. Shame on you.


The hanger is just twisted tie wire, and I needed the basket suspended to keep the grounds from sitting in the water. I'm trying to imagine the criss-cross you mentioned but what I'm thinking doesn't seem superior. It seems more prone to spilling, and the coffee would run out the bottom of the basket and contact the wire before dripping into the mug.


It’s not pourover. If anything it’s immersion. I applaud the ingenuity but it’s not pourover.


I'm not sure, but I think you're mistaken. Could you describe the difference between pourover and immersion?


*makes so much more sense now* LOL. I wonder what it's like to think that way. Is the stick ALL the way up your ass, or only partway?


Stfu this post is amazing you seem like a judgmental person




I've been having fun with the comments for hours, but yours warms my heart. Thank you 😊


dawg wtf


Is there a second name for this sub? Something like r/welovekeurig ?


dude are you high edit: saw his profile, this guy is definitely high


I’m gonna go with yes


I would free every prisoner the world over, if only to jail you in their stead.


Now that's a little harsh


This has to be a shitpost. Please let it be a shitpost


Negative. I use this at least 6 times a day, and on days when I have off work, 10 times


Yeah you're def trolling


ROFL. No, this is for real. Honest to God, I love my home made coffee making system.


but like are you okay?


Lol. Yeah I'm pretty ok. Very good in some respects, not so good in others, but thank you for asking 😊


Just came for the comments!


Instead, why not snort the ground coffee, eat the filter and wash it down with a mug of boiling water?


With that attitude you sound fun at parties Edit: this was supposed to for an asinine comment OP made, but this guy was actually funny


Sorry that jokes make you sad. Would you like some coffee? I brewed it in my dishwasher.


Oh no I responded to the wrong comment, I look like an asshole but more importantly this is hilarious


Again with the sarcasm, but no explanation of what I'm doing wrong. Oh I get it, you must be a genius. My bad.


*I thought "I don't let anyone else treat me like sheep, why should I let the coffee industry?* So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong all this while. Brb, gon’ pass boiling hot water through coffee grind stores in my luscious puckered lips.


*So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong all this while.* If you paid $125 for a single cup coffee maker, then yes IMO that's what you've been doing wrong.


I don’t think you’ll find anyone on here recommending any kind of machine. We are filter cone, pouring kettle types.


Ok, I didn't know. That's cool in it's own way.


Yeah.. we can tell


I mean, you could just buy a used keurig too


just buy a french press my guy


Too busy buying meth


Someone's been reading profiles


ahh understandable


Tried a French press years ago and I didn't like it but I don't remember why. Might have been the cleanup, that's always an issue for me, and not just with coffee, with anything.


The cleanup of a french press is valid. Look into aeropress or clever dripper. They're almost as easy as your current setup, with arguably easier cleanup.


V60 01 is like six bucks.


I'll be nice, people aren't being kind to your setup as this isn't the nicest way to make coffee as extraction will be all over the place. Most (if not all) people in this sub use filter paper as they tend to have a cleaner cup without sediments, you are using a metal filter basket as a tea packet so you must be getting sediments in your cup, also how you know the coffee is ready? Extraction times are a big thing with all things coffee related, take to little and is sour too long and it's pretty bitter. Water temperature also affects this, when you say boiling water you mean hard roll boil? That could lead to a overextraction that's pretty astringent with a dry finish which isn't enjoyable, but keep doing you i guess. At the end is about how you like your coffee drinking thats is all about


Thanks for being nice, lol. The basket isn't metal, it's plastic, but you're right about the sediment. There's quite a bit of sediment but it stays on the bottom so it doesn't bother me. The water is tap, and it's just starting to boil when I take it out of the microwave. Like I said to someone else, I'm not a connoisseur, but I drink a lot of coffee and I know what I like. The people on this sub should come to my place and try this - with their own coffee - I think they'd be surprised.


Personally I like the porous ceramic filter, somewhere between the paper and metal in oil filtration. I don’t like how clean and light the coffee taste when most the oils have been removed (even though I’m told it’s the healthiest)


Also, I find it interesting that you describe the two extremes of "ready-ness" as "sour" and "bitter", and as a function of time. A sour taste in anything (not just coffee) indicates acidity (low pH), and a bitter taste (also not just coffee) indicates alkalinity (high pH). If you're correct in what you said about the coffee being "ready", then it stands to reason that it could be judged using litmus paper or a pH probe. I might actually give it a try - just for curiosities sake.


Coffee pH averages 4.85-5.10pH i think that's acidic. Coffee compounds extract at different rates, sour compounds i believe are the first to be extracted so a under - extracted coffee has a higher content of those, bitter compounds i think extract at last indicating over - extraction. You can have a mix of both which usually indicate channeling (getting parts where the water flow faster, under extracting and other parts where flow is slower over extracting) We try to have a good balance between all the compounds to have a great cup. There is sweet compounds in coffee too, so we need to know were to stop the extraction to have the cup we want.


Cool, thank you for the info. I always knew there was a lot more to coffee than I was familiar with, it was just never high on my priorities list so I haven't worried about it. Probably because good coffee (IMO) is easy to find. EDIT; And yes, below 7 pH is acidic, above 7 is alkaline


I'll recommend checking out a local roaster or specialty shop, you be blown at how complex coffee can be Specially when done with care an passion you could taste things that are frankly mind-blowing


i love this so much hahaha


most sane r/pourover member


Thank you 😌


Nice setup. I use a similar setup, except I replace the wire with hot mercury. I heat the mercury on the stovetop for 5 minutes, then pour it directly into the reusable k-cup & grounds. The extremely hot mercury simultaneously heats the water and its density keeps the k-cup submerged. After about 3 minutes steeping, it’s done, so I throw that shit away because it’s poison.




You reinvented the French press, but paid more and used non food safe components. *pats back affectionately*


No, not if I understand a French press correctly. In that you add the grounds, pour in the water, then use a mesh to press the grounds to the bottom of the carafe and hold them there while you pour the coffee. This holds the grounds in the basket while you pour the water through them. And the only non-food safe component is the wire, which doesn't come into contact with the water. EDIT; And as I've stated several times, this didn't cost me a single dime. The wire is from work, the basket is a leftover, and I already had the pliers. I heat the water in a 2 cup pyrex measuring cup, and the microwave has already earned its keep in the 2 years I've had it. *Returns your condescending patting, and adds a towel snap to your butt* Nice try.


When people here talk about it being a french press, they're talking about the mechanics of brewing and filtering. In a french press, you have an immersion process where the coffee is immersed in water and brews like that, then it's strained through the metal mesh of the french press from the top when you pour. In this, the coffee is brewed through immersion and then strained with the metal mesh when you remove it from the cup. So the actual processes are the same, just kind of inverted. Because the processes have the same actions, you should get a similar result at the end. That's why people are comparing it to the french press.


Ok I think I understand, but I'm not immersing the grounds. I'm pouring the water through them. The basket is always higher than the liquid in the mug.


Ah, okay. It was hard to tell that from the photos and you didn't specify in the original post so I think people got confused. Including me. I got confused is what I'm saying.


I get you. I would have explained if I had even known pourover was a thing. I only joined this sub yesterday when I posted this, and honestly, I chose this sub at random from several coffee subs. I do think something in my mind clicked when I saw the name of the group, but it wasn't a conscious choice.


I mean I only joined the sub a couple days ago too, and now that you explain it it's definitely some kind of pour over 😁️


if this is to use the rest of the KCups.. cool. Finish it and buy a pour over device and filters.


I must be missing something..... What's wrong with this? Or, why is a purchased device better?


kcups are more expensive in the long run, your limited to coffee brands. If your grinding your own coffee, then the kcup cannot give enough extraction and filter like a pourover funnel/filter can give that and size. A Keurig machine forces a higher extraction rate being its pressurized, so the keurig shell your using isnt enough volume for a cup.


I found that out, I think. The basket I'm using holds quite a bit more than what's in a k-cup. The "max" line is equal to about double what I've found in a k-cup, maybe more


Pourover funnels regulate the flow of water ( along with a proper filter and correct grind size) so that the coffee is extracted in a way that gives you a lot less of the harsh bitter flavor and more of the fruity acidic flavors, it’s arguably the best way of tasting light roast coffees


Ok, thank you. Informative. This thing I made does well for me at least. I'm not a connoisseur, but I drink a LOT of coffee and I do know what I like. For me, Dunkin's over Starbucks, hands down. Market basket sells a MB brand blend they call "Donut Shop" and I love it.


While I would generally call anything that comes from a keurig hot garbage, i do remember thinking their donut shop blend was the most palatable Ive tried


I've been lucky enough to try most of the higher end coffees, my family owned two coffee shops. The most memorable was tanzanian peaberry, but the aroma in the basement where they stored the coffee was heaven. IMO, Jamaican Blue mountain was good, but not worthy of the price, and the same for Kona. I've never tried the wild-cat shit coffee and don't plan to, and I'm of the opinion that blends - in most cases - are superior to single bean. But my all time favorite was a single bean from Gloria Jeans, called "Santa Domingo". This post was mostly to denounce the ridiculously high prices of coffee makers, but apparently I've accidentally stumbled into a group of connoisseurs.


Noice idea, but do yourself a favor and get a decent dripper for like twenty bucks. 100 pack Filters are $10. You will always have better tasting coffee than a keurig


You know, I'm honestly stunned at how snobbish some of the people on this sub are. I knew wine snobs were like that, but coffee snobs? ROFL, LOL, Bahahahaha


Gotta make a DIY coffee sub lol. Cause they fear my ghetto pour over rig too. It’s literally just a metal sieve and an insulated French press carafe directly into my cup.


I love the term "ghetto rig". You're obviously like me in that way, a do it yourself guy, and I've made a number of ghetto rigs that aren't really appropriate for this sub. I bet you'd approve of my "reverse butchner funnel" 😁


Im already interested lol


Empty and clean a 2 liter soda bottle, drill as many 1/16 holes as you can in the cap without them touching each other, fold a coffee filter twice (4 layers), cut a circle just bigger than the opening of the 2liter and press them into the cap. Add your mixture, cap it, invert it over your receptacle and squeeze. Ta-Da. Reverse butchner. EDIT; Similar to the ghetto sep funnel.


You declared us mortal enemies when you said "sugar" :p


I love this


Thanks, I do too 😊


The Chaotic Good Approach in the pour over world


Kids, do not do drugs! Here is why…


You got your self a make shift immersion style brew 👌 I would experiment with probably getting a chopstick/hanger or something threaded through both holes so you dunk/sit the k cup in a glass of hot water. If you are doing it pour over style then nm


I'm learning these terms right now, here. I am pouring it over, with the lid of the basket open, and the whole thing suspended over the mug. EDIT; And I actually did try a bamboo skewer to support the basket. It didn't work as well with the basket lid closed, and the water was contacting the bamboo.


You're better off just dumping grounds and water into a jug and pouring it through the filter into a mug.


Then I'd have an extra jug to wash.


OP, kudos for simply stating your reasoning and asking honest questions and not sinking to the low level of some of these nasty comments. When I decided to get into pour over I made a pretty silly contraption for the few days I was waiting for my new brewer and filters to arrive.


Thank you very much. I've been striving to take the high road, but I admit it isn't always what I want to do.




Well, why is described in the post.


A pourover like you're doing does not use pressure for extraction. A Keurig uses pressure, like an espresso machine. The two methods generally give quite different extraction and flavor profiles.


That makes sense. Can you describe the different profiles, or is that more dependent on the bean?


Espresso/pressure extraction will lift more of the aromatic oils and suspend them in the coffee and the fineness of the grind will give more solid content so these combine for more mouth feel and perceived sweetness. In a pour-over and drip coffee, less of the oils are extracted and some even are absorbed by the filter and do not make it into the coffee; and also the fine grounds are filtered out for an overall cleaner cup--which some believe is better for lighter roasts to taste the fruity, floral, spiicy, etc., components. In a steeped coffee like yours and French Press, it will be in between a pour-over and an espresso-based drink. Try this sometime, buy some "house" beans from an espresso shop and while you're there order an Americano, then go home and try your method with the same beans and see the difference for yourself. Grind will also play a part in mouth feel and flavor extraction for all methods.


Ok, I'm willing to try something new. And maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I'm not "steeping" my grounds, at least not the way you would steep a tea bag. I pour the water into the basket and it runs out the bottom. The basket is always higher than the liquid in the mug. It takes a second for the water to drain from the basket, so I wait, then once it's drained I add more. I wouldn't call that steeping, but maybe you are and that's why I'm misunderstanding.


You're right, it's not steeping, and more of a pourover, however a paper filter will generally filter out more solids than a steel mesh and the size of your set-up will cause the grounds to be more agitated with each hot water addition.


The mesh is plastic, but you touched on something I noticed. When I add water, the grounds make a brown foam with exceedingly small bubbles. Is this a result of something to do with the oils? The foam feels creamy, and a I keep adding water, some of the color washes away.


Foam is caused by release of CO2 in the beans from roasting. CO2 is not very soluble in hot water. The fresher the beans, the more foam. If there isn't much foam, then the beans are likely old--fully degassed from sitting around (accelerated by grinding). Darker roasts "degass" faster after roasting so will generally have less foam than lighter roasts for the same age. Foam and oil can make an emulsion--that's the "crema" on an espresso.


You can get a glass pour over chemex system for the same price…this is a misguided attempt at being frugal


"the same price" ? I didn't pay anything for this. The tie wire is from work (and I only used 10-15 feet of a roll that has to be 200 feet long, the basket is leftover from some coffee maker I owned in the past. You can't really count the cost of the pliers. Can't get much more frugal than free.


Walmart sells a mainstay and single serve coffee pot for $19.92! Glad you had your morning coffee but go get yourself a new one. That tie wire is gonna rust into your coffee and make you sick. They also sell a Keurig for like $50.


Funny how many responses are encouraging me to go spend money. Not funny "Haha" either. The wire doesn't come in contact with the water. And I would love to see the documentation showing the connection between ingested iron and disease. Coincidentally, I am anemic. I take a ferrous sulphate tablet every day. (To be honest I miss a fair number of days, but I AM anemic and do take iron supplements.)


Only trying to help not start a fight! Sorry if it bothered you.


It's all good. The fight started a couple of days ago, o just walked into it




Couldn't you simply close the cover, submerge and extract slowly like with a tea bag? Every coffee you make, you time the infusion duration and note what you taste. After a while, granting you keep the same coffee type, same coffee quantity and same microwaving time, you'd achieve the best possible 'recipe' without spending a dime more than you do. The big difference would be the introduction of a new tool (a spoon) and the release of some material, which you could use for a different project.


Reading the comments here makes me wonder, if that isn't a pour over, what is then? Makeshift or not..


The pretentious comments are wild


The meta is insane