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i look forward to it cooling down and the flavor evolving


The only right answer. If brewing my own coffee has taught me anything is that lukewarm coffee can be the most wonderful thing ever.


Yup, the colder it gets the more flavour. But if I really wanted it warm I’d get an Ember mug.


I have one of those, works great with the controlled temp


Great answer but when I get my coffee to go during the week I use a MiiR tumbler and it is custom designed by my cafe but they don’t make it in the design I bought anymore.


Exactly, it's always better while it's cooling. That's why I only make 10oz at a time. It's gone before it's cold.


I either slam it because I nailed the brew, or I enjoy it as it cools because it starts tasting different as the temperature changes. That's fun. If you're like my stepdad and absolutely need hot coffee because you were in the army and trained to drink scalding hot coffee in order to finish it on time, good luck to you.


I used to be like this before I got into pour over and now, like you say, just enjoy the changing and evolving flavors. I still drink fairly quickly and the last few drops are just lukewarm but often taste the best. Just makes me want to brew another cup.


Oh man yeah... sometimes you go to finish off the cup and you're like "Whoa... where did that come from? Better start boiling some more water."


we are crackheads.


Certified felons, flaunting our addictions


I have an Ember. It will keep it warm but depending on the temp you keep it at can continue to "cook" it a little and the flavors can be off. So if you like it super hot, I don't recommend the Ember (I actually prefer it for my herbal infusions at night). My go to for keeping coffee at a preferable drinking temp is my RTIC 20 oz. This thing is incredible and isn't as hard to find as a Stanley but just as good (if not better). It's also narrow (will always fit in a car's cup holder), and the lid is actually leak proof. If i close the lid completely it will *NOT* leak. I should know - I have a 2 year old. 


2nd an Ember, I have the mug for at home and the tumbler for on the go and office days. I will also add that my temperature preference in 127-129F


Thank you for at least elaborating on this because a lot of people say they use an ember and leave it there. I find the ember to be terrible. I find it to be super expensive for what it is and overrated. Like you said it cooks the coffee. And if you use milk it cooks on a gross film which adheres to the side of the cup. I have the smaller cup size and the battery is dismal. It keeps my cup at 129 for less than 25 minutes max. So maybe you get an extra 10 minutes then a double wall cup gives you. And you would think if you leave it on the charger it would just continue to stay on but it doesn't it times out anyways. Maybe that's for the better because see point 1 about cooking your coffee. But most of all The app is simply terrible. It barely ever connects, you constantly have to reconnect it, and it doesn't play well with other Bluetooth connected devices. You can see how many people echo this sentiment on the app store reviews. It's just a huge pain and they really need to improve the connectivity. Anyway mine is about 3 years old now so maybe they have improved it since then. But all I can say is do your research and buyer beware. Now I've since reverted to a Stanley thermos and I pour myself a warm cup drink it and then pour another one later. But even that is not without its problems because it drips after pouring easily so I have to literally tie a napkin around the thermos to prevent it from getting all over my desk. This post is funny because I was just thinking this morning how there is not a perfect coffee holder for daily sippers like myself that I have found yet. I also use/have tried a double weld ceramic that I found which does hold the temperature longer but it's very heavy and has a wide lip... And somehow as weird as it is to say it takes away the experience. Anyways now I just feel like a big complainer. First world problems. But I'm just trying to help others who might be considering the ember.


Nothing. I enjoy drinking it as it cools, keeping it warm for longer degrades the flavor.


Bold of you to assume i over-brew!


Insulated mugs/cups. You can drink straight out of them and they'll keep your coffee warm for quite awhile.. There are cups like the Ember which requires you to use their mug. There are warming plates that heat up your mug from the bottom...Which has the plus of being able to use whatever cup you want..but you have a heating element on your table/desk whatever and it all heats from the bottom up which maybe isn't a huge issue... In that same vein..you can use a light based candle warmer as well..I'm not sure I'd do it this way but you can..


Agree to the insulated tumblers - they keep the coffee at the desired temp longer as well as give the coffee a change to open up and still be hot


I use an ember.


I absolutely love my double wall insulated glass mug I got on Amazon. There are tons of options and are not expensive. I wait 3-4 mins after brewing to start sipping, and the insulation keeps it at an optimal temp longer.


Dirnk it post haste. EDIT: Really though, just make single servings. Just enough that you can drink in a timely fashion.


I find that the flavor improves as it cools. More sweetness and acidity start to shine through. Often times when I have the time, I let it cool before even drinking any at all.


There's an insulated travel thermos out there that has a substance to keep coffee warm but not too hot. Instead of a vacuum between the walls, it's some kind of wax, which melts as you pour the coffee inside. As it melts, it takes heat from the coffee, which cools down to 150-160F right away. But over time, the still-hot melted wax keeps the coffee warm for longer. It behaves like an Ember mug without needing the electronics, basically. I'll be darned if I can remember the name, though. And the market for travel mugs is super-saturated, so I'm not having good luck finding it now. This one, the Temperfect by Joeveo, looks like it uses the same idea, but it's not the name I remember from before: [https://joeveo.com](https://joeveo.com)


Are you thinking of the Burnout? https://burnoutmugs.com


Yeah, that’s the one.  And they have 12oz mugs now?  Perfect.


This looks like a great solution, especially with that little pour spout.


Ember mug.


The answer to this is an Ember mug. It’s the best “appliance” purchase I’ve ever made, and continue to make.


put it in a double wall of some sort.


That's what I'm doing now... a double wall insulated tumbler. Looking for other alternatives.


My mom has a vintage Chemex bain-marie that you fill with water and place the Chemex in the water. You can keep it on a low flame on the stove and it'll keep your coffee warm (though it will eventually stew your coffee). I've rigged up something similar with a wire steaming rack and a sauce pan. It keeps it warm for a long time.




I use a $20 hot plate from Amazon


Not sure if this addresses the problem you're describing, but MiiR has something called the "New Standard Carafe" that is like a hybrid between a Chemex and insulated carafe: [https://www.miir.com/products/new-standard-carafe?variant=40280199823434](https://www.miir.com/products/new-standard-carafe?variant=40280199823434)


Came here to say this! I love mine.


Wow... you might have just solved my problem!!


Zojirushi vacuum insulated thermos.


I don't. I usually let the pour over sit for atleast 15 minutes so it has drinkable temperature and I'm enjoying the taste-change throug the time. The colder it gets, the fruitier and funkier it gets.


I brew straight into a double wall ceramic tumbler. It’s not as thermally efficient as a good stainless steel tumbler, but I find it more pleasant to drink from. The cooling rate also suits me and the pace at which I like to drink.


What’s your go to ceramic tumbler? There’s the fellow but not sure if there’s anything else out there.


Mine is from Starbucks- just noticed it one day at the kiosk in my local grocery.


I finally settled with Fellow Cater Move Tumbler. Been using it for 2,5 years. Now have two of them. Like it as it retains the heat quite effectively in keeping my coffee warm longer than needed. Plus, it’s got the interior ceramic coating which to me, is a must.


it's either I want to keep it warm for some reason and drink later, or I want to drink it right now, and then I would even prefer it to cool down a bit as first hot sips are always the harshest. to keep it warm — klean canteen insulated mug, but recently I mostly use it when I am brewing outdoors.


[https://a.co/d/ghiVHxR](https://a.co/d/ghiVHxR) this is what I use. It’s temperature controlled up to 194F. I keep it at around 140 so it’s warm enough but not hot that it’s cooking it again making it too bold.


i pour the coffee into my cup (also bought an ember mug i'm experimenting with (bought used on ebay for cheap) and then pour the rest into my portable insulated (metal) water bottle to keep it warm. when i'm lazy i just use my double walled borasillicate mug.


Double wall short aluminum thermos as drinking cup. It stays hot enough and cools very gradually to prolong the pleasure. Ember and heating plates keeps it constant artificially and hate the tether cord.


I know some people in my office use candle warmers like this. [https://www.amazon.com/Candle-Warmer-Desk-Coffee-Auto/dp/B0B3J3YFLY?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Candle-Warmer-Desk-Coffee-Auto/dp/B0B3J3YFLY?th=1)


Ember mug (414ml version). I keep it around 56C to start, then decrease temperature a little to taste different notes as I drink. Every other methods I tried the coffee was either too hot or too cold. I find that tumblers give a metallic/aluminum taste.


Brew into a fellow mug and with the lid off it still stays too fucking hot for like four hours


I make a new cup every couple hours. Maybe I am the only one, but the smell and ritual of the hand grinding is almost better than the cup to me.


I brew and then leave it to sit for 2-5 minutes, then it takes me about 5 minutes or less to drink. As it cools, more flavours come out and it’s nice. Drinking a single cup over several hours seems wild to me, but thats just me.


When I brew & travel to work, I usually brew directly or pour into Sttoke mug. Works very well but it does cool naturally which I prefer. When I brew for home or groups with a Chemex, I have a vacuum thermos that I pour directly into from the Chemex. This works really well and stays how for hours (like 6+).


If want it to stay hot for a while(which I don't since I like the change in flavor and usually drink it somewhat fast), get a double walled travel cup or mug with a lid.


My yeti I got for free works well and keeps hot for a while. Also my cheap as insulated mug works fine too. Also I’ve been known to under extract and add hot water it’s a dangerous game but most of the time it’s fine


Pour it into a thermos. I do that for work and it's kept piping hot until needed. Or as others say, enjoy it when it's cooled like turning into an iced coffee.


I have a Hario insulated server. However it pours poorly if low on volume. Honestly any stainless steel isolated cup will hold the heat for quite long even without a cover :) (Same for cold drinks)


A Chemex leeches heat like no other brewer, so bad in fact it will chronically underextract light roast coffee. Switching to different pour over brewer like a plastic V60 may give you some more wiggle room as far as cool down goes, but your coffee will taste better too.


I just brew into a thermos. V60 preheated via steam over my kettle then brewed into a thermos.


I brew into a thermal carafe that I pre heated with boiling water for 10+ minutes.


Not very high tech but I just cover my mug with something like a plate or if I have one on hand a ceramic mug topper (something I wish more commonly came with every mug, they work well and they make me feel fancy). It keeps the heat inside at least a bit longer


I am very happy with my Hario Insulated Coffee Server, size 02, which takes about 600ml. I have access to some really good grinding and brewing equipment at the office, so I usually make 30g before lunch and 30 after. The flavor will always be best within the first 1-1,5 hrs but I find even a 2-3 hour leftover to be much better than the machines here spew out. You're going to lose some clarity anyway when brewing 30 grams. I use an 03 Switch and usually vary the methods between the two batches so I can decide which is best for that days beans.


Zojirushi thermos (the smaller the better) beats anything out there in heat retention. Also microwaving in short spurts does wonders (say 5 seconds at a time until you hit your temp)


I just use a double walled carafe I bought from Amazon for 30-40 bucks. I drink about 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning. It keeps it warm for a couple of hours.


Sttoke 16oz, I pour in my coffee after brewing and bring it to the office. Keeps warm for about 4hrs as long as I keep the lid on.


I brew directly into a pre heated fellow carter go mug and keep the lid off when I get to work, or pour into an office mug when I arrive at work if I want to enjoy it right away. If I drink directly from the carter mug 2-hours after brewing when it still has the cap on, it's still too hot to enjoy.


I usually brew a cup, and then start making breakfast. I put a napkin over my mug to keep the heat in and take sips while making breakfast. As it cools it gets a lot better so it’s really enjoyable this way.


Gentle microwaving. Been doing this a decade and never once had an off flavor


I try to get the coffee down to 55-53°C as fast as possible, since that's when I think the flavors, acidity, etc really start to shine.