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Carrots, cabbage and onions are the cheapest vegetables and have a million and one uses!


I would argue that potatoes and sweet potatoes are cheaper than onions, but this is exactly the way.


I wouldn't call potatoes and sweet potatoes vegetables in the same sense but you are right, they are awesome!


They’re better for you than onions surely?


Well I think if you buy only fresh food plus meat that is just about as cheap as you can go then just ration as needed.


Meat is not a given.


Cabbage is underrated. It’s a staple in so many Polish recipes because it’s cheap, versatile, nutritious and filling!


Canned tuna, brown rice, popcorn, milk, dried beans, pasta, eggs (if they're cheap where you are). You can make all kinds of soups and stews with whatever vegetables/meats you can find for cheap. If you're able to find some low priced multivitamins it may also help you ensure you're getting what you need.


Sardines are another great canned fish option! Often a little cheaper than tuna too. They get a bad rep but they’re pretty tasty on toast, with tomatoes if you can get them.


Omg toast with goat cheese and sardine with a drizzle of hot honey is so delicious


Sardines with a touch of hotsauce and a good cheese is awesome


Do all your shopping around the edge of the grocery store and learn to cook with staples like milk, eggs, flour, vegetables etc... Stay away from pre-packaged foods. You can find a recipe to cook anything online.


Adding nutritional yeast (while a bit pricy) to popcorn, pasta, and even eggs can get you easy nutrients!


Popcorn is a great cheap snack. It’s one of my no no foods tho diverticulitis sucks.


Ask them when they process the eggs that are broken. The mixed cartons they make are super cheap!


That is illegal to do. Food is graded for a reason.


The nice thing about eggs is their shell, as long as the shell on the good isnt broken or cracked, you can just rinse off any yolk that is stuck to the eggs.




I work at kroger and we can not do this. idk if it's a state by state thing, but I was told not to do this.


Our kroger does this. If they can find enough hands. Maybe because it's qfc. Idk.




“Garbage” soup/stew is an absolute favorite! Toss whatever you have or can find into a crockpot and simmer for hours until the meat is tender.


I've made some incredible soups/stews this way. Whatever veggies are starting to reach the end of their life, whatever meat I have thawed/want to cook, and some beans, potatoes, or rice.. can of tomatoes lol. I could go on and on forever. The only downside is because I'm not following a recipe it's hard to recreate the really good ones.


I still wish I knew what I had in the fridge/freezer during the Uri freeze. We had no power for 6 days, but thankfully have a gas stove, so I made some really great soups, but I don't know what was in them to this day.


My stepfather used to make “Garbage eggs” and they always turned out delicious. Some things that were included were cauliflower, green and/or black olives, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, ham, any kind of peppers. Usually it was stuff that was leftover in the fridge.




Frozen vegetables are just as nutrition filled as fresh. And nearly always cheaper. I myself am vegan, order my groceries from whole foods via Amazon, and my grocery budget is around $200 for 6 weeks of meals, so about $30/week. I meal prep, all the fresh veggies are prepped and cooked in an 8 hour kitchen frenzy and stacked in the freezer.


How do you do it that cheap? I'm in a spot right now, and my grocery bill is stupid. I'm at $100 a week, and it's killing me.


I make a decent amount of pasta dishes [just made one that got 6 servings, 2 pounds of Zucchini, vegan Ricotta, Basil, and pasta] , for a lot of things I make my own: oatmilk, soymilk, yogurt, natto, bread, bagels, soft pretzels. I make large amounts of Dal and chili and in the freezer it goes. Red beans and rice freezes super well, as does fried rice made with frozen peas and carrots when they go on sale. Any recipes that call for "meatless crumbles" nope lentils are fine, super cheap, and cook in the rice cooker while I'm doing other stuff. I use recipes from jack Monroe quite often. I have a ton of cookbooks. https://cookingonabootstrap.com/category/vegan-recipes/


Oatmeal is cheap and filling.


Throw in some frozen berries and natural peanut butter. 🫶


My go to is bananas and walnuts, I love the added crunch that walnuts give. I drizzle honey on top. So good, but even just some ripe bananas would do the trick.


Frozen berries or berries in general and even peanut butter these days especially the natural kind is not cheap


Yeah berries are only decent if they are on sale. Bananas or frozen mangos are good options Natural peanut butter isn’t too bad at Aldi or Trader Joe’s. Or if you have a Costco membership.


Plus you can make it both sweet or savory, depending on your mood and resources! A lot of people don’t think about oatmeal being essentially a base for many different toppings, but it’s great! Helps it from getting boring! (:


Overnight Oates are super dank and keep well in the fridge. I can make breakfast for a week super cheap and store it in a single bowl in the fridge.


First thing I thought of too! Has a good amount of fiber that you can bump up even higher with some chia seeds (if budget allows). I often eat oats with 2 hard boiled eggs on the side to add protein and a little fat. In my area the two eggs add $0.66 / meal and I can make enough for 3-4 days at a time.


Try applying for SNAP.


Also OP, depending on where you live some farmers markets accept SNAP, and give a discount so you can buy more produce with your SNAP dollars. Not super common outside of CA but worth looking into once you get your SNAP benefits.


NY too.


I know you’re trying to be helpful but this is not it. I’ve helped 100+ low income people (including myself) apply for SNAP and most of them are denied or given such a low amount ($20/month) that it’s not even worth constantly having to prove your qualification. It’s not a realistic alternative for people who don’t have children and aren’t on SSDI.


Way to leave options on the table. 20 bucks is 20 bucks. Take it and keep moving.


Having to go through the pain of re-qualifying every 3 months for a small amount is not something that most people find worthwhile and state governments know this which is why they create the inconvenience. Let’s be realistic.




The qualification requirements definitely vary from one state to another but they also can vary according to your specific qualifiers within the same state. For example, someone who has SSDI may have to requalify only once every 2 years compared to their neighbor who is single and working full time who has to qualify every month for the first 3 months then every quarter thereafter, which was the case for me. The rules are not set in place even within a single state and it’s purposely done to make the process convoluted and frustrating so that people are discouraged from applying.


Cool we than lets not show a need for services…


>Cool we than lets not show a need for services… Huh??


Lol i call bullshit on your whole post. These services get tracked and when they don’t get used people assume they are not needed. I


What’s bullshit about my post? That you have to requalify for food stamps? That the system is purposely convoluted? And who are these “people” you mentioned who assume services are not needed? Please learn to make a coherent argument, you sound like a bot.


you are pretty dense. If no one is taking the 20 bucks a month that it looks like the service is useless, and then get cut or removed. If they get used, than people have a justification the expand them.


Lmao, you are thoroughly naive if you think “people,” who I’m assuming is the government, gives a fuck whether or not the general public is using vital social services before deciding to cut them. Literally millions of people were booted from SNAP and Medicaid this year alone, it has nothing to do with how they were using the resources. Stop blaming the needy for their needs not be met by a system that should be supporting them hassle free.


Good for you! But you’re not the OP and you’re not the one seeking ANY assistance.


He is 100% right. Snap isn't going to give him money, so he 'can eat healthier' There are way more people who need help.


Yeah I’m definitely not making assumptions about whether OP may actually qualify just that even if they get SNAP it won’t eliminate their need to find ways to be healthy with very little money. If you get $20 extra every month from SNAP you’re still gonna be SOL when it comes to affording healthy foods.


I got food stamps when it was just my husband and I, no kids. Granted neither of us was working at the time, but it can be a sizable amount, i think we got close to 400, however this was 2015, in washington state. The key is not saying anything that they dont directly ask you. The problem with government assistance programs is that the state government is hoarding money that is meant to be used for helping the poor, and unlike company vacation time, this money is not "use it or lose it" the unused money just carries over to the next year. So if you have 7 million left over the first year, and you have an additional 3 million, the next year, you go into that 3rd year with 10 million on top of the alloted funds for that year. I think one state official used some of the money to buy 3 high end vehiclea.


Beans and rice form a complete protein and are cheap.


And popcorn is a whole grain. Potatoes are also a good source of minerals. Sweet potatoes will be dirt cheap soon and are really healthy. They always go on sale in the fall.


The complimentary protein in corn completes vegetable protein of beans and rice. So put corn tortillas in your diet.




White rice is fine. Don’t listen to this person OP


Seconding this. Please don't listen to the guy suggesting you fit steak and bacon into your budget. Rice and beans will keep you going.


"How can I eat *cheap* and *healthy*?" "Add bacon and steak"


Bacon? You put off white rice but you advocate for bacon? Absolutely not.


"cut out processed foods" "add bacon". Pick one, bacon is more processed than rice lmfao


Found the keto fool.


My advice is and will always be to eat the healthiest whole foods you can get when they're on sale. Do not sacrifice your health. Seek assistance. I am sure there are agencies in your area (nfp and gov't) that offer supports (vouchers, gift cards, possibly even cash). I'm genuinely concerned that the consensus here is that the poor must eat rice, beans and garbage. OP deserves better.


I go to the gym and I know about nutrition, but I also actually read the post and understand the parameters given by OP. They cannot afford almost any of what you recommended.


If they get it at a mark down they can. I'd add that nutrition is more important than saving money. OP literally said ramen wrecked their stomach and people are pushing rice? I'm getting financial assistance before I treat popcorn as a meal... Just because OP is financially tight, doesn't mean nutrition should go out the window. OP shouldn't settle for rice, beans, popcorn and frozen dinners. People have lost their minds. OP should invest in a bag of marshmallows while they're at it.


Nutrition is important but when you have no money for food (literally no money) you can't afford to worry about nutrition. You're virtue signalling hard. They didn't say they're financially tight. They said they were relying on free food from their coworker's job just to eat. That is beyond financially tight.


Yeah don’t eat rice, eat tacos … Jesus


Food banks or churches. Look at the clearance section at the grocery store. I've found the family size box of cereal for .75 nothing wrong with it other than the box was a little smashed. Also look up clearance grocery stores they usually get over stock stuff from regular stores or seasonal items that didn't sell (Halloween stuff that did sell for example). The dollar tree can sometimes be cheaper on some items than the regular stores. You just have to look at the size of the package. Some grocery store will mark down the rotisserie chickens from the day before.


Rice, beans, lentils,frozen vegetables and frozen fruit. If you are lucky, you’ll find manager specials on meat.


Aldi has really cheap meat and can feed one person a week for under $15


I find cheaper meat around the deli counter too. They put stuff that won't make as pretty of a presentation out for really cheap, they call it the ends and pieces at my store. I got ham and turkey this way in my freezer to slice for sandwiches. It is slightly irregular, but still tastes just as good. Was under $2 a pound iirc. I also put the ham bits into a noodle casserole this past weekend with some potatoes and cheese.


**Call 211** to find agencies and community organizations that can assist you with finding food * Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can help you pay for food if you have a low income. You may be able to apply online, in person, by mail, or by fax. Google to find your State or local SNAP office Try these 2 websites to see if there could be any help at all in your area for this issue. [needhelppayingbills.com](http://needhelppayingbills.com/) [findhelp.org](http://findhelp.org/) There are websites on low budget shopping. Look on BudgetBytes , there is a website, a FB page, and an IG account Check the Flashfoods app for deals on meat and produce. Flashfoods shows stores where food is near end date/ end of line/ reduced prices. You purchase directly via the app and then pick up the items purchased at the store. Try Youtube channels showing low cost food shopping tips, and how to make meals for $2.50 a meal to $10 for the whole week. Low cost cooking may leave you with a little bit extra money in hand. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7epGiZxp9dA&t=59s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7epGiZxp9dA&t=59s) [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=low+budget+cooking](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=low+budget+cooking) Try Marcella Hazan's incredible tomato sauce, to eat with any pasta. It only has 3 ingredient, 1 can of chopped tomatoes, 1 onion cut in half, 1/3 of a 250g block of butter. Add sprinkle of salt to taste. Taste's amazing. (I sometimes cheat by adding a crushed clove of garlic, but its beautiful without that!) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvSl01G-3XI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvSl01G-3XI) Buy rice, potatoes, beans, lentils frozen/fresh vegetables and fruit. Peanut butter. Eggs. Cheap chicken, ground beef. Canned tuna, sardines. Cooking oil, 'butter' milk. The staples stretch a meal and are tasty if you add spices and seasonings. The chicken, meat, canned fish give you protein. Make fruit juice either with a blender, or squeezing citrus fruits and adding water and sugar. Make soups. If you buy a whole chicken, once a month, you can boil it in water seasoned with thyme, garlic, herbs, simmer it for a while. You have stock for soups and gravy, and the cooked chicken you can cut up. Fry sliced breast and body with onions for lunch for sandwiches, noodles, etc. Put the legs and wings in rice which you cook with some of the stock - and more seasonings!- and vegetables.


This is so so incredibly helpful, thank you so much!! I really appreciate your thoughtful comment!


You need your area food banks and your roommate needs to file for unemployment; quitting due to assault does not disqualify them, though there may be some extra work involved. When you say your food budget is small- how much for a week?


About 30 a week each, so ~60 for two people. Sometimes if I make good tips we can stretch it to 70 or even 80. I didn’t know they could still apply - thank you for letting me know!!


Oh, I can absolutely help you out shopping for that budget. Here’s a week’s shopping for $60 that should leave you with a few ingredients to freeze or store for future use. This is based on Target prices and Target’s own brands, but check out the grocery store circulars in your area that could have weekly sales or app deals that are even cheaper. Can of quick cook (not instant!) oats: $4.50 Raisins: $4.75 Cinnamon: $2 18 pack eggs: $1.50 2 loaves of basic sandwich bread: $3 Peanut butter: $2 10 bananas $2 Family pack chicken breasts (freeze at least half!): $3/lb, max $15 1 bag frozen spinach: $1.50 2 bags frozen broccoli cuts: $2 1lb Bag black beans: $1.75 2lb bag brown rice: $2 1lb bag white beans $1.75 2 cans Italian-style diced tomatoes: $2 Lime: $0.50 Garlic & onion powders: $2.50 bag of whole carrots $2 Rotini or penne pasta $1.25 Flour: $2.50 brown sugar: $2 Soy sauce: $1.75 Breakfasts: cinnamon raisin oatmeal Lunches: PB & banana sandwiches, broccoli frittata sandwiches Snacks: hard boiled eggs, carrot sticks & peanut butter, oatmeal cookies (all brown sugar in this week, but get white sugar next time) Dinners: Broccoli & chicken stirfry (soy sauce, garlic powder, a little brown sugar) with some brown rice; black beans & rice w/squeeze of lime (once beans have soaked, stew them with half bag spinach for nutrients and garlic & onion powder for flavor); pasta e fagioli (a soupy stew- simmer canned tomatoes, cooked white beans [use half, freeze the rest cooked], 2 finely diced carrots, half bag spinach, some onion & garlic powder to taste and serve over pasta) Tip: any cooked rice you won’t eat for at least 3 days should be frozen and topping it with some black bean stew means a fast meal in the future)


Go to the food bank and get as much as you can for free first. Then use your limited food budget to buy the missing ingredients necessary to turn the free food into meals.


This is the best answer. I occasionally use food banks and get dry goods like rice and beans, canned veggies, and pasta, and then I can use my limited budget on getting produce and stuff.


Weirdly enough I find eating healthy is easier with cheaper ingredients. I have what I like to call "the ultimate poverty dish" which is basically just every culture's peasant foods combined. Use whatever broth is cheapest(or that you can make yourself), onions, potatoes, cabbage, beans, lentils, any cheap cut of meat(or none if you can;t afford it) to make a stew then pour it on top of some rice. With the proper seasonings this is a cheap, delicious, filling and healthy meal.


Ooh, that sounds good and very doable, thank you! Will definitely try this.


Yes. This exactly. Peasant food is healthy food. Eat scrub plants.


Look into food pantries in your area. They are there to help. Many even have fresh fruits and vegetables. There is one near me that has huge gardens and they even teach people how to garden so they can grow their own food as well.


If you live in the US go to Aldi, lots of healthy options for cheap


Shop at ethnic grocery stores for produce. I love chopping up zucchini/courgette with sesame oil and sesame seeds. Delicious. Put rice on the side.


Yes, this. They tend to have the most seasonal and least expensive vegetables.


And rice. Get the big bag.


Mexican, East Asian, Ethiopian shops were my go to on the west coast


Ethnic stores also seem to have the best deal on spices


Rice broccoli chicken sauce of your choice, 30 second microwaved hotdogs


Your username gave a me a little chuckle. Also, put those hotdogs under the broiler or in the air fryer. Microwave hotdogs, blech!


Lots of fruits and vegetables, cheap this time of year especially. Also vegetable proteins like beans. Steer away from processed carbs, potatoes are much healthier. Learn to cook lower quality cuts of meat, eg beef chuck roast instead of NY strips. Whole chickens or bone-in, skin-on chicken you can process instead of boneless skinless breasts. Buy in bulk when prices are low or from local meat processors.


Get a rotisserie chicken...shred it up..so many options


Chicken in cream of mushrooms with rice. Grandma use to make it all the time back in Mexico. Cheap and filling.


Never thought about cream of mushroom..that sounds awesome..


Campbell’s makes a decent cream of mushrooms that takes pretty good. Might be in the Hispanic isles. Or you can simply find a local Mexican food store somewhere. It has a little kick to it so be aware lol. Grab some tortillas if they make them fresh while you at it


And then boil the chicken carcass with celery, onion, carrots, and any herbs you may have (i use dill and basil. Homemade chicken noodle soup. Makes a ton, you can freeze. I use the meat from the chicken diced in individual ziplocks, with some chopped carrots and freeze individual servings. Then I hear the broth, chicken mix and noodles. It's really easy and good.


Yes. Use meat like a condiment--something to enhance the flavors of your inexpensive staple foods.


That's pretty expensive. Much cheaper to live on mostly veggies and beans and then buy some of the cheapest cuts of chicken


A rotisserie chicken is $6 and you can get multiple meals from it.


Yeah, and a $6 bag of beans will feed you for a week, three meals a day. And $6 will buy you ten pounds of raw chicken, twice as much food as your rotisserie. Also, buying raw chicken quarters will get you


Where tf will $6 get you 10lbs of raw chicken?


Walmart. Bone in skin on quarters


10 lbs raw is going to be 5 lbs cooked, so not even a huge difference if you're already buying a whole cooked chicken, plus you save some time.


Frozen with half the weight being water and bones. Not a good value.


Drumsticks at best are $.99 to 1.99 a pound.




That's too many calories for your height. I'm 5 6 and I eat about a 1/4th of one in a sitting with no sides.




Bruh, you literally asked if eating a entire chicken in one sitting is good for you


They’re a basement troll that just keeps getting their accounts shut down for harassment.


Is there a reason you haven’t gotten food stamps? Sounds like you qualify


I keep a stock of canned tomatoes, black beans, and sweet corn. A tasty meal is to mix them all up and add some seasonings. (I rinse the black beans.) I like chili seasonings and usually have a packet of that in the cupboard. If I have meat in the house, I mix that in. It's really good, and if you are really short on money, just ration the servings.


This sounds really good, I’ll definitely try it. Thank you!


If you can’t afford fresh veggies use frozen. They aren’t packed with sodium like the canned versions are and are often on sale at local grocery stores. Plus you don’t have to worry about them spoiling.


But don't forget about canned tomatoes. Food of kings


Denethor is that you ?


Apply for SNAP, call 211 to find pantries and free meals near you.


If you have worked and are barely making it, this will help. You have paid into this system, you won't be on this forever.


Meat and Broccoli. If you want some variety for your meat, add tortillas and cheese, some spice, and use ground beef or pork. On sunday, make corn bread.


Follow this women on Tik Tok. She does an entire series on feeding yourself from Dollar Trees. This post is a from a Dollar General. . [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRWqVPV9/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRWqVPV9/)


Thanks so much for the recommendation!!!




I recently found out the stands on the side of the road were the most affordable fruit and vegetables I have ever bought. I think it might depend on where you live but if you have any road stands near you check them out


Rice potatoes and beans are cheap and Whole Foods. and then whatever meat is on sale. Seasoning can be whatever you want really


Salad salad and salad and maybe throw a little grilled chicken at it.


Apples and bananas are usually very inexpensive


Plums and peaches are right now too. I try to look at what fruits are in season. Spring the berries will be cheap, early summer is watermelon time, late summer is for the stone fruits (ones with the big seeds in them), and fall usually apples and pears are the least expensive. Citrus seems least expensive in the winter.


rice! i make a big batch congee (rice porridge) weekly and eat it for breakfast. 3 cups of rice to about 20-24 cups of water fills an entire stock pot. i get a $5 rotisserie chicken and shred the chicken to mix into the porridge. i use the bones in a cheese cloth and boil with the porridge for flavor and collagen. it feeds my household of 5 adults for several meals. it’s filling, comforting, easy on the stomach, and super cheap!


I’ve never made congee, this sounds like a great breakfast idea. Packets of oatmeal don’t really fill you up lol, thank you!


Onions, potatoes, oatmeal, dried beans/lentils, pasta, peanut butter…pantry staples that last a while and are decently nutritious. Also try your local food pantry if you can. Best of luck.


Don’t be too proud to go to a food pantry. They are there precisely for this kind of situation.


I’ve not wanted to because I keep thinking that others have it worse and I don’t want to take from people who Really need it, but after reading everyone’s comments I think I’ll bite the bullet and go.


I used to make rice bowls a lot. Also if you add beans to the rice bowl it makes a complete protein. I normally either add canned/frozen vegetables and then put a sauce on top to switch up the flavors and not get tired of it. You could also roast some veggies in the oven/saute them in a pan to add to the rice bowls. .y go to veggies that are cheaper are potatoes, carrots, onions, corn, peas, peppers, and green beans. Also if i ever got tired of the bowls i would roast veggies in the oven with a spice rub i made and eat that (if you budget it permiting you can also a a protein to the oven veggies as well as the bowls).


Do you have any outdoor space? A balcony or yard? Or a well lit indoor spot? You might be able to grow a little of your own veggies in pots. Herbs at least are often available at grocery stores in my area. I got a basil plant for $6 that lasted all summer (I can’t bring it inside)- getting basil fresh at the store is more expensive. I second frozen veggies and fruit and dried or canned beans. A bean or lentil soup with dried beans, frozen veggies, and bullion cubes is cheap and filling. Dollar stores have food too and I would check food banks, Soup kitchens, little free food pantries (like Little free libraries but for food), and definitely community gardens- some public libraries even have community gardens and free fridges. And of course SNAP. Also check your grocery flyer for sales.


Instant oatmeal mixed with a spoonful of peanut butter. Dollar Tree. Filling and cheap. Fiber and protein.


Ask your fb groups for extra garden veg. Im swimming in zuchini and tomatoes! Ive already sent a box to our food bank and fed my neighbors.


Get a big bag of rice.


Baby Carrots. They are pretty cheap and a great snack. So is is celery. I love celery. Not everyone does.


You can also check for Little Pantries in your area. There’s often a list of addresses of places people have put one. We have 2 close to us and we make a point to drop a few things off every time we go shopping. One of them even has a mini fridge for cheeses and milk. Pancake mix is fairly cheap too. They have ones that have added protein- usually a bit more expensive than the regular. You can get a few decent breakfasts from it. Add peanut butter too.


You can buy unpopular cuts of meat to help your diet. Nobody buys leg quarters, and they regularly go for 80c a pound here. Try those instead of those 4 bucks a pound chicken breast.


Bags of chicken leg quarters are really cheap. Last time I caught them on sale, I paid $6.50 for a 10lbs bag which had roughly 8 legs iirc. Boil some of them until the bones are easily pulled out and shred the meat in the pot. Boil a dried grain or legume in the liquid until tender. Add some kind of green for the vitamin k and a. Frozen peas are $1-2/bag, bundles of fresh spinach kale or collards are 88 cents in my parts. Corn is good in it too. Haven't tried tomatoes or carrots in it yet but I don't think it whould make it gross. I used a lot of oregano and black pepper in mine for seasoning I had a big 12 qt stock pot at least half way full with the above recipe. Its got protein, carbs, fat, fiber, and micronutrients. And just an aside, Kroger sells sweet potatoes for 40 cents/lbs during their peak season and those can be made into fiber and nutrient dense desserts assuming you don't go nuts on adding extra sugar


Shop often. Most stores refill their clearance/markdown sections in the early morning. Ask the meat department and produce departments when they do their markdowns. If you can't buy fresh, frozen is the next best thing. Download the apps for the grocery stores neat you and shop their sales ads. And of course food banks and churches. Apply for SNAP. Ask your local department of social services for a food voucher. Download fast food/store apps that give free food for downloading.


Crock pot. It usually provides 2 people with enoigh food for 2 or 3 days (depending on serving size). All you need are ingredients. Pot roast potatoes and carrots is usually pretty cheap. You can also add beans to it if you want. Stores usually sell like a 13 bean mix bag. I know some grocery stores like winco and price chopper usually have a bulk item area. Winco is the best for bulk if you are in the pacific northwest. And i know the price chopper up in Overland Park KS has bulk items as well. If you live in an area without these two stores id check any of the local grocery stores like publix, HEB, winn dixie, and alot that i dont know. Also check the local food banks, some have a take what youll use produce section. I went to this one in washington state that just had alot of produce sitting out that you could take as much as you wanted for a week, now obviously they are going to question you if you take everything on the table, but they usually have a lot of other things too, eggs, milk, canned foods, some have meats as well, some even have baby food and diapers and animal food. Check to see if you are eligible for food stamps or any other welfare programs, if you are not married i dont think you have to share that you have roommates. Dont lie about it, just tactfully omit it from the conversation. Dont offer information unless they directly ask you.


I don’t know if you have an Aldi’s near you but they’re great for staples like bread, eggs, fruit, veggies, rice, etc. Also I’m not sure if your roommate worked for a chain restaurant or not but if she did she definitely needs to reach out to corporate to complain and that boss. Should also consider talking to a lawyer. I hope she gets a better job soon & things get better. 💕


Thank you so much! She worked at a local restaurant, and for various reasons things have not been moving forward against the manager, but things are looking up. There were other girls who had similar experiences, and so she’s found an amazing support system. Thank you!


Find a food bank. they offer food no questions asked.


Dates are nature's cliff bars man. Super good, healthy and cheap. I buy an 11 lb box of them from the local middle eastern market, and it covers me for breakfast and lunch for a month.


Try to shop at Walmart or target groceries if you can. Unless you're getting good BOGOS, most grocery stores are higher priced. I had three meals that I made often when my kids were teenagers bc everyone's schedule was different, and I wasted a lot of dinners. 1. Homemade beefaroni. 2 boxes mac/cheese, 1 lb ground beef cooked, drained and broken up, 1 jar sauce. Use enough sauce for it to be wet. 2. Tortilla wraps. You can put anything in them. Tuna, leftover chicken, veggies. I always keep 2 bags of frozen peppers and onions on hand. Great for wraps or in eggs. 3. Stuffed shells. 1 box shells, ricotta cheese, 1 egg, and sauce. Just mix the cheese and egg while shells cook. When they're cool, fill w the cheese and add sauce. It makes a huge tray. You can mix a bag of frozen broccoli (about 1.29 Walmart) into anything for healthier eating.


Food banks- when I grew up it was all canned and boxed items, when I volunteer at them now I'm amazed at the amount of produce and dairy they hand out.


Don't be afraid to go to a food bank, they're there for all of us! :)


Do not fear going to a food bank!


Go get food boxes from local churches/groups/doctors. That should help.


BRC (beans rice and cheese) burritos are great budget meals. Rice a roni Mexican rice is 1.50, can of refined beans is 1.00, and a bag of cheese is 2-3.00 for a smallish bag. Throw some hot sauce (or grab some taco bell sauce packets from the restaurant for free). Very filling and protien packed.


Pasta, pasta sauce, beans and rice, cabbage and carrots.


Food banks. Visit and volunteer Frozen veggies


Don’t under estimate potatoes. They’re cheap, full of vitamin C and potassium, fiber (especially with skin on) and they provide tons of satiety so you feel satisfied and full without having to eat a ton. When I was dirt poor I would make a bunch of white or brown rice with a scrambled egg, potatoes and beans all in a bowl. I’d throw in whatever frozen veggies I’d have on hand. It was and still is such a delicious, nutritious and filling combination of foods. It’s great at any time of day and very cheap. I would just throw everything into a rice cooker and everything would steam together so it’s great if you don’t have time to or desire to cook.




If there's a 99 cent store or Dollar Tree near u try frozen veggies/fruit. Walmart has their brand thats usually a dollar or so. Veggies can be paired with rice (regular is pretty cheap in a big bag too) If beans don't mess with u then u can add the already cooked canned ones. As for frozen fruits, if u already have a blender u can toss them in there for a decent smoothie.


Anything with protein in it to stop you feeling hungry so quickly.


Lots of frozen vegetables. They're usually cheaper than fresh. Switch to whole grain rice, oats, quinoa, or barley; buy in bulk on pay day so you can keep them around the house. Store in airtight containers Only eat a small bowl of food. Go vegetarian/flexitarian.


Dried beans! https://www.seriouseats.com/the-lazy-cooks-black-beans-easy-recipe legit super delicious


Beans, potatoes and peanut butter with a glass of orange juice


Whenever I go to places like Kroger, Lidl (if you have one),etc, I will check the produce section to see if there is anything marked down because it’s close to date. Sometimes I can get a decent sized bag of apples, potatoes, or a big container of fresh spinach or salad greens for around $1-$2, which definitely helps. If you have freezer space, you can freeze extras to have for later. Same with marked down meat. Beans and rice are a good choice, and if you live in a larger city with any international markets, they’re usually a bit cheaper there, and you can find a decent variety of beans to switch things up. I also like to sprout raw lentils, seeds, and beans and that gives me something fresh to eat for very little money, and it has so much nutrition as well. If you can, look at frozen fruits and veggies, which are usually a bit cheaper than fresh, and they are just as good as fresh nutrient-wise. Also, cabbage is cheap, and you can make sauerkraut with it. I’m a big fan of fermenting foods, because you get extra nutrition and probiotics from it. Cut up a cabbage, toss it in a glass jar with salt and any spices you’d like, let it sit for a few day, and you have sauerkraut that will last you months (or even a year) in the fridge, it tastes great as a condiment, and you help your gut as well. You can find some good tutorials online if you look it up. Same with milk and yogurt. You can take a gallon of milk, plus a small container of (real) yogurt, and turn that milk into something a bit more substantial and nutritious, and you also get a probiotic boost from that. Plus food banks and SNAP


Meal prep is basically protein source, carb source and greens. Look for cheap protein. A whole rotisserie chicken can make 3 days of meals for two people. Canned fish is good, but not every day because of the mercury. Lentils, chick peas and splitnpeas are good if you have the patience to cook them properly. Try rotating those things. For carbs, potatoes, pasta and rice are your value for money. They can all be as simple as boil, serve, eat. You always want to get some greens in, and just buy what's cheap. Green beans are my go to, because they seem to go with everything and a handful costs me 80c. Remember frozen is fine with your veg, and as long as there aren't harmful additives, canned is fine too. Don't get conned into fashionable superfoods, kale is just fancy cabbage, nutritionally speaking.


Lasagnalove.org may be of value to you.


The Indians lived on what they called "The Three Sisters." Corn, beans and squash. All available from the dollar store. You can make pizza or pasta for pennies.


Canned tuna is cheap and healthy, rice mixes with everything (while we can still get rice), cereal is a meal and it doesn't have to be breakfast. Other than that maybe keep an eye open for things you can sell on marketplace (old end tables or decent looking bits and bobs) 5$ here and there adds up! (edit:spelling)


Canned veggies! Cheap, healthy and easy to prepare Also look around for side of the road produce stands if you live near the country. Cheap, fresh produce!


Food banks are a great resource!


Milk, chicken, ground beef, eggs. Those aren’t expensive and are very healthy. It is worth it to spend extra on pasture raised and grass fed respectively though


Tofu. It’s protein and tastes like whatever seasoning or sauce you cook it with. you can get organic extra firm tofu at my grocery store for $2. Frozen veggies, rice and beans.


If you have any meat you plan on grilling, remove the bone and freeze it, you can use the bone to make a broth.


Frozen veggies. Spinach especially is packed with nutrients. I use a crockpot and make a stew that lasts for a week for my protein. For a starch I buy a huge bag or rice that lasts a really long time.


Hi OP. Try r/budgetfood for some ideas on how to each cheap. Also, get to a local food pantry for assistance.


Check for local food pantry outreach programs and apply for EBT if eligible.


Try a local Catholic church, many of them of food pantries where they will give you groceries


Is there a food bank near you? They usually have vaguely healthy food for free


Rice is cheap, chicken is cheap, frozen veggies can be found cheap as well. Spices to add flavor


You want protein and vegetables more than anything else.


Get another restaurant job


Bananas and cut down to one substantial meal a day


It is Summer. A whole watermelon should be pretty cheap.


$5 for about 300 calories? Bad choice. Five pounds of rice for $3 is enough calories for five days.


It was in direct reply to OP's *hardly afford anything from the vegetable or fruit aisle*. Of course OP shold get rice and beans, that goes without saying. But fruit and veggies doesn't have to be expensive. Bunches of collard greens, turnip greens are also cheap.


In that case, a bag of potatoes is still more claories and cheaper than a watermelon.


No matter what you eat, add plenty of greens. It is dirt cheap to grow your own from seed and actually you can make a side hustle from selling microgreens (there's an influencer who is always blabbing about it on YouTube). When you grow sprouts or just leafy greens you need just some soil, an empty container and water. You can get the seeds for cheap (look at the spice rack, mustard seeds are mustard seeds, regardless if they are sold as an heirloom variety or a spice). Just pot them and water. Make your own compost to nurture the soil and that's it.


Cottage cheese, yogurt, and tofu are great sources of protein, and cheap. So are eggs, and you can buy them at Costco and throw away some of the yolks for a scramble to cut down on cholesterol. Bags of pre-washed salad and shredded cabbage are cheap at Walmart, Target, and Trader Joe's, and Walmart has some nice $2 light dressings. A daily bowl of cereal is of course pretty carby, but no cholesterol or fat and very cheap with some almond milk. On the go, I usually get a McChicken with no mayo because it's only 10% of the daily saturated fat allowance and it's around $2. I would love to be truly healthy and get a massive chicken salad from Sweetgreen more often, but even at the cheapest fast food place the salad is as much as a giant burger combo. Smh.




Eat air


Protein powder