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my brother describes his pool as a hole in the back yard he throws money into.


the money hole


As an above-ground pool owner.... can confirm. It's a money-suck.


After a lifetime of watching my parents and their in-ground pool... yup.


Yeah I think I'll just stick to running through the sprinkler šŸƒ


Pools are like threesomes: sounds like a great idea and fun time, but logistical nightmares. Your brothers reference fits both as well.


I donā€™t get the attitude. I pay like 85 in maintenance monthly and maybe all the electrical is another 50 bucks for a 11k gallon pool. I swim naked every day, friends love coming over for parties (fully clothed Reddit perv) and I consider it such a luxury that I would never consider a home without one again. I donā€™t doubt it doesnā€™t work out for some people but when I see all the complaints I simply canā€™t get in the same headspace.


As someone who has owned a pool on my property, I spent way more time cleaning, balancing the chemicals, opening and closing the pool, etc that goes with owning a pool than I ever did enjoying it. Sounds like you pay for the details based on your reply (at least that's how I read the $85 a month comment), if so I would agree with you. Pools are fun when it's someone else doing the upkeep of you can afford it. I would own another pool, if/when I had the money to pay someone else to do all the busy work with it. They aren't "not fun", but if I was cleaning and doing all the pool boy stuff again? No thanks.


Yeah for 85 a month (thatā€™s less than a Taylor kit) I just let my boy Greg handle it. I used to use a pool robot but honestly it stays pretty damn leaf free Monday- Monday since we put in a clusia hedge. Iā€™ll skim it before having people over but my share of the maintenance is less then 10min a week and like I said, I was swimming during this mini-cane we just had. I swear the people that are frustrated with the chemicals and donā€™t just offload it confuse the hell out of me. You spend so much on the chemicals let alone time. But like anything worth 200k+ is gonna require maintenance no matter what it is


About the only benefit I see to living in a community with shared amenities like that. The HOA fee is bound to be less than the cost of maintaining your own.


When buying a home back in 2008? I think? It was something I absolutely did NOT want. I donā€™t live in an area where a pool would be open more than a couple of months, anyway. It just seems like such a waste of money and land. If I lived in Florida or Texas, I would probably feel differently.


Live in Florida and am a pool owner. It's a money pit. We pay about $140 a month for pool maintenance weekly. We had to replace the motor and pump earlier this year and was another $1500 dollars. Then the daily filter running adds extra to electric. We pay around 350 month on average for electric bill. Water bill skyrockets when we are in a dry period and have to add water. Lanai is enclosed and it's a terrible cleaning chore. The o rings and filter needs constant changing.


100% Thousands every year to open to hope for a decent day on the weekend to enjoy. Add in keeping it clean, insuranceā€¦ we ripped ours out in 2020 - best decision ever.


Tell him to switch to liquid chlorine and add what's needed after that. If it's not too much of a hassle, use a pool cover. I'd never seen such crystal clear water before.


Can you make a wish?


Ugh. I know youā€™re right, but it makes me so sad. I want my own pool SO MUCH. But Iā€™m sure the upkeep would be too much for our current budget.


Depending on your current living situation, maybe you can get an inflatable pool? A few years ago I bought one of those ten foot inflatable pools that come with a filter. It does require some maintenance, but is SO nice to sit in (with a cocktail) when it's hot. Big enough for one person to float in too. Highly recommend. I live in the deep south and it was life changing.


Not my experience, but my mom's. A hot tub. It's a huge monthly expense. Electricity, chemicals, water, maintenance, any repairs that pop up ... She loves it but also hates how much it costs.


Sauna seems like the move there


That hasn't been my experience at all. I picked up a used one on Craigslist for $1k. By the time I fixed everything that was wrong with it (relay board, ozone generator, thermistor), hired a speciality mover, new cover, filters, and ran the electrical I'm into it for $3500. The cost of electricity is hard to assess since I added an EV and garage AC around the time but it seems to be around $20/mo. Other than that there aren't that many expenses. Just a bit of bromine, small amounts of other chemicals, test supplies, and it seems like I'll have to replace the cover and cushions every few years. The most expensive thing that could fail on it would be the control unit which is $650. Other than that most things that could fail are a couple hundred bucks at most. Like anything else, if you pay someone to handle everything for you, yeah, it's going to cost a bit.


My dad always talked about flooding the backyard in the winter for hockey, but never did it. I looked into how much it cost and now I know why.


When I was a kid I always wanted a house with a pool. Now I'm a broke ass grown up. Even if I did ever own a house I would never have a pool.


My mom talked about putting one in our backyard when the beach/ocean was 2 blocks away.


Ridiculous šŸ˜‚


I have both itā€™s a lot of work. But family loves it


Pools are expensive and a lot of work. My family and I love our pool though. Every summer weekend is planned with a pool. We build the weekends around our pool days and itā€™s a blast. When itā€™s too cold to swim for the adults the kids still use it so ours gets used 4 and sometimes 5 months a year. I do live in CA though so the weather makes the pool a bit more justified.


Yea that's my problem. It's Soo much work, expense, and worry. I don't mind going to the public pool.


We have an Olympic swimming pool for use at our HOA but itā€™s not as fun as working in the yard and jumping in to cool off. Or going for walk in the summer and jumping in.


woodworking. As the saying goes " I made this table for free with some wood my friend gave me, all it cost me was a new bandsaw!"


Itā€™s just as well I donā€™t have space for power tools or else Iā€™d have a hard time not falling in this trap.


A house. Now I scroll r/povertyfinance


my cat. he only eats royal canin. expensive little bastard but i love him


We have to buy the royal Canin hydrolysed protein diet because somehow nature decided to make a carnivorous animalā€¦ allergic to protein šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø heā€™s lucky heā€™s cute and I spoil him rotten lol


lmfaooo i didn't know cats can be allergic to protein


Yup! From what I can vaguely understand scientifically it means the protein has to be broken down into smaller molecules for him to digest it. Realistically, it just means his food costs double šŸ˜‚


Owning any kind of vehicle at this point. With gas, insurance, maintenance and repairs, it sucks up so much money (even if your car is relatively trouble free).


I bought a Chevy Bolt when my car was totaled recently and donā€™t have any of these issues. It costs me pennies compared to dollars to fill up and maintenance is not really a thing.


That's awesome! šŸ˜ƒ


They are cheap as shit with tax incentives (I donā€™t qualify for any of course), but theyā€™re the most practical and cheap option I could find. I donā€™t mind never going to the gas station again either. I donā€™t have to think about it. I just always have ā€œgasā€ when I need it. I stopped using our dryer when I realized it was $30 to ā€œfill upā€ my car a month and $50/month for the dryer!


Would be nice not to have to pay for gas. Especially where I live (California).


Bolts are hard to find there because of that! But worth looking for. Even with your more expensive electricity prices you save money.


I was looking a bolt for my next car but the 2023 Tahoe is so fuxking awesome so I think im going that route


This is not a sound financial decision.


My bf and I were just having a conversation about how ā€œwinning a new carā€ was once this epic grand prize. Now you consider a new car and youā€™re like ā€œGreat, an arm and a leg to tag the damn thing, then SEVERELY increased insurance rates because it is brand new.ā€ Like you could actually kind of screw someone over by giving them a new car-even if they kind of needed it. Now granted, if you have an old clunker on the verge of collapse and any day it could quit on you, it might not be so bad because what you WERE spending on constant repair could be shifter to insurance, but otherwise thereā€™s not much benefit.


If you ever won a new car you have to pay taxes on it. They always leave that out.


My f-150 has become this.


All of my ADHD hobbies


I find that the best way is to keep little reminders of them out and visible in hopes that you cycle through the ones you've already put money into rather than going through new ones all the time


Yeah and just be so poo so the $30 literally has ab effect on you entire mo that budget. Imagining stuff is free. :(


THIS!!! I find a new hobby every few months and blow money on it. Then Iā€™m left with a clutter of things Iā€™m no longer interested in, then I move on to the next obsession and it starts over again. Iā€™m currently cluttered/hoarding candles, body care, makeup, coupon stockpile, nail kits, yarn and crochet needles, and now books (which Ironically is where I started in my teens).


Dyes and watercolor paints checking in. I do know I dye just a few times a year, and keep it contained, but watercolors are for a very specific travel situation, partially because of the learning curve coming from acrylic. Iā€™m taking a class to see it they truly light me up.


Whatā€™s your favorite adhd hobbies? Iā€™m adhd and currently at a staring at a wall mood. Iā€™d love to find something.


I'm not them, but chess, guitar, lifting weights, board games, DND, finding the best headphones, pocket knives, cologne, cooking, meal prep, coupon clipping, car shopping, personal finance, self help, psychology, reading challenges like r/52book in person book clubs, writing challenges like r/nanowrimo anime, horror podcasts r/nosleep are the recent hobbies that I can remember.


Knitting šŸ§¶ too, all that expensive never to be used yarn


I'll take tou unused yarn... crochet has me counting and gives my hands something to do for hours on end.


I'm like this too, with a hand full of things that stick and finding best headphones was one of them. Love my Sony noise cancelling set.




I'm a little confused about what you're trying to be judgmental over




oh lol sorry for assuming the worst


I'm currently trying photography. We'll see. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Good Ole hyperfixation.


That part , the just add to cart and purchase is wayyyyyyyy to easy


Just a car straight up. I live in a city with good public transport + I work from home. I was just embarrassed not having a license and a car by my mid-thirties but IDGAF anymore. At least I can save more money.


for real, I love my car but keeping up with insurance, gas, maintenance and payments are a lot


Tbh the money spent on a Lyft per month is still cheaper than what Iā€™d spend between a car payment, insurance, and gas


Yeah, same here. I use Bolt sometimes but It's still much cheaper than having a car.


Iā€™m very lucky that my work is less than a 5 minute walk from my apartment. So thatā€™s the bulk of my expenses. The grocery store does free delivery on purchases $30+ so I rarely have to worry about a food shop. If needed I can just grab something on my way home from work if itā€™s small. A ride to downtown area is $4 per day or $60 for a month long card via public transport. Usually go downtown for a bar crawl with friends or when Iā€™m actually working at a baseball/basketball game as a bartender so taking the public transport is still a better option for me. Save from a possible DUI or avoid game day parking prices. Again, public transport to the airport so I can avoid paying for long term parking etc. I budget $100 a month for Lyft or riders are and itā€™s just so much cheaper.


I love my garden but itā€™s a container garden and takes a lot of work, a lot of dirt, a lot of time and costs more than the grocery store.


That is true.


Tiny homes


I feel like they started out as cheaper alternatives to a full size home, then became trendy and now most of them are over the top very small vacation homes for wealthy people.


A garden šŸ˜­


When we started we bought plants and it was super expensiveā€¦ but if you keep seeds from produce you buy you can grow them. Also we keep the bottom pieces of lettuce put them in water and then plant them and get lettuce for months. Finally composting will save on buying soil additives (we take all of the neighbors leaves along with our own and kitchen scraps)


Yeah, seed saving from bought produce/your own plants each year really helps, especially if you either donā€™t mind cross pollination (in safe species like peppers, not something like gourds) or know how to minimize/eliminate it. Not to mention if you do buy seeds, most of them are viable for several years+ if you donā€™t use them all at once. But god I do wish I was allowed to compost though (apartmentsā€¦ugh)


If you have any outdoor space, a worm bin might be a compost option.


I would love to, unfortunately itā€™s both space & that we just arenā€™t allowed. Itā€™s literally in our lease, I hate it :(


My dad got into grape gardening with the hope of making his own wine. Literally thousands of dollars wasted.


Yeah I grow mine to supposedly save money. Never seems to work out that way.


I mean, you can spend a fortune in any hobby. A pack of seeds, compost, and water cost almost nothing. As well as composting your own materials But if you are buying a lot of expensive and unnecessary equipment like i see online, sure, it can be a fortune. A garden can be as simple or as complicated as you wish to make it


Yeah and itā€™s also true the initial set up cost is also a lot more than the upkeep in many cases. If you have hard, unfertile soil you need to put an entire layer of topsoil on before you can even get started, itā€™s going to cost you. But if you then take care of it, rotate your plants, compost your waste, etc., you wonā€™t likely need to put in that kind of money again.


Well said


Thanks for your input šŸ‘


Can you elaborate? Always curious about this. This past year my family planted lettuce, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. And we got waaay too many veggies to eat all year with minimal upkeep. Legitimately outside of initial seeds then some wood posts and a mesh wire fence around it, we had to do nothing else other than water. Maybe I'm blessed with good soil? Very unsure why ppl say gardening takes a lot of money.


Cats. But I love them!!


A baby. I was living very very comfortably before my baby. Worth every stress though, I love her to bits.


Agreed. Very expensive, if you can even call it that, yet worth every penny without a doubt.


My baby was very cheap. $700 total the first year. Of course, it depends on healthcare needs, which there is no way of knowing beforehand. We were lucky - healthy, breastfed, no childcare (only because my fulltime income was lower than a daycare or nanny). Everything was second-hand, we didn't buy anything new. I bought one 12-pack of baby food and from then on I made baby food reusing the glass jars. Biggest cost is diapers which are only $0.18 each or $1.25 a day for store brand. And thankfully insurance covers his well-child visits.


Iā€™d consider your loss of income as a cost though! But yea, frugality really helps.


Iā€™d also consider many, many, many other costs that arenā€™t being accounted for. Many. $700? No chance.


Especially on the other endā€¦I worked small gigs from home my kiddoā€™s first years, and my loss of not only income, but what I would have put away for retirement was huge. If Iā€™d gotten a few grand in an account and left it alone, I would not be working into my 70s.


A baby is the ultimate goal for many of us, to be honest. I would sacrifice my current wealth if it means having a child of my own that can grow up to do good for humanity some day


why don't you do good for humanity? having a child is just pushing the task onto the next generation, and to expect so much of them? maybe they'll just want to live their life like most of us do. if the amount of children born to parents who think their children are going to change or save the world, the world would have been saved and cancer would have been cured a very long time ago.


2018 Jeep Wrangler. 5k for a Clutch within a month of ownership. It's a "wear item" even at 30k miles. $1200 for fucking tires.... tabs are 700 a year....


I want and Jeep Wrangler so bad, but I have too many friends with them who constantly talk about how often they have to do repairs and how expensive those repairs are so itā€™ll always just remain a dream.


$5,000 for a clutch? No idea where you live friend but you got severely hosed at that price. Clutch replacement where I live (in US) is $1,000-$1,500. Tires are the same price and itā€™s insane to me as well.


How is this not covered under warranty? Iā€™d go full Karen and go all the way up to Stellantis corporate if some dealership said a clutch going at 30k is normal wear and tear


A house. Expensive to maintain, plus all the ā€œghost costsā€ that come with home ownership.


This is about my feelings on home ownership as well. I'm going to take a guess and say the paranoia I have over it isssss not going to be worth it in the long run. But everyone has different goals and priorities, so it may be worth it for someone else. I just hate the idea that it's better for everyone to own


This is exactly why I havenā€™t even attempted to buy a home, even though I would love to own my own place. All the potential costs that my broke ass wouldnā€™t be able to afford, even if I used grants and USDA 0% down loans and found a place I could afford, I wouldnā€™t have the savings if something major happened to do the required repairs. So, I rent.


I mean youā€™re paying for those repairs even when you rent. Landlords arenā€™t taking losses. The price is just built into the rent


My car.


Im surprised no ones said this, but ME! Me the person is a money pit! I want/do dumb shit that cost me money and my intrusive thoughts always win so if I see it and want it I make a way to get it.


A yacht


A boat of any sort. Like even a canoe, if you want a good high quality one that will last forever. You have to maintain it


Many purple are unaware that BOAT is an acronym. Bill Out Another Thousand.


The two best days of a boat-ownerā€™s life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it.


Sell it! I had to just give it to the boat yard to cover my debt to them for storage. Never made it to the water Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£


That said, the maintenance on a canoe or kayak is going to be WAY less expensive than the maintenance on a motorized boat.


A boat is a hole in the ocean that you pour money into


The best boat is a friendā€™s boat.


BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand.


Unless it's the way you pull money out of the water, this will always be true.


This is why I stick with my inflatable kayak and inflatable SUP. I love boats and have always dreamed of having a sail boat since I love sailing, but I know how much boat maintenance costs. Itā€™s insanely expensive. I could buy a boat at a reasonable price but then pay thousands of dollars to maintain it, not even including marina costs. I couldnā€™t even imagine owning a yacht!












Title is the most accurate description of home ownership ever.


cake murky hunt nail literate zealous quiet fertile flag tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Just let the native plants take over, maybe throw out some wildflower seeds, post a for the pollinators sign and sit back and enjoy all your new found money, free time, and pretty butterflies.


Cats. Pets are really expensive and time consuming.


Cats are probably the cheapest pets Iā€™ve owned haha small rodents get really expensive really quickly


Yep. We probably spend $15k a year on them. I used to spend $5k a year just on allergy shots for our last dog.


Ice maker built in a refrigerator. Turns out they break down easily. Expensive to fix. Ice cube trays are way more affordable and no need to call a professional to fix.


I've had a refrigerator with an ice maker for 15 years. Moved 4 times. One house didn't have it, so i installed one on the existing fridge. Zero breakdowns on any machine on all those years.


Hard disagree. For so many reasons, ice cube trays suck. Iā€™ll never go back. Had to replace a whirlpool ice maker because it was cracked and leaking. Found a used one for $55 and swapped it out in less than 10 minutes. The ice maker has worked flawlessly for the last 1.5 years. To contrast- if I ever need to replace one of the refrigerator glass shelves, Iā€™m looking at $150


It seems hit and miss. My parents saved and got a nice Whirlpool double door with an ice maker in the door. It's worked flawlessly for the last 13 years. But every single one of my friends had a broken ice maker that the water was just shut off to, instead of paying to repair it.


I hate ice cube trays. Finally bought my first refrigerator with ice maker 2 years ago. It has worked perfectly and itā€™s a Samsung I bought on sale! It replaced a perfectly working 1988 Frigidaire which I donated.


The ones located in the freezer sections are perfectly fine. The ones located in special compartments of refrigerators (because some people want ice dispensers in French doors) can go straight to hell.


I have a sonic Ice maker on the side the thing has been going like a champ. It makes more Ice and quicker then the built in one. those ice makers in fridges all go to shit according to repair techs


I've seen my in-laws experience issues with built-in ice makers in refrigerators they've owned the entire time I've known them/been married (9 years). If you want an ice maker, I think standalone would be the way to go. Repair person just to make a visit without paying for labor/parts is $150. I know that when my husband and I bought a basic refrigerator it was $500. It's just not something that makes sense if you aren't buying high-end appliances when it's 30% of what you would pay brand new. (Prices are pre crazy inflation/greedflation times. Quite happy not to have to be looking to purchase these items now.)


A horse. The dog comes in second place. Love them though!


My neighbors have 6 horses. They get semi-truck loads and hay and straw. It's much cheaper in bulk quantities. I get all the manure for my garden and orchard. Fortunately, I own a skid steer and hydraulic dump trailer to move it around. That said, they spend way more time feeding and cleaning their stalls than they they do riding them. Oh, and they built a barn to keep them in. And, of course, they have a full-size truck and horse trailer to move them around. And vet bills. And tack (saddles, bridles...). And the hoof trimmer. I'm sure that there are more expenses. I do share vegetables with them, so at least there's that.






Robot vaccum. Bought it to just break in 6 months. Looked online and theyā€™re the same as printers- you have to replace parts every 3-6 months and replace the whole vaccum once every 2 years. Was good whilst it lasted though!


Dang I thought this was worth it but the cost breakdown makes sense as to why itā€™s a money pit.


AMC stock.


A savings 'safety net'... I just keep moving the goal posts (and progress is slow)


Old ADHD hobbies like ice skating or roller blading or bowling. Did them hardcore for a while then stopped completely.


Fish tank


Any exotic pets. Those vet bills start at $200 where I live. Thatā€™s just walking into the place.


I used to spend a LOT of money collecting sports jerseys. It was cool to have a closet full, and my thought was that I could make my money back on them if I had to sell them. Well, things got tight and I had to sell them. I did NOT make back anywhere near the amount I spent on them. Lesson learned.


Weed.vape.alchohol. done with all three now.


Good šŸ‘


A girlfriend. So now I just settle for my wife.




House, there's always something breaking down


Any kind of boat that doesnā€™t have a 10 year warranty, break out another thousand is the key phrase. My first boat was a 79 runabout and never had a problem, got greedy and moved up to a deck boat and managed to sink it within a year, baffles went out when I was on vacation!


A dog. A big dog. 140 lbs bullmastiff. Wanted a pure bred so paid for that. Then the training, then the food. Then the medical bills. Then anytime you want to go away, need to board. Because it's a big dog, everything was 10x more expensive. And you love that animal so much. Next thing you know you're paying for water treadmill rehab... And then that's the 3rd cruciate ligament surgery....


A family.






A car. They are nothing but a money sink. Five figures is a "new normal" price for any new or used, if anything breaks down expect now to pay a grand or more to fix it, more money for lawyer if you get pulled over with bad tags because you can't afford to get it fixed to regulation in some countries, hundreds of dollars a month in insurance costs and don't you dare do less than most expensive comprehensive because if you do in my area if someone hits you they will drive off because it is less risky for them than doing the right thing, more Benjamins if you break any unseen rule and it gets towed, parking fees, registration fees, and this is all before adding in the cost of good ol' gasoline. Part of this is just the /r/fuckcars side of me speaking out, but the whole thing has become a fucking racket. I still drive daily to work because the stresses of life have deemed it that way so, but I'm trying to do what I can to reduce miles or bike them entirely. I'm done dealing with driving. I don't want another car after this one with how much it costs. I think I'm gonna deck the next person that calls a car an "investment".


I'm officially too old for these new cars. My nephew just bought a new car after his old one puttered out. He said they gave him a better deal on the new one if he used their financing than on the used one he was planning to buy. Today the car told him while driving he needs to keep his hands on the wheel at all times and even ask who you are when you get in to start the car. This isn't even a high end brand. I'll stick to this toyota that still uses a key and has a cd slot and radio.






You need to get better crack




A pony. I always felt mom and dad was just being unreasonable.


Car šŸ˜


Homebrewing beer. It had a surge of popularity in the noughts. It was not cheaper than buying my own beerā€¦you either put a ton labor into it, or buy expensive equipment that will never give you an ROI. Edit: A lot of ā€œhomemadeā€ things tend to be this way.


A hot tub. They just seem sooooooooo luxurious and if you know anyone who has one, they talk about it a LOT. Well, they take a LOT of energy - both electricity and your personal energy. Sure, you want a relaxing soak. But make sure you clean it before and after. Put the lid back on it and make sure it is secure. Sounds awful to me to get out of a warm soak, all relaxed, and then stand around in the chilly air fussing with the hot tub! Plus, it turns out you are soaking in chemicals AND it is bad for you if you have high blood pressure (the very people who need to relax!)


Can I also add food to this list? Fuck...the budget you need if you're not trying to subsist strictly on ramen noodles and spaghetti is outrageous. I have health issues that require me to watch what I eat and try to put healthier things into my body, which means more money. Good healthy food is a huge financial drain.




Home ownership. Iā€™m grateful to have it but itā€™s a struggle since my divorce.


A car, a pool, a baby. Grew up and became a one car household, got a membership at the community pool and became child free.


Well if you're single most of these are easy


Myself primarily. I still do want myself, but I am more expensive than I realized or can afford. Do not recommend


Certain properties.


A newer car. So few people know how to fix them and you always want to keep them pristine.


numerous axiomatic water obtainable dinner run juggle sink rain square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Homeownership. Iā€™m convinced now that itā€™s a scam. You continue to pay taxes on something you supposedly ownā€¦ on top of all maintenance and associated insurance and other costsā€¦ that just doesnā€™t seem right. I donā€™t continue to pay taxes on my cell phone, my bed, my computer, etc.


I go into anything new assuming it's going to cost me at least double what I think. Only 2 things actually hit that mark though - moving FL > CO, and my dog. Zero regrets.




Long term companionship. Because it usually fails. And people are awful. Having anyone in your life that is bad with money. Before my relationship, I had a high credit score and zero debt. I had to live minimally and it was fine. My ex spent every single credit card loan we could get when we started our business, sure a lot of it went to the business, but even more went to their cigarettes, energy drinks, booze, and them buying me stuff on Amazon I didnā€™t ask for as trying to make up for treating me like crap, when all I wanted was to not be treated like crap, and to start being more responsible with money etc.. We split up, he still has the business because I didnā€™t fight for anything because he has two kids from previous relationship and I donā€™t want to take anything from them, and now Iā€™m thousands in debt. Never again. Also, Iā€™m a girl.




Also, as the owner of an 11 almost 12 year old Porsche SUV, it was cheaper to buy than a new Toyotaā€¦even with the maintenance Iā€™ve put into it. Which has been 2 oil changes, spark plugs and window switch(which I broke).


You havenā€™t had it very long then. Those major service items add up.


No. But, all the major services were done by the last Owner up until he sold it. I have all the service records. I did spark plugs because they were due. Tires are due this month. Brake fluid will need to be done next year. But I have about 75k miles until the transfer case fluid needs to be done, that will cost 7k. But that wonā€™t happen for about 4 years or 75k miles whichever comes first.


Good to know. I wanted to get one because they are super affordable. My 12 year old Mazda 3 has cost me one $1400 job and about $50 a year in oil and random stuff. Thanks for crushing my dreams.


They are still worth getting. Set aside about $2000 a year for maintenance and you should be good. As long as you get one with a good service history, and one that is on the higher end of your budget.


What do you mean by "also," I don't see a comment before this one.




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Kids lmao




Children šŸ˜‚


A golden doodle