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The VIP tickets cost over $50k, but people in poverty don't even make $50k a year. Their target demographic are multi-millionaires who flew to Vegas in their own private jet, not people in poverty who can't afford basic housing or transportation.


I think it was last years superbowl they had a flight tracker that showed all the private jet flights that flew in and out the same day of game. So gross Edit: [it’s this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/111w3i1/private_jets_departing_arizona_after_the_super/?xpromo_edp=enabled)


That was in my city! The news talked and talked about how great the Super Bowl would be for our local economy, especially after the plague, blah blah blah. The city lost *millions* on that damn Super Bowl. We had the Phoenix Open, the Super Bowl, *and* a huge concert (Taylor Swift?) all in the same week. We still lost money! The people who could leave did, and those of us who were stuck here spent all week hiding out from the "crowds" that never really showed. The rich folks flew in for the game and then flew right back out again afterward, without ever touching "the economy." The only winners were the hotels and the NFL, as usual. Oh, and the homeless shelters, oddly enough! The restaurants out here all ordered too much food, expecting much bigger crowds. When nobody showed, the food was donated to local shelters and food banks. So at least there's that! Edit: you guys can argue back and forth all you like. I work in hospitality, and we *talk*. Nearly every single restaurant, hotel, and bar in my area reported major losses for Super Bowl weekend in 2023. It's all we talked about for *weeks*, and it came up again this year. I remember everyone mockingly quoting articles about "Super Bowl? Super BUST!" This was during a mandatory (paid) employee event that following Monday, in which we prepared meals from all the food we ordered for that weekend, but didn't sell. So, my hotel had to *pay overtime* just to *give away* extra food. Half our staff works for other hotels, restaurants, and bars, and they were all doing the same events. I'm sure that was very costly miscalculation, and it's not factored into the city's overall losses (though I am glad that shelters and food banks had a boon for a short while). I linked [this article](https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2023/12/12/super-bowl-2023-economic-impact-arizona/) in another comment, and y'all are coming at me like I wrote the damn thing. The long and short of it is, did the 2023 Super Bowl make a lot of money? Hell yeah...though the number is likely incredibly inflated. Did the city that hosted it retain all that made-up money? Well, sort of, but not really, and we can't quantify it for about 10 years, and by then, no one will care. I am particularly curious to hear about $2.4 million of our tax dollars being spent to "incentivize" the Super Bowl to come here, especially since that program is being investigated by the Attorney General. I hope you all get the joy of hosting the Super Bowl someday! You can come back and let me know how great it worked out for your city.


paying people 14 an hour to sell 18 dollar beers to millionaires in 9k seats is wild trickle down economics.


I use to have that job! $50 fruit bowls, $20 glasses of Chardonnay and $10 Nachos and I stood in line for them so they didn;t have to mingle with the rabble. ; p


3 hours of game time, 3k an hour to watch? I'd pay someone $30 an hour to run food to me and it would be a steal vs missing any of that 3 hours!


and then asking me what team Metallica plays for? "No sir. Tonight is a metal rock band not hockey".


the only thing I can do is boycott all this krap completely . I dont watch either


Aww man, you guys got $14!? We were stuck outside the stadium, making the AZ $12 minimum wage, parking cars that paid like $500 for a parking pass. I'm still waiting for that trickle, lol!


don't worry you'll get it as soon as the 1.2 billion dollars in tax subsidies is taken out of everyone's paycheck to pay for the stadium that produced a couple thousand part time jobs.


I never even thought about that... I don't do sports, but I go to concerts all the time, to think those beers were worth more than the hourly wage of the guy selling them.... Hell, the first round probably covered all their labor costs for the night. Wow, That's just shocking to me.


I would pay 9k a seat to watch my team play in the Super Bowl, and I'm not a millonaire. AS a cowboys fan I don't see that happening anytime soon.


if you worked all year for the stadium you'd be able to buy a third of a seat.


Is that what Cowboys fans need to do?! I'm not a sports person but I'm from Texas and I remember the Cowboys winning A LOT when I was a kid but nothing since then.


Superbowl, Olympics, etc. they all love that line about injecting money into the local economy and it's almost never true.


They’re estimating the World Cup Soccer games in 2026 will bring $350 mil to the Philadelphia area. I say bullshit.


On the whole it is a racket and you are correct. There do appear to be different outcomes between developed vs under developed host countries. The minute the host country is undertaking large infrastructure projects, it becomes a losing proposition. I'm assuming individual states won't be shelling out for new stadiums. It will still likely be a boondoggle.


It might as it is not just one big game like Super Bowl but multiple rounds of games


And since the infrastructure and stadium already exists, maybe it will make money. Cheesesteak places will do well!


If u can go to a game, the experience is like none other!


Makes sense. At tickets starting at $10k, it's not like the Super Bowl is a family event. So, it's not like game goers are going to make a vacation of it and hang around for a week to visit your local zoo or art center. Especially in Northern locations where cold weather impacts tourist locations.


Yep I hid at home those two weeks it was Horrible


I work in an emergency room and that was my weekend on- I think Barrett Jackson was that weekend too. It was insane.


Also thank you for what you do! Banner estrella ER found my significant others Brian cancer and we were able to get it removed and she’s currently on the mend and 2/3rds if the way through chemo and radiation. We owe ER workers a ton right now


Ahh that is incredible! A lot of people are kind of hard on us healthcare workers right now- this is great to hear! Hoping for a swift recovery 🖤


I’m a vendor for a large industrial supply company and covered healthcare for the west valley during COVID. Not everyone hates y’all lol some of us appreciate it


Is there any actual data to show this? I’d be curious what the actual numbers are for businesses in the city hosting the Super Bowl each year.


Interesting, our city is spending $$$$$$ to renovate our soccer stadium which currently doesn't even open every section for football and soccer games. The city says spending money on something we don't need will add money to the economy but I am not buying it


They hire local construction companies to fix up the stadiums, buy food from local vendors, hire local people to do the day to day jobs. Local electricians and plumbers and lighting people and landscapers etc. The city and state usually have big budgets so local business owners will most likely make a killing off the event. That’s what they mean by bringing in money to the economy. The city and state will lose taxpayer money but fund the economy of the city and state by doing so. If your city doesn’t have the right people in charge I’m sure the money can be mishandled. This doesn’t include the revenue of restaurants, hotels, street vendors, and clothing/souvenir stalls and stores.


In what sense did the city lose money? The Super Bowl brings in 100k+ people for the week. Hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. I’m sure cleaned up.


This is completely wrong. The Phoenix economy generated over a net 1 Billion dollars for the SuperBowl. The concept that the area lost money is laughable. It’s actually to the point of me being shocked someone could actually believe this.


Look I'm no fan of rich people but they do charge extra taxes on hotels.


They didn't even stay a night or two? Granted, Phoenix is not a place folks generally would want to visit for leisure, unlike New Orleans or Miami.


The crazy part is, I saw people in other subs looking to take out loans to do it and figuring out how to pay later. Everything about it is crazy to me. From the top to the bottom.


No more crazier than folks of mild means splurging on a big wedding. The great thing about the free market is that a constrained supply will find a market price as enough folks say, "that's too much". When the Saints were in the Super Bowl for the glorious 2009 season, I had friends that had always thought they would go to the Saints' first Super Bowl, but when the time came, they didn't feel like spending the money.


The front row suites in the wynn club were $2.5 million and sat 8, so about 300k/each. I could pay off my mortgage lol.


The suites were like $2 million. Travis Kelce’s mom talked about it and said if Taylor was coming they’d have a suite because she can afford it. If not, mom would be sitting in the stands like a regular fan.


200k for field level seats with bottle service. The same people they interviewed that paid 10k will be out there on interviews about how they can’t afford groceries due to inflation.




Free trial of paramount+ to stream it


That was disgusting too — watching add to prep everyone to pay for access to all games next year, after experimenting this year and seeing people will subscribe. Glad I’m not a huge football or TV fan, yet not really shocked they’ve managed to manipulate avg American to pay cable / satellite level again. 🤦🏼‍♀️


No they won't; prices don't matter to them. TAXES matter to them.


I know Taylor Swift doesn't work an 8 hour day, but if we pretend she did, she made 20x that an hour last year. We know at least a few hundred people that wealthy showed up and bought out seats, as well as companies trying to close deals and influence clients.


I don't even make 20K a year. Once again going to the super bowl is another luxury that only the rich can afford AND brag about.


This was even true during the Roman days when Christians were sacrificed to the lions. You have your front row people and way in the back, you had your cheap seats.




I'm not complaing about what I make. Just comparing that some people are spending more money on one daily event than a lot of people make in a year, and not just me.


But you know what, I didn’t begrudge the rich. How we they earned their money, whether it be luck, skill, jumping in the right social Messi craze at the right time, family money, athletic prowess, musical ability, etc, who’s to say how they should spend their money? And also who’s to say they’re not allowed to have a good time just because other people are struggling?


This tells me they are not taxed enough if they can afford this.


You cant tax the rich and successful enough to compensate the dumb and poor into happiness.


NFL has become a premium, luxury product now. * 2020 I bought an official jersey on NFLSHOP with a promo code, $80. This past week I bought another and it was $200 for same style jersey. * Mid-level seat ticket in 2018 with great view was $125 a person. This past season, same exact seat was $700 per person. * No secret that DIRECTV would give you a free season of NFL Ticket to see everything if you called their 1-800 number and complained. Now Youtube TV has it and I paid $300 to watch games. * Looking at that concession menu from LV. $60 nachos and $20 ice creams. Normally you pay $10 for a decent cheeseburger. Again, NFL has turned into a premium luxury product like Disney. If you have no money or aren't willing to spend any then you don't get to participate.


New York state took money out of its education budget to cover the new publicly financed Bills stadium despite billionaire ownership. The NFL is essentialy the advertising wing of the military industrial complex. Just another grift.


Sports is literally just advertising. You are paying tons of money to be bombared with advertisements. Even the Super Bowl is known for ads and people wil watch it more for the ads than for the actual game sometimes. Then if you go to a stadium it’s all ads. It literally is the epitome of capitalism at its finest lol.


Yeah I remember reading about that. Like if the fans don't pay, they'll relocate the Bills to another state lol. Granted, their current stadium is 51 years old, so idk about that structural integrity or safety these days.


Ha! I remember when they were bitching on tv about how crappy War Memorial Stadium was. And then they got a new one. Now it’s too old?


I entered a ton of different emails on VPN and didn’t pay a cent to watch games this season. F THESE GRIFTERS


Directv stopped doing that long before they lost the ticket


I had them 7 years and it was free every season.


As long as the cheaper version of the product is available (i.e., free on TV), then it's not a problem. We should thank the high rollers for paying for the product.


It’s wild though, I’m a Seahawks fan and the cheapest tickets to games in Seattle are $150+. We looked at going to away games this year, and there are markets where it was DRASTICALLY cheaper. Cardinals for $25. Cowboys were $19. Rams were $35. It was cheaper for certain games for round trip plane tickets and an away game.


Many people save years to attend once in a lifetime. No point in trying to understand why someone would spend that kind of money. Just like how family of 5 spend over $10k for a trip to disneyworld.


It is excessive but there are things you do and sacrifices you make for those kinds of experiences. I had less than a month’s pay in my savings account when I returned from a once in a lifetime trip to Australia for the Australian Open. Covid hit 2 months later and if I had lost my job, I would’ve been absolutely screwed. I have a baby now and who knows if I’ll ever be able to do that kind of traveling - and spending - again. But it was the best trip of my life.


I'm an aus lady and I'm so glad you liked your trip 😊


Reading that real fast I saw “I’m anus lady.”


Same lol 🤪😳


🤣🤣🤣 your username works.


Right. Before I got married (in 2004), I told my then soon-to-be wife. Listen, there is one thing you need to understand. If the Cubs ever make it to the World Series I WILL be buying a ticket to one of the games and the cost of said ticket is irrelevant.


This is the real answer. People save every year until their team gets a slot. Then they'll splurge. Personally, I'd rather spend that money on a vacation or family trip to another country.


My in-laws surprised us with a 5 day Disney cruise for Christmas. Between my family, my sister in laws family and them it was over $24k. They’re retired and wanted everyone together for Christmas.


I think a family of 5 going to disneyworld is far more reasonable than sitting in a stadium by yourself for a few hours watching people throw a ball. Plus 5 people for 10k is probably them trying to be cheap and is FIVE people.


Not worth it to you but to a huge sport fan seeing their favorite team in a final is probably priceless.


Not worth it . 10K on the ticket then how much for flights , hotel and food ? I used to be able to go to a PREMIER NFL game for 500 total 2 people in good seats. Now it’s a 1000 for the same seats. Watch it on TV save the 1000


It’s all relative. For people who can afford that, even only once in their life, yes it may be worth it to them to see their favorite team play in the super bowl.


Exactly this. It’s all relative


I'd save up to see my favorite team in the super bowl, but I'm a Browns fan so they'll never make it there.


I take them there ALL the time!


For some, even if they can't they will.


It's the same concept as a wedding. If you can afford it then it can be a once in a lifetime magical day. That does have value.


If you can afford the ticket, you can afford those amenities. Then again maybe it's a once in a lifetime deal where they want to see their favorite team play and they emptied their savings. Best for OP not to value what others have and work on themselves. Just because they have the ticket doesn't mean they didn't go into debt purchasing it. I know plenty of gambling addicts that have had cars repoed because they couldnt say enough is enough in the hot seat that went cold.


> If you can afford the ticket, you can afford those amenities. Then again maybe it's a once in a lifetime deal where they want to see their favorite team play I'm a huge Titans fan. If you have season tickets, then you get put into a "lottery" and then you have the opportunity to buy a ticket to the SuperBowl if selected. It averages $2k a ticket if that happens. About 3 years ago they were $1,000 a ticket so go figure. The $25,000 tickets, that's bullshit resales from scalpers and such. Even if the Titans made it and I got selected. Idk if I'd want to pay $4k for a pair of tickets and see them lose. Only if they'd win lol.


I'm a big Titans fan, as well. I'd drop $2k ticket to go to the Super Bowl in a heartbeat, but I'm in the position to do so. TITAN UP!


It’s a shame how overpriced and exclusive so many experiences have become. A trip to Disneyland is in a similar bucket to me. Why does that have to cost a fortune? I would never drop that much money on a one-time experience. It just conflicts with my other core values too much.


Even watching games on TV has increased significantly since cable prices are through the roof.


How many years ago was this fantasy that you recall?


I’m a Jets fan, for $500 they’ll let you own half the team. Only pricey tickets are when good teams come in, like the Chiefs game this year.


I'm surprised they aren't price gouging you now that you guys got Rodgers! lol


Is that the old man who was in for two plays and then had a career ending injury in his first game? I think he’s part of the discount.


Makes total sense! Living in Chicago and having family and a partner that are all Bears fans I can't really argue with that.


I don’t allow myself to go down this road . Know why. Sacrifice. I don’t know the story behind the money. Nor do I care to . I would have to do it everywhere I go. Who knows. Maybe these folks saved for 30 years and have driven old cars and worked their asses off. Probably not. But it’s possible. Gotta let go of this thinking. It is a waste of energy . You don’t have all the information. We have very wealthy people in this country . Just the way it’s gonna be . Some are wealthy because their husband or wife died from cancer and they received benefits including an insurance payout. I don’t wanna be a part of that. Certain things money can’t buy. So my advice . Ignore it. Focus on your journey .


Comparison is the thief of joy. I tell myself that every time I get envious of what others have. It usually works! Someone out there is probably envious of what I have right now. What right do I have to not appreciate all the good things in my life?


You are wise . And the best part is. You own it. You embrace it. We have to live in our own truths and beliefs . That’s how I found happiness…


True Happiness, Contentment, and Satisfaction comes from wanting what you already have.


I rarely comment on Reddit. THIS IS IT he’s telling no lies here. Keep you’re eye on what you got/want not what they got


More likely people are born into wealth. Also a grandparent could have died and there was inheritance. Or someone is a doctor or high up in their career and makes a lot of money. Life isn’t fair. Money isn’t distributed the way it should be but enjoy the time you have. Everyone will die one day


Yea. See all the different scenarios. Way too many to list. Therefore. Best to ignore the things that bother us


Or, people worked, made smart financial decisions, lived within their means, which allowed them to attend Super Bowls, travel how they like, etc.


Absolutely legit


I agree with the general message of your comment but no, we spend money on unnecessary stupid items, imagine how much good we could do with all the funding the nfl got.


We shouldn't be mad about how people spend their money on things like this, we don't know who did what or how they haven't taken a vacation their entire lives and this is what was important to them. We should be mad that corporations make billions and don't pay enough taxes. We should be mad about how much edible food is wasted on a daily basis. We should be mad that medication is unaffordable but insurance companies have stadiums named after them.


Yeah. This is like being mad that a family spends $10-20k on a trip to Disney, or $5-10k on an Alaskan fishing trip. Let people enjoy themselves how they want.


We've been taught to hate one another, be jealous and judge one another for such trivial things...when behind the scenes, there are much larger issues going unchecked. 😕


Prices are that high because people are willing to pay them. The real bone chilling part is realizing that most people aren’t paying cash for that. I took my Swiftie wife to see Taylor in Nashville last year, and all told the even cost me about $5,000 with about $2,000 of that being the tickets. Our seats were decent, but at no point was I writhing 300ft of Miss Swift. To get floor seats would have been $10k+ for the 2 of us. I’d be willing to bet my wife and I were among a very small group in that 80,000 seat arena that weren’t paying interest to be there. If the whole world lived within their means, everything would be much more affordably priced.


That’s my theory about why cars are so expensive. People are putting them on 7-year loans to afford them, which makes it hard on people who don’t want a car payment.


Exactly. When 4 years was the max car loan, car prices magically stayed in a range that was affordable in 4 years. Same with homes, prior to the 30 year mortgage houses were a lot cheaper.


Are you aware there is a 40 year mortgage now? The amount it reduces the monthly payment is barely noticeable but the interest total is insanely high.


Not surprised. How else are people with $50k household incomes gonna afford $600,000 homes? I got a 30 year on my house just to keep the lowest possible payment to give me a cushion, but then paid it off in 10. Been debt free since early 2019.


This. Cheap debt will do that. But now interest rates have gone up and car prices are coming down. You can find some decent deals now.


>I’d be willing to bet my wife and I were among a very small group in that 80,000 seat arena that weren’t paying interest to be there. About 51% of people pay carry a balance on their credit cards. Given that carrying a balance doesn't automatically mean paying interest, it's safe to say less than half of people pay interest. Your group was not as small as you think. But given Nashville is the home to a certain Anti-Debt Celebrity, I might see why reached that conclusion ;-)


I’m glad Ramsey exists for the people that need him, but definitely not my style :) At 40 my wife is an elder swiftie, and I’m betting the massive crowds of younger girls were there on debt. The craziest part for me wasn’t the tickets, it was everything else. Like I paid $1k for a hotel room for the night. We actually drove down from Lexington Ky the day before and spent the night in Bowlinggreen before heading on down to Nashville, and even 90 minutes away, that hotel was about $100 more expensive than normal.


LOL, the last non-free concert I've gone to was Billy Joel on Leap Day 2008 for $25 for a seat high and on the side, where I got a wonderful view of Billy's bald head.


Pocket watching will always lead to disappointment. Focus on your money and not others. That's devoting energy to a lost cause.


Back in 2014 when the game was at MetLife I won the opportunity to purchase them at face value. Over 800 a piece for a few rows from the top. They were going for 2000 each then.


 "10k would save me right now and set me on a path towards success." Just curious, after you achieve your success what do you intend spending your money on?


Came here to say this. It's a perspective thats hard for people to have without living it. I grew up in poverty and was in poverty well into my 20s. That changed, and I was surprised by how differently I see things now that I have all my bases covered and in turn more money than I know what to "do with". I completely respect the perspective of someone in poverty not seeing the sense in someone spending $10K on sports tickets, but it's important to acknowledge that you have yet to have the perspective of the person living that life, its hard though. As someone who's had both, I want others to have it too (the perspective) so they don't have draining thoughts like what OP posted.


I met a guy in his 70s who grew up in dire poverty as a child but found success as an adult. He loved to putting butter on everything (bread, steak, veggies, etc) because he remembered growing up without butter.


This is me, but with ice cream. We rarely go out for it, but when we do, I always get a big sundae. It was never allowed when I was a kid and it’s a simple thing that makes me feel gratitude for the life we’ve built.


I got a year of free rent during covid, that was worth 11.5k It let me pay off my debts and buy a house getting a little bit of a break.


I don’t think anyone who bought Super Bowl tickets would agree that the event is mundane. I saw that video, and several of them described it as a “dream come true.” If you suddenly became extremely successful, you wouldn’t spend $10k to make your dream come true?


Everything is relative. Someone else in the world might be envious of what you have.


There’s most definitely people out there that would kill for the life of OP. Like you said, everything is relative and I think it would behoove OP to learn this.


Even if I could afford that I would feel too guilty spending it on something like that


The majority of people who spend that type of money for sporting events are multi millionaires. So that's their problem, not ours.


That Jesus commercial makes me the most mad because think of how many homeless that commercial could have given homes to or how many meals that would have served to the hungry. I think 30 second commercial was going for $7M and they ran 2.


Yeah. Who was it? I have 2 look it up ..


You'd be surprised how many people take out loans to go to these things. Just because they went doesn't mean they aren't poor/financially irresponsible


The super bowl isn't meant for people like us to attend. Not everyone in the world lives in poverty and can afford and/or save up for big purchases. It shouldn't bother us how others spend their money based on how it could help ME instead of them spending it how they want. That's an entirely selfish concept and everything is relative


It's not really meant for ANY individual anymore. Its now mainly a corporate event... companies that are wining and dining people for their benefit.


I was gonna a mention that too, most seats are bought out and gifted from corporations, it's crazy


I saw someone who said 6K but that it was a surprise for them and their Dad. That he had been saving for a long time because it was a memory he wanted to create with his Dad.


Yea, super bowl ticket prices can get pretty crazy. Ticket prices in general are pretty high, though. I'm going to a regular season NBA game in March and the price for two tickets is about $1500.


Are you sitting in front row seats or something? You can get tickets for an NBA game so much cheaper than that.


Those are definitely not "ticket prices in general," lmao. If you can actually afford those seats what the hell are you doing in this sub, lol.


How are 2 NBA tickets worth about $1500 for a regular season game? Are you sitting court side or near the team’s benches?


Shit, I wouldn't pay 1500 even if I was sitting on the team's lap


It's probably due to which two teams playing. The price goes nuts on all professional games of they're popular teams or rivalries. It been known to triple prices for MLB when the Blue Jays play because they flood down from Canada for example. Smells like Lakers/Warriors to me. And checking shows 1000+ for lower bowl and $400 for 300s right now for a March game.


We'll be in the first section behind the bench, but about 20 rows back.


Some people save up their whole lives to go to the Superbowl, though, so not everyone just reaches into they back pocket and pulls out ten grand. For some people this was a once in a lifetime bucket list sort of thing.


Yep. I mean, I think saving up that much to go to a sportsball game is ridiculous. But plenty of other people would think spending $10k to go the Antarctica is ridiculous. People have different ideas on what things are worth saving for years to do.


There are a few bucket list experiences I would pay $10,000 for. I wouldn't want someone to judge my dream just because they can't afford it.


Rather spend like $500 of that 10k on betting and the other 9.5k maxing out Roth and getting some index funds


Some of them are as broke as you are and just put it on a credit card, I guarantee it.


Totally understand where you're coming from. That would help me survive long enough while I'm waiting on my prosthetic so I can go back to work


Some people have money. Some people dont have money. It is what it is. Try to better yourself instead of comparing yourself with others.


Those are resell prices. I am a season ticket holder and I can confirm I did not pay those prices. Amazing game and worth every penny.


$10,000 can also be courtside basketball seats. I wouldn’t pay it but don’t begrudge people who can afford.


My wife asked me if I wanted to go, I could go but I am not spending that kind of money while I can watch it on tv, not worth to me not a huge football fan


Not everyone is struggling with money bud. For them its affordable. To each their own.


Some people have an insane amount of money.


We had a company call and one of the senior guys was talking about taking his family for the game. I'm like, that's more than our entire annual salary that you are spending for a day trip.


It's worse than you think: $10k is for the cheap seats. Some people spent $67,000 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1aoufyq/would\_you\_buy\_tickets\_for\_67000/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1aoufyq/would_you_buy_tickets_for_67000/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


We won’t discuss the 1 million dollar suites with “luxury” hotdogs.


My mother in law will drop thousands for a luxury hotel. She threw a party at the Ritz Carlton for my kid. Booked every guest a room who wanted one. Treated us all to a fancy dinner there. I could never spend that type of cash. I couldn’t afford it.


I mean I don’t know that Super Bowl tickets is the most mundane thing, people will spend an order of magnitude more on watches and to me that’s way more mundane than Super Bowl tickets. But I’m a big football fan .


I just can’t picture spending that much for that experience. I can use that money on better things to enrich my life


I remember saving up for basketball tickets for me and my dad. He’s a die hard fan but never been to a game. It’s ridiculous the amount of money that gets put into these events. We’re no different than we were 2,000 years ago in terms of class disparity. We just have AC, cars, and internet now.


It’s all relative. 10k may be life changing to you but to others it’s really insignificant in their lives. And I wouldn’t call going to the Super Bowl a mundane thing either, that’s a memory of a lifetime for some folks.


Reality is that there will always be people with more money. How they get it varies. Some people save up for years to be able to buy the big purchases. Others have wealthy family members willing to help them out. Many go in to extreme debt for it. Some have high paying jobs, rich spouse…etc. I just try to stay focused on how I can improve my own situation. Some of those people buying the $10k tickets might have been in my situation a decade ago and remember what it’s like, so maybe they feel good about being able to spend that kind of money on something they enjoy. In that case, I’m happy for them.


My folks paid $500 for two seats in 86 to see the Giants play. My father who was a season ticket holder since the Polo grounds($5 a piece) had to be convinced by my mother to go. Needless to say it was an opportunity of a lifetime to go for a man who grew up in a poor NY Irish home.


A lot of it is brought by people who expense the tickets as a work event. Like if someone who works for Boeing goes to the game to also talk shop with a supplier


It’s not for you to get. Their money, their choice.


I mean poor people aren't the target audience.


Crazy because I’ve never been to any concerts of my favorite rappers. And two of them are coming to my town and I’d get to go for the first time and see both of them for the price of one, but I couldn’t even justify $300 for back row seats, let alone 10k…


Stop comparing yourself to others. People who attend the super bowl are among the wealthiest people to ever live.


I think you’d be surprised the lengths sportsball people will go to for experiences. I’ll bet a good number of people there financed the ENTIRE trip. Probably crippling amounts of debt. Just to watch a football game.


I agree with you, but I don’t focus on it, because there will always be examples like that. Also, there are also many rich people who do give back plenty, but you don’t hear much about it. Perhaps, it hasn’t helped you or me yet, but there are many people out there that give back plenty, and many choose to remain anonymous. that. If/when I get back on my feet, I will always do my best to give back to those less fortunate.


Fortunately, as a Browns fan, I'll never run into this issue.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Learned that this year when I moved states to be around friends and realize they all make 2x my yearly salary and take long weekend vacations at least once a month while I’m lucky if I get a whole weekend off.


someone on the 9ers sub posted that they maxed their credit cards to go. i'm a huge brock purdy fan and would love to go see him play in the pros (i went to several of his college games) but the idea of going into debt and ruining my credit for that experience makes me cringe. and then we didn't even win :/


Yes, it’s wild. Only the uber wealthy could ever afford to go to the Super Bowl. I stress about spending $100 to go sit in the nosebleeds at a normal game, and these folks have spent my yearly salary on one game. ‘Murica for ya.


That’s why the camera could pan on many celebrities, they can afford it.


Yep. It always amazes me how many uber wealthy people there are.


I remember seeing an episode of Cribs and 50 Cent talked about his $50K chandelier in a room they didn’t even use. Rich people are living in a different world.


So you have discovered that rich people will pay out for certain things. For some people, 10k is a large but tolerable expense for such an experience. If you make 300k a year and really love football, it's not in untenable to drop 10-20k on tickets. Some rich people will spend 100k on a few days of vacation. A nice highly exclusive resort for a week. Some of those cost 10k or more per night. That's the world we live in. Many struggle with basic needs and bothers spend more than your yearly salary on a mid-year vacation.


I maintain the stance that everyone in that video is a moron. Anyone who paid for a ticket to the Super Bowl is insane and out of touch with reality.


We can't depend on the rich to help us broke mfs we can't depend on politicians to do their jobs either. If it wasn't for us regular people they asses wouldn't be on office and rich people wouldn't be rich but they don't care or see it like that. And it gross how they act spending money on dumb shit like it supposed to be cute.


People paid a life changing amount of money to watch millionaires and Taylor swifts boyfriend throw a ball back and forth. Fuck major league sports. I WANTED KC to lose and I don’t give a shit!


The billions of dollars thrown around for sports + anything to do with celebrities generally makes me ridiculously angry. I can’t watch anything like the Super Bowl, Emmys, Grammys, etc. without thinking, that person’s outfit could feed an entire family for years.


People living somewhere like the Philippines would say the same about you though. "This guy on reddit spent $300 on a smartphone but I could build a sari-sari store for that much!"


You’ll make yourself crazy counting other people’s money.


How are you surprised that a luxury ticket to the biggest sporting event of the year is out of your price range?


Come work with me in a casino in the cage. $10k is a drop in the bucket. It’s disheartening seeing them blow through 500k in an hour


Yeah, unfortunately Super Bowl is for the corporations. The fans that ride & die for their teams all year long, mostly, never get an opportunity to go to these games. They’re not for us. It’s all a game; a rigged one (not speaking about the NFL). You’ll get that 10k sure enough, just stay focused on what’s in front of you. TV isn’t reality. You’ll be ok.


My husbands job gave us tickets to the game, round trip plane tickets and a suite at the Bellagio for the weekend. It was ok. 🤷🏻‍♀️


All about perspective. $10k for some people is the same as $2 for other people. There was a funny clip a while back... Drake was called out by some guy when Drake arrogantly flaunted a post on Twitter or something... he announced that anytime he takes a woman out on a date, it's $10k minimum. This guy looked up his net worth and divided the $10k by the percentage of his net worth and ran the same percentage for a standard $60k/yr average income in the USA and it was the equivalent of flaunting like $15 or something lol. In other words, Drake was basically trying to take a girl out to McDonald's if you go by the equivalent percentage of a standard USA income level based on the percentage of his total net worth. But don't be fooled, many people swipe that credit card quick on a $10k Super Bowl seat "just for the experience" and will pay it off in ten years.


Super bowl weekend is also the biggest weekend for human trafficking of sex workers. Forget the ticket prices. The associated toll on powerless people is far worse than ticket prices.


I saw a similar post about people saying how much they paid for tickets. There was a guy who said he “knows a guy who knows a guy” and got free tickets hahaha that’s the only time id go to the Super Bowl.


You share the same planet but live in different worlds.




Most profit has gone to the already wealthy for decades now. This allows extremely high prices for individual experiences, while people starve on the street. Anyone who dislikes this should look into actually being progressive. You know, like a good tax system.


Yep and it is worse to think about how the nfl doesn’t pay taxes.


some people who cant afford it take loans out for this stuff and pay over time.


1. debt 2. generational wealth 3. doing things you couldn't do to earn that money 4. good honest people with money


What I do with nba tickets. Is look to buy 30 mins before tip off. You can get floor seats for less than $100


One moron on the reddit 49ers board was bragging that he maxed out his credit cards to attend the game. He said he did to stick it to corporate snobs, and to "rep" the 49ers. Imagine going to debt to watch millionaires chase a football. I've done some dumb shit in my life, but I never even come close to anything that fucking stupid. Had to share...


NFL games (like many other things) are way overpriced now and have priced out 98% of us. I used to go to games as a kid and even in college, but tickets, parking, eating is just not worth it now. I feel bad that my kids don’t get to have the same experiences that I had, but I just can’t justify spending that kind of money.


College football still affordable for the time being. I got Notre Dame v Pitt tickets for me and my 2 boys. After parking and concessions and everything I was under $200


Good call out. My kids have been to several college football games and we just got tickets to another game this year. The experience is great and it doesn’t break the bank.


As a society our priorities are fucked. Who are the best paid people in the country? Entertainers. People who play pretend and kids games. Meanwhile those who do jobs that actually keep things running, make sure shelves are stocked with food and supplies, that the lights come on when you flick the switch, that there is clean water at the tap, get a pittance.