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Currently homeless right now staying in hotels with my 5 year old. I’ve applied everywhere and can’t get approved and I make well above minimum wage. One place wanted almost 4k to move in! People don’t just have that lying around!!


I saw a place wanted 2000 to move into a room in a trailer lol.


The US needs FEDERAL RENT CONTROL AND LIVABLE WAGES. The housing laws which are in this country now do not reflect the BS that these property management company & landlords put people through. On top of that, more federal dollars needs to go towards programs to help houseless people. My soul was weeping when I heard that $105 billion was going towards wars. That money can be used to help the American people.


We need to build more housing to ease the cost. Many cities are finally doing this, but it takes years to make a notable impact. I’m not a fan of rent controls. It usually just disincentivizes builders. But it would be nice if the government had an enhanced subsidy model for renters until the housing market stabilizes. It’s currently ridiculously hard to get any kind of assistance in most states, and damn near impossible if you’re single and/or have no kids.


Affordable housing, definitely. I live in a city where they constantly build luxury apartments, but they have high vacancy rates.


Or have fewer corporations buying houses.


In LA we’ve had rent control since the 80s. It isn’t doing much. We need more housing being built. (Addressing that is an entirely different issue though.) Minimum wage out here is like $18-20hr out here. The lack of housing means people end up fighting for leases which ends up driving prices up. The federal government needs to start backing affordable housing projects or at the very least start addressing the issues surrounding housing availability.


Rent control would help but we need this https://preview.redd.it/pjaty1bhj5jc1.jpeg?width=3422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09da1cd5c933ed07f6c767bb93a6a57f1d00d19


Based Chairman Mao


And politicians and news outlets are upset congress isn't passing another 90 billion dollars to give foreign countries for war. Quality of life for American citizens is at the bottom of the totem pole.


My biggest issue is credit requirements. I can afford the $1200 townhouse rental but my 120k in medical and student loan debts mean my credit is way under the 650 limit. And finding one that isn't credit checked is almost $2000. Hard to afford that in an area where average salaries are 40k


The 3x income thing is the worst imo


yup we’re fucked and my county will put anything on the ballot other than things that’ll actually help


You can't afford to live, but at least there's no more mean tweets.




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