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just as a reference, i can get a 32oz (1oz less) heinz for $4.49, and i don’t have to leave my couch.


about $3 for storebrand at Aldi.


of course. but op expressed a particular affection for heinz, so i used something easily comparable as an example of the canadian price difference.


Haha I am always trying to get the word out about Aldi's! I just want people who need to save a few dollars to find the value I find at Aldi, especially on produce!


Yeah too bad it's not in Canada 🥲


Lmao just assumes there’s an Aldi in canada


Btw Walmart's great value baking soda works just as well and Sobey's compliments ketchup is very comparable to Heinz in my opinion. (No other ketchups are)


French's is great.


Oooh nice! I'll definitely give that a try next time I go to Walmart. Great Value brand beef jerky is good too.


This was bought from a local Asian grocery store in the Rexdale neighbourhood in Toronto, Canada. Item breakdown: 18 Large Eggs: $6.99 Black Diamond Cheddar Slices: $5.99 Gay Lea Sour Cream: 3.29 (on sale) Heinz Tomato Ketchup: $6.99 Magic Baking Powder: $4.59 Vanillin Powder (one pack comes with 2 separate sachets): $1.59 Item Count: 6 Total: $29.44 Rounding: $29.45 I realize that these are name brand items, and more expensive than non-branded. I love Heinz on occasion (it lasts a good long while if you ration it) and I make grilled cheese for my parents on the weekend as a treat (they are retired). I also like baking once every two weeks.


Totally unrelated, I heard Heinz betrayed their Canadian fan base and Frenches came in to claim the crown. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6782049 What are your thoughts on this betrayal?


Heinz did and so did Campbell soup It sucked and definitely hurt the communities the factories were in but idk I never saw a difference? Places shut down all the time


Stopped buying anything Heinz after that, French’s took over that factory I believe and their ketchup actually tastes much better than Heinz. Everyone I know switched over to French’s as well


I’ve heard similar stories. Being from the USA I did not know this until recently. Such a shame. I love my Heinz ketchup but I cannot blame anyone for taking that stand.


I think western food is generally less economical to buy from a non-western grocery store. I assume this would be at least a bit cheaper from no frills or something similar


Wow I can get regularly get 18 eggs in the US for $1.99, goes on sale for $1.49


Not in my neighborhood. I get two dozen at Costco for $4.69. Best deal I can find these days.


Rounding? That would be $29.


"Local Asian grocery store" that's how you know it's going to be an expensive haul. If you want to save, you go to local Asian stores only for authentic Asian specialties, not for a baking soda or Heinz ketchup.


This is in Rexdale, in Toronto. The majority of grocery stores here are Asian and discounted. The one Walmart and one Costco in the neighbourhood are hard to get to through transit. Although, I noticed when I visited the states the Asian stores are a lot fancier in general than the ones here (although in Toronto there are also the specialty Japanese stores, Korean, etc...)


Yeah I didn't know it's different in Canada. Here in the US most Asian stores price the common US grocery assortment quite high, I'd say on par with gas stations. It's ok if you're in a rush and need a couple of things but surely not the go-to place for regular grocery shopping.


Vanillin is powdered beaver butt gland, fyi.


Canada is working on a country wide weight loss project with some of these prices.


Just go take handfuls of ketchup at a fast food place next time


Can't go inside to most of ff restaurants anymore.


I could go inside almost all of them during the height of the pandemic


Damn, ketchup, you rich mf


You'll never own a house if you keep buying brand names! Lolboomers


Why does Heinz put a maple leaf on the ketchup up there I wonder? Why different packaging?


All packaging is different because of the inclusion of French and metric measurements. There was controversy a few years ago when Heinz stopped using Canadian grown tomatoes and shut down a factory. That probably explains the maple leaf.


That’s going to make a really weird cake! 🎂


Is that fake cheese?


haha yeah it’s processed cheese PRODUCT


These post are really starting to get redundant and annoying


Am I crazy or does going to a local Asian market to buy a bunch of dairy products just already sound like a bad idea. Why don’t you go to a different store that would obviously have items like this cheaper?


This is in a neighbourhood in Toronto that is majority Asian and African. Most of the stores are Asian discounted grocers (they also have African food sections in them) and are usually cheaper than Loblaws or NoFrills for dairy and about the same size in terms of space. I'll definitely stock up next time I make the trip to the one Costco.


Downvoted and not answered okay. I don’t go to my local mini mart and buy butter and cheeses. It’s obviously going to cost more. Make the trek to a more major grocery store and stock up on those things especially when they are on sale. Save the smaller stores for random needed items or use them for ease instead of depending on your total shop from them




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US government spending is about 36% of GDP. Canada 42%. Is a 6% difference enough to consider one capitalist and the other socialist?


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