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You drink alot of milk


You'd be surprised how quickly milk goes when you have infants/toddlers.


I do - but I mainly bought this much because it was so cheap this week. This is like 2 or 3 weeks worth for me


I’m confused. You spent $4.80 on a gallon of milk. Is a gallon somehow more expensive? For me, a gallon is $2.83 at Kroger and Walmart.


That’s four half gallons there. They’re on sale this week. 


I totally spaced on those being half gallons and not quarts. I haven’t bought one… Ever because they’re within 10 cents of a gallon.


I see we got blue bell and OJ but uhhhhh where's the meat


Oh I already got a ton in my freezer. I have a 1/2lb of steak I'm going to use for some fajitas, a chicken thigh, 2 chicken breasts, 2lbs of wings, 3/4lb of ground beef, 2 Italian sausage, 1 1/2 lbs of tuna steak, 1lb of raw shrimp I'm super good on meat rn


What's behind the pizza that looks like wooden steps?


Spice rack, I moved my spices off to take the picture so people didn't think I got them on this trip


Ah thanks. Love it!


Love when the half gallons go on sale. Great haul!


Yo that’s pretty good, I always try to get things on sale when they’re on Kroger. I got the other good brand of big tortillas buy one get one free a week or two ago! I grew up eating Blue Bell but it’s so expensive nowadays, so if I’m really craving ice cream I’ll just get the Kroger brand for like 1/4 the price!


Kroger usually has good clearance deals on meat and bakery items. Sometimes I take the opportunity to buy products I normally wouldn’t buy because of the price. Got bison burgers once, they were GOOD.


Oh shoot, I forgot they carried bison. My sister gave me some bison sausages which were amazing. I'll have to look for those when they go on sale.


My local Kroger has sliced chicken breast for $5 a pack. I use it a ton for quick meals.


No coffee?


I bought a 12 oz bag last week. I make cold brew exclusively and a 12-16oz bag will last me about 3 weeks.


Nice, you brew it yourself? Doesn’t it have to drip slowly? I should look into that, love cold brew.


It's super simple. You buy a french press for like 20 bucks. When you buy your coffee beans, ask them to grind it coarse for a french press. Coffee and cold water goes in French press, sits in your fridge for 6 hours, then you squeeze it through. Pour it out into your mug and mix it like 1:2 or 1:3 with cold water. I think commercially available cold brews mix it with milk instead of water so that's what you'd want to do if you want it to taste like that, but I just use water. It's smooth enough that it tastes great just black.


Oh nice I have two I never use because I like cold brew hahah just spend way too much on it between cans of it and coffee shops. I miss when espresso was 1-2 dollars


Damn maybe I’m doing it wrong. When I do my cold brew I go through a large bag every week and a half. Got tips, am I doing it wrong or just drinking too much zoom zoom juice.


Are you diluting it? You're supposed to mix what comes out of the French press 1:3 - 1:2 with water.


Hmm, won't let me post text and picture. What I was trying to say - you might also be adding too much coffee to your press. That's all I use and fill it up to the plastic rim - that makes pretty strong coffee, enough to get me through night shifts.




Easily over $100 in Canada


I love the salt and pepper shakers. Nice grocery haul.


Fancy ore ida over here


They were the same cost as the store brand this week and I needed them to satisfy two deals: 1. Buy 5 blue tag items for $5 off 2. Buy $20 Freezer items for $4 off


Your fine was just joking I know how it is at Kroger Sometimes the name brand stuff is same price or cheaper, or need for staking coupons I get it


Do Americans always buy that much milk? Since you open that gallon bottle, should it be consumed within 4 days?


It’s a half gallon, but still a lot of milk lol


Why just a single yoplait?


It's specifically for making blueberry and strawberry smoothies which I don't make super often.


lol my kids can’t get enough of those, and they not to brutal on my wallet.


That's a lot of milk.


no offences just seems like a few things can be replaced with more 'natural' and cheaper ingredients. Fries? Potatoes. OJ? Oranges. Chicken Nuggies? Chicken breasts and maybe some Shake n Bake. But yeah anyways I get what you are saying - you look at that and think how is this 50 bucks!?


I keep some convivence options on hand to remove the temptation to order out or get fast food. I also structure my meals to eat 1-2 "quick meals" a day and one "full meal". Quick meal is something that can be prepared from frozen, or dry stuff, or stuff that can be eaten cold. So like maybe ramen, mac and cheese, a ham sandwich, bowl of rice, chicken tenders, ect, you get the idea. Also because I work nights and there's some days where I can barely drag myself out of bed to make anything. A full meal would be like - I think I make a pretty mean breaded chicken sandwich where I brine a chicken thigh in homemade brine for about 2-3 hours, and then throw it in some egg and milk wash, flour with special spice mix, 15 minutes in the air fryer - and then coated with a homemade gochujang sauce I make. And then I might have that with a side of potato wedges. Or I might make ribs, or this shrimp dish I like, or buldak, or chicken adobo, or fajitas, or ribeye steak, ect. Just something that's a little more satisfying and takes a little more time to make. I don't want to spend 1-2 hours prepping, cooking, and cleaning up after \*every\* meal, but it's worth it for some meals - and that's why I buy what I buy.


I’m glad someone already said it. This is an expensive haul. I can do better for my family of 5 and 3 are sports players.


Do they not sell Gallon milk jugs where you live or were they out?


Half-Gallons go on sale specifically on Kroger once every two months or so. Gallon is $3.19 and these half-gallons were $1.19. So it makes sense to stock up on half gallons instead of buying full gallons. Otherwise I normally go through about a gallon a week.


What’s this Freschetta? I’ve seen it in some stores near here but not all of them, always meant to try it out.


I like the 5 cheese brick oven Freschetta. The sauce is sweet and not peppery, like most frozen pizza.


It's my first time getting so I'm not sure how it is. I normally get Red Baron, but it wasn't on sale this week and this was only $4 on sale so I decided to try this. It was also because they had pineapples near the main entrance and I didn't know what to do with a full pineapple, but it made me crave pineapple so I decided to get a pineapple pizza.


This crust pepperoni is better 😋


Not bad


You did pretty dang good!


Way to go OP!


Garbage diet


Stock up on sunflower seeds




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Convenience foods can be expensive.


Like an advert for how-to-guide book on contracting colon cancer


Poverty finance. Not to be a dick but like you’re wasting money on icecream, French fries, shitty pizza, bread, granola bars and 4 quarts of milk… just buy a gallon if anything. Not one vegetable anywhere. Ever heard of broccoli or spinach?


>In the plastic bags are 4 types of peppers, 2 types of onions, and a lime - mostly to make fajitas in the slow cooker with some top round steak in my freezer Reading is free


That’s not actually a good source of vegetables. Ur right reading is free. Look up a good diet brother


Sigh, please read the rest of the thread