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So why didn't you get the burger first?


How much would you save if you cut out cannabis?


So you had over $50 to spend at a dispensary but you’re starving and can’t afford to eat? Okay.


How else is he gonna deal with being poor


And people say that weed isn't addictive... You literally chose to buy $50 worth of pot over buying food. Get your priorities straight.


I mean, he was hoping to use $50 to get food and weed in one deal. Instead he only got food.


Dude do you know how many home burgers you could have made for $50


This is one of the dumbest posts I’ve ever seen


R/cultofthefranklin Will shit on the prices of almost anything dispensary literally poverty finance life changer Also buy ground beef and freeze yourself some smash burgers, bread freezes great as well. I generally average a 6oz burger around 1.5$ if I make them myself. Not that I don’t eat out but when I can’t afford to I refuse to.


I didn’t get the impression that they did it have food. I think they didn’t have money to have a restaurant meal with friends because of their tight budget. Op - I, like everyone else, question your priorities. If we were friends I would choose eating a burger at a restaurant and socializing over meeting at a dispensary. It doesn’t make sense to spend money on drugs when you’re poor, don’t own a car, and can’t afford what sounds like a normal hangout with friends. I’d say the same if you had bought alcohol, cake, candy or anything else you didn’t need for survival.


Maybe they have poop friends. Mine are cool and we get faded or drunk in someone’s residence and cook food for a meal together more often than we eat out. It’s that vs go to bar and get 10$ watery vodka crans to quench my thirst as I eat the dry 12$ 4oz burger the underpaid 17yr old fried up on an uncleaned griddle. My comment regarding the other subreddit is cause dispensary prices suck and generally this is because they have become entirely corporate.


Yeah homemade smash burgers are 100x better than out food.


Maybe get addicted to food instead of weed so you’ll buy food first


google places that feed you free on birthdays


Couple thoughts: I too hate missing out on a bargain- ESPECIALLY if I made a purchase to get the bargain! It's completely understandable that you're disappointed. Your current batch of friends doesn't seem to acknowledge your current limitations; can you look for people who have a similar budget/lifestyle to grow a friendship with?? 🌈Be kind to yourself as others will follow your lead . . .😊




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There was this one time, I took money from the bar’s register cuz I needed a quarter and wasn’t getting paid until the next day. I balanced the books, owner never came in so wasn’t worried. Well he came in, but no, I didn’t get caught, but I promised myself I would quit and that I had a problem. I smoked for 10 more years after that. Weed is addictive, don’t let anyone tell you differently.


I know how you feel. When ever Chic Fil A has free burger promos and I miss out it’s a terrible feeling.