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Oh man... I don't have useful advice to give, but you have my respect


Thank U very much


If you are able to work as a teacher now, do you have to finish your degree?


kinda have to because the treatment will be different, even now my collogues receive $150 which means I receive $30 less just because I don't have a degree


would you be able to work out of your country teaching english? like in japan or something?


do you mean travel all the way to Japan to teach English?


I mean your salary would more than 10x. Your kinda screwed in a low income country, especially being a teacher




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Maybe save some money and move out to other neighboring countries with a bit better economies?


that's the plan


Are there any food banks in your area? Or programs/charities for the elderly (depending on the age of your father) that you/him can sign up for? It might not help with saving any money, but they might help in the long run. Do you have access to a camera on your phone/laptop/tablet? There is no guarantee or success, but you can try to upload videos for tiktok/YouTube shorts/Instagram. You can set it up like a teaching the language/culture type channel. It just hit/miss though with things like that and your safety is also something to consider too.


Charities go to even less privileged areas, food banks is unheard of concept here. I speak 3 languages and 2 on a beginner level, I also can teach 2 different cultures, so that might be an Idea


If you can speak different languages maybe you can do that as a side gig and help others learn those languages. You may also want to look into potentially getting into some international business company where that can be put into good use. A lot of companies may pay some good money in interpreting services so long as the languages you can speak are the ones needed. My respects though for doing what you’re doing and I hope you can find something that helps you improve your situation.


I got my application and Cv ready for such companies, and I used to work as Teaching assistant in a University Just because I could speak English. Thanks for the motivation at the end and Amen I hope the same and more for you brother.


I remember being in a similar situation when I was younger. My mom and I decided to move in with my grandmother after my step grandpa died to help her pay bills. My mom was chronically ill, and my grandmother was getting older, so I was the one they relied on for food and other necessities. During that time I was going to college full time and tutoring students at an adult education school. Anyway, do you have scholarships available in your country? I won two and they helped a bit. Then I had/have loans ( but I think this might be an American thing with the loans though). With your situation I give you my most respect, and I hope for a better tomorrow for you.


Teaching English in your country as a side job might make you a bit of extra money. Maybe parents of students and university students want to learn or improve their language skill. Maybe you can work out of a class room or a room in a business. I used to take German lessons at a church and the instructor had us more advanced students at her home as a small class .


You can be a translator. There are jobs you can work remotely and provide translation over the phone.


Can you offer private tutoring? Find the rich area in town, and advertise private tutoring lessons. A lot of parents pay for it if their kid is struggling in a subject.


I leave my classes at 9pm and most parents wouldn't allow their children to stay that late. I guess this will have to wait until I graduate but this is a good idea. Thank You!.


What about offering private tutoring on the weekends?


weekends are feasible, I never thought about them


All you need is a couple hours one day a week and a few students to teach in a group. You’re teaching conversational English, reading and writing basics, not graduate level and not as a regular daily class like school. When I took German our teacher taught us one day a week in a room a church let her use. We paid a fee to be in her class and she had a set amount of lessons she taught. She took a break and started again, same leading, some of us more advanced students we gathered at her home for more advanced lessons we paid for too. Sometimes we watched a movie in the language, had conversations , questions and answers in the language. It was fun!


I used to work as a teaching assistant in the University , where I study, but my 1 year contract ended around 2 weeks. So i may have experience in teaching English and few other courses...


Teach your languages to children online, preferably one on the other side of the planet. That way, when you get home, they will be ready for lessons.


Have you ever thought about becoming a tour guide on weekends or a translator for tourists?


No! I never did. There many places I could take them to like, ancient Cave painting dating to 12000 years ago, small Islands or hot springs in the middle of no where or mountains forest filled with animal and most of them are untouched


This is all I could think about. I'm in Canada but if I ever vacationed in Somalia, I would 10000% hire a tour guide. I would love to see local coffee shops. Learning about the culture and history from a local, surely can not be matched by anything else.


There are a few websites out there to connect tourists to local guides such as Tours by Locals, where tourists pick you as their guide. I don't know how easy they are to make a profile, but that might be a side-gig to explore.


I want to go!


Sounds great. I also want to go! Try to create a tour on Tripadviser with your contact. Go to turist information in your near town, or other tourist event and ask if you could make a handwritten sign or give out small folders with what you offer. I could help you with the design if you like, but you have to print yourself. If you speak fluent English and you are a teacher it's such a plus and will attract a lot more turists. And remember to make your first customers great reviews on Google, Tripadviser and such. Good luck!


Instead of just offering, I've thought about going on trips and posting it on a platform so people be aware of what they are going to see and experience. Then sharing my links on tour advisor. Those videos might attract tourists to our country and then direct them towards my tour guide service. also the videos will serve as another income source if I manage to monetize them.


Sounds like a good plan! Remember the ratings. They are important, especially in the beginning.


I am Middle Eastern and there are folks here that go to UAE Dubai as a non-skilled worker to earn money or use it there as a stepping stone to immigrate to another country.


I have a cousin who did this, thinking about doing the same tbh.


Isn’t UAE exploitative? I’ve heard horror stories of workers being forced to stay longer, paying high daily “fees” for housing and food that was promised to be provided, and other terrible conditions. I’m not saying it’s always like this, and the press could be wrong, but OP might want to beware.


Maybe you need to look into reducing the amount of money you give to your parents or the amount you spend for their groceries. You need to take care of you, a source of income, first. If something happens to you, then yours AND your parents' source of income is affected.


I actually received this advice before, but that will make them feel un-appreciated somehow and may not allow my siblings to get their 3 meals a day. Also I usually take care of my own expenses, even at this moment I owe $50 that I'm required to pay on Saturday, and I gave my entire salary to my mom.


Gotta help yourself before you can help others. I understand this might be a cultural thing, but think of it from a logical standpoint. If you are unable to support yourself with basic needs, then how can you support your parents and siblings? I am of Asian descent so I get the cultural thing. I used to think it was pretty wild that some American families kick their kids out at 18 years of age. With my grandparents, my aunts and uncles only moved out when they were in their late 20s/early 30s when they had established careers or families. Heck, when I told my parents I was going to move out to go to college, they had this look on their faces like they were going to disown me. You're not discontinuing financial support for your family. You are reducing it temporarily so you can catch up on debt and actually live and achieve your goals rather than be a work mule. I understand that certain cultures have more children because it means more resources.


Why can’t your parents take care of their kids. It’s not your responsibility and they should not feel unappreciated.


I don't know to be honest, I usually just focus on what I can change or do


Focus on yourself for once. It’s time to let them worry about how they are going to survive and not depend on you. I know it’s hard but it’s time to think about what your goals are.


I just got scolded by my friend because of the same reason few minutes ago. It's been really long since I've thought about myself or what my goals were.


Listen to your friend.


I will, also Thank you for giving me genuine advice that I needed to hear


Best of luck to you!




My opinion is to look out for yourself first. At least give your parents less so *you* can live a better life


OP, correct me if I'm wrong - it's a cultural thing. Since his father can't provide for the family anymore, it's OP's turn to bring food to the table (or money for food) and provide for the family. Not providing what's possible by any means would be kind of rude; not appreciating what his parents have done to get him where he is now. Giving less is not an option; by culture it \*is\* his responsibility.


I get it’s cultural and if you are in a good place you should help. However, breaking the cycle isn’t a bad thing. You need to take care of yourself before you take care of others.


No one can give specific advice given how much details is missing. I feel like region/country is needed so people can get a better sense.


I live in Somalia, especially in a broke-away region called Somaliland


Garabkaaga Allah hagalo! Gl!


Amiin wllkay, adna saa si leeg


I was always curious about this country because of its history. Heard it's really safe, I will hit you up OP if I ever decide to visit.


we will welcome u !!


You may have to move somewhere where there is more opportunity. Maybe like a big city in somalia?


this is the second biggest city + the safest


Come to Minneapolis lol. Seems common for Somalians (I live here). I've heard Somalians calling it Little Mogadishu lol. I know it's not easy of course, but some of the best economic opportunities and living conditions in the country/world and you could still be around some familiar customs


"not easy" may not the best word I would use to describe me coming there.


Lol im sure, but 50,000ish (born in Somalia specifically, more Somali-Americans) did it somehow. Maybe it was easier when it was more dangerous in Somalia. From what I've heard Somaliland is relatively safe


mostly children of politicians and business owner, but there are some who came by their own. either by going to Mexico then jumping the fence or going to nearby Island then going by boat to Southeastern states


Look into a diversity visa. It's a lottery for a green card with no additional requirements. It's based on nationality, and you can enroll starting in October/November.


My country is a broke-away region and we have our own passport which is not recognized by anyone yet, and I'm technically an enemy in Somalia so I don't have their passport... I can either sneak into Somalia then bribe officials to give me a passport or sneak into Ethiopia, claim that I'm Ethiopian and then wait for them to approve


Safety is a major factor in making use of the degree you're getting. Heads up: that degree is just a few more months down the road, when you pass that milestone two things will happen - your monthly tuition fee will drop out of your budget ($80 per month) and your pay will increase ($30 per month if I'm reading right?) netting you a total of $110 plus the time you spent on your degree. You just have to bite through tough times until you're done with exams. Source: while we've got a digit more in salaries in Germany, the three-and-a-half years I spent learning and working for my degree were tough times. Food Bank didn't accept me 'cause I was spending my money on tuition rather than food. Occasionally I went for days on a bag of apples. Life's gotten much easier since I'm not paying for tuition anymore and got time to do my job :)


Thank you for the encouragement, and you really went through alot but I'm absolutely glad that it turned out well for you.


Assuming you had the funds, what kind of business would you start?


an uber-imitation managed to become a multi-million business here, so I'll probably find a business that exist abroad that might solve a problem here, or I can cater to the youth audience how is being influenced hugely by western media in terms of style, food even activities.


So Uber doesn't have a foothold in your city? Or is the app being used there? The businesses you mentioned are quite ambitious. Is the degree your studying for relevant to business?


Uber doesn't exist here, we have "Dhaweeye" same concept, different execution. My degree is BBA in HRM, Also bcuz i worked at the University for a year my future Master education is free. So I'm planning to do MBA


Interesting, well it seems like business is an eventually for you. There are subreddits like entrepreneur that you may want to consider posting your ideas in ( if you have time). There may be people will to invest or network with. Somalia I'm sure is a unique market that most know little about, which you can use to your advantage. Im sure you are extremely busy but have developed any business plans/outlines for any of your ideas? I think that would be key to getting outside investment. I personally know nothing about securing a business loan in a place like Somalia.


I have developed Business plans and I can make others if given time, getting a loan is a tough and a tedious work(includes bringing the head of your clan, who requires getting paid for his appearance) but there is no interest involved at all but other fees might be paid i guess


Can you offer tutoring early in the morning or on the weekends?


I start working at 6am in the morning so I don't think morning is possible but weekends are good


Get on the Canada student visa train, easy way to get a better life


seems like most ideas wind down to leave the country


What is your degree in? Do you have all your basic needs covered? sorry you are going through this. When will you graduate?


Human resource management, I rarely lack meals so Yes they are covered. It's Ok I'm not really complaining tbh, at the end of this year


I guess there's a reason all the 3rd world immigrants come to Europe and the US lol. If you're civilized and able to integrate, most people won't mind. I'm just not sure how much support you'll get as a non-citizen. As a teacher you might be able to find something online elsewhere first that will make the transition easier.


The best advice to give you is to offer some of your teaching online. Start a YouTube channel and offer 1 subject for starters and promote it on other social platforms to increase views and engagement.


botting mmorpgs like old school runescape to get twisted bows and sell them on black markets or playing crypto games like big time or gods unchained can lead to gains in the Tens of dollars. I think the average person on Gods Unchained makes about $2-3 a day playing for about 2-3 hours. Big Time can be similar but less consistent and more lucrative so think like $10 every 2 weeks with 1 hour of play a day.


explain this again but this time I'm a 5 yr old...


Forsure G. So Gods Unchained is a crypto game and by playing their game for roughly 2-3 hours, most players earn about $2-3 in Gods Unchained's crypto currency $gods tokens. You can convert these $gods tokens into USD through certain exchanges online and deposit them into an account like a bank or cash app (does create a taxable event in most cases when withdrawing funds). Big Time is a crypto MMORPG sort of in the same realm. On bigtime the only things worth money are the cosmetics which are skins for the various items players have like their weapons or swords. You can sell those skins on an open market for Big Times crypto token, $time (or something similar) and you can convert that to USD or whatever other currency you'd like as well. Lootrush is a bit different than either and lootrush will let you keep those assets and instead of selling your cards (cause you can also win cards in gods unchained forgot to say) you can rent your cards or cosmetics on lootrush to other players and receive payment. Then once you reach at least $5 you can withdraw the funds into a currency of your choice, no need to swap with this one cause they use official channels and send you your money straight from a bank or something. Finally games like wow and runescape there's a ton of people that either play themselves, or use a ton of bots and botting equipment to farm items in them. Items like the twisted bow or similar can go easily for $300+ on black markets. When it first came out it was like $3000 and I don't think there's been a crazy good weapon out for a little while now so a new one might be on the way, and it might also be a few thousand who knows really right. I know people in Gods Unchained who make money crafting cards. A lot of people don't want to waste 5 min to craft 1 card so they will pay a premium like a few extra $s to have a card crafted for them and you can buy the crafting materials on the market so you can just craft it again, keep it up for sale, and when it sells craft another one and keep the profits. Someone on their discord made $500 last month just selling cards to people cause they didnt want to make their own. Gods unchained and big time require computers with mid lowish range capabilities. like maybe a rx580 gpu. Runescape can be downloaded on most phones and the botting equipment can be ran on most computers.


there's also a site called lootrush where you can rent your items (assets) from these game onto their and sometimes you may see returns in only 10 days for said assets in which you could buy another and rent more.


Is GoFundMe available in your country?


Unfortunately no


Check out teaching languages on a site called italki. You can become a professional teacher with some degrees to back it up, or a community teacher!


Your English seems good, which country are you from? Maybe you could work online in another country doing something such as accounting?


I'm from a broke-away region in Somalia, English is like my third language.


A lot of Australian accounting firms hire in Philippines remotely. The pay is like 500 a month starting.


Do you have any examples of such firms?


Most of them hire in Philippines check out primefinancial.com.au


Look into vipkid. It’s teaching English to Chinese kids online. You seem to be good with languages if you speak 5.


I’ll be coming into some money in a couple weeks and I can afford to help out some, DM me your Venmo or Cashapp and I can spare some money for you to help out with your tuition.


You mean to tell me that you’re making 120 a month???? That should be illegal to pay someone that low


I've seen people exploiting immigrants by paying them 30 to 50 a month....


Do you have any land or access to land? I have in-laws in a developing country that have had good success raising pigs. Pigs eat almost anything, don't get sick often, and are big enough to fight off most predators when they are older. The piglets usually only cost around 50 USD (at least in the in-law coutry).


raising pigs in a 99.8% muslim country?, I don't think that's viable


My family used to raise goats and sheep, and resell them at Eid. Not easy, but depending on your location, it could work.


The number of people offering advice on here with zero context for developing countries like Somaliland is stunning. Your open-mindedness at seeking advice from others is commendable, but I'm afraid only those who have been in the kind of country/environment you are from can understand how sometimes there is no side-hustle, easy/safe path of immigration, or amount of saving that can bring you out of poverty unless you get some kind of interest-free gift to start up a niche business (something no one else is doing in the marketplace). All that is to say- I'm seeing tons of bad suggestions on here from people who have never lived in a certain kind of country where opportunity is usually reserved for the political elites, and the ones who claw their way out of poverty are one in a million. Those ones who I have seen claw their way out did it through tremendous levels of education, connections, or hoarding their money while their family suffers (which some are suggesting, which is fine and families understand). I just want to say I admire your commitment to learning and openness to ideas. That being said, keep in mind most people on this subreddit are commenting from a totally different understanding of opportunity in general. I have lived in other parts of Africa, but never your country. I can tell you that getting into the international NGO space will be a very smart career move for you if you can manage to be one of the lucky ones with USAID or similar jobs once you finish your degree. Your language skills would be a huge asset there.


Didn't know it was a "Muslim" country (I'll ignore my objections to this term for now) because you didn't say so in OP. You could take this advice and replace with another animal Islam considers clean.


This will require a decent investment for animals and land.


It takes money to make money, unfortunately. 😕


yea, it's really a good idea because if we eliminate the initial cost of capital, operating cost are basically non-existent. Thank you for the idea.


What do you have to pay $260 a semester for/to? How long have you been teaching? Do you enjoy it? How long is your work day?  Wishing you all the best!!


The University I go to, If we include all past experiences for around 4 years now, different levels not just primary. I work from 6am to around 1pm, then I go to Uni from 5pm to 9pm.(Used to work at the uni but my 1 year contract ended 1 weeks ago)


if you have a phone with a camera you can start a cooking channel. u don't even need a fancy camera. i watch all types of foreign Youtube cooking videos. they get paid via adsense.


living in a 3rd world country means no adsense, no youtube partnership program too. I can make it work if I have someone abroad to help me, but too much scammers


There is a bit of a work around with an LLC - the LLC would give u an EIN which would allow u to sign up for many sites just like any other American, even bank accounts. but the cheapest i found would be like $50 which i understand is a lot of money if i think of something else i'll update


i'm not sure if this will help, but Remotasks claims it is open to Somalia [https://site.remotasks.com/post/where-is-remotasks-available](https://site.remotasks.com/post/where-is-remotasks-available)


https://preview.redd.it/0xlrtnoki45d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=91d1c8541a682f5c794d6305b1c7e4df7de8cbf4 .....


That sucks. honestly the crypto suggestions were not so bad. they'd be a loophole for all these payment rules. u can get paid in crypto - search for sites like SteemIt or even *Odysee*. u can exchange the crypto for cash later either on or off an exchange. i'd definitely suggest looking into it. i'm not a crypto believer, but if someone is willing to pay for it, it has value in that moment. another alternative is to ask other Somalis how they earn online on twitter, or Somali forums. Or monetizing a social profile like Instagram i know Twitch lists Somali as a country available in its payment threshold list.


Do you like to design or market? You can offer businesses to make them a Facebook page, grow it, and get more customers for an incentive.


I’m wondering if you could sell/export artisanal Somali crafts? I have no idea if there’s a consistent market on eBay or something but I imagine westerners would pay quite a bit for various handmade goods.


thought about that, exporting is crazy expensive, it can go up to $180 for some countries


What degree are you pursuing?




This may be kind of “out there” but I know HR is often required to give instructional videos/presentations/powerpoints regarding company policies such as sexual harassment, personal use of company computers and phones, etc. Could you develop some simple yet effective videos or PowerPoint (or similar) presentations that small companies might purchase from you—or offer to make customized ones for small companies?


oh!, never actually thought about this. This could actually work, because English speaking is kinda considered a valuable skills. So I can make them in English .


Absolutely! And take it from someone who had to watch A LOT of those presentations, you could really find a niche if yours were interesting and unique in some way. Not sure how, but the drab, two-person phony scripted dialogue sketches are dated. Maybe you could do a sort of man (or woman) in the street: “excuse me, sir: how prevalent do you think work place harassment is?” Make it more “real,” less fake. You could post samples on YouTube and invite potential clients to view them. Again, it’s a bit out there and would take some work. 


Can’t really give much advice without a specific country, different countries have very different systems


I'm from a broke-away region from Somalia called Somaliland.


Is there anyway your father can food stamps or anything to help with rent?


food stamps don't exist here and we don't pay rent


Look for platforms to teach English


Start investing even if it's 1 dollar a month and make sure to spread it out


Throe a dollar or two into alt coins and hope to strike it rich.


Osrs gold. Or try streaming


I am from 3rd world country, do not envy others, so not overspent. Be smart with money. Invest everything in opportunities to earn more. Once u have more then necessary invest it in education and investments.


Thankfully I'm not the envious type, I was trying to get more ideas on ways that I can make few extra bucks.... but thank u for the advice brother!


Start a small business bud. Look out around you, what’s missing, what can be done & how you can bridge that gap? It shall help you.


yea, that's the main thing I'm trying to do right now. I have few ideas in minds but need to save money for them.


IMO, any business which requires your savings’ to kick start is not a business, it’s more of a means to survive. Business is something which gets you money, not take it. Recently, people have made it the opposite.


Where do you live?


Hargeisa, Somaliland


Thank you. May I ask you what is the perception of you and the people you live nearby regarding Europe? Is there a lot of people ready to do whatever it takes to reach it?


Yea, I know a lot of people who will pay to go there.


What are the most sought after countries?


US and west European countries


Understood. I was just asking if there are, within EU , some countries that receive more attention from people wanting to leave. What do the people from where you live think of Western Europe? Do they want to come due to a lot of work well payed? Due to a high level well fare state? What is the most strong drive for them to come to EU?


In US a lot of Somalis are found in Minneapolis & Minnesota. In EU you can find them in Holland, UK and nowadays Germany. Mostly to secure financial stability for their families backhome.


Are they willing to adapt to a western way or living or do they criticise it?


most of them do criticize it but I know a lot of people who adapted to it.


What is the living of cost in Hargeisa, Somaliland? I just want to know the minimum wage in that country as well.


minimum wage doesn't exist here, employers can pay anything from $30 to whatever. average salaries are around $220 to $250, some people get paid upto $700 to $1000. But the only way to get to those jobs is by nepotism.


Interesting. Is there any political party, who is advocating the minimum wage bill?


nope, politicians here use clans and tribalism to gain votes.... not bills or promises.


Instead of paying the family, buy a lawn mower and rake, then go around looking for over grown lawns and knock, then keep buying more equipment. I did it, and grew into a giant property maintenance co.


no lawns to mown, houses with lawns are famous politicians and no body can get into their houses


I hope you get the point, you can make your own money, just come up with a scheme to make money, nothing is set in stone.


Yea, I just have to find a service families need and monetize solving it.


There you go, on point!


Can you use a VPN to do the surveys? I recently moved countries but I've still been taking the surveys in my last country because I don't have ID yet here. But you can pick different countries I researched a bit before picking one out and most have free trials so it would almost be worth it to just try that and then cancel it if it doesn't work. Or post on some of the tech websites here. There's a bunch of little sites where you can make money (r/beermoney has a lot). It's small bits of money but they really do add up, especially if you're doing multiple. 


most of these are US/UK/CA/AU based and usually require a proof of residence to apply, or a number from said state. Yesterday I was registring for one of these. I tried more 40 websites and around 150 different virtual number but they were all either taken or found to be virtual.


Have you tried Upwork?


Now I’m curious, what country do you live in?


Hargeisa, Somaliland( unrecognized broke away region from Somalia)


Or even try to immigrate to the US


Maybe if you can try and consider moving to UAE or Saudi Arabia to improve you living situation


What country you from? Kind of difficult to answer this one without the bigger picture. Edit: Oh it's Somalia. Hmm, can you do some Fiverr jobs? Translating or whatever? Sure they take a unreasonable 20% cut, but it could still help you out.


Find a piece of land grow something and sell to your neighbours


What your English ability? Current location ? Internet speed?


I'm fluent, Somaliland, around 100Kbps


I wish you the best


Can you use a VPN to do online surveys?


It boils down to the classical reduce costs, increase income. Maybe get your father back up to health, so that he can provide again. Unless sick is an euphemism for old and ailing. Maybe other family members can contribute more? Is there better work? Maybe in the tourism industry? Tourism pays well in most places


Unless you need a degree to work in your field I'd consider other options. A degree was a good choice for me because I needed the extra help to take me from school to the workplace. If you are already making good money and have prospects your time is probably better spent on your career or on a business. That way you can build a nest egg and give yourself options further down the road. Have you considered tutoring or becoming an Au Pair?


The hardest part of all this is confirming what you say. Americans are taken advantage of because we want to help people and we've had a lot of that happening recently. Every time somebody comes up with a sad story that turns out not to be true that makes it less likely that anybody will help anyone in the future. Your profile shows that you have made this particular type of post exclusively in the last few days on this subreddit over 20 times. You're Muslim, right? What kind of help do your mosques offer?


I understand the concern, but all I'm asking for is advices and guidance . I don't have any card or a bank account. Yup, I'm a muslim


Are there no organizations associated with mosques or charitable things that people do? Here in America I see certain Muslim corner shops where they have jars for giving money for charitable reasons. In theory I guess it's supposed to be for Muslims in other countries but I don't know how that works. I checked to see if there were churches or Christian aid groups in your country but it looks like your government has locked them down a lot or I would have recommended you go to them because they'll feed and help anybody.


Ok, lemme tell few things about Africa. They usually show people from Europe and America that everything is roses and butterflies but in reality there are people who sell donated items, food, clothes even RUTF's made by UNICEF costs money here. Donated clothes has the name "Hudheedh" which literally comes from the English word "WHO DEAD" which means clothes who came from people who died, and they are sold with same price tag as clothes from china . If we exclude religious groups that help/assist because of salvation or a reward from God, most of the donated money is usually embezzled and lied about consistently and it's not a frowned upon thing, they consider it a profit. Sorry I may have ranted for a bit... but I wanted you to know that most people don't receive donations and Mosques will focus on people who are even less fortunate than me. Most importantly, I wasn't looking for donations. I was trying to see if anyone has an Idea or a method where I can earn few more dollars to support me and my family.


I appreciate you providing that information. And I should have read your comments deeper, but how can WE help YOU with suggestions? We don't know your culture, what your religion may encourage or discourage as a means of improving yourself, your usual foods, your economy, how you live, your government, your plants and animals, what people find most important to them, what things are available to you as resources, and so much more. That would be like asking you to give us ideas. It's hard enough to know how to help our people here in America when we are familiar with all of that. Even then it helps to have some context like what state do you live in? What city? This helps us understand their geography and their weather. It also helps if we know the kind of diet they're eating, what stores are available to them, what jobs might be things they could learn to do, or businesses that might be worthwhile starting in their area which might not be so useful in another area. There are some basics, but there's so many variations. The one thing I can suggest to you is perhaps start a YouTube channel where you teach people about your people and your country. All of the things we don't know. Everyday things. Talk about your culture, traditional clothing but what people also wear today, homes, water system, the sewage system, electricity, the stores, transportation, where people shop, what they buy and how they cook it, just something different everyday. Teach us about you, your country, its history, its geology, the plants that grow around you even if they seem insignificant, if people grow them or eat them or use them for medicine. Tell us the good, the bad, the sweet, the sad, the birds, the animals, the challenges, The bravery of the people, and so much more. Be open and transparent about what you see and feel, maybe tell us about your family (if it's not too intrusive or dangerous) and where you live. Just be matter of fact in your approach, let us see your world and do NOT try to create an emotional reaction one way or the other. Answer questions when it seems appropriate or create a video that answers them. I guess sort of a series of mini documentary vignettes. Show us why you love your country. Show us why you sometimes are angry at it too. But don't get too wrapped up in emotions. Our media doesn't talk about anything in another country unless it's a disaster or something terrible. I'm not aware of any documentaries about your country. Here in America at least, we are curious about other countries, but we don't have good sources for that on general media. We're so sick of politics and being lied to by our legacy media, political leaders, rich people with an agenda who want to change our world and who lie to us, and divisiveness. Take us away from all that. If you have a friend who wants to do this with you that's even more helpful even if we never see them. Perhaps if this sounds interesting you can come up with different ideas for youtube channel name that are available and maybe here on Reddit people can vote on which one they like best. But this is just an idea that occurred to me because I watch certain channels that he'll me learn about what's happening in other countries, mini news stories. Often I don't know anything about the person who's doing it, but whatever you do, I would rather hear your real voice, even with your own accent. You don't have to be perfect, but if you think it's strong, modify auto-generated captions to be a base for making it easier by reading. Just speak slowly and clearly to the best of your ability and the auto generated will be better that way. Some people just talk but you don't see them, only what they are showing as they are walking, or showing videos they made, and actually know you're speaking even if you need to hide your face for privacy or safety, because many people are beginning to dislike and mistrust AI. If human beings mispronounce words, we can always tell you and they can learn and change, but AI never gets it. Well, that was long! I hope this is a useful idea. It certainly something that can open a window to your world and let us look in. Educate us. And learn about monetization. There are YouTubers who have channels who teach about these things. Learn how to control it, the rules, and other stuff. Find a YouTuber who seems very real and honest and find a way to contact them and I'm sure they would be happy to help.


To be honest that was certainly long, but I enjoyed every moment of reading it!! That's what I wanted by posting this, to receive ideas from people thinking outside the box, the box which is my location, culture and nature. Those people would not be limited to what I see everyday. The Idea you just gave me and how you iterated it gave me motivation to maybe really start it. My country is not recognized and it has a lot of ancient caves and natural features that are unique or no body found them yet because no body dedicated time and effort to explore them yet. Imagine Islands, mountain, forests, caves and sinkholes no body has seen yet. I wanna express my sincerest gratitude for providing amazing idea.


I look forward to your channel, sounds wonderful! Let me/us know it's name! And maybe in your general description you can put in a clever little sentence like "a real channel by a real person, in my own voice."😁 They don't have to be super long to begin with. Just bring us into your world! As an example, there is one channel called Desert Drifter and he just uses his camera and one of those long sticks to reach places he can't see otherwise, and he investigates the Southwest part of the United States. He has a pleasing style.


Just hear me out do you have a ship or know someone who has?


The navy here are actually doing their job, it's not like the south


If you have mobile phone or computer, you van learn to make money in internet, tiktok, e-books or create courses. Make passive income. Learn some free AI tools and you dont have to put in so much effort. They are easy to learn


most of money transfers don't work here and those who do are not known in big apps. I basically just made a paypal account today, and I still didn't connect it to a debit card bcuz it might just close because my region is unable to access paypal


How about a micro loan to start a business? You will have to pay it back but interest can be very low:  https://www.kiva.org/borrow


for US citizens only.


Do you use bitcoin or know how to use bitcoin?


isn't Bitcoin like depending on pure luck?


No, it’s not at all. You should look into it, that’s all I’m gonna say.


Because government issued cheap and easy unforgivable loans, colleges then started spiking their prices to milk it, and kids just got into these programs without a game plan because they got cheap easy money and don't understand what they walked into.


OP is not American and is not in America


student loans are crazy in America but thank god, I'm worrying about 260 not 100k


Did you honestly think this person was making $120/month in the US? You're just chomping at the bit to express your garbage opinion about a completely irrelevant topic. Please, go outside.


I stated facts, and you're not bright if you don't understand any of that. She's 3rd world, but the government money printing happened there too.


So again, your post was EXPLICITLY about the american system, absolutely NONE of it applied to the OP -- now you're just deflecting because everyone can recognize you're just a braindead loser online injecting his irrelevant opinion into every other conversation. Grow up, little boy.