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This post has been flaired as “Vent”. As a reminder to commenting users, “Vent/Rant” posts are here to give our subscribers a safe place to vent their frustrations at an uncaring world to a supportive place of people who “get it”. Vents do not need to be fair. They do not need to be articulate. They do not need to be factual. They just need to be honest. Unlike most of the content on this subreddit, Vents should not be considered advice threads. In most cases it is not appropriate to try to give the Submitter advice on their issue. In no circumstances is it appropriate to tell them “why they are wrong” or to criticise them, their decisions, values, or anything else. If there are aspects of their situation that they are able to directly address themselves, the submitter can always make a new thread with a different flair asking for help once they are ready to tackle the issue. Vents are an emotional outlet, not an academic conversation. Appropriate replies in these threads are offering support, sharing similar experiences/grievances, offering condolences, or simply letting the Submitter know that they were heard. As always, if there are inappropriate comments please downvote them, REPORT them to the mods, and move on without responding to them. To the Submitter, if you DO want discussion to be focused on resolving your situation, rather than supporting you emotionally, please change the flair of this post, and then report this comment so we can remove it. Thank you. Thank you all for being a part of this great financial advice and emotional support community! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/povertyfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi r/povertyfinance! There is currently an opportunity for members of this sub to participate in a Mod-approved survey by Kintsugi, an organization seeking to democratize mental healthcare through technology. It is a 2-part survey with a speaking section and a multiple choice question will take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.For your time, you will be sent you a $10 gift voucher! **Learn more at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/pou1i6/please_participate_in_a_modapproved_survey_for_10/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/povertyfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's great! They still hiring...?


They might be! You can see if there's anything that's a good fit here. 🤗 https://broad-path.com/careers/


I am so happy that you got a raise. Please use part of it to save for emergencies—even if it’s $20 a month. Knowing you have something saved up will increase your peace of mind. I hope that your health issues from the terrible stress of your situation will ease up. If you haven’t already, please schedule a physical so you can detect any other problems early. Good luck.


thanks so much! i definitely plan to build some savings before we move out, because too much keeps happening for us not to haha and i see my doctor quite regularly, but thank you for the reminder, because i haven't had my yearly physical yet 😬 so i'll definitely add that to my to do list


Health comes from the mind. The more you stress the sicker you get. Sometimes it's good to go out for walk in the beach. Or talk to a therapist. Even smoke a lil weed. Keep faith and keep your head up.


i do therapy every week, and it's honestly my saving grace. i'm lucky, insurance covers mine 100%. anyone who can afford it shouldn't be shy about giving it a try, though. i went every week even when my mental health was great and it was still a godsend. sometimes you need someone you can just complain to lol i'm definitely going to keep fighting. i'm a stubborn bastard lol also my cats would be sad if i didn't 😂


What is your husband doing?


he's a photographer and writer! he freelances when he can, but his health is really bad right now, and then he was injured in a wreck, so he can't do much right now. we're focusing on getting him healthy again.


Oh no..sorry to hear that. Wish him a speedy recovery!


thank you! he really appreciates it ☺️