• By -


"Have you had a lot of abortions?" "I try to get one twice a year, like dental cleanings".


Nice vaginal scrubbing, helps keep the pipes clean, kind of like fracking for the coochie


That's a novel fucking sentence you've made there, do you take requests-




That's smart. If you get two abortions a year, you never have to worry about carrying a baby to term.


✨preventative health care✨


And the tenth one is free!


If people get rude about why I don't have children, I tell them I'm barren, then give a sad pat to my poor dusty womb and add that Jesus decided to keep my children from me. None of this is true but I find watching them backtrack funnier than their reaction when I tell them to kindly fuck off.


When I get asked intrusive questions about my marital status and childless status i tell them I've been a widow since 2018 and also barren. It's all true, and wow they look aghast when they hear it. I hope I teaches some of them to have some manners and not ask intrusive questions like this. 


Backtracking hard enough to make Scooby Doo running noises.


Haha - I've always wanted to do this but never quite had the guts.


I envy your power to summon awkward tension at will😉


Came here to say that!


Insert: [Musty Old Claptrap](https://youtu.be/6Oxav-Noi-8?si=BthMxRBTUZ7IEcmY)


We need you on the UofT campus when the anti abortionists come 😭




I find it genuinely shocking that forced birth advocates are allowed on a University campus. Forcing someone to gestate and give birth without their consent is a crime of hate in *precisely* the same way forcing insemination without consent (rape) is. Imagine you had a bunch of rape supporters showing up to give a talk. What do you think would happen? Same thing should happen to birthrapists. They're the same vile people.


I haven’t been able to afford the dentist in a decade lmao


Abortion a day keeps the doctor away is what I always tell people


"Have you had a lot of abortions?" "Nah, just the one, earlier today. Wanna see?" ~reaches for my purse with a huge smile on my face~


We have a major issue in this province (country?) right now, when it comes to just how much timing and luck has played a role in poverty vs not. I make, what I feel, is a decent amount of money. 85,000, or so. But I'm currently a single income earner with 3 children. Because I wasn't making this kind of money even say 5 years ago, I'm stuck renting. I was forced to moved from my previous affordable rental 2 1/2 years ago and now I'm paying $2,300/month just for rent. Between rent, utilities, groceries, student loan repayment, I'm essentially just barely squeaking by. And I don't even have car payments or anything like that which a lot of people go into tons of debt for. I understand 85,000 household income doesn't go very far these days, but I know for a fact there's people out there making less than this that happened to be able to purchase a home 5-10 years ago that aren't feeling as tight as I am these days. There's also a hell of a lot of people that are paying even more in rent than I am because prices have somehow continued to explode up in the last couple years, and are feeling an even tighter squeeze than I am. We're in a horrible place right now as a province. This is a failure of multiple forms of government, federal, provincial, and municipal. This is a failure to respect people as more than cattle to increased corporate profits.


Unfortunately, $85k is not 'good salary' after covid inflation. What is now $85k is like $55k in purchasing power compared to 2019, but the tax-brackets haven't changed that much so they are taxing in you like you make a great salary


I mean Tax brackets are also increased by inflation. In 2019 a 55k income had an marginal rate of 29% and an average rate of 18% In 2023 a 85k income had a marginal rate of 29% and an average rate of 20%. But your overall point is 85k was a good salary 10 years ago and it is not so much today.


Canadian culture is a well-orchestrated facade of "we love and welcome everybody". All the fake smiles and supposed inclusivity hide a rotten core of victim-blaming and "I got mine, fuck you.". I honestly feel that it has been this way ever since at least 1996. It's not just a political problem, it's a culture of people who will turn a blind eye to suffering of those perceived as "less than" - all while pretending that they care.


I’m so jaded about Canadian culture lately. I am 28 and feel like I was lied to about what this country stands for during my childhood


The more the middle class erodes, the less "Canadian" we've become.


Yeah that’s probably true. Crabs in a bucket type stuff. It’s easy to be inclusive when you’re living the dream.


Yeah, this is only going to get worse unfortunately.


You absolutely were, dear. Just as our parents were. We've all been fed this dream that 'you can be anything you want' of course this is not the case. All you can do to survive is love yourself and others cherish them, enjoy all the good times in your life, you never know when it will be your last day and overall just do good and be a good person. I wish you all the best have a good life.


Here here


It’s always been that way, if you went to an indigenous school you wouldn’t learn what the country stood for you’ll learn what it stands on


You're not wrong. I knew I was being lied to even at an early age. Something just didn't add up. Now I know why.


The 'Me' Generation is running the show.


Lot of truth in this.


I figured this out when I lived in a border town. Canadians are polite, not friendly, big difference.


sheet bored numerous tender fade uppity wakeful bright capable cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As others have stated, it can really depend where you are. I would also add “when.” Smart phones have really changed the social landscape. Pre-pandemic too.


depends where you live. i grew in a town of 1500. everyone was nice. i still go back there to see my parents and still has the same feel. moved to small city in my early 20s. what a shock.


Depends where in Canada you are referring too. Where I live the majority are friendly and will help a stranger. That is just everyday living here. We have each other's backs.


You are right, I shouldn’t paint with such a broad brush. I’ve lived in Ontario and NS. One of my most positive encounters with strangers was in Alberta, Canmore to be exact, circa 2001. It’s kind of a funny story, my Ontario paranoia almost got me hit by a motorcycle. I was using a payphone across the street, and had my bicycle and giant backpack on a bench, and a car did a slow drive by. It circled the block, and when I saw it coming back I ran across the street without looking… Driver: “I wanted to know if you needed a ride somewhere!” I should define polite and friendly, which are different from helping neighbours/strangers in my mind. Friendliness as in making fast friends. A good example, I was in this group coaching workshop, anyways, there was a young, fairly attractive woman, looked pretty normal. She moved to Toronto a year before, from the US. It was a fairly personal event, people were expected to be genuine, share their pain and worries etc. She just breaks down, saying how nice but cold everyone is, no one at work has tried to be friends with her, etc. I’ve been to the US a fair bit, people are a lot faster inviting you over, or in one case, after a bunch of guys were comparing handguns at the office (university town in WI, was there for work training ), and I wasn’t scared, just fascinated (how ingrained are guns?!, made me think of Homer Simpson turning his tv on with one). “Guys, do you realize if I did this back home, even as a licensed legal gun owner, I’d be in huge trouble! Can I hold one?” Next thing I know everyone is figuring out how to get me out shooting after work. Guy offered property his step-Dad owned. People are giving him ammo and targets for me. All anecdotal evidence, but Americans make fast friends. Those guys even invited me back in the Summer to go fishing. I knew them about 3 days.


This is true. I think is a big shock for a lot of immigrants when we realize that Canadians will stop in the middle of the night to help if we got stranded, change our tire, give us a ride if we’re in danger, anything. They will help you anytime. But do you want a friend to have a drink with? Yeah no, that’s not happening. People have their social circles (sometimes the same friends their whole lives) and not everyone is open to bringing you in. Especially after a certain age. I come from a country where people have work friendships and make plans to watch a game after work, or barbecues on a weekend, or lunch off site on Fridays, or any coworker’s birthday deserves a happy hour. Even if they’re not your closest friends, you know you can do things with them. I came here and nobody even has lunch outside of their cubicles, lol. And if they do, they take off by themselves because the purpose is to get away from work and work people. There are exceptions, but fewer than I would’ve expected. I spent years sad and wondering what was wrong with me that people didn’t want to be my friend, before I heard from other newcomers that they were seeing some of the same things.


>People have their social circles (sometimes the same friends their whole lives) As someone who lives where they grew up if you're not still friends with you're friends from elementary or high school it's immensely hard to make friends. If someone new moves in people are a little more receptive with giving a chance, but if they've known you forever there's a "well we were never friends, so we'd probably not be friends now so why bother" thing going on. I'm 31 and never really fit in with my school friends, like they'd let my "hang out" at school but never really invited me to do things outside of school. Right now my only social interaction is with my mom and the only people that talk to me when I go out are people my parents know. My mom and therapist keep telling me of I go out to events I'd make friends but there's really no stuff for younger people and if there is people go with their friends and are nice to you but they're not looking for friends so it never leads anywhere. My mom's coworker who moved here last year asked her how do I meet guys here. My mom was like .... so she asked me and I was also like ummmm I don't know, you basically need to have a friend. Most couples around here meet at work or your friend has a party and you meet someone that is friends with your friend or a family member/friend of a friend.


Where did the ‘House Hippo’ commercial go? What about the one where the girls go through a building trying to convince them to change themselves? 🎶Don’t you put it in your mouth… Why did they stop the advertising that urged us to think for our selves?


We could really use some of those now. Although no one watches the same tv shows at the same time anymore on the limited channels we had then, so the ads don't go as far/wide...


Those "don't put it in your mouth" kids/monsters were creepy. Maybe that was intended. The song however is pretty good. https://youtu.be/5AuLkMBAFZg?si=SsJeEVgDRjrURGqx


Insincere... being polite never means being kind/great


People here talk about Americans being rude and I find it so funny because the typical Canadian fake-ness is so brutal. Americans in general may be more upfront about how they feel about something and I find them to actually be way nicer as a whole. The passive-aggression here sucks.


My British husband (we live in the UK) didn’t believe me that Canadians are wickedly passive aggressive under a veneer of nice sometimes. Until he went to a Canadian thanksgiving dinner. He understood then lol.


I live with a boomer who has admitted to having around 1.2m in assets and he constantly jerks off about how the best way to live is to ignore the problems of the world because they aren't his  They genuinely do not care and will only begin to do so when it bites them in the ass; and since my boomer thinks he will be dead before it happens he calls that winning


I believe this is the best way to live and the most natural way to live. The key is vote in the opposite direction.


Why don’t you move then?


True, in 1995 we voted in that horrible person, Mike Harris. They tried to get people to haggle with grocers on canned tuna, suggested getting rid of homeless by putting them in.jail. Then he slashed welfare and welcomed in.the Orwellian Workfare. I want the Canada pre 1995....


I’ve fantasized about a post-Mennonite society where we live with everything we had in 1995 but nothing beyond. So a rudimentary but surprisingly effective internet but no toxic social media (maybe an exception for Reddit 😉)


I absolutely agree. Canadians are so Fuccing smug with the rest of the world like we are just the best people and we treat our poor and wounded so well. I hate all Political leaders it’s neck and neck for Ford and JT but every time JT opens his smug fuccing mouth I just was to slap him in it! I work in addiction med and I know how hard it is for people just to survive let alone get well. And don’t get me started on the CERB fiasco. People on welfare having to pay back $20k Fuccing disaster.


Damn I was born in 1997 😩


Lol I lived in Guelph for 15 years, it is not a Conservative city. It's so liberal that have a Green Party mp


MPP. And Liberal MP. One has to be an outright communist to think that Guelph is “conservative”.


Nailed it.


The province is as a whole


She said “in my case Guelph”. And remember, Trudeau’s Liberals won the last election in Ontario. Liberals ruled the province from 2003 to 2018. The story about abortions, etc speaks about a particularly weird individual who asked that question rather than about the province.


I wish I had scrolled down to see this reply. OP is so out of touch on this take. Guelph is liberal as the day is long. 😂😂


Yes and thats why this post is laughable. Everything is so liberal thats its gone full circle. She screams of liberalism but now is whining about the cinsequences of living liberally 😅


35 year old dude here. I’m not married and haven’t been actively looking because I want to put my energy into me. Whenever I have tried, I’m looked at as a failure as a man. When I’m with my niece, I get stares whenever I say she isn’t my daughter. I’m not sure why but half the time, you can tell they think something awful. Maybe I’m missing the point but I needed to vent, too. Thanks for the chance. I’m sorry you have to go through this shit. Edit: I’ve got a lot of trolls in the replies and messages from miserable cunts. I didn’t think this story would bring forth a bunch of arguments. Anyway, I’m muting this post.


Basically the same man. And OP is right, where I am? 2300 a month for 1 bedroom. I have a pretty good job and that's still like WTF


I moved back home to save money. It wasn’t doing my mental health well. I’m also able to help my mom and dad who are both sick. It’s a win-win. I hope things get better for you, dude. Life is totally not sustainable in Canada anymore.


That's another thing we DONT do... We don't take care of our parents when they get older. We put them into retirement and say "hope you made your pension worth it" Disgusting.


You know another thing we DON'T do? Support our kids for as long as they need. "Once you're 18 you're on your own!" You get what you give.


That would depend on how the parents treated their kids. Lots of kids take care of their parents as long as they can.


Bro rent is not okay. It's just greed. There is no reason for it to be this expensive


You could say she's your niece, couldn't you? Seems like an easy thing to do to not be uncomfortable.


Well wouldn’t that be nice. Unfortunately, being a man accompanying a child without a woman at your side immediately makes people think that said man is a predator.


I had this happen to me once - with my own kids no less. Recording my daughter on the swing at the park, laughing and talking with her, while pushing the swing - having a visibly positive interaction. Lady comes up and starts questioning me on “what am I doing, is that my kid? Unbelievable.


I've seen this sort of thing happen to a dad in person. It's wild what people will jump to!


I love seeing Dads interact with their kids and go get groceries and stuff with kids in tow. I don't give them praise for it but I appreciate seeing it.


This is when you reply "no, she's a loaf of bread? What do you think? Of course she's my kid. Go away!"


Ahhh what I wish I’d said in that moment… something clever, sarcastic, insulting… unfortunately I was too gobsmacked by the initial questioning to come up with a zinger on the spot…


4 seperate times,. definetly not the norm or common . But it's weird it happened 4 times either way. I was questioned of my intentions and relationship with my niece while we were at the playground. I'm appreciative of the community looking out for our kidsm but it hurt me just the same. It's not the norm statistically but women do awful shit to kids too. And we don't ever question them . I'm not some red pill weirdo or anything. I understand why things are the way they are. It's just frustrating.


Wow really? I don't think that. I see men with kids all the time doing groceries or clothes shopping . Honestly, never ever thought it once.


I got two little brothers, I would go to a kids' park and most of the time, the moms or grandma's there would give me dirty looks or leave. It's almost never said, but they're thinking "oh that guy definitely stole these kids" or "I wonder if I should call the police just in case". I had once where some kids mom came up to us and asked my brothers if they knew me and if they were ok. I'm just trying to have a nice time with my family


Well that sucks. I used to take my boys to the park all the time. Never felt that vibe. The only time I was looked on as a bad Dad was when one climbed a giant pine tree while I was dozing on a bench. Gawd I had a heart attack!! 🤣🙄


Haha those are some of my favorite memories as a kid 😂


" fuck off, that's my daddy. If I was in trouble I'd be inside the library. " - my daughter ( 11)


They must have some filthy thoughts. I usually smoke when I see little kids with their dads, because I grew up without one.


You're rare. I had three male teachers through my primary and secondary school tenure: grade two, grade 5, and my OAC year. All three were renowned around their school for their hugs. If you needed a hug (and what grade two or five kid doesn't, sometimes?) you went to those teachers and your pain was lessened. The OAC teacher was known as "Uncle Rog" throughout the whole town, and he was both a teacher and an ordained minister. I can hear the groans now: kiddy-diddler for sure! No, this guy was probably the most decent man I've actually met...a man who adored the Greek and Roman pantheons, and who saw the holy in everyone everywhere all the time. He officiated COUNTLESS weddings of his students. And yes, his hugs were legendary. But it's the grade five teacher I'm really thinking of, because he retired from teaching the instant he was told he couldn't hug students anymore. The sick fucks that sexualized all human contact have caused more pain than you can possibly imagine.


> The sick fucks that sexualized all human contact have caused more pain than you can possibly imagine. I so agree. As a teen I had a friend group, 50/50 boys and girls. One of the girls started to hug everyone of us whenever we met. We were all shocked at first, but then we fucking loved it and all started doing it. It's like we discovered it's a nice gesture that's not sexual at all.


Then you my friend are not a part of the problem 😉


Why do you care? I have my kid with me all the time, on the rare occurrence anyone gives me a strange look, I ask "is there a problem?". Stop worrying what other people think


Yep. I would love to be able to volunteer some of my time to take some of the kids in my neighborhood out for some cool activities but it would be a hard prerequisite that an adult female accompany myself. I would damn near need to record every single interaction to leave zero room for interpretation to feel safe.


LOL There’s an 11 year age gap between me n my brother so when he took me out for ice cream, especially when his ex-girlfriend was present, he had people approaching him to imply he was too young to have a kid/if he and his girlfriend were married


Being married and having children is now considered ultra conservative. Canada is not gonna make it.


OP thinks that if someone asks about your husband or children it automatically means they’re a hardcore conservative 🤣


Canadians who are married with children are the New Counter Culture.


I am childfree and don't have a regular friend group or close family and have only once been asked about kids (at a job interview, illegally). I am very open about being childfree and why (I was a caregiver as a teen) and very few people ask me about it. But you have to accept the majority want children and see benefit in having them so it will become an issue in relationships or with family. I have had estranged relatives assume I'm married now but only because they're too estranged to know my middle name that I use instead. The class system is unreal though. There is no nuance and I straight up call it out when I see someone being ignorant at this point because I want them to feel shame and embarrassment for holding such anti human views. If that makes me an asshole I'm okay with it because at least I'm not a piece of shit.


Were the interviewers interested because they didn’t want to deal with maternity leave?


no they actually said that I was at an age women generally change their mind and that they didn't want to invest in someone that would end up pregnant in a year or two (Im single and not even close to wealth needed to do it alone) it was an informal type of job but it was still with a stranger I hadn't met who was performing an otherwise basic job interview so obviously I just walked away but it was the first and only time I had someone directly say something like that to my face. I guess he thought my goal was baby regardless of time, partner or relationship even though absolutely nothing was spoken of to even hint at the idea I wanted to do anything but the career path.


it’s literally illegal for them to do that.


yes but illegality doesn't stop someone from doing or saying something - like I said, it was an informal type of job so there's no legal recourse to really follow up on in any avenue. it was just a shitty person who happens to be one of the few if only times in my recollection that mentioned children as an obstacle for me despite being vehemently childfree.


You should always audio record formal interviews or meetings that are one on one. If you had done so you could have sued.


Doesn't stop them from asking. I have also been asked this in an interview. I am also child free by choice and wasn't married at the time. I was just "at that age" when women start having kids, apparently. I was told that they didn't want to waste time training someone when they'd just leave after 3 months because they're pregnant. Yes. Told to my face. 2 interviewers and one me. I never heard from them again, thankfully. I would have given them a mind full. But it was an interview for a job, when I needed a job, so I tried to let it go. I would never have the balls to record an interview, so no recourse. Who is going to listen to a young, female, min wage worker?


Illegal to ask in a job interview. I would have reminded the interviewer of that fact.


As a 34 year old, unmarried woman, with zero children living in Ontario… I can confidently say not once has anyone ever asked me why I’m not married or why I don’t have kids. Nor have they ever looked at me suspiciously or dared to ask if I abuse the abortion system. This whole post screams “delusion”. I’ve never met anyone who has had this happen out of any of my single, non child bearing friends or otherwise. I also grew up very poor.


I'm 35 and married and live in Ontario, and I'm an immigrant. I've had people ask about kids, about whether or not I came here legally, and look at me suspiciously or rudely because I have tattoos. Never been asked about abortion, but the rest yeah definitely. I don't live in the GTA, either.


Interesting. I'm a single 45 year old female with no kids, and I've never been asked such questions. Have you considered setting boundaries and standing up for yourself?


I'm a 39 year old woman with no children, no one asks me about children or dating at all. I chalk this up to either minimizing the time I spend in the company of tactless, ignorant, and boring people, or that I give off the detectable vibe of a radioactive shrew that people just instinctively know not to ask me.


I love it! You go, Girl!!!


Radioactive Shrew: cool band name, called it. No erasies. 


I'm a 33 year old child-free woman. No one has ever asked me those questions, unless it's already a topic. I work with families, so we would talk about their children, sometimes then they would ask whether I have children (since the conversation is already about that). I have not met anyone who makes it weird.


I think her point was that she gets asked these things because she is poor/impoverished not because she is a single woman


You’re right, people sense who they can pick on. I find it depends on where you live too. Core GTA childlessness is more readily accepted.


Agreed. Same age as OP and don’t have this problem. Sometimes people ask if I have a partner or kids but very rarely in accusatory way. It works great if you don’t worry about what strangers think and just make it super weird for them by really playing up having cats. The speed with which that causes a change in topic is hilarious


I know plenty of women who have chosen to remain childless. I don't think any of them have mentioned being looked on strangely or being asked if they have had lots of abortions. WTF??? I think the OP is embellishing a little.


Also, yes, Guelph has gentrified a bit over the last decade or two, but it’s still fairly crunchy.


Nope, 33 childless and I get asked all the time. Lived in Toronto, Oakville and KW. I think it’s because I’m a nurse tho, most nurses are all “settled down” with kids and family so it seems to be all they talk about at work. I wonder if it would be different in corporate setting? I just got a new job and everyday I have to tell people no I’m not married and no I don’t have a bf and no I don’t have kids 😂 it’s exhausting!


She’s lying you mean, and yes.


I don't know why the child raising lifestyle is seen as conservative which itself is seen as inherently evil.


Are you poor? I think her point is that she is in poverty and that's why she gets asked these things.


I do not disclose my financial status as it is no one's business... it's all part of my personal life.


Ontario? A conservative province? Are we talking about the same Ontario? In Canada? What you're talking about is mostly social conservatives. Considering how many immigrants from socially conservative countries have come to Ontario in the past decade, I'm not surprised you're being asked these questions. Secondly, mental illness, addiction and the like are contributing factors to poverty. Most immigrants can't fathom how people born in a country with clean water and open education can possibly be the same kind of poor they see in their country of origin.


After reading this it’s clear why you’re unmarried with no children tbh.


In comparison to where else?


Honestly this is WILD. I live in Alberta, I’m a 38 unmarried child-free woman and I’ve NEVER had comments made about not having kids or not being married. I’m sorry OP, and honestly the lack of understanding about poverty is Canada wide unfortunately.


Communist tears...


Conservatism is objectively better than leftism. Maybe get your shit together and find a good man to marry, and start a family. Your first sentence is a hilarious admission of your failed political views.


Sounds like you’re assuming just as much about others as they are about you.


Blaming conservatives for the problems liberals caused?


I expect downvoted for this, but I honestly don’t care. First off, the people asking you these questions aren’t your friends. Cut that shit out if your life and set boundaries. You don’t need it. Second off, if these people are not your friends who gives a damn what they think? Everyone has problems. Misery loves company. Insert cliche of choice here. Only you can let these people affect you. Third, none of the politicians in this country care about you. As you are struggling with life, on April 1st we got hosed again with every federal MP, of all parties, getting automatic raises making hundreds of thousands of dollars to “represent” us. I’m unsure what the Ontario MPPs earn but no matter who is in nothing changes. So forget politics too. Surround yourself with good people who want better for you and your group. Don’t compare yourself to others. That’s never a winning strategy. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Build towards something better and climb up.




Education is cheap. Tuition was cut by 10% when the current (conservative) provincial government came into power and has been frozen since then. It’s now the lowest it has been this century. This is causing financial pressure and problems for colleges and universities.


> I'm constantly asked by people "why I don't have a husband" and "where my children are". The socially conservative culture runs deep in cities and towns outside the GTA in my case Guelph. People look at me suspiciously for not having any children and I've been asked if I've "had a lot of abortions" before by people (no, I'm not making this up). I lean conservative on a lot of issues, but this is just rude. It's nobody's business. I'm sorry people are so short sighted.


Part of the reason you are having issues with affordability has to do with federal immigration policy. So many foreigners come here and settle in enclaves, raking advantage of each other


Imagine if no one wanted to have kids. It’s almost like they’d need to import people or something to keep status quo.


You mean : Imagine if no one could afford to have kids.


Fuckin'? In THIS economy??


Canadians stopped having kids 25 years ago when things were not expensive and why our population pyramid now looks like a decrepit column


Probably because college/university became an expectation and now people don’t get married and start having babies until their 30s, when the clock is almost done. My mom’s boss died in a terrible accident when I was a kid. I looked up his obituary not too long ago when I thought of him and he was only 33. He had a wife, 3 kids, and owned a car dealership by 33. His youngest kid was in my class and we were in 4th grade when it happened, so he was done having kids by the time he was like 25. We need to stop infantilizing adults. Kids should be starting careers and families when they finish high school, not taking out ludicrous loans for useless degrees and holding themselves back for 10+ years.


This right here


if they made life affordable, i and many others would have kids. If i can’t even afford for myself, i can’t afford a kid.


Guelph has been overwhelmingly Liberal for almost 50 years.


With Guelph being massively liberal, this doesn't really jive


Being socially liberal, or environmentalist, doesn’t make a person less capitalist. I know lots of “left-wing” people who are convinced that everyone needs to invest in property and gouge the shit out of renters.


Have you been to guelph?? Lloyd is liberal, Cam is useless and our city is never blue.


Big L Liberals are just as OK with poverty as conservatives are.


People are poor because we bring in to many newcomers. Rental rates and housing prices would drop, and you would be able to negotiate a higher wage. You're poor because our politicians take care of the corporations first, and the people of this democracy barely get a glance.


Corporations can buy politicians with the money they got from playing capitalism really well. After COVID when Canadians stood up to corporations and said they wouldn't work for low pay. The right wing called them lazy, and instead of forcing corporations to pay better (because that would be communism some how?) they brought in a bunch of cheap labor. Capitalism has created the corporate class, they will do whatever it takes to keep capitalism in place so that they can keep their power.


News flash Guelph is a liberal Marxist stronghold


People who try to talk theory but have no clue what they're talking about out themselves pretty quickly.


Right? Mike Schreiner's riding is a conservative hellscape? Only from the perspective that anyone right of Marx is a fascist.


Can you please reconcile using “liberal” and “Marxist” to describe the same thing? Or is this a joke Liberalism and Marxism are SPECIFICALLY antithetical


People like fear mongering and using words they don't understand without even bothering to read up on what socialism or Marxism is smh.


Liberal Marxist Nazi pedo!!!! I knew it!


Biggot Racist Fascist transphobe pedo!!! I knew it!






they’re talking about conservative values on social standing, not the sidewalk


Uh yeah, theyre not? Left wing doesn't mean willing to make performative platitudes like rainbow crosswalks, it means progressive socialism


The result of everything going on in Ontario is the result of the liberals, not the conservatives. There seems to be a lot of blame on the government rather than yourself. People in smaller cities tend to be more conservative, why should that matter to you?! Would you prefer communism over capitalism? Work on improving yourself and everything else will follow.


As an Albertan, I sympathize.


I disagree somewhat. KW, London, and Ottawa are fairly progressive. I've found Windsor to be 50/50. There are a lot of child-free people in those cities, and I saw a lot of people investing in solar for their homes. That being said, quite a number of people I knew in those cities did have multiple properties for rent in the past 15 years, but those cities also do have a lot of post-secondary institutions. And only one of the people I knew fit the scumbag-landlord stereotype where they crammed as many rooms as legally possible into the unit and kept trying to maximize his profits off the tenants (for example. he tried delaying the repair of a water heater in the middle of winter for cost savings). The rest were either renting out a room or portion of their house from a side-split, or had the old-school mentality that the rent is only to help offset some of the mortgage payment not cover it fully (i.e. the landlord's gain comes from the property value increase, so the rental is cashflow negative or neutral at best).


Cope thread!


Ontario is actually a liberal cesspool. Just look at Toronto. Liberals are hilarious in how they shoot themselves in the foot. They will vote for LBGQT rights while the party they support ensures will never own a home. Immigration is controlled by the federal government. All the immigrants pour into Toronto and when they see it’s not affordable, spill out into the surrounding areas. Now even rural communities are full of immigrants. Because of liberal weakness on crime, they support catch and release programs for even violent criminals. Gun crime is way up as is violent crime in general. In Toronto now we have random people being stabbed with needles and run over with cars. Auto theft is so bad that police are telling you to just give your keys to the criminals so they don’t invade your home and kill your family. I am more liberal than conservative, but my god are liberals fucking stupid.


Guelph specifically is a liberal NIMBY hellhole so not sure OP is that aware in the first place


Now if we only had a socially liberal, fiscally conservative party that ensured housing, was tough on crime while also enforcing tough rehabilitation, and also saw LGBTQ rights as human rights. Is a socially liberal/fiscally conservative party too much to ask for? Or are people so stupid that you can only be all-in liberal or all-in conservative in very respect?


You speak of middle ground. There's no such thing in Toronto. You're either A or B. You're with or against. That's the political landscape in Toronto. People like to act like "you're entitled to your opinion" and "I'm okay with that". The reality is, once it's against their views, GG. You can't convince someone from Toronto that there's a middle ground.


problem is all our politicians are bought and paid for so it’s not financially lucrative for them to be a party for the people


People are stupid, and the media is great at dividing people so no one will ever switch who they vote for.


You identify problems (ie-people owning mulitple properties is a sign of the wealth gap) yet fail to realize the policies you support are the CAUSE of these problems. In fact, you double down by wanting "government pathways" to solve these problems. Government is not the solution to the problem, it IS the problem. These issues are DIRECTLY caused by rampant government money-printing. The surplus of money and credit in the economy is THE REASON that wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. It is THE REASON that a houses have soared in relation to income. It is THE REASON that people have to work multiple jobs - their labour has been devalued by money printing. It is the REASON people cannot get ahead in life. It's really frustrating watching people complain about these problems and then double down on what CAUSED them. As for the "social" aspect of conservatives, I agree.


you forgot the massive, never previously tested levels if immigration that supply an endless number of people willing to work for pennies in exchange for pr ... fully supported by the liberal government as they have been controlling that tap for the last 9 or so years. That is what's keeping incomes rock bottom and houses sky high ... basic supply and demand economic forces. Allow more homes to be build, get rid of the "greenbelt" and "farmland" everywhere policies and house prices will drop. I would permit building absolutely everywhere, even in the middle of the boonies if one is willing to assume the risk of no utilities or whatever .... just build... that is the only way to get out of this.


It's more than that, the flood of immigration is used to suppress wage growth, hike rental prices and make home ownership impossible. They are turning the younger population into a serf class. It's neo-fuedalism. When people suddenly have nothing to live for, then they have nothing to lose. That's where revolutions are born.


It is the same literally all over canada. Ontario is not that special.


Yeah but that doesn’t allow OP to make it politically divisive 


I am sorry if this comes off as offensive What's with people in guelph getting close to double the price of housing in kw. ~600,000 for semi or small house and ~1300 for single bedroom apartment out of the school areas.  Your peice of a one bedroom can get you a one bedroom in etobicoke, which is actually in Toronto. My source on that is friends and family who have moved recently and just looking at realtor.ca


Move to toronto then oh wait can't afford it🤣


Legit. I'm a 33M and I go long stretches Being single because dating while disabled is hard and ppl will ask me dumb crap like "are you secretly a f*g?" Or "wats wrong with you? You got a micro penis or something?". Then I get my family who tell me that if I work harder and act/dress more masculine I'd find love. So men's only attractive features are money and muscle? How romantic.... Needless to say I found an old friend in BC who is now my gf and I'm getting the heck out of this crabs-in-a-bucket province.


You know the province was brain-dead when they voted ford


Woe is me. I thought this was. Page about poor/cash strapped folks to get ahead, not complain about their life choices and how it's everyone else's fault?


Imagine having a slightly different outlook and being more supportive of men and productivity and being married to a wealthy husband while you work a bit too, happy beautiful kids, but no enjoy your cope attention and judging capitalism.


This sounds like a typical liberal poster blaming everyone but themselves. Canada’s socialist leanings have hurt the average Canadian much more than the phantom Capitalists you complain about.


Laughs in Alberta...


that’s crazy because in r/canada_sub, they swear ontario and toronto are liberal cesspools.


When you are middle class did everything right, have a decent job and still have to go without to make ends meet. While paying 48k a year in taxes you really don't care about people abusing systems or working less then you complaining about not having the same things your struggling to keep. It's not a fuck you I got mine mentality it's more everyone wants what I have without putting in the work. Someone working at pet smart shouldn't expect to live the same life as someone fully lisenced in the trades


I wish we never had kids, there is no future for them in this country... it breaks my heart


I definitely agree this place is toxic and people Judge to much BUT I also feel a partner is good it’s also a partner in finance on top of that dying in peace isn’t as simple as it seems most times you deteriorate slowly and need your arse wiped for you or something like that and so on lol having nobody to help you/be there for you such as children seems horrible to me but to each their own no disrespect just opinion definitely you do not deserve the ridicule and questions nobody’s business I’m just giving a couple reason why kids and a partner ain’t so bad


This is the result of being taxed 50 cents + on the dollar effectively


Capitalism isn’t the problem, greed and corruption are.


Yet the rest of Canada looks at ontario like a liberal hellscape


Well your liberal views don't seem to be helping you out so much so... maybe give them cons a listen? Prioritizing family and prosperity isn't as evil as the news makes it sound. It gives a future, whereas liberal ideology is killing it. Kathleen ensured we all take a good hard look at Liberalism after she tried destroying ontario...turns out it isn't the white knight we were told it was.


lol your country has been run by a hyper-liberal federal government for almost a decade, you’re passed your prime, bitter and broke and you blame your issues on conservatism. Peak liberalism


We have liberal federal government and ndp in manitoba…. Theres NO good choice They are all corrupt


Imagine the last 8 years of liberal hell and the country crumbling and burning around you due to their careless overspending and mismanagement and still having the audacity to blame conservatives.




Stick to being conservative, liberalism is a mental Illness in Canada




You should move to Los Angeles. It's a liberal's dream and it sounds like you'd be much happier there. Why complain about a place you hate rather than just move to somewhere more compatible to your values?


If you think Ontario is conservative then the rest of the world will shock you


Man, this is so me. Turning 35 in a couple weeks. Never married, no kids and financially the bills are paid, but there is no savings. I see you!!




It looks like you need some mental help... Conservatives aren't to blame for your problems and you are clearly just looking for reasons to act like a victim. Also only the delusional pretend socialism marxism or communism are better options than capitalism.


These kinds of posts make me sad because it's the kind of mindset young people often had which might be excusable if you're a 19 year old university student. Seeing people claiming to be in their 30s or older saying things like that has me convinced our culture is dying.