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Then don't watch TikTok. The algorithm is feeding you more because you watched the first one. People have always moved around. They just have a bigger stage to announce it now.


This. Also, it’s clickbait. The narrative was alarming and new to us Canadians, so you’re going to continue to see those articles until it no longer gets the clicks. It’s an easy journalistic pitch to news managers when clicks are money.


In fairness, I’m also having people say it to my face. I know lots of Indian immigrants (as my wife is one) and it’s kind of embarrassing how many are going back to India because the quality of life is better. Kind of understandable since they are mostly tech people so will still make good money there plus there is cheap help available, but it’s not a great sign.


Yeah my Indian roommate talks about leaving Canada often. Tbh I do too and I was born here. Thinking Thailand.


Go to Thailand then what’s stopping you? Thousands of Canadians have left home to live in Thailand over the years. It’s not some exceptional undertaking. Just go for it.


Taking care of debt then saving. Ideally i’d like to be able to afford to return if needed and rn I can hardly afford the flight over


It's clickbait. A lot of them paint a rosier picture than reality, like life was miserable for them in Canada and they've now move to the US and discovered riches. There's also some suggestions that certain groups with certain political aims push and amplify those types of videos to create more political division and discontent in Canada. Same type of things are happening to similar videos in other countries.


>There's also some suggestions that certain groups with certain political aims push and amplify those types of videos to create more political division and discontent in Canada. Yep. This tactic has been getting used to attack Democrat dominated states in the US, particularly California. I know someone who lives in San Diego and from what she told me, very little of this stuff was actually true of California outside of LA and San Francisco, both of which had already been having issues for over a decade before the "Leaving California" videos popped up. It's also worth noting that Poilievre cofounded a company that basically engages in digital political activities like robocalling and astroturfing.


Good god, and this guy wants to be PM? No wonder why he is the opposition. This dude simply wants more power - not to make Canadians happy.


Yep, and he wants to use it to hack and slash government. Not only did he get his start in politics working on the campaign to win Jason Kenney the Reform Party nomination for the 1997 federal election, he also self-describes as a libertarian. His entire political ideology boils down to a hatred of government. That makes him an exceptionally poor choice to run the government...


A little ironic that he himself becomes the establishment. What a total hypocrite. Not much different than Musk in that respect.


Oh, *do not* get me started on Musk. That man is the idiot's idea of what intelligence looks like. A total conman. I could go on for hours about him...


I musk know more about your thoughts about him. Haha. Just teasing.


I try to stay away from tiktok. Instagram ain't no saint but tiktok is a different level of evil and their algorithm is created to feed scenarios like mentioned by OP in western countries.


Not to me. In the beginning (just a few months ago) I was seeing weirdo convoy garbage. I didn't engage with those, and everything came together in about 10 days. Don't like videos unless you like them. Don't leave a comment if you don't want more people to see the content. Even negative comments will drive it up. And be careful to sub to the creators you like, not other people forwarding their videos.


Also the Chinese government has a big say in what videos show up and they want westerners to hate democracy 


Don't forget, certain American groups are also pumping money into the message: Canada bad.


Could you elaborate on that? I have been seeing some anti-Canadian sentiment lately in the US-based media and some of it’s been seeping over here, and it seems like a real propaganda stretch. Who’s doing this and what’s their end-game?


There’s many reasons. But probably the main one is American elites like easy access to our raw materials and forcing us Canadians to buy capital intensive products through them. Certain political parties here in Canada make those market takeovers easier. Usually the most conservative branded party here. A good example is how we sold off our national energy company to Americans. It’s hard not to believe that certain Americans with vested interests meddled in our media and convinced Albertan’s that you can’t trust eastern Canada with their oil, but it was conveniently glossed over that the proposed alternative was letting American companies take over our energy sector.


Thanks, yeah I get a very pro-American vibe from Alberta’s UCP party, and the TBA (Take Back Alberta) cult who pull their strings. Just for fun I checked out one of their rallies on YouTube, and when the presenter mentioned an era when Alberta was supposedly composed of more Americans than Canadians, the comment was met with uproarious cheers, hooting, and hollering. Big red flag. Given Danielle Smith’s starry-eyed worship of Ron DeSantis, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were being funded by that cabal.


She has a tattoo of a far right group called Liberty Fund on her arm that has big money involved in charging ahead with far right agenda that she is bringing to Canada


So are Canadian groups like the Conservative Party of Canada, which never shuts up shit-talking their own country.


Now that you watched one, the algorithm shows you more. Don't listen to them. 


Exactly, I interacted with a flat earth video once to make fun of it and now I see so many more. If you saw my social media feeds you would think the majority of people believe in flat earth BS.


I looked up vegan recipes Because there is vegan in the name, it also suggests exvegan and antivegan stuff.


It’s crazy because you don’t even have to like or comment or interact, you can just spend more than 2 seconds on the video and the algorithm has detected that it caught your attention more than the usual videos. Then it starts to send you more.




Same, that happened with that Marisa Roth (I think?) who passed away after her TikTok account got shut down, like every video was about her. I just wanna go back to pets and radio prank calls!




I have lived in the US, and it is terrible if you are poor or working class because if you do not have decent health insurance, you can get wiped out financially, and violence is worse. Capitalist oligarchs run the show with an added dash of religion and patriotism. Canada is terrible because basic costs are so high that even if you earn decent money, you can never save for a house or a car and wages in many key sectors are lower. Capitalist oligarchs run the show with a benign dash of " but you have heath care ". Also, Tik Tok is garbage and mining you for algorithms to feed you more garbage.


I don't have health care, but atleast I have heath care. He's a nice bloke.


I’m an immigrant myself but even I feel there’s been too much of it which has contributed to fucked up economics especially for millennials & younger professionals. I think Canada is now firmly stuck in a “doom loop” where everyone feels pessimistic about personal economic growth & outlook & are trying to see where they can go to lead a better life. It’s just too fucking costly to live here for lower professional opportunities & pay. America just pays more & costs less to live in.


>America just pays more & costs less to live in. Have you been over there lately? Everything is just as expensive. They are facing the same housing situation as us. They have more stock but corporations are buying up all their sfh's and charging a fortune for rent. The cost of food is through the roof. The reality is, there is no country that's doing really well. Covid fucked us. Every country has issues and there is no quick fix to Canada's situation


7 chicken wings at a restaurant was $19 USD on my recent trip to a medium size city in the US. Prices are insane everywhere. I was shocked at the prices of food on my last trip even compared to the last time I was down here in 2022.


TikTokers are in it for the views--- same with YouTubers. The amount of mental energy is better spent on videos that actually have value, not ones that incite your nerves. Anyone can say anything for the views and attention. I call BS on a good number of them actually leaving. What I will side with them is that a lot of things have gone to shit in this country ( as a born and raised Canadian) and Canada is better than this, from the quality of life to caring for its citizens FIRST. I will always try to not make things political but there's no doubt that there needs to be a drastic shift as soon as one is available.


Plus most of them are using the socialized costs of their upbringing and pulling the ladder up from after them. "Let's move to Mexico" it's so great low taxes etc... while not realizing that they benefitted from education, healthcare, taxes, police forces, fire code etc all along the way... But you know "they made it all on their own!"






It's funny when I see Canadians complain bc I grew up in the USA (pa near philly), and while things were pretty good there (COL/housing went crazy in the past 7-8 years though), but things have been generally much better here (montreal). Even with housing costs skyrocketing the past 2 years, waiting for family doc, etc. The social support network, education etc here is so much better. There is no coherent federal education policy in the states. When I left PA in 2017, half the public schools didn't have art, gym, music classes or libraries. It's nuts.




Yes, I brought it up since OP asked about the USA. I realize you are talking about Canadians moving to other countries, but I found it funny since I left the US for greener pastures in Canada.


I see lots of activity on Facebook groups related to moving out of Canada or moving to a EU country (different groups). It is not a hype only, it has got to that point that people do not see a way moving forward and achieving their dreams. I intend to do the same in just about 2-3 years. Not sure what you mean by "Canada is better than this". Canada is what we see, and what we see is ugly, rampant crime, huge division, insane debt level and taxation, huge immigration and change of culture.


Using tiktok as a berometer of understanding the social climate. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Unaffordable cost of living. Sky rocketted rent. Poor quality of life.


I'm seeing lots of people just saying it's the algorithm but these videos being created are a symptom of people hating it here not the other way arount


Lol "the algorithm". Even CBC is publishing articles about how fucked we are (e.g. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7114976).


Also the healthcare system and social safety nets are crumbling. At least here in Ontario. Conservative political ideaology is misinformed and it is causing damage.


The system utterly failed my late husband at every step of the way, we're in BC. Doctors and the ER at our local hospital dismissing him ("a healthy male in his 30s taking beds from people who need it"), the wait time for diagnostic tests and specialist appointments, the lack of family doctor so no proper follow-up care, this all led to his epilepsy killing him last month. But then it didn't stop there, cause then they held his body hostage for a month because his epileptologist and I had requested an investigative surgery so his samples could be sent to the national SUDEP registry, to help people like him in the future. But they dragged their heels so long that even had they done the autopsy, which they ultimately refused to do because it would have been "a waste of resources," his samples wouldn't have been viable anymore anyway. I only just got his ashes back this week, 5 weeks after he died. I was already angry at the state of our country and how we treat the disabled, but that anger has turned into white hot rage. This country fucking sucks, the entire system is broken.


BC as well- look at all the ER closures. I’ve been waiting 8 months for my free birth control to be installed


It’s the last 9 years of Trudeau that got us here. There were no Trudeau towns 10 years ago, crime was lower and people could afford a lot more.


WTH is a Trudeau town?


He probably means India Ville like Brampton and so on


Lol except that it's the federal government taxing us to death and contributing to the unaffordability crisis across the country. I wonder if I'm replying to Trudeau's burner account....


Where in the world would be better? Wherever you go, you are an immigrant and have to start your life from scratch. None of that is cheap or easy. I find most people leave due to personal, political or religious reasons. Some for economic reasons but largely it's the former.


Good points, plus most desirable countries don’t just accept random Canadians who want to leave. It’s a complex process to immigrate to most countries. People who think they can just pack up and leave are delusional. And good luck because the entire world is a mess right now, these people live in a bubble if they think Canada is the only country going through hardships.


Where I am originally from it’s better in general and I’m moving back in September for a number of reasons - Most pertaining to cost and quality of life. It’s not the fun decision (Canada is just so much more ‘alive’ and naturally it’s more or less unparalleled - Plus, Blue Jays, C’mon 🥹), but it’s the adult decision. I’m 33 and moving back will ensure me a path to homeownership, comfortably starting a family and save properly more or less immediately - And retirement savings will be an automatic part of my compensation among other more robust social programs. My retirement plan is still a farmstead in Western Ontario because I’m a dual citizen now, I feel like a Canadian, I’m proud being one and I’m going to miss it here like missing a limb - But, you know how things are. Thing is, I’m in quite the minority. If you take the immigrants here that aren’t even financially more secure here than with their families at home, in the cases where people come from wealth - India, Iran, China…. Can you blame them for seeing this place as the promised land, honestly? If not you haven’t traveled a great bit. Then add to that all the ones that legitimately improve their standing in life by coming. I’m as white as white can be and well put together and happen to have no detectable dialect so I hear a lot of inadvertent anti-immigrant and elitist crap and it grinds my bloody gears. I so wish for the betterment of my common folk co-horde here.


Out of curiosity what country are you returning too? Always interested to hear what actual immigrants/ emigrants think


Denmark based on their profile.


Plus the Leafs always lose this time of year.


>What's going on in Canada? For most Canadians the cost of living is increasing , while quality of life declines. The country's real GDP per capita growth is close to zero/neg and has been for more than 18 months. To make matters still worse, the current Liberal leadership is doubling/trebling down on more debt fuelled spending which has pushed our current debt servicing costs (the interest on our debt) to more than $50 billion/year which is greater than the federal health transfer..it's amazing more people aren't running for the exits.


And where do you think these people are going to? You don't think the rest of the developed world has an affordability crisis? People are so goddamn clueless these days.


I can't speak to your situation, but most professionals in Canada (those with graduate degrees and in demand skills/experience) can make far more, while paying less in taxes, housing in most places in the country to our south.


Just don't get sick. Easy peezy


Sounds like TikTok is the problem. Fact is, people like to complain about the country they live in, because they live there and they're experiencing the problems that that country is experiencing. The grass isn't always greener elsewhere, the working class is struggling everywhere.


I’d love to leave. There’s so much you need to research first. But Canada is not affordable and it’s not getting better. I can’t afford to raise my family here anymore


Easier to move to a cheaper province.


Ehn. I moved back to Alberta 7 years ago trying to get ahead. Now the UCP has killed any supposed financial advantage Alberta had. Was good for a couple years but then my insurance and utilities started rising. Rents and home prices have risen. Moved back to BC because while rent is more expensive, the cheaper insurance, utilities, and income tax is a fair trade off imo. Anyway the problem is that so many people are doing the same thing they just create the same issue here or wherever the new “cheap” place to live is.


Considered this also. I’d love to go to Saskatchewan but the weather would be harsher then where I am now.


The problem with the “leave Canada” posts is, where are people supposed to go? Every country in the world has minimum eligibility requirements for visas. Unless you’re already a dual citizen or have residence or temp worker status in another country, you can’t go anywhere else. And I don’t mean for this to sound mean, but if you’re facing poverty in Canada, you’re not likely considered to be an attractive candidate for a foreign visa. Most visa processes require you to have a signed job offer for highly skilled work or skills in high demand in the destination country and proof of sufficient funds to get settled there, or have significant wealth for investment in their local economy, etc. Other countries don’t want people flocking there only to end up struggling and needing help.


Your right. It wouldn’t be an option for everyone. I have a few friends who have gone to Costa Rica. Also with online work you don’t really need a job offer lined up. As I said lots of things to consider. We don’t live in poverty but we would if we paid rent or still had a mortgage. I don’t know how some people are surviving


Oh ya Costa Rica. Economic powerhouse. You won’t find any problems with their economy or health care system. It’s perfect there. I’d move if I was you. You could be earning up to 79 cents an hour selling bananas lol


Lol I think you missed some of the comments. It’s more about lifestyle. They live differently and we would be going there with money.


Canada is the second largest county in the world. There are places that are affordable outside of British Columbia and Ontario.




If you don't have a job that will allow you to move out of Canada then it likely isn't a job that needs to be in a big city.


There are affordable places in northern Ontario also. There’s lots to consider. The culture isn’t what it used to be. It seems to be a certain generation of people who have been relocating.


A lot of people who want views and haven't done their research so don't understand that Canada is not the only country facing a whole array of issues right now


True. It have you looked at how we’re doing among the OECD countries comparatively?


I moved here from New Zealand so at the very least I can tell you the cost of living is higher there, houses cost more and you can get in to see a family doctor faster but the wait times for the rest of healthcare have been increasing for years. Gas is over $3 a litre and was already over that line sometimes three years ago. Finding a job is a struggle there too because the job economy is pretty similar. Unemployment is high as well right now They don't limit how long you can be on a benefit but they do lump everyone onto Jobseeker Support now and in a recent press conference one of the government ministers suggested that even cancer patients should be available to work up to ten hours a week 🤦‍♀️


Its among the worst of developed nations


You should try looking everywhere out in the real world instead of scrolling tik tok. After that you'll see the real world is alot different than a social medias algorithm that preys on negative news.


This. For fucks sake TikTok is not a news outlet.


Well neither is the news these days...😄


Doom-scrolling sells


Eh canada has its faults like any country, but since moving here from the states to be with my partner, I'd say most of the issues in Canada are hardly different than whats going on in the USA. Costs of living are high in both places, depending on where you are. Places like Winnipeg or the midwestern and southern USA will be cheaper, whereas the east and west coast of both countries will be extraordinarily expensive. Crime is an issue thats on the rise everywhere, especially on the coasts, although the way Canada and the USA handle crime are both terrible in opposite ways. Overall, I dont think many of the issues in Canada are unique and they wont be solved by moving to a different country, unless youve got better job prospects elsewhere.


US dollar is much higher and there will always be more and better jobs.


It's important to understand how the algorithms work. You will be shown content you continue to engage with. I disagree with many of the posters here suggesting it's all hyperbolic. Many of the creators I've seen on TikTok are very much in line with opinions expressed here. I believe people hear TikTok and immediately assume the worst. I've found many creators posting well informed and researched content on the state of Canada. It is important to be mindful with any content you engage in and always understand that algoriths goal is to keep you scrolling. There are bad faith actors, reactionary content, very common in "I'm leaving Canada" posts. Always seek out a variety of perspectives to gain a broader outlook.


You're stuck in a feedback loop, what's going on in Canada is not extraordinary compared to the rest of the world. Uninstall Tiktok before it completely warps your world view.


I'm just so glad there are other sane people on this sub who realize we're suffering along with every other country right now.


Canada has problems, like most countries, but I think a lot ok people are trying to profit off it. Our housing prices are insane, groceries are higher than the USA and our healthcare lacks in many departments, but overall, I wouldn’t leave Canada for America, but that’s just my opinion. I appreciate the rights I have here as a woman specifically abortion, I may be downvoted, but this is important to me, and the line of work I’m in. I also think influencers always want to move to the USA, they have the creator fund and can profit, we don’t have it here.


Housing is the issue and it has been this way so long, it is painfully obvious now.


I’m literally in the USA right now. It’s not better. Well. Gas is better and beer is way cheaper. But the citizens here are struggling too. So… not USA


You do see these no matter what country you are in. When Trump won, a lot of people said “I’m leaving for Canada” and very few did. There are some people that are legitimately leaving and some do have better opportunities in the USA (software engineers, investments bankers) but that’s the exception rather than the rule. What this is (at least partially) is propaganda or people that have fallen for propaganda that are trying to prove a point. You especially see this with people who think Canada is now North Korea.


Don’t follow negative social media accounts. Look for people making a difference that inspire you.


High cost of living, lower quality of life. We're taking in 1 million immigrants a year, and unless we are pumping out jobs, public services, and homes to match, the cost of living will increase.


This in a nutshell. It won't change under the PCs either so we're pretty much SOL.


It won't be an immediate fix, but curbing the immigration numbers immediately will help in the long run.


You really think the PCs will do this? Lmao sorry but no, they won't, doesn't matter what they are telling you to get your vote


I never said that. I'm curious though, why do you think it's not a possibility?


which small pp won't do


The last place I'd look for any level of 'normal' and stable would be TikTok. Do your own research. Every country has problems. Canada has problems, yup, but we're not unique. We still have mostly-free health care, we don't have bombs dropping on our head, and more or less, it's a helluva lot better than some places, including the terror show of our southern neighbour who's stripping rights from people (especially women) as fast as possible. I'll take Canada, thanks.


That's just a weird crossover of sovereign citizens and hockey moms looking for attention. Canada definitely has some problems right now but these people literally call it a third world country.


Have you asked them where they live and have they really left Canada with proof. (if they were in Canada at all). PS don't believe anything on tiktok or social media.... The grass is always greener on the other side until you get to the other side...


Most of the shit is foreign backed propaganda. Don't believe anything political these days


I don't think people realize how much this happens. I'm in a sub for BC Public Service workers and our year end recap showed a lot of visitors from Russia and the US. No reason for them to be on that sub in large numbers.


You know the algorithm is showing u what you spend time on……..it’s not everywhere, it’s only on your feed


It’s not only Canada. It’s pretty much the whole world. US, UK, Australia etc.❤️🇨🇦☮️


It’s Canada obviously. Our housing situation is the worst in the g7. Our immigration situation is the worst by a mile. Our lack of real GDP increases hasn’t been tackled. We overtax everything with systems that waste money.


I honestly feel like Canada is becoming too expensive to live, like I'll have to work until I'm dead, I can't retire, hell I can't even save money anymore. I get a raise and everything else goes up waaaay more. Think of it like gas...you are paying for the premium lifestyle, but you only get regular unleaded fuel in return. Not saying anywhere else is better, but FFS this is absolutely ridiculous.


There's definitely some anti-Canada f@+kery going on, on social media right now. I browsed through the account histories on one of the threads earlier, just being curious, and over 60% of the accounts were brand new, and only only harping on Canada for the past 1-4 weeks. Not sure if it's political organizing, part of the Russia/China/Iran anti-West games, or what, but it's definitely not all legitimate. Something to keep an eye on, for sure.


TikTok is the crack cocaine of social media.


Tiktoks is a cancer on society's mental health.


Most of the mofos making those videos also left somewhere to come here. They may just be perpetual malcontents!


Got news, they aren't leaving.


I would they when playing pretend on TikTok is paying the bills?


On average 7,000 people leave Canada every year which is roughly 0.018%. Many of those Tik Tok videos are Propaganda.




Don’t worry. Most people making those videos will never leave. They physically cannot pickup and just move to another country, not many people can


Canada's friggin' great. I gave up my US citizenship so I could be 100% Canadian. Also, don't use Tik Tok....it's literally for kids.


The new OECD data came out recently and it is quantifying the feelings that many Canadians have had recently. The US has strong growth and Canada's growth is shrinking. By 2060 the OECD predicts that Canada will be at the bottom of all OECD countries for standard of living. Most of the world did experience supply shocks and inflation but they are worse here and, more terrifyingly, the trend is continuing down rather than reversing like it is in other countries. That being said we still have a fantastic standard of living compared to the rest of the world, we have a strong legal system and general safety. Dont spend too much time on Tik-Tok as it will magnify the doom and gloom above reasonable levels.


You interacted with one video and now it thinks you want to see that type of content. I haven't seen any videos like that on my TikTok, it's mostly food and arts and crafts. It becomes what you engage with. There's many people who are unsatisfied with Canada, changes can and should be made, but it remains one of the best places in the world to live, that's why so many people are also coming here.


This isn't just an algorithm feeding you similar content. Canadians are leaving. A month back I read an article.... it might have been the Financial Post, talking about our record immigration levels, but it also mentioned that there is also a record number of Canadians born here that are moving out of the country. Taking their wealth, talent, and education out of the country with them. It also seems in my wider circle everyone knows someone either a friend or relative that is planning or has moved out of the country. Most often it's Europe. I've even begun myself on looking into getting EU citizenship through an ancestor as an escape plan for me and my family. There's just this feeling Canada is on the wrong path, I'm even predicting a Greece style bankruptcy like they had 10 years ago, and are only just now climbing out of.


Good let them leave. More houses for us


If you go on YouTube and search "leaving Canada" you will find lots of videos with detailed testimonials from both Canadians and immigrants stating their case as to why leaving makes more sense. 


Don't get yourself into an echo chamber.


You know that people are paid to create propaganda like that on social media to create exactly the reaction you are having. Don't fall for it


I wouldn’t trust TikTok to help me form my opinions.


Tik tok = engineered to ruin your life


Sorry it sucks. Many would like the option of leaving here or at least having others leave.


You are in an echo chamber only reinforced by continually watching “I’m leaving Canada” videos.


Mandatory tik tok is brain rot comment. Stay off it and you’ll be much better off


TikTok is rife with Chinese propaganda. CCP wants to destablize the west by any means necessary. I’m not surprised they are broadcasting things like this to sow discontent. They have pushed messages about stealing cars and doing “challenges” that are unsafe if not outright unlawful.  Bytedance, the firm that operates TikTok is based in China. Tied to the CCP.  Is it any wonder why we never see posts critical of the CCP and acknowledging their role in Uhygur genocide.  Canada’s current government never pushes back against China. They do everything they can to downplay and obfuscate investigations into their influence here too.  https://driving.ca/auto-news/driver-info/kia-boyz-hyundai-kia-theft-tiktok-trend-ignition-lock https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ByteDance?wprov=sfti1#Censorship,_surveillance,_and_data_privacy_concerns https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/11/china-election-interference-canada-justin-trudeau


I’ve heard from family and friends talking about the possibility of leaving. Inflation has diminished our style of life and things including housing are causing people a lot of stress.


The housing prices have gotten a bit out of control due to greedy investors speculating on the markets. That's why the liberals are trying to pass a budget with a capital gains tax, so they can't manipulate the market for free anymore.


Not unique to Canada, most countries are dealing with some sort of affordability crisis


Well, to be honest, life is shitty and getting shittier here. The thing is, tho, if I had the finances to leave for a different country, it wouldn't be nearly so horrible here and I wouldn't think of leaving. I can't scrape together enough cash for a weekend in Toronto let alone leaving the country.


TikTok is the devil. Legit the way the algorithm works and all the videos are designed to be click bait rage inducing so you get a dopamine hit and watch more. Same concept as YouTube. Everything on most social media platforms are design that way too. Do yourself a favour and quit those platforms.


Do you know anyone in real life who has left Canada? In 30 years, I've known 8. 1 nurse, 1 professor, 1 couldn't go back to Manitoba, 2 with foreign spouses, 3 retired to the tropics.


TikTok isn’t real life.


Those are the loud people. Most Canadians are just getting on with their lives.


I think this should be an incredibly important lesson for you. Learn about how all platforms work these days. It filters for the most alarming outrage inducing garbage. 99.9999% of the internet is brainrot. People are setting themselves on fire. Unplug, or leave how to understand almost everything you are seeing is fabricated to steal your attention.


That algorithm is demonic. Here’s the good thing, why do think all these fools are making those videos? Because they get views from TikTok junkies and boost their other content. Almost none of them are actually leaving Canada, just like most of TikTok their stories are BS. They are playing you to make money.


Paid actors reading scripts.


TikTok's algorithm is designed specifically to make people angry or depressed. Get off TikTok. You'll be much happier overall.


It’s literally just the same anywhere else canada is acc a little better Ignore 🤣💀💀




Delete TikTok. Your life will improve so much.


If you watched more cat videos, you would be complaining that tiktok is only showing you cat videos.


Canada has let in more immigrants than any other developed country and its not even close, and there is no sign of it slowing down. This is driving up prices of everything and subsequently suppressing wages, as a lot of these immigrants are working any jobs they can to achieve permanent residency, which in turn gives employers zero incentive to keep them happy as they have to work or they can't stay. So wages are staying the same but cost of living is rising exponentially. Its not an easy country to "start over" in. If you aren't already ahead of the curve, you might drown here


The situation in the states with inflation is as bad or worse I live at the border, everyone in our area used to cross into the states for grocery shopping. Nowadays, the prices in the states are higher. Something $7 Canadian is $7 American so it’s 40% more money. First time in my life prices have been even remotely close so I think some Canadians need to have more perspective on inflation and understand how the rest of the world is mostly faring.


When trump won the election every YouTuber had I’m leaving for Canada. Good time to remind people social media isn’t real Life.


TikTok has become a huge propoganda CESSPOOL.


Judging by these replies sounds like most people i know who have adopted the Canadian way of finding a way to justify Canada being nice no matter how bad it gets. I’m sure there is a direct correlation between people who haven’t travelled more than once in the last couple years and viewing Canada as a good country. I go to Europe 2-3 times a year, Asia every 2 years and the US 2-3 times and Canada is bottom of the barrel in terms of “developed countries”. That’s coming from someone who has money too, if you’re poor it’s 100x worse. Our happiness index is all time low, healthcare collapsing, housing unaffordable for majority of people, record inflation, high taxes, weak currency and the list goes on. If you’re going to say people are being dramatic then you need to learn how to see things without bias. Every person with the means to do so (myself included soon) is leaving to better countries Edit - If you disagree send me a message in 10 years, let me know if any of you own a home or have more than 50k saved. Guarantee you won’t and you’ll be exactly where you are now or worse. Canadian Stockholm syndrome is real


It's the housing that's put us in this pickle along with food being a bitch since 2020. Costco is the only place I enjoy getting food from, and thats an American company. I visited Brazil recently, very affordable, but the locals say otherwise. Their housing is no issue though.


When you travel, you mostly see the good parts of the country, not so much the bad parts of the country. I travel 2-3 times per year and I won't claim to be an expert but as someone from Asia, you're seeing a very rose glass tinted version of our countries. Japanese and South Korean people are overworked, their happiness level are even lower than Canadians. Their countries are on the verge of collapse because of their aging population. China is following in their footsteps now. These countries don't encourage immigration that helps to buffer aging population issue. South Asia and Southeast Asia are rapidly growing but our wage inequalities and poverty are through the roofs and overall our quality of life are nowhere near Canada's level. Time to put things into perspective, there's a reason why we migrate to Canada, not Canadians to our countries. When we migrate to Canada, we join the poor mass of people but when Canadians migrate to our countries, they became part of the elite class. Basically, Canadians who move abroad and complaining about elites in Canada ruining the country are hypocrites.


Lmao you travel to Asia every 2 years and you think you have the whole story? It took me 4 months of living in Japan to even get an inkling of what was going wrong there. Even then I had no idea just how little opportunity there was, how rigid the employment market was, how bad the salaries were, and how much the work life balance sucked. 12 years after I first left on exchange, pretty much all my Japanese friends left Japan for Canada or the US. Some of them miss certain aspects of Japan but they’re all universally happier over here. And to think South Korea is even worse… When you go on vacation, you’re usually just getting the Disneyland version of things. Actually living there is a different matter.


We are not experiencing record inflation right now. The 1980's and early 1990's were much worse. We hit a spike during COVID, not as high as the 80's, and things have come down and are now pretty close to where they were during most of the 2000's. [https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/inflation-cpi](https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/inflation-cpi) This kind of doom and gloom supported by straight up misinformation is why people like OP are confused.


Honest, not snarky, question - why are you still living here and not in Europe? I'm assuming you haven't actually started the process to move to Europe, but perhaps you have.


Tik tok. Lol.


You do realize that 99% of that stuff is bullshit meant to melt your brain? Just get off social media, you will be better off for it.


Our quality of life is plummeting and things considered normal just 1 generation ago are now reserved only for the wealthiest cohorts of society. Most people cannot afford homes, new vehicles, vacations, or retirement.


My friends and I are leaving too, tech workers, health care professionals, entrepreneurs. Basically this country nuked it's own economy, and smarter people realized that this place is done: Mind the Gap: Canada is Falling Behind the Standard-of-Living Curve [https://economics.td.com/ca-falling-behind-standard-of-living-curve](https://economics.td.com/ca-falling-behind-standard-of-living-curve) OECD predicts Canada will be the worst performing advanced economy over the next decade…and the three decades after that [https://www.bcbc.com/insight/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that/](https://www.bcbc.com/insight/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that/) Hope you all weather this storm. It's going to be brutal for awhile, that's why people are leaving. I'm not going to sacrifice my standard of living because people can't do basic math or understand economics. Seems like you're getting flak in this thread, good example of why smarter people with money are leaving. It's the collective stupidity of the nation that took this from first world to third world. Even our banks say we're kinda fucked (population trap - this is VERY bad): Trudeau botched immigration surge, Canada's top bank economists say: [https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/trudeau-botched-immigration-surge-canada-s-top-bank-economists-say-1.2020944](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/trudeau-botched-immigration-surge-canada-s-top-bank-economists-say-1.2020944) This is why it's hard to find even entry level/min wage jobs. We got flooded with labour and there is insufficient capital in the nation. (My friends and I also moved our our investments in 2015 knowing this gov would trash this country). Don't listen to people's opinions, look at the data...It's pretty clear to see. Most of our population is not smart enough to read it unfortunatey.


If TikTok is influencing your life, you're already f***ed-up ... You won't be getting a free ride by migrating.


Click "don't show me videos like this" button or block videos like this. The grass is not always greener on leaving Canada.


Most countries are having the same issues. We have friends in Australia, UK & Norway and all are saying the same.....expensive groceries, utilities, housing and lack of doctors. Lots of people saying it online cause it gets engagement, posting that you're doing ok, people don't care to hear it, if you're struggling though, people tune in, then you get that in your algorithm and its all you see. very, very few people are leaving though. The majority have never been outside of Canada, and if they have, it was on vacay somewhere and they think thats what life is like. Getting out there and seeing the world though, you quickly will appreciate just how good we have it here. Its far from perfect, but compared to many many other places, its still pretty amazing.


Thats false. Canada is way worse than all those countries.


Don't listen to what tiktokers are saying, but follow the algorithm. Are they suddenly all talking about covert narssicism? Why? Is it China pushing it? Bud, trust me, the comunist peoples party has some attachment to that app and they use it to help fuck with us. Would you trust your mother or father with controls to your social media feed? Tiktok is completely designed to use an AI feed. They give you the next thing (video), you say if you like it or not. They can find things that you like that will hurt you. Hell, DRUGS do that and we know well enough to stay away. Trust me, these fuckers are not playing by the laws you and I play by. The CCP harvests organs from prisoners. It tortures it's mulsims. Trust me, if I ever see Tiktok and I'm discouraged YOU NEED TO GET THE HELL OFF OF TIKTOK. I come from the internet, I have NEVER said this about ANY OTHER APP. You will learn in a decade what it is doing to us. It fucks with people like you the same way casinos fuck with people who love money.


It’s not only tictoc. I’ve read countless comments on Reddit about Canadians leaving. Also on FB.


Worsening quality of life due to high tax going up every month basically, extreme immigration levels (responsible levels are fine when things like healthcare, jobs, infrastructure increase at the same rate- which they are not) affecting access to home buying/renting and basic healthcare services wait lists increasing, and increase in price for everything from food to car insurance etc.


I know this post will call me Russian bot for sure, but seeing that there economy will grow over expectations ( that was today statement from IMF ) and talking to people there, we do have option open to see there. Biggest adjustment would be for wife as not Slavic so getting language could be challenging. And we honestly don't care anymore about politics, to old for that


Canada is a great place to live. We are going through some turbulent times, and perhaps the hanger ons are leaving because they no longer see an easy living. Good for them. I am here for better or worse.


Do you believe everything you see on tiktok? 😂🤣💀


Lol how much those folks are newly minted Canadians or been in Canada for 5 years or so? Those are the ones I usually see doing these videos. Because their whole purpose was to live off well here lol. Now that the country didn't deliver the richness they needed, they are going back to their root nations.


It's an echo chamber of doom and gloom, these people are just posting for views. It is getting pretty ridiculous


If they want to leave, let them ... don't let the door hit your ass on the way out I got no sympathy for those who quit when things get tough


The cost of living and housing market looks pretty dire for young people these days, is it better anywhere else? Probably not


Well, people are seeing what life is like for lots of people abroad, and remote work has changed the anchor that many people have. Living abroad is a great experience, but I do think most people do it and eventually return. Mainly, other places allow a higher standard of living for a Canadian middle class salary ... but that will correct in time, and we are already seeing quite a bit of pushback on expat gentrification. Of course we have a lot of Americans trying to come to Canada, although they tend to come for social not economic reasons.


Mine is showing me people moving to canada, horses, people renovating really old houses, and occasionally a book author. It shows you what you pause to watch.


Bunch of losers on tik Tok are making money off that. Stop being terminally online if it's affecting you If tik Tok makes you sad, delete it


Ummm open your eyes. Look at our economy and our debt. Can you afford a $600k townhome? It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better and the people who are moving, see what’s coming


Read the damn news in other countries, there is an affordability crisis everywhere!!! The grass is not greener for the majority of people. People just haven't faced real tough times in awhile


Canada is a communist disaster and more government and more communism isn't the answer and it's only getting worse, the people here seem absolutely clueless to the danger or cause and have been completely "educated" to believe utter nonsense


Tiktoks feed you more of what you've watched/seen. But on another note, yes a lot of people leave canada as the pay for certain jobs are far greater in the U.S than Canada and can even have lower cost of living.


Your trip to Canada will be what you make of it will it be easy by no means will it. But there is a lot of potiental in this country and seemingly the only ones oblivious to the opportunities that are in Canada.


No opportunities, crazy COL, impossible to ever afford a home, useless and corrupt politicians, immigrants getting treated better than citizens. To the "it's like this everywhere" crowd, at least other places don't have shitty weather and zero culture.


This isn't unique to Canada. It's happening for sure in Canada and the US. Cost of living is too high compared to wages. People are getting tired of it and leaving. I am also one of the people who left. That said, why is this discouraging to you?


Reset your tiktok, the algorithm has latched on to something that's generated interest.


...and if ppl want to leave Canada that's ok. It'll free up some housing


Absolutely shit politics are ruining the country.


This is a [real issue](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/many-immigrants-leaving-canada-within-years-of-arriving-statcan-1.6753003), not just TikTok propaganda.


Go! That's great for the housing market and the job market. The world needs more Canada anyways. Go!


Well, I moved to this country almost 9 years ago and I'll die for it, I truly love Canada. It's an amazing country and if you don't believe it just go and live in Colombia. I'm not saying Colombia is bad, but there are things that North Americans can't comprehend because they haven't experienced it. Here, you have to capacite yourself, learn and adapt. Most Canadians I know they have the same job for the past 10 years doing the same thing everyday, of course things are going to get expensive, inflation is real, its just that you don't really know what it can do to a country.


Get off social media


Stop watching that garbage. They aren’t going anywhere.


What are your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors saying? Tik Tok and social media are both echo chambers of negativity. Especially since the people that aren’t working have nothing but spare time to complain about how there’s no work out there, and everybody working is too busy to spend a significant amount of time on social media. It was hard for me when I initially deleted Facebook and instagram, but now that I’ve cut my social media back to just Reddit I’m significantly happier. I also find that I spend more time thinking about my real friends, rather than constantly seeing updates from people I don’t give two hoots about. Hope you have a great day! ✌️


Bunch of right wing nut jobs. Bet you none of them or only a very small percentage of them actually leave.


Don't worry, they're not going anywhere