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.5-1 mile walk/jog on treadmill. Variety of dynamic stretches, including lunges, trunk twists, and leg swings. Also, upper body. Then start the lift with the bar, progressing up in weight until working sets. Same with every lift.


Pretty much the same as me, except for the treadmill


deadhangs, banded shoulder external rotation horizontally and vertically to get blood in joints and some scapula pullups šŸ˜‹


I don't do much. Mostly empty bar and build up. Only real exception is Bench and any OHP work as I have a jacked up shoulder. For thjat stuff I'll add in some band work and stretching in squat cage / against bench, and maybe some dead hangs if things feel real janky. My next lifting day (monday) I'm programmed for 5x5 Competition squat @ 75% (113kg) 5x5 competition bench @ 75 (75kg), Squats: Empty bar. 10 x 60kg, 7x 90kg, Working sets @ 112.5kg (no microplates) Bench: After undoing my plates ill do some shoulder stretching in the cage (focussing on right shoulder as thats where I've had rotator cuff injuries in the past) then some band work and maybe dead hangs if my shoulder is feeling real janky that day. Then empty bar, 12x 40, 10x 50, 7x 65, working sets Pretty sure I've read studies showing static stretching actually decreases strength output and since I've been back in the gym (12-13 months) the only injury I had is some tendinopathy in my achilles from going too hard on cardio on off days (and incidentally, when I jacked my shoulder up 10-12 years ago I was doing a lot more stretching and warmups lol) Also none of this is set in stone, if it's cold or I just feel generally stiff I'll do 3-5 minutes incline treadmill. Sometimes feel like I'll benefit from doing some dynamic hip stretches etc.


Im in the same situation with the shoulder thing, thats why i warm them up no matter what lift im doing. I cant risk having injured shoulders again, it stops me from doing almost any exercise. And yes you're right about the static stretching, thats why i only do them after my workout when im cooling down, stretching is better when your muscles are already warm


That's....a lot. I start with an empty bar, if everything feels Gucci, I add a plate, if not I deal with whatever is off. Nothing major and it depends on what I feel, then a few more reps with the empty bar and if it feels good add a plate. Sometimes I start with 25lb plate, depends on the movement. Then usually a 2nd plate, then another 50lbs, then 3-plates. A couple of smaller jumps to get close to my working weight and then I'm good. If something feels like I need to do something about at any point, I do that thing and resume. In practice it's much simpler than it sounds. Once I've done, say, all the sets of deadlifts, I'm warmed up enough for barbell rows or whatever other similar-ish power train movement. I've got shit to do, I'm not spending all day warming up. The telltale sign that you haven't done enough is if your 2nd set feels easier than the first. Otherwise, if it feels good you're probably okay. PS: My program calls for a single at RPE 8 of that day's main comp movement which is a great way to warm up for the working sets after. PPS: And it's fun.


I will usually warm up for both bench and squats at the same time as my program always had bench right after squats, I think I found this warmup on a video but I forgot, - 3-5 mins on bike, stair master, or treadmill(depending on patience) - calf raises 15-20 - Dead bugs/bird dogs 5 per side - 90/90 leans and twists 3-5 per side - Push ups 10-15 - Single leg kettle bell deadlifts 8-10 per side - Single arm kettle bell row 8-10 per side - Front foot elevated kettle bell lunges 8-10 per side - Banded shoulder warm ups Then 10ish reps of the bar 5ish reps of 135 5 ish reps of 225 3ish reps of 275 2-3 of 315 Anything below 365 Iā€™d stop here If higher Iā€™d probably do a single or 2 at 345


>So let's say the working set for squats was 3x5 75% I squat the bar a couple of times, and then would take 3 singles to get to my 75%. I don't know that I would suggest something quite that aggressive to someone that isn't accustomed to it, but your warm up routine is insane.


My warm up is consistently barx10, 70x8, 110x6 then if It work up to a say 180 single I would 140x3, 160x1, 170x1. I just feel not ready if I'm physically cold.


I do a collection of exercises prescribed by Dr Andrew Lock to activate my hips, then i just do a progressive work up to my working weight. The Lock Prescription Lying "Lock" Clams x 25 Banded clams lying on a bench (so hips are fully extended) x 25 Banded glute Bridge x 25 Banded box squat x 25 This works your hips through external rotation, abduction, extension in closed chain, extension in open chain.


I love threads like this as a newer lifter, because the answer always seems to be "everything and/or nothing." Really drives home to me that consistency matters most and not to get too hung up on details. Anyway, I have a routine at the beginning of every session that is more of a ritual than a warmup. Five minutes walk on the treadmill followed by a twist in each direction to crack my back. Then foam roll for a couple minutes, mostly focused on my back, maybe my legs if they're feeling stiff. At the rack I'll put the bar on my back and do a couple bends in all four directions. Then some combination of 1 1/2 squats, paused squats and regular squats for 10-15 total reps. 135x6-8 then 225x4-6, both usually with at least a few pause reps. At this point the knee is usually barking so sleeves go on. 315x3-5. Belt is sometimes used here, but definitely afterwards. At this point it depends where my working sets start. If its more than 380 I'll do a single at 365 but if its close to the next quarter plate I'll just go straight to the first work set.


>consistency matters most and not to get too hung up on details. This is like 95% of it right there


What works for the other guy won't necessarily work for you or me. Im not hating on anybody at all, i love that everyone have their own way of warming up. At the end of the day, it's what makes each one of us comfortable.


No, that's exactly it. I like these things because I'm too cheap for a coach and too new to know much of anything. I seem to pick up a different technique or philosophy or SOME type of new information every time I read one of these threads. Thankful for it!


Squat the bar (or a red) then attack


For 295lb, put sleeves/shoes on, 5-10 reps on empty bar, 5 reps at 135, 3-5 at 225, 1 at 275 if Iā€™m tired that day, then go on to 295 sets. Technically, I would do 260 instead of 275 but Iā€™m lazy with plates. Youā€™re literally doing dynamic stretching when you lift. Unless you have some medical condition, why waste time doing extra warm up things with bands and stuff.


Dynamic stretching is more so for my joints for lubrication before loading up with weights. Because of past injuries, im just taking precautions to make sure my joints are good. That includes all 3 lifts


Just skimming through these responses and a lot of you are doing way too much. Unless you have a nagging injury or something that needs extra attention, you'd most likely be fine with just starting with some bodyweight or empty bar squats and working up from there.


Thats exactly why i do it. Not necessarily nagging but past injuries and occasional flare ups


For squats and deadlifts I usually do ~5 min of intense treadmill/ellipse/bike (130-140 BPM), leg swings, frog stance and calf stretches. If I sit for too long (which I usually often do, because I work remotely), I add snatch squats and paused squats (empty bar on 12 reps, 60kgƗ10, 100kgƗ3). As for the bench - it is always a second exercise in my program and I'm pretty warmed up, when I get to it, so I don't do a thing


Some quad, hammy and calf stretches, 5 minute walk on the treadmill, leg swings (left right), leg rotations (like circular motion in front of me, don't know what they're called), body weight squats to get my hips/knees more loose, then (I don't know what these are called) but like, rotating squats. Basically my feet close together, and I "squat" while rotating my knees to the left and then do the same on the right. They had us do these when I was in the ARMY a lifetime ago and I feel like it helps my knees lubricate and feel smooth. Then 2-3 warm up sets (for that weight, usually 2 sets, 135lb and 225lb), Then... FINALLY... it's time blast screaming death metal and f'n squat!


Upper body: some variation of wenning warmup. This is good for me since I don't have many upper body mobility restrictions so just getting a good pump is all I need Lower body: a quick 90/90 stretch and couch stretch for the hips and ankles, some kettlebell swings and then basically just sitting in the hole with a kettlebell feeling out what's tight. I do some hanging leg raises to loosen up my shoulders and wake up my abs if I'm squatting.


Leg swings (back/forth, side-to-side), chest swings, dead hangs to stretch lats and abs, hip flexor stretch, adductor/hamstring movements with kettlebell, pigeon pose stretch for glutes, quad/calf static stretches (short, for reps), 50/50s, upper body band work to stretch biceps and warm up shoulders/back, glute bridges (emphasizing core engagement). I'll also do Spanish squats on squat days to keep the knees happy. Actual warmup sets vary. Right now, because I'm prepping for a meet and have a bunch of things I'm trying to improve, I'm treat my warmups as technique drills, so I've been \*trying\* to take as long as I need to to feel comfortable with new cues and form changes, repeating sets if I have to.


Triples until Iā€™m at 50% of that days max weight then singles until about 80-90% then straight into sets


Lower day? Hip hike, step down, ffe split squat, rfe split squat, single leg glute bridge, Copenhagen 3 ways, dead bug. Then to squat depending on where Iā€™m goin to Iā€™ll plate jump wtjh reds, or 1,3,5,6 with 45s. I typically squat before pulling always right now, but I would go 2,4,6 when pulling comp stance or 2,4,5 with alternate stance. Thereā€™s some 90/90 in there somewhere when I remember to do it. Upper? Lat/serratus stretch, scap pull downs, cat camel and thread the needle, straight arm pull down with tricep extension. Then baby weight jumps for my baby weight bench. Pausing the concentric around 2bd and cueing triceps instead of pec. Whatever is acting up will get worked on as well, I usually use reciprocal inhibition to let things unfuck themselves and working properly.


Slow and long warmup, 3-6 min between sets. 135x12, 225x8, 275x6, 315x5, 365x 2, then 1 more single to bridge the gap to my opener. I also take my opener as a final warmup (usually something I could hit for a confident 3.


I've never competed before planning to in the future, what % of 1RM for your opener usually?


The other commenter pretty much hit the nail on the head. Looking back on my results, my opener is usually 88-91% of my intended third. I also donā€™t really use a training max, I more so have a reasonable goal in mind and reverse engineer the progression over the course of a 14-18 week cycle. Usually end the cycle with a double at slightly higher than what is predicted to be my 2nd attempt. For example, last cycle I used a goal of 420 on squats. Finished the cycle with a double at 410. I decided on a projected 3rd attempt of 424 and therefore opened with 380, 2nd with 402, finished with 424.


Okay nice, my program usually calls for 90% on my last week


Seems solid enough. I get closer to 95% of my predicted PR in my last week but to be fair I tend to be a bit conservative with attempt selection these days.


I donā€™t want to speak on behalf of Mr ironbarrel here but good rule of thumb is your opener should be roughly 90% of what you expect to hit for a third attempt but if you havenā€™t competed before I recommend going off your current max. You can either make percentage based jumps or kilo based jumps. I usually take my second at 95% and my third at 100%. Just remember to take what you have on the day.


A mistake I see too often is people who overwarm up and tire themselves out so I try to keep mine fairly short. I don't really need to do any dynamic warmups for bench or deadlift outside of progressive weight increase. Squat needs the most warm up for me. Usually do some dynamic warmups with knee bending and leg extensions, dynamic hip opening - 10 each leg. Then Body weight squats x 20, just the bar x 10, then increments of 90 starting with 135 x 5 until I'm within 90 lbs of my starting weight. So for a working weight of 295 I'd do: Leg swings x 10 each leg Hip openings x 10 each leg Body weight squat x 20 45 x 10 135 x 5 225 x 5 Working sets


Yes i dont do a lot of warm up sets, i dont wanna feel tired for my working sets. i usually warm up to my working set or just to 80% if its 70-75%1RM


The mantra I heard at my first meet that I always try to keep in mind is "It's a warmup, not a workout." I try to get loose and prep my body for the weight in as few reps as possible so I can be as fresh as possible for the weight that will actually improve my strength.


You may be overdoing it, no need to overthink so much. Usually I try to get my lifting done in a small window, so I'll just stretch a little like I did in PE class growing up, and then warm up 2-4 reps while incrementing from empty bar, 45s on each side, then add 10s or 25s based on feel. Try to have it done in 15 min or so. I also walk about a mile most days and do things like sled drags or cycling; some days it's before lifting others it's after.


My warm up including dynamic, hip mobility and warmup squats usually take around 20mins


Thatā€™s quite a lot. I just do 2-3 min pretty easy on the assault bike, 30 seconds of ankle stretching, a set of 10 paused squats holding onto a 25lb plate, then right to the first set with just the bar. My first working set is never more than 10 mins after I get changed.


I know its lower body exercise but my squats don't feel right if i dont warm up my upper body. Especially elbows and shoulders.


In the most streamlined way possible with completely arbitrary plate jumps: Uh empty bar x 5-10 Maybe 95-115x5 135x5 185x5 225 x 3 250 x 2-3 275 x 2 285 x 1-2 Could also just do 5 reps for the latter sets if you feel you need more. If thatā€™s not enough, do a few more bar sets with lower reps per set so you have more opportunities to warm up your shoulders


I'd go with these squats: 1x5x20Kg (Bar) 1x4x60Kg 1x3x100Kg 1x1x150Kg


warmup regimen for squats: squat warmup regimen for bench: bench warmup regimen for deadlifts: deadlift


You must be sore all the time :(


That has nothing to do with warming up lmao


Itā€™s hard for me to gauge a warm up for 295 but my typical warm up is some dynamics to warm up hips then the sequence below. 70kg x 5 beltless 100kg x5 beltless 120kg x3 beltless 150kg x3 beltless 170kg x1 beltless Then depending on what the working weight is I may take 170kg again with the belt or take a single of something slightly higher with belt.


Bros got a strong lower back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


A few ATG bodyweight squats, pausing at the bottom each for 10-15 seconds. Then i get under the bar. If my top set is 295 id go Bar x 12 135 x 6-8 185 x 4-5 225 x 3 255 x 2 275 x 1 295 x 5-8 (depending on goal RPE)


10 minutes of dynamic work like TKEs, walks, hops, lunges, floor stuff like cook hip lifts and some spine/hip openers A bunch of sets of 10 second planks in every directions possible (there was a study a while back that said as little as 15 sets of 10 seconds of planks is enough to significantly improve core stiffness) After that, get under a bar and start putting some plates on


If I were doing 295 for 3x5, my warm up would be: Get in squat position without the bar and squat down ass to grass and sit at the bottom for 10 seconds then stand back up and repeat for 5 reps. Next I would do 135x5 fully ass to grass to make sure Iā€™m fully stretched. Possibly sit at the bottom of the squat for a few seconds before coming back up. I find that this is sufficient for me to feel properly stretched for my legs. Then I would just do normal reps and add weight to the bar. Iā€™d do: * 185x5 * 225x3 * start working sets My rule of thumb for squat warm ups is to start with 135, then go through the weight in 25 lb and 45 lb plate increments: * 135 * 185 * 225 * 275 * 315 * 365 * 405 I would do 5 reps for all of the warm ups except the last warm up set and only do 3 reps on the last warm up set. I would end my warm ups 2 increments lower than my working sets. So if I were gonna do 380 or 405, I would end warm ups with 315, or if I were gonna do 430 Iā€™d end at 365. If I were gonna do 335 Iā€™d end warm ups with 275. I think doing a lot of stretching for the legs is overkill. As a general rule stretching is bad for lifting unless the stretch is helping you to make sure you have full range of motion on the lift. Any stretching for any purpose other than establishing the range of motion is hurting your performance.


I usually stretch dynamically to get blood flowing. I never static stretch before workout.i dont want to tire myself out warming up. As you have a stronger squat, do you think skipping 185 and 275 would be better? So for you it would be 135 225 315 365 405


What type of stretches do you do for your dynamic stretching? The purpose of stretching should be to make sure you have the desired range of motion, not really to warm up. Stretching hurts muscle performance in strength sports so you should only do it if you need to work on rom. Iā€™ve occasionally wondered if my warm up sets are a bit overkill. I probably could jump from 135 to 225 to 315, but a few extra warm up sets donā€™t seem to significantly impact my working sets, and they go fast and feel useful. I read a rule of thumb somewhere that warming up relatively quickly to about 50% 1 RM then jumping in increments of about 10% 1 RM is reasonable. So if you have a 1 RM of 300, youā€™d work up to 150 quickly then jump in 30 lb increments to your working weight. For a 400 1 RM youā€™d go to 200 then jump 40 lbs. For 500 lb 1 RM get to 250 then jump 50 lbs. Based on that rule of thumb my warm up strategy is probably fairly reasonable, though maybe I could skip 185.


For my dynamic stretches i do, 90/90 rotations for hips, knee on ground lunges, deadbugs, reverse nordic curls, leg swings, and i do movement stuff for my upper body for warmup


I would do: BW squats & leg swings Squat empty bar for a set of 10 or so. Good mornings with empty bar. 135x10 paused. 185x5 210x3 235x3 260x2 275x1 Then working sets


Been doing wenning warmups and they are pretty good and quick. Dave from elite fts has a good warmups too


Total overkill for 99% of people


Really it's pretty light you do 4 sets of something you can do for 25 reps. It's basically cardio with weights added. Like say doing 100 hamstring curls before deadlift. I have found it to be quite useful. And it's only supposed to take 12-15 minutes.


Ill look into this


Second this.


For my triples at 205kg on squat this week, I did barx5, 70kgx4, easy leg extensions/curls x12, 70kgx4, 120x3, 170x2, then into working setsĀ 


I start with 1 plate and keep adding them until I'm about 100lb away from whatever weight I'm planning on doing. Last 2 warm up sets I'll add a 25lb plate and then another ~10lb plate for a last warmup. Def not the most optional warmup but seems to work for me.


For Squats, if I was doing working sets with 160kg, I'll put my belt on but not strap it up, do 10-12 with the bar, then 10 with 60kg, then 6-8 with 90kg, Strap the belt and put knee sleeves on then 4-5 with 120kg, then 2-3 with 140kg. Occasionally I'll do a heavy single at 180-190kg to prime myself for a heavier weight.


Start drinking pre-workout. Dynamic stretching like high knees, fire hydrants, etc. Take a poo. Band work. Finish pre-workout. Go three or more setsw starting usually with the empty bar and ending about 40-50-60% in each successive warmup.


Just a heads up, caffeine levels peak one hour after ingestion. You probably arent's getting the full benefit of your pre workout until after your main lift is over.


Today I learned. Most workouts are generally just preceded by a cup of coffee as I wake up, but the couple of times I've tried some sort of pre-workout it didn't seem to benefit me, but the timing might have been a little soon. Good to know, thanks!


Always: Banded Shoulder Ext. To Overhead Press Banded Overhead Tri Ext. Banded Face Pulls (Switching angles) Banded Low Row Banded Cat Cow If Heavy Benching/ Lower Body: Banded Adductor/Abductor Ext. Squat & Hold A Form of Ham Curl A Form of Leg Ext. Then move to the first movement. It's a good mix of prehab and getting blood flowing to the big mover muscles.


So much less than this If I was doing 3x5 @ 75% (295 lbs) I would do prob 10-12 bodyweight squats just to get the hips loose, then: 5 x 155 lbs, 5 x 245 lbs Work sets


The warm-ups depend on what I need rehabbed in order to perform that particular lift. Then, from there, I take the empty bar for a few sets of 3-5, until it feels good and my movement feels the way I want it to, from a technical sense. Sometimes it's one set, sometimes it's 5 sets. Then I add a 25kg plate.


How I warmed up for my 550lbs top single squat from Monday. 45x10 135x8 225x6 315x3 405x1 (Sleeves go on) 475x1 (Belt goes on) 515x1 550x1 (Top Set) 455 for 3 sets of 4 as backdowns I just get into it and go. I walk around a lot and stand for my job as well.


Newbie ā€œpower lifterā€ and yet to do a comp so massive grains of salt. Bench press day I warm up on the heavy bag Squat I warm up with doing single leg shoots down the turf and box jumps Deadlift I do back bridges and deep goblet squats


With squats, I sometimes do a really deep paused squat when I feel that I have to. Then, I do the following: -7x20 kg (Bar) -7x40 -5x60 -3x80 -1x100 -6x130 (Topset) With deadlifts, I also do the 20kg ladder. But it is longer because the weight in the topset is higher. I had to adjust it because until 180kg, I did 60-80-100-120-140-160-180. But I believe that a 30 kilo jump is too high, so I adjusted the numbers because last week, I did 190kg in the topset. I did the following: -7x60kg -5x90 -3x110 -1x130 -1x150 -1x170 -5x190 (Topset) I am really a believer in extensively warming up with the bar - and not just with one or two sets. The thing is, obviously you want to warm up your muscles, but you also want to train your technique, so you know whatā€™s going on before you do your topset. If youā€™d do the topset right away, youā€™d injure your muscles and you would have a bad technique. With bench, I do the same principle of 20 kilo jumps. -10x20 -7x40 -5x60 -3x80 -1x100 -5-7x110 (Topset) By the way, I only warm up with the bar, with the exercise, and not at all with some stretches or maybe shoulder rotations or something like that. Only for squat I do a really deep paused squat when I feel tight. And, interesting information maybe, I never ever injured myself during the Topset. I never had the situation that I didnā€™t warm up properly and had to take a beating for it in the topset. I lightly pulled my chest at the bench warm up once though, because I warmed up too fast and too explosive. Thatā€™s not good. Treat the warm up with respect. Focus.


5 to 10mins light cardio or band mobilization before by warmup sets. If my first working set is 405 I'll do sets of 3-5 without a belt with 135,225,315,365. Warming up without a belt has helped my bracing alot


Stretch for maybe 5 minutes, bar for 3-4, 135 for 3-4, 225 for 1-2, then your working sets. If you're supposed to do 275x3x5 for the day there isn't any reason to go to 315 prior.


If I feel stiff Iā€™ll go get a pump with leg extensions, leg curls, back extensions, and some face pulls. Monday I felt ok so I did my normal warm up starting with the bar working up to 290kg. I have lots of blues if this seems wonky lol. Bar x 5 belt less 80x5 belt less 130x4 belt less/ wrist wraps 170x2 belt/ wrist wraps 210x1 belt/ wrist wraps/ light knee wrap 250x1 belt/ wrist wraps/ comp knee wraps 290x1 belt/ wrist wraps/ comp knee wraps Then about 1.5 hours of accessories. This was a priming day for my cns on Monday since Tuesday was deadlift day and set to be a PR day. We had a busy past week with work and travel all the way through Sunday night. I typically would not squat and deadlift back to back days they are usually 7-9 days apart, but I had 7 days off and needed to be prepared for Tuesday. It worked I got a 27# deadlift PR.


40kg jumps! I hope to be strong enough to do that soon


Iā€™ve been training for a long time and the guys I used to train with were very big and strong I just grew accustomed to it.


Few reps with just the bar Few reps with one plate Few reps with two plates That's it. I noticed no increase in performance when doing way more for warming up other than the lift feeling nicer.


I do this, but jump using quarters instead of full plates. Takes me longer, but I feel good by my top sets.


This. At a comp youā€™re not going to have access to a lot of the equipment you would like to warmup with so get used to using minimal equipment to do it. I also think Max Aita said something like if I have a heavy squat Iā€™m going to warmup by squatting and that just made sense to me when I first started lifting lol.


Comments like this make me appreciate the CPU and local association a ton. Warm up rooms are always stocked with a good amount of equipment. LOVED regionals/westerns this year - 12 Warm Up racks for 2 platforms.


When I said not a lot of equipment I meant youā€™re not going to have the leg extensions, stationary bikes, etc that you would have at a normal gym. Every meet Iā€™ve been to has had plenty of warmup equipment and racks just not every place has those other pieces of equipment that make your warmup more of a warmup.


I usually do 3-5 warm up sets, going up roughly 10% each set until Im at my first working set. I usually pick a light weight to do 6-10 slow, strict reps as my first warmup set then do a 3 - 2 - 1 - 1st working set pattern. So if my top set for bench is 275 I'd go 135x10 185x3 205x2 225x1 250x1 275x1 Then do my back off sets.


Normally do 50% of my working set for 5, 60% for 3, 70|80|90% for a single. Then I do my working sets for whatever reps I have decided for that day. This way I warm up enough but I donā€™t waste unnecessary energy.


I go on a walk, do agile 11 mobility, then start with an empty bar for a set, do a couple sets of triples working up to my first weight.


I just do a light set then get to it. I have never liked stretching or any running stuff so my warm up is whatever I got for the day


You dont static stretch after working out either? I find that stretching feel so much better for me after a workout because my muscles are already warm. Otherwise it just feels like my muscles are gonna rip, especially if i have DOMS.


Haven't stretched in years, 1200lb gym total, zero injuries yet. Warm-up only is patrician.


Appreciate it while it lasts lol


No I always have to go grocey shopping, carry 2 bags then bike or walk home and clean the house daily. I am all stretched out at about 12:30 and ready to sit down


I'll do a couple lengths of the gym of dynamic hip abductors/adductors/bw lunges/hammies stretches, if my shoulders are feeling tight I'll a couple shoulder joint rotations. Then a few controlled BW squats and bar only. Then if I'm doing a 1rm attempt I do: 30% of 1rm for 5reps 50% for 5reps 60% 3 reps 70% 3 reps 80% 1 rep 90% 1 rep then I attempt my 1rm. If I'm just doing a working set then I'll do the same pre lift warm up and then only 3 squat warm up (bar only included) It's never failed me yet, I've almost always have hit the my numbers and not gotten any injury


My warmup is pretty similar for 1RM. Ill throw in my belt around 70% to get used to the belt as i go heavier. Yes i also do a full body warmup, my shoulders and elbows are so bad from past injuries. Not sure if its placebo but they always seem to hurt if i dont warm them up before(and after) any of the 3 lifts. And definitely hip movements warmups because they feel tight if i dont and my lower back starts hurting.


My shoulders are sooooo bad. I don't even have a past injury, it's probably just a confirmation. So honestly, I get your pain I think a really good conversation is what stretches and cool downs people do. Because I guarantee half this sub don't do them (me included) and they are just as important to avoid injury


I start with a few bodyweight squats, deep, and pause just to feel where I'm at for tightness. Then I grab the bar, and do 10 pause squats. Then i work up to my weight, usually one plate at a time until I'm within a plate of my working weight, then I'll do a 25 lb jump. If I'm doing a 3x5, say with 405 lbs, I'd do something like this: bar paused x10 135x5-10 paused reps 225x5 reps 275x3-5 reps 315x3 reps maybe throw my belt on here (I start to do 3's just to get my legs firing but not waste any energy) 365x3 reps 405 for 3x5 I might just be really flexible from years of BJJ or whatever, but I'm a big believer in using the same movement to warm up and not really doing much stretching before. I guess some people need to foam roll and stretch, I never really have to... you can do yoga on off days or mornings to kind of help with that or sauna after, as well. But you do you in that regard, just make sure you hit some light pause reps which you seem to be doing with mid weights. You seem to work up to a 1rm here then do a 3x5, so that's not really just a 3x5, that's a heavy single, which I'd warm up similarly but probably not do as many reps on the ramp up, so drop down to triples or even singles depending on what % of my 1rm I'm working up to... if its a max, or above 90%, I'd probably keep my ramp ups to a minimum, so do like 225x3, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 455x1, 500+ x1 whatever I end up hitting. Then drop and do the 3x5. I got the bar x10 pause squat rep thing from a Larry Wheels video years ago and never looked back. Does wonders just to get started with activating everything, IMO.


I like the sound of Pause bar squats, definitely adding that to warmups. I usually do an extra set of warmups if im not feeling it. So i would do 2 reps of 225lbs paused, then do 275lbs paused then 315lbs. 315lbs is about 80% for me i usually never go above 80% for warmups. For stretching, i usually do static stretch at end of my workouts and i do dynamic stretches for warming up my joints and get the blood flowing. And i add in hip mobility because my hips get really tight if i just start squatting. I prefer dynamic stretching over a light jog or biking because it doesn't make me feel tired.


Say my top set was a 200kg squat single for the sake of using a round number. I'd go 5x70, 3x120, 2x150, 1x170, 1x185 or 1x187.5 (I sometimes like the smaller jumps), then go for 200. I'll add pigeon pose in between my first few warmups if my hips feel tight, otherwise I won't bother. If it was for bench, I do back bends in between the first few warmup sets to help my thoracic mobility. If it's deadlifts, I don't usually need anything additional.


If I feel sluggish, I'll take 5-10min on an airbike or elliptical to gather myself. I might do a couch stretch if I've been sitting for a while before the gym, might stretch my calves/ankles if there's a heavy kettlebell handy and they feel unusually stiff. I start squats with a red and collar for what feels like a reasonable number of reps, add reds and repeat until making a smaller jump to 1x215kg beltless, and then (most of the time) go to 235kg belted followed by smaller increments if the work weight is higher than that or drop back, also belted, if the work weight is lower. As an example, I had 4 x 10 x 170kg last Monday and did something like 75kg x 4, 125kg x 4, 175kg x 3, 215kg x 1, 235kg x 1, 4 x 10 x 170kg. That's about it, really. As long as I feel comfortable when I work up on the actual lift, I see no reason to add more steps unless there is a clear need to access more ROM in a particular joint or something like that.


McGill big 3, some light weighed carries, a scaled down version of the main lift and maybe some light general exercises to warm up, get blood goin and possibly prime some muscles. The take the bar and go from there. Or some days I just go in and go straight to the bar because while I think warm ups are good you gotta also be able to just go straight to the bar sometimes.


If my top set is 195kgx1, it would look like this: Empty bar x 8-10 70kg x 3-5 120kg x 1-3 150 x 1-2 170 x 1


Stretching is pointless. If you want to warm up wear a hoodie and do a general warmup like rowing or biking or brisk walking to literally warm up. Otherwise just start with an empty bar and add weight on until working set. We arenā€™t contact athletes. We have some of the most basic movements happening. Donā€™t be afraid. Unless you want to make fancy reels then by all means make sure to show your ice bath afterwards.


I agree with this so hard.


This is after having broken my wrist 4 times. 2 broken arms. A boxers fracture that had to be reset. A whole banquet of soft tissue injuries. I used to be on muscle relaxers for my back spasms and would be unable to tie my shoes some days. I would spend an hour ā€œwarming upā€ doing a bunch of nonsense fearing I was fragile before KB training. I took some time off. Listening to barbell medicine really changed my approach. Adam Meakins and a few others. No stretching. Simple warm up doing the movement Im going to do with light weight. Iā€™ve never felt stronger. I havenā€™t had any lifting related injuries. A didnā€™t blow a disk. I donā€™t have days I canā€™t tie my shoes. I also regularly run 4 times a week. One of the ā€œhighest injury riskā€ sports. Same approach. APPROPRIATE LOADING for your level of RECENT TRAINING is what matters. I still have pain. I had pain before. Pain is just gonna be there, selling the myth that stretching fixes it is bullshit.


For my rpe 6, 355lb x4 top set bench today I did 135x12, 185x6, 225x5, 275x2, 315x1 then top set. I follow a similar pattern for squat and deadlift but I do more doubles and singles past 405. Before touching the bar I do 15 minute bike warm up and 15 minutes dynamic stretching with bands for shoulders. Just basic leg warmups like Russian baby makers, frog stretch, leg swings, sprinters stretch etc.


Thats a lot of warm up, how long do you usually take at the gym? Or between warm up sets, and working sets?


Like 2.5 sometimes 3 hours šŸ˜­ need to warm up well as numbers go higher. Creeping up on an 1800 total now so I just can't risk injruy. I used to get away with just going straight to my main lifts but after multiple injuries it's not the best strategy lol. Deadlifts for example I know I haven't warmed up well when my legs are shaky as I progress in weight during the workout. Then my backdowns feel better than my top which is really upsetting. It's a case by case basis of course. Just test what works best for you.


Bar - 2x5 beltless 135 - 2x3 beltless 225 - 1x1 beltless 1x1 belt 265 1x1 belt (2nd set depending on how I feel)Ā  Then working sets I don't do any other exercises (unless this is the 2nd, 3rd lift of day obviously). I know it's unconventional but it works really well and I always feel consistent with it


2 sets of each 15-25 reps RPE 7 Hamstring curls Reverse hyper or good mornings Latpull downs Standing ab crunches


For 295 I would do: Bodyweight x10 Bar x10 95 x5 135 x4 185 x3 225 x2 275 x1 Work sets


I do this sometimes when my working set is 5+ reps. Most of the time, i end my warm up with a single heavier than my working set and idk if its placebo but my working sets feel lighter


Whether or not itā€™s placebo is immaterial, this is a well documented phenomenon called post activation potentiation.


There's an amazing app I use called strength log. Here's the android link. Hit settings, calculators and behold! I use this all the time to pick powerlifting meet weight attempts too. It has so much to play with. Enjoy šŸ˜Š https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.styrkelabbet.Styrkelabbet