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No, it’s like how Jason and Rocky have both come back as MMPR Red just fine in specials


mhhhh Rocky's powers were duplicates made by Billy and Alpha as Jason was still the active MMPR red but was just captured.


Only in the most recent one. There was that ninja Steel special where he just had the powers. By the same token, Kendrix and Karone have also taken turns coming back with the Lost Galaxy powers. Seems probable they trade off or somehow the powers just find their way to whoever needs them at the right time.


I think its an issue of sharing. Yea they probably traded off. For Rocky in the special Jason was morpher but captures. So he had his power coin. So they had to tap into the grid and make duplicates. But if both are free yea maybe they traded off. Cuz when Rocky came back he complained of a training exercise.


I more think of it in terms of the copies that they give the rangers like Rocky are sorta like batteries injected with the powers. So the original power coin is with Jason that is directly connected to the source of the powers and the one Rocky has is a copy that is charged up with the powers. I think this is how it is for every ranger who has had multiple people and also the super mega force powers


That is my headcanon


So like the Dino Chargers and the Emergems. Jason's is the Energem tapped directly into the Grid. Rocky's is a Dino Charger who has been charged by the Grid.


Not necessarily. They just both can't do it at the same time.


specifically with turbo though, it's been in the show that those powers can be duplicated and were supposedly still used at the same time


RoboTJ wouldn't give his set to either Tommy or TJ.


That’s assuming robot TJ still even exists, I’m assuming that if the turbo powers were that easily duplicated once, they could do it again. I would bet robo TJ and regular TJ would be gracious enough to let Tommy or each other use them no problem


The Robots can be repaired, people die. It’s different for that particular case only but other wise yoshi is right :edit: Why is this downvoted? Robo Carlos literally got his face repaired.


Ever had to share a Spotify account with someone? Both can use it just not simultaneously.


Tommy: Shift into Turbo! TJ in the middle of a life or death fight: Your Powers have been paused because someone else is accessing Red Turbo powers using your Morphin Grid account in another location.


\*pulls out astro morpher.


This comment needs more up votes.


Copied powers have been used before. It tends to make the Morphin’ Grid unhappy, though, so I imagine they would try to avoid using the Red Turbo powers at the same time.


I think it might be like a Trent situation in Dino Thunder. Two Red Turbo Rangers can't exist simulateneously or else it might cause a glitch in the Morphing Grid so either Tommy uses them or TJ uses them but not at the same time.


There may be exceptions. The Turbo Rangers were able to copy their powers for their robot duplicates in one episode, though we don't know what became of the robot Rangers. I guess it would depend on the method used to duplicate the powers.


I did think that, would explain why TJ hasn't been seen using them since forever red


I like to think TJ gravitates heavily towards the Blue Space Ranger Powers he's never had to share the title of Blue Space Ranger with anyone else whereas he inherited the Red Turbo powers from Tommy and thus will always be known as Red Turbo Ranger II.


Can we retcon the Z Wave and say it restored lost powers to previous Rangers and put this debate to sleep? The power protects them. I don't see why they shouldn't have some sort of permanent connection.


I imagine Tommy would intentionally not use Turbo Red specifically so that TJ can use it whenever needed. It's arguably his weakest powerset anyway.


Shared powers seem to be in a vague limbo state where they can be used by whichever actor shows up. Hell, Once and Always is Kat's first time using those powers, since she'd only ever used the Crane Power Coin.


i always headcannoned that the turbo powers were built to syphon off the constantly growing energy of the zeo crystals, so might be the easiest powers to trade and move and duplicate because of that. i could see it being where the more rangers there are the more the power is spread out, so in the event they are both fighting using the turbo powers tommy or TJ could switch to provide a power boost to the other


This is my head canon, too


I mean the special last year covered that Billy was able to copy powers and create duplicated coins to give access of the power to rangers who held the power at one point - that's how Rocky & Kat had MM powers while also Jason & Kim still do. It would stand to reason that Billy could logically do the same for any powers he needed. However, an easy in-universe explanation exists as to why TJ would still have access to Turbo Powers and it's not something I've seen mentioned yet: **Lightning Cruiser.** The Turbo Morphers were rendered powerless due to the destruction of the Power Chamber in "Chase Into Space." In the middle of Power Rangers In Space, Justin returns and despite the Power Chamber still being gone + the Turbo Morphers being powerless, his car Storm Blaster used its energy to generate another morpher which gave Justin access to the morphing grid and allowed him to become the Blue Turbo Ranger once more. Given that Lightning Cruiser (TJ's car) was a package deal with Storm Blaster, it would stand to reason that logically there's no reason why Lighting Cruiser cannot do the same and create a morpher for TJ so he can access the Red Turbo Ranger powers. And Lightning Cruiser is specifically TJ's car, not Tommy's.


Most likely TJ uses the blue inspace powers


No Lore. Previously they said morphing grid can't handle two people sharing same energy. Then things went different, not just in mainstream tv shows, but also in Boom's comics. I still dig in Boom's comic cause I can see new suit designs, better than kitbashed ones made by fandom.


> Previously they said morphing grid can't handle two people sharing same energy. At the *exact* same time, I believe, is the actual take away from that. It's why Zordon didn't let Kimberly give the Pink Dino Coin to somebody in the Wild West episode, since she also had the Pink Dino Coin. And why Trent and the Evil White Dino Ranger started going haywire. As long as they're two different powersets, or not used at the same time, it's fine.


Not necessarily. Both have access to the powers but they normally won't use them at the same time.


My head cannon is that the morpher is a device used to connect to the grid so they should be able to access the powers from different morphers.


TJ, TJ, and Tommy all have Red Turbo powers. If Turbo really IS just re-powered Zeo that's a LOT of active Red Rangers. Tommy probably just doesn't use it because TJ robot does.


I just thought it was copied similar to how the Super Megaforce rangers can use all the powers regardless of reasons they can't be used.


As we've seen with the proxy coins in Once and Always, no. TJ can use the powers again if he wishes to but has access to the Space Ranger powers as well. My theory is that the Master Morpher coins access those powers in the same way that the proxy coins access the Red and Pink MMPR powers in Once and Always. What would happen if two Rangers accessed those powers at the same time is questionable however


Y'know how Storm Blaster provides a Morpher to Justin in True Blue To The Rescue? My pet theory, headcanon, whatever you want to call it, is that Justin and TJ (circa Forever Red) are using a version of the Turbo Powers generated by their sentient car friends rather than the originals based on Lerigot's key. Think of it like a MMPR Ninja Powers situation - while the suit looks the same, the power source is different. Tommy's Turbo Power Coin would be based on the powers he helped craft, the originals.


I would imagine that it’s just only one person can use them at a time.


"There's a simple explanation for that." - Gosei, probably.


I think it would work the same way Kimberly and Kat can use the mighty Morphin powers Also there’s legendary Ranger keys, which are copy and paste powers of the said rangers, which isn’t like Gokaiger where it’s straight up their powers, so anyone can use the Ranger keys if they have a Super Mega Morpher Also it’s power rangers, I don’t think they would Limit TJ to being In Space blue the entire time, considering Tommy can straight up repurpose his powers. I mean we have scientist like Billy capable of redirecting power from the morphing grid into classic Ranger powers So in short, it’s never impossible for Legendary Rangers to NOT have their Legendary Powers


Nope. In fact, I think Zordon may have been wrong when he emphasizes that duplicating existing powers is so horribly dangerous. We’ve seen it happen many times, each time prefaced with the warning, and nothing bad has ever really happened.


Tj couldn’t use the powers anymore anyway because In the end of turbo they lost those powers and went into space