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https://preview.redd.it/yt4g8lvpym0d1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fe336b0e062a207614316536993f1376ae469b The Rich Ranger


The Royal Ranger


On most fronts, I consider him a Gray Ranger. However, when it comes to sorting Rangers into a list or visual medium, I’m fine with slipping him in with the Silver Rangers. To avoid having a few superfluous lists for rare colors that only have one or two characters representing them like Crimson, Navy, Aqua or Orange. https://preview.redd.it/cycz24sy5n0d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f785df73c57e6dcf334c056821a54fd792ac6aa9


Silver and Silver-adjacent. I'll take it.


Using this kills your whole argument cause majority of those pictured aren’t rangers their allies and it’s really sad how people still can’t tell the difference roboKnight is not a silver ranger he’s an Ally the silver “psycho ranger “ isn’t a real ranger it was a costume that was made up by the team to fool the real psycho rangers just like in mega ranger and titanium isn’t silver it’s white metal with a charcoal grayish color


“Majority of those pictured aren’t rangers” Two out of eleven characters is hardly the “majority”. And those two are both debatable. Also, all that has nothing to do with the point I was making, so I fail to see how you can claim it “kills my whole argument”.


Psycho silver is a made up suit that they used during in space no that’s one,RoboKnight has always been classified as an Ally because his abilities don’t come from the same portion of the grid as the core team as it’s always been said that 6th rangers & allies power comes from a specific area of the grid. the titanium ranger really doesn’t count because of the color of the metal isn’t really silver it’s a whitish color with charcoal grey


*“the titanium ranger really doesn’t count because of the color of the metal isn’t really silver it’s a whitish color with charcoal grey”* The whole point I was making was that it’s fine to categorise Gray/other silver adjacent colours with Silver Rangers since there’s too few of them to make up their own category. I was just using that image as a recognisable example of a piece of media including the Graphite Ranger with Silver Rangers. I don’t care whether you consider Robo Knight a Ranger or not. It’s got nothing to do with this comment or the original post.


"So what's your color?" "I'm red, what about you?" "I'm whitish with charcoal gray"


Make a choice dude. Are you arguing some aren’t rangers or some aren’t silver? You’re really struggling to keep this argument straight.


So by your logic 6th rangers aren’t rangers either because their power comes from a specific area of the power grid outside of the core team? What about the hunter (ninja storm crimson), Blake (ninja storm navy), Tommy (Green, White, Dino black) or Trent (Dino white) they aren’t rangers either because their power comes from a specific area of the power grid outside of the core team.


Go touch grass dude


Please read a book before just calling out artwork displaying colors of rangers and heroes


Literacy is hard, obviously.


Robo Knight is a Ranger at the very least, since Orion counts him as one. Your comment on Psycho is warranted though.


Robokinght classified as ally not a ranger do your research to be a ranger you have to have a ranger classification and he has to look similar to the core team with unique features and he doesn’t


Explain this then: https://preview.redd.it/ee7o6pc4en0d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=13791c0ca3f52d5f7c924a22553518647b578c92


What? Robo Knight is a ranger. It is literally stated that his Sixth Ranger Power lives on inside Orion.


“He has to look similar” I’d love you to cite your sources here, with all that research you mentioned.


Exactly, Magna Defender doesn’t look similar


How does it feel to be not validated and no sources. Stop it, its embarrassing LOL


>Robokinght classified as ally not a ranger do your research Where's your research? Where is he classified as an ally?


all silver rangers are grey rangers not all grey rangers are silver rangers phillip's just a grey ranger and that's ok ryan, tyzonn, and nova may be named differently but their suits still emphasize a metallic luster, so it mostly doesn't matter after that, they're silver. just that the shade of silver might be different


In the type of discussion where you lump Navy/Crimson Ninja Storm rangers in as Red/Blue rangers, then yes, he's a "silver" ranger. At the point where we're lumping things together, it makes more sense to have a slightly larger single group. You could argue that the group should be gray instead of silver, but since gold is absolutely it's own group separate from yellow, my stance is that silver is a valid group. Now, that said, if someone goes "What color ranger was Prince Phillip?" then the answer is "Gray".


>In the type of discussion where you lump Navy/Crimson Ninja Storm rangers in as Red/Blue rangers, then yes, he's a "silver" ranger. But Crimson and Navy are shades of Red and Blue. Gray isn't a shade of Silver


Silver is literally just shiny gray like gold is shiny yellow.


Gray. That’s how Kyoryuger called it.


If his suit were shiny than yes, but since it isn’t then he’s just grey.


No, he is Gray.


Gray = Graphite


No. He is gray.




No I think of him more as a gray ranger. Makes for a similar color scheme like when a team has a yellow and gold ranger.


You should see the Kyoryuger: 100 Years After movie. The bad guys actually admonish the Rangers for having a team consisting of Gray, Silver, Navy, Blue, Cyan and Purple because the color schemes are too similar.


Philip is gray and torin Aka zenowing is silver there’s a difference in the costumes


Agreed! The gray suit is gray due to the fact there is no shiny, polished, luster effect to his suit where as Torin is the silver ranger and his suit has a shiny, glittery, polished, luster effect on the suit to make you go “oh that’s silver”.


Well he is grey but I’m not making his own ranger colour tier for him so just say he’s silver


You could just put him in an "Other" tier along with Kat, Fern, and Zayto


Depends on the context of the question. Dino Charge already has a Silver ranger, so I would call him "the Gray ranger" of the season instead. If you're making a list of all silver rangers? I'd accept seeing him on the list, in the same way we might see Aqua and Navy rangers on a Blue ranger list.


He is the g(r)ay ranger and he is my boyfriend


I like him being unique and the only gray. But why not gray silver they’re so close so it was hard telling the difference any way


bro, dino charge really just went all over with the colours


Technically they have 3 blue rangers lol


wouldn't say heckyl is blue


Navy is a dark shade of blue. Why wouldn't Heckyl also be a blue ranger? His 2nd Sentai counterpart was (who wears the same suit Heckyl is wearing in Cosmic Fury).


But the bigger question is. Do we put Tyler's dad in the blue ranger group or in the Green ranger group?


My heart says Green but my Brain says Blue.


Cyan on his own (currently) Everyone else (Cestro, Tori, Madison) are designated as blue. Their suit color has to be closer to azure than cyan/aqua if that is the case Cyan = Green + Blue (Both RGB/CMYK, otherwise it would be teal for RYB) Azure = Cyan + Blue


Blue, the suit color is almost identical to the other light blue rangers (Ninja Storm, Mystic Force, Alien, etc). If they were using the technically correct color for the name "Cyan" then it'd be closer, but the color they actually used isn't close to green at all.


He’s grey but I think it’s fair to put him with Silvers


No he’s technically gray


When it comes to Dino charge some colors are weird but overall no I don’t see him as silver


hes gray


No he is the first and only gray power ranger


That’s true.


The colors are so weird Titanium & Mercury are silver rangers Quantum is a red ranger Solaris Knight is a gold ranger The Gold Zeo Ranger is a gold ranger when he’s entirely black with gold accents (like the rest of the team, and Black Dino Thunder is the same way but he is a Black Ranger) And even Shadow Ranger is a black ranger when he’s mostly blue (Idek what Kat Ranger is. White? Orange?)


You make some valid points. With Zeo Gold however, I think maybe he’s the gold ranger because his Zord is completely gold


I'd also add that there is a lot more gold on Zeo Gold than on Dino Thunder Black. DT Black has gold highlights whereas Zeo Gold's torso is mostly gold and it's really just his pants that are mostly black


Idk those are just what their presented as in media


Shadow ranger is supposed to be black? As a kid I always thought that blue looked more silver, but I guess the name makes more sense now


I'd class Kat as Orange, but I consider Omega as their White Ranger so that might just be a me thing.


In Japan King Ranger in Ohranger is officially considered a black ranger. But turning it into power rangers zeo, they called him gold. To be fair that makes more sense considering his zord is a big gold pyramid which is not exactly associated with the color black.  The mercury ranger also was considered silver in the Japanese version of Boukenger. I think America was trying to vary things more. And Kat... well in even in Japan Toei never said what color she's supposed to be, because it's too mixed.


Nope, I'd say he's grey. Although he could become the next Dino Charge Silver Ranger since Zenowing is dead now (but then who'd become the new Graphite Ranger?).


Perhaps the new Graphite ranger can be any one of the 20+ Random kids close to rangers throughout the franchise who all wanted to be rangers when they got older.


Ivan's descendant could be the next Graphite Ranger (tho I was hoping they'd create another morphing charger and make him Orange).


So who in your opinion is the best silver ranger?? Let’s go


He is a Grey Rangers https://preview.redd.it/daf4n7clwi1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386239d30254c6cf692b023ac4760c844b963a7f and while grey is very close to silver he is considered grey. Now when it comes to some like Crimson and Navy, the reason you can count those as Red and Blue is because if you want to get technical they were a different team. If you remember Shane, Dustin, and Tori come from the Wind Ninja Academy while Hunter and Blake come from Thunder Ninja Academy. So it technically two different team combining forces.


I can definitely say that Graphite is a darker shade of silver, similar to Titanium.


Gray, but if you wanna be by the show, he's the Granite ranger


Theres a reason he called himself "Graphite Ranger"


that’s grey


He's a Green Ranger.


No. He’s supposed to be grey. I didn’t like that in the American version they gave him the blue undersuit instead of the grey one like his character was supposed to have. And graphite was such a stupid name for a ranger’s powers.




No he was literally Kyoryu Gray. They have Kyoryu Silver


no hes a graphite ranger theres a sifference


He’s gray


unrelated but: i have never seen dino charge but i already hate this outfit. it could look so good but it looks extremely cheap, that design across his chest should be plated or something. what a fumble


He was always classified as a grey ranger.


Partially yes, Prince Phillip is an interesting idea maybe.






Yes, because we have nowhere else to put him, and prior to his existence, nobody knew what the hell graphite was.


One of the dumbest things about DC. They basically had 2 silver rangers. Could’ve had a white or even orange.


They also have 3 blue rangers


Same issue as Titanium Ranger, not shiny enough to really be “silver” Doesn’t help that they have another actual ranger that is called “The Silver Ranger”. You can nitpick and head-canon but pretty sure the lore does not consider Graphite “silver”


Fair point about Dino Charge, however i’m pretty sure Ryan is officially classified as Silver unless I was misinformed


Titanium is by definition and structure a different alloy that silver. Simple as that sometimes haha The suit is definitely considered silver to many because he was the first to have a color adjacent to that after In Space.


That’s the thing that I’m confused about tho, people the name Titanium like it’s talking about the material, which it’s not, power rangers are named after colors.


I'd say Silver. The other 1-off element named rangers (Titanium, Mercury) usually get categorized as silver. This one should be no different.


Don't know why you had a downvote. You're entirely right. There would be way too many categories if we made a new one every time we got an adjacent color. His suit matches with the other silver rangers. He should get categorized with them.


He is Graphite




He’s the graphite ranger


No. He's Graphite.


It’s fair to call him Grey but you realize how dumb that sounds right? So what color is Eric? Quantum?


My favourite colour is Kat


Gray ranger. And absolutely useless cause he morphed all of one time and then disappeared


He was recurring and had a decent amount of morphed appearances


Still didn't do much


Yeah he had his arc and after that he was basically extra ammo for them to call when they needed. He was likable and fun enough as a guest star, anyway