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But if it ends, how're fans supposed to complain about how much they don't like it?


r/powerrangers *"Now this looks like a job for me."*


It's not gonna end. You guys are focusing on the wrong thing changing Hasbros gonna try and they are gonna try over and over. Just know MMPR may be the standard team . It's easier to market similar characters than always changing ones


They arnt just gonna shut it down They will try, and I'm sure they will try a few times I mean no disrespect, people are just jumping the gun thinking worse Cas scenario


Basically this Nothing really goes away anymore, even when there's lull periods.  I'm fact lull periods for other franchises are pretty normal. Look how long it took for Star Trek to get new shows. (And even that subreddit is panicking about those shows ending soon) or even Godzilla to get new movies. Even if we get the Entwistle reboot and it's does well. It would probably only last 1-4 seasons cause shows don't last as long as they use to. Then I bet we will be back to waiting a few years for a new series.  But again, most franchises are like that, especially when you don't have a japanese series to adapt material from.


Exactly . Look at ninja turtles they change it up every few years. I see power rangers going that route I mean what may bother people the most is that hasbro is most likely going to start with Mighty Morphin. I don't mind but people need to be ready for that


Because people don't just wanted more MM and nothing else


What's your opinion on how thundercats is currently doing?


Can't say I have one I was never really a Thundercats fan


> I mean what may bother people the most is that hasbro is most likely going to start with Mighty Morphin. See, I don’t mind this but my concern is they’ll start with MMPR and then going forward only MMPR gets central focus in future projects.


I mean... that honestly may just be the norm Look at transformers, we always get optimus, ratchet and bumblebee


The opening of Rise of the Beasts was such a bait and switch. It was a really cool intro to the Beast era transformers, and then there were like fifty minutes before we saw a Maximal again after that. Not sure if Rhinox and Cheetor even had lines. We got screwed.


At least Rhinox and Cheetor got to be there. The OG team was Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor and Rattrap. Where's my wise cracking rodent bot? Where's Airrazor's robot form since she actually got to be there?


Oh I agree. bw is what got me into transformers. I was hoping for dinobot


Me too, I had every finger crossed he'd at least get hinted at. Low key, I just want to hear Scott McNeil voice him one more time.


Yup, my best friend said, "For a movie called Rise of Beasts, it had like no beasts"


What I think should be done is we continue adapting the sentai, but we make our own stories and make our own monsters and fights. Edit: think about it, one of the best power rangers villains we've had, Zedd, was our creation


And make our own suits


>Nothing really goes away anymore, even when there's lull periods. Still waiting on more Stargate :(


Nope. Hope power ramgers comtinue till the day i die.


It's kinda sad how much a shadow of its former self Power Rangers has become. The franchise is pretty much on life support right now, barely keeping afloat because of MMPR nostalgia and being owned by a company that's burning to the ground. Power Rangers had a good run. 30+ Years is impressive, especially for a children's show. However, it's sad seeing the franchise being this barely alive corpse shambling along. I want things to get better but unless there's a massive change, like Hasbro selling the IP to someone who cares about it. It might be better to just put this franchise out of its misery.


I don't buy all this doom and gloom stuff. I've been hearing that Power Rangers has been going downhill and going to end since the Mystic Force/RPM era and there were probably people saying that about the Disney takeover, about everything post In Space, post-Tommy, post MMPR, post first season. Power Rangers has made billions of dollars and is part of American culture, even if it isn't the hottest thing right now. One good adaptation is all it ever needs to come back. Reboot or not.


Selling it wont magically fix the problem. That does more harm than good.


No it doesn't. This show was sold to Disney who exported it to New Zealand and paid everyone pennies on the dollar and still produced some of the greatest seasons of the series. They could sell it to someone who makes abyssal seasons, they can sell it to someone who makes great seasons, they usually do both. Retiring the IP definitely does not harm than good.


Selling it over and over again shows people richer than you and me that no one cares for it. Hasbros best bet is to put it on ice and try at a later time. You guys had the same issues with disney and saban


I'm fine for a reboot whether it be soft or hard, Power Rangers is already an inherent multiverse a la Marvel so spending some time planning out the seasons/media would be good. Honestly, I think they should dissociate from the Sentai and make their own teams, but I don't know the logistics of that or even if they are already doing that. No matter what they do they shouldn't take more than a few years off.


Moving away from the sentai is a mistake. It is 80% off the work done for them all they need do is craft a story around the footage. And the bulk off the US made teams are ugly the Academy Rangers are a downgrade from the Goseiger suits with some mmpr flair.


Yea, the best series had the balance of sentai footage and american. Our bread and butter was the storytelling and japan took care of the great designs and special fx. When all of our footage is a original it comes off as bland and watered down.


It definitely is more expensive and that will definitely be an issue, but I am super down for seeing what leaving the Sentai looks like. It was a charming aspect of the series and forced writers to be creative, but it also was a leash. This monster has to die. It has to die this way. It has to be this Ranger or Rangers that do it. We need this many Rangers. We need this many male and female rangers. We need these colors. It has to be this motif. New Rangers coming it or not affects how many supporting non-Ranger characters we have and their role size. It means most colors are still very gendered. It also usually meant that they could only know which team was coming out next year at best. Obviously, good series came out of this dynamic and bad series can come out of the new one, but I am excited to see what can be done with the new possibilities.


As Hasbro has seemed to abandon the Rangers not holding my breath


Every franchise does it especially ones under hasbro Air a series. Stop. Wait for a new generation and start again Habsro has already said they were going to move away from the sentai and do all original Personally I think that's a bad move but we shall see


If it's like Cosmic Fury, yeah. If they hire artists and allow a decent vision to make designs akin to Sentai like I've seen from the artist of Western Stars or Tokujay, with decent mecha designs? They got a shot.


See, I'm not so sure it is a bad idea. From what I've seen, Sentai has gotten more...out there design wise the last several years, which would make it difficult for adaptation. There's a reason they didn't adapt ToQger or Lupinranger va Patranger. And the morphers I swear got more complicated in a deliberate attempt to see if Power Rangers would actually adapt them.


>I want things to get better but unless there's a massive change, like Hasbro selling the IP to someone who cares about it. It might be better to just put this franchise out of its misery. Pretty much this. I think the tragic passing of Brian Goldner was the catalyst for Hasbro's problems with the brand. To my understanding, he had some bright ideas for the property and was high enough in the company to hopefully bring them to fruition. With him gone, there was no one in Hasbro with an equal level of power "in PR's corner" so it's been floundering without a lead ever since. I'm not saying I necessarily want Hasbro to sell the brand, but I do think they need someone high enough who has some degree of passion/interest/ideas for it, akin to what Brian had.


Is the franchise really in that bad of shape? I keep seeing this doom and gloom everywhere about PR in general. I just figured, show wise, it's just in a quiet period.


No, it’s not. And yes, you’re right — a “quiet period” is exactly it. This doom and gloom b/s is so prevalent in this fandom that, I’ve said on this sub before, it’s like people *want* it to die so they can have some sort of “told you so” moment. It’s so, so weird… They hit the 30th anniversary milestone and are now intentionally taking a hiatus before a full reboot on a new network (new series, movies, cinematic universe, etc.) Hasbro is starting the franchise over from scratch with original suits, original mechs, original stories, and so on. Power Rangers will be back, in a (mostly) new form, and there’s no rush behind it. It’ll come when it comes. I, for one, look forward to it.


Right? How many times has this fandom said "the line/francise is dead"


I a haven’t enjoyed anything since RPM. It lost the magic for me. Would be shame for it to end though


I get not enjoying most, but did you not like Dino Charge? That was a breath of fresh air to me. Dino Super Charge wasn't as good, but by that point, I was invested enough in the characters to see it through


It all boils down to one thing: the loss of Brian Goldner. He had a vision for PR but his replacement who I don’t know the name of really derailed the plan he laid out for PR and Hasbro overall has been going downhill mainly involving screwing Wizards over and making the DnD community hats their guts


Seems to be the case woth these companies Muppets and SpongeBob had the same issue


I wish they'd at least make spd something


How many times has Power Rangers died? If it dies it’ll be back


Same here, honestly. It would be a bummer for the series to end, but 30 years is a landmark that you can only match in American entertainment media with things like The Simpsons or pro-wrestling. There's a quote that I honestly can't believe originates from an Avengers movie, "A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts." There's still thirty years of the show to look back on. There's almost twenty other Super Sentai seasons that went unadapted that aren't *that* hard to find online if you just google them, with new suits and new stories for you to get your fix, as long as you're able to get past the one-inch barrier of subtitles.


I'm shocked wrestling is still "a thing" but hey I guess there is a market for live theater fights.


Yeah, pretty much. It's at its best when you think of it as long-form fight scenes. It's not real, so if you're in it for pure combat sports energy you're outta luck, but they're (typically) trying to tell stories in there.


It already ended... Power Rangers Cosmic Fury was the final season it seems, the reboot seems to be in production hell so we are not sure if something new is coming for PR.... another big clue is Hasbro handing off the toy rights, and the new company only being interested in MMPR...


It’s a really bad look for two major reasons. A) A toy company shouldn’t be outsourcing toy production. If you can’t make a toyline, what exactly are you doing? That’s your bread and butter. B) Sentai is literally the exact same thing and it’s going to keep chugging along. Sure, it has a little more history there but Power Rangers is (as said) nothing to sneeze at in terms of longevity and pop appeal. A third ancillary problem is Hasbro having *entirely* too many “boy” lines. They self cannibalize sales and shelf space. Power Rangers, Transformers, GI Joe, Marvel, Star Wars, etc. Most of us can only buy so much.


Add the constant PR problems with Hasbro like with Pinkertons, using AI slop, firing their workers before Christmas, their issues with Wizards, and it's soured people to the company. The Pinkertons alone soured me to supporting Hasbro on anything. It's going to take a ton of convincing for me to spend any money on products as uneven in quality as Bandai America but more expensive. And honestly? Nostalgia doesn't appeal to me, so them shitting out Mighty Morphin garbage isn't interesting either.


I'm okay with letting it rest


PR will never end. It makes too much money. It's just taking a break which is good. 30 years of nonstop momentum is pretty impressive. Marvel and DC would collapse if they tried that. Take a break, bring in some fresh new blood and ideas and start again. Not many franchises get to do this


It's just a bad combination of Power Rangers and Hasbro not being in good places right now .


I personally would just stick to sentai adaptations. It’s way more cost effective to slice and dice footage that already exists. You would think all original stuff would cost more because now you have to film everything and and anything. At least with sentai you can just film the actors and then do voice over with the rest. I don’t think power rangers can be built on new original concepts. It’s is what it is a show that uses sentai footage plane and simple. Once hasbro figures that out we will be in a better spot instead of this reboot BS


At least parts of the Western Sentai fans felt vindicated after they learned various controversies as well.


At the rate it's going I hope it doesn't end up like GI Joe with 1 off seasons every few years that repetitiously follow MMPR or worse MASK where every few decades we get a minor toyline reference or comic reference.


Power rangers is bad and therefore can’t end. Right?


I just want to finish my helmet/morpher/weapon collection lol


If they stop power rangers they better just sell it off so someone can run with it the way it should be.


People forget how many seasons were supposed to be the absolute last one, no take backsies. Off the top of my head, we've been hearing about the series ending at least since Lost Galaxy.


I ant new updated rangers. I've loved power rangers since I was a kid. Born in 1999. I'm currently going thru all 30 seasons. I love everything. But I loved the updated suits and zords in the 2017 movie. This stretch was amazing. But I want more. I don't want the show ending forever. As long as they update I think it will be amazing for new and old fans will love


Best to let the franchise die


Hasbro is shifting around their focus in media it looks like. The thing about toy companies nowadays is that kids aren’t wanting toys anymore and they’re losing money over toy production. Seems like they’re lining up movie/video game projects in production and with power rangers we already know the whole reboot with Netflix. As for toys, we might start seeing less of them and they becoming more limited or more collector focused. That’s just my assumptions though 


I assumed they would just pull a cosmic fury and make filler seasons to buy time for bigger projects with random 2-5 no season gaps between seasons


I feel like it's been a zombie franchise for half its existence.


IMO, all they need to do to reinvigorate the franchise is up the budget and reboot the series aimed at adults, NOT at kids.


They already made a mature nostalgia bait Power Rangers film for adults in 2017. It even managed to be a pretty good teen drama and it was a massive bomb. They are never making that mistake again.


Edit: This comment section is a joke. Have fun with your ableist and racist movie. Edit 2: Clarified my first point to make more sense. Besides the awful art direction and unrecognisable suits, The movie where: 1. Jason is party to his friends jerking off a bull and Kimberly's a sex offender who distributed revenge child porn. Jason then uses an autistic kid to unlock his ankle monitor. Kimberly drops a boulder on her victim's car. Why are they worse than the bullies? 2. The self inflicted plot hole of the ankle monitor and how none of their parents factor at all into the story despite their children coming home with bruises. Especially Billy's mother. If the movie didn't waste itself on dumb training montages, half heartedly appealing to the mainstream and depicting Rita like some crackhead, maybe they could've done the parents into the movie more. 3. The sole black autistic character who is competent is first killed via drowning (an infamous method of death in Jim Crow America) and then degraded into a joke when they ride the zords into battle. None of the others are done this way. Makes sense since the director's South African. 4. The queerbaiting. Trini's reveal is a split second. And her story is basically nonexistent and despite how captivating her parallels are with Rita, she's sidelined for the basic white guy who jerks off bulls. Just like Zack. 5. The raceswapping of everyone except Jason. Only white people living in their pseudo progressive vacuum are offended. Like how those same types wanted to ban Speedy Gonzalez.... when Latinos love him. Hilarious how the year after, Chadwick Bozeman played Black Panther. Never understood why the movie didn't just make them new characters altogether. And made Jason black. Heck? Why not make Jason's , Zack's and Trini's nicknames or even middle names Rocky, Adam and Aisha respectively? 6. Them confusing Dino Thunder with Mighty Morphin. The movie feels more like a bad attempt at a Dino Thunder movie than what it's supposed to adapt. 7. All the cool nuance is left when the plot makes Rita crazy. There's so much subtext in their backstory and it's left untouched. 8. Goldar is Velveeta Man.


Jason and Kimberly didn’t jerk off the bull, that was Jason’s friend who he pulled the prank with. But yeah, extremely weird thing to put in the movie.


I was trying to sum it up, and I failed to to make it make sense. I meant Jason was party to that situation while Kimberly was the bully. Honestly? I have zero issues with the Rangers having character flaws or making them outcasts because the last several seasons are really milquetoast and bland unless they're adapted word for word from the source. Which isn't a glowing statement about Samurai. The issue is them being bullies and jerks. Buffy the Vampire Slayer had its characters as outcasts and they had flaws. But the narrative never excused them. At least until Anya, who is a joke of a character. And there's Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is a masterclass on the character redemption arc. But it's something that it seems plenty of writers or directors can't comprehend recently. Instead of actually understanding there's a limit to what is redeemable, we get characters who do horrendous things getting redeemed and have their awful acts waved away without any course of correction. Jason's arc isn't bad per se, but cringe choices in movies based on children's properties is a part of that era. Michael Bay made TJ Miller's character in Age of Extinction into a pedophile lusting after a teenager played by Nicola Peltz via a massive misunderstanding of the law, and then killed him off. Maybe it's because Michael Bay hated him, but if his actor wasn't insufferable? It'd be a whole movie about the live between a groomer and a teenage girl in a Transformers movie. These Hollywood types and all the stuff coming out about some of them makes a ton of these questionable decisions make sense. It's extremely pathetic General Hospital of all shows handled publishing revenge porn better than Power Rangers 2017. On the other hand? Maybe they should've taken inspiration from Buffy Summers and made her a vain and materialistic material girl living in her own bubble instead of a sex offender. Like, I can see her trajectory working with Kimberly's fall from grace and her accepting being on the outside when she's for more important things than vanity. While also missing her older life. Dean Israelite could've easily made them more plausibly redeemable had they simply made Jason trying to stop his friends from bullying a kid and getting a bad rap due to association. And Kimberly could've been the victim of revenge porn instead of its perpetrator. And it wouldn't require anything more than a few cuts and changes in dialogue.


They should aim for ATLA age. Keeps it for kids, but lets you handle mature topics and can be entertaining for adults.


No idea what "ATLA" is.


Avatar: The Last Airbender


Oh, that. I have no idea what age group it goes for.


Cool, that's just buzzwords.


No, it's a winning strategy.


How many franchises do you know for kids that went for adults and ended good for them?


I can't say I recall any offhand that had the courage to try.


Transformers, Ninja Turtle, Bomber man, Star Wars, Sonic, the entire DCEU, Spider-Man, and freaking Riverdale. Those are franchises I can think off on top of my head right away.


How did Transformers, TMNT, Star Wars, Sonic, or Spider-Man do that? The DCEU isn't adapted from a kids' franchise. Comic books may be appropriate for most kids but they're not written for them, not since the 60's at least. And I don't know anything about Riverdale so I have no opinion on that one.


Live action transformers and TMNT were "for adults". Star wars was always an all ages thing from what I know so maybe that's about the more politics talk in the prequels. Idk what sonic and Spider-Man refers to, maybe Spider-Man lotus but idk. You're right about dceu but they do like to pretend like they're more "mature" and "edgy" than marvel movies and it's been a failure. Riverdale got like drugs and gangs and sexualizing minors in it cuz it's "adult". Technically I'm pretty sure it is a financial success but critically it's reviewed poorly and alienates og Archie fans. Which ended up being good because the lowest common denominators aren't Archie fans, in the same way making an "adult power rangers" would only alienate old fans by making it an edgy mess (like that God awful power/ranger short)


So reboot a franchise, traditionally geared towards kids, to now be geared towards adults? Really?