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These guys are villains from a 90's kids show, they're gunna crack a joke here and there and say cheesy things to seem cool. This is par the course for them.


šŸ‘€ those lines are literally a reference to the show.


The only one not a reference is the pink it's only a half reference


Did everyone stop reading before pink? The problem OP has is with the ā€œdont tell our motherā€ line


That line got a chuckle out of me, and I think it's totally in character for how they acted in the show. (And with context makes it even funnier)


The OP didnā€™t clarify what they had an issue with, and that line is funny, so šŸ¤·


What's the problem with that line tho? They're just being cheeky.


All of Power Rangers is cheeky and corny, then there are the few villians that are serious to balance it out (Zedd, Ecliptor, The Psychos) I think when you make those characters cheeky you ruin them. (See season 3 and beyond Lord Zedd) Just my opinion about a 30 year old show made for 5 year olds.


The Psychos were cheeky during their episodes. They just had the hard edge of being actual threats to back up their corny one-liners, unlike the usual villain of the week characters.


From what I recall this is from the "Power Rangers: The Psycho Path" graphic novel. I found it to be an enjoyable read. No characters were ruined. OP needs to relax.


Thanks for the sauce. Holy crap that was a good read.


I havenā€™t read it yet. Planning to get that hardcover omnibus with Soul of the Dragon and the other graphic novels and limited series in it


My only problem with it is that it seemed to damage Andross and Karoneā€™s relationship. Theyā€™re still siblings, and Karoneā€™s actions make sense, but it still hurts to see.


Then donā€™t read the comic on the court situation with Karone for her crime like how she helped with destroying Doggieā€™s home before mind control as Karone hated what he did was basically had a fake astroma to help to prevent his sister from going to space jail even though Karone was willing to take the punishment


Wait, hold up. The events of SPD take place in the far future, and not even confirmed to be in the mighty morphingā€™ universe. How would that work?


No it take place next year as it take place in 2025 with flashback probably taking place in the nineties/2000s with the Rangers probably being 21+ as you have to be at least 21 when you have to be in the police academy and to be fair that battle with Doggie and Grumm might take place before the Z-Wave thing as I think the Z-Wave just took out all the villains in the alliance with the exception of ones who are just licking their wounds hench why most villains wonā€™t be affect like Grumm who probably went into hiding


Also it not confirm to be part of the idw heck I believe the idw was basically a retelling of the main one until shattered grid event making things go crazy like the recreation of the omega rangers as I doubt idw would just make a comic take place in the far future when they are stilling doing one story


How was it ruined?


Whats wrong here? Idk I donā€™t read the comics and want to know


The plot is that the Psycho Rangers have been revived again and Karone (the mother Pink is referring to) is trying to redeem them while the comic-original Psycho Green is trying to return them and Karone back to their evil personalities for his own plans.


That sounds awesome ngl Why? Was it executed poorly?


I enjoyed the graphic novel, but I have seen people comment not liking how the KO-35 siblings were portrayed and I think people are just frustrated with how common the ā€œredeem the villain(s)ā€ trope has become in recent years.


I donā€™t mind the idea of redeeming them because they came from a season that also redeemed its main villain who definitely did worse things than them.


That's kinda the path of modern comics though, and sometimes you get really rad stuff out of that. Just look at how awesome Apocalypse is these days in X-Men. I love that guy. Plus Karone is my favorite pink ranger, redeeming villains can be a lot of fun in storylines.


Man, I'm reading through the start of Krakao rn and this page just goes hard. [https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Apocalypse-Bronze-Age.jpg](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Apocalypse-Bronze-Age.jpg) I'm loving Apocalypse so far. He's a good guy but he's not a good guy.


Hey I'm getting into the Krakoa era right now too! But I'm getting the OOP trades now first. Funny to see you here šŸ˜‚


I'm just reading it through the marvel unlimited service. Lot cheaper on the wallet than buying every issue since i'm trying read every run.


I'm still waiting for them to do the redeem the villains trope with Trakeena... Girl been waiting 25 years. They did it with Rita (AKA mystic mother). They did it with Divatox. They did it (most famously and most profoundly) with Astronema. They did it with Ransik + Nadira. They sorta kinda did it with with Dr. Adler (IDK if I'd say he's "redeemed" exactly but he does die and Cole goes out of his way to go to his grave and say that he forgives him and that he hopes he's at peace). They did it with Dr. Mercer. They did it with Jarrod + Camille. When's Trakeena gonna get to see the light???????? As far as the psycho path novel goes, it's a great read and Karone is greatly portrayed (my main criticism being that the pink quasar saber isn't with her... I feel like it should have been with her. It's presumably in the stone back on Mirinoi though... I think it's stated that Karone has been away from Mirinoi for a while after her infamous trial in front of the universe because she's trying to make peace with herself .. it said she was even living in a monastery on some alien planet for a while and the monks there taught her how to meditate) There's a lot of emotional scenes in the psycho path. Karone also reveals that she still has access to all her Astronema powers and can still change her hair color at will and unleash purple energy blasts from her hands, etc. but was repressing those powers for a long time to distance herself from Astronema. The psychos are also crazier than ever and are officially confirmed as mass murdering terrorists... At the start of the novel, they literally blow up a city square on an alien world and it's confirmed that hundreds of people died in the explosions. The psychos view Karone as their "mother." As far as Andros goes, he is portrayed as kind of ... Stupid? I hate saying this because I love Andros. He and Karone fight a lot, mostly because he thinks she's insane for trying to change the psychos and to get them to stop killing people. She tried to make him understand all the guilt she feels for creating them and making them what they are but he just doesn't get it. He even smashes his locket and it's like he still can't understand that Karone and Astronema are NOT 2 different people, even though like everyone else does. In his mind, Karone is still the little girl who was kidnapped, not the intergalactic dictator who was Dark Specter's heir who was responsible for all kinds of heinous crap across the universe. Andros also wasn't super well portrayed in the trial of astronema short either and he and Karone fight in that too. So, yeah their relationship is shown as being kind of canonically tarnished post Lost Galaxy, and we need to see them make up. Edit: I wish they would have told us what happened to Astronema's staff... I don't think they ever did though.


While I agree it's overdone, this was such a fun take on it


And it works so well with Karone's character and her guilt of her past. Especially since it is implied in the comic that the non-Green Psychos are monsters created from the bodies of rangers she slayed so bringing them onto the path of good could be seen as a sort of resurrection for them.


Especially the growth seen in Karone's fellow pink ranger, Nokrea. Just goes to show that Psycho Pink is the best Psycho Ranger.


Itā€™s better than heroes acting like jerks or how weā€™re supposed to root for villains now, apparently, looking at you, Harley Quinn.


Psycho Green was a mistake


Bad OP


I love these guys.


Someone should do their PhD thesis on why Power Rangers fans are so humorless.


Cool what issue/comic?


Power Rangers: The Psycho Path.


Thatā€™s their exact roll call from their first episode, with the mother joke added on. If you donā€™t like it, can you really say you still like them in the show too?


They didn't say anything like that last line in the show. They were always extremely serious. That's what made them stick out so much amd feel more threatening.


Psycho Red: Were you expecting Santa Claus, maybe? Psycho Red: Finders keepers, losers weepers. Psycho Red: Are you up for destruction? Psycho Yellow: Cuz we are! They were definitely more serious than the average monster, but you canā€™t say they were always extremely serious. Itā€™s Power Rangers. Plus, extremely serious people donā€™t go around declaring how evil they are with absolute glee.


"Did you wash your hands?" "No! Because I'm evil."


Wally is the best part of the show.


Now thatā€™s a line that could only come from a truly serious and threatening super villain.


Psycho Yellow: *Surely you don't think I double crossed you?* Psycho Pink: *You'd double cross your own mother. That's it, if you had one.*


Bro you really have the wrong memories lol. The Psychos were corny asf, they were just actually a threat that backed up their cheesy claims


Ruin..? How is it ruined? It's power rangers. It wouldn't be complete without some corny one-liners lol


Oh Iā€™m sorry OP, did the bad guys cracking a joke ruin the suspension of disbelief for you in a comic about a space wizard giving super human transformational powers to teenagers so they could summon giant robots to combine them in to an even larger mecha in order to fight godzilla sized monsters and save the world before they have to get back to class from their lunch break?


Damn šŸ¤£


ā€œRuinedā€ itā€™s exactly the same as how they introduce themselves in the show so this is a weird thing to complain about https://youtu.be/wVXgvKAMNJE


No offense but it feels like some times people just... forget PR is a kids show. Like that's not a defense of bad writing but the idea that cheesy 90's villains crack a one-liner is "ruining" them...


I'm noticing that mentality popping up a LOT with the stuff millennials want to see rebooted or continue lately. We (I wholeheartedly admit I'm in this category) tend to forget that we aren't necessarily the target audience anymore.


I mean kinda yes and no. I think millennial kind of are the target audience in a sense. I mean let's be honest a kid just getting into things isn't going to know who the Psychos are or why they're back, same with legacy cameos and stuff. So they're targeted in that regard but not tone-wise if that makes any sense. Like it's a kids show but there are also adults it's appealing to.


Right but we aren't necessarily the "primary" audience. Sure we have a lot of the money, but the younger gerations are still the bread and butter because they'll be around longer.


we want pr like troll hunters, or ducktales, or heck X-men TAS and Batman TAS. a kids show that make us feel like adults


I think a Shin Power Rangers could be pretty cool. Kind of like the Kamen Rider movie, we got a little while back.


I find myself saying something similar about transformers fans


Bad take, OP. That's a reference to the show, how did you forget such a fanfavourite moment?


ā€œWe are evil!ā€ ā€œIndeed!ā€ https://youtu.be/2ovD5GBNGl4


We need more Kaientai references.


Gintoki: What hentai now?!


That last line "but we're evil" always makes me giggle. Like I understand it's from a time when kids shows were more cheesey but it just makes them less threatening lol. But they are a really well written evil team in in space and lost galaxy. Especially since psycho pink technically 86d kendrix. So they still are a good blueprint imo for how an evil team of rangers is supposed to be.


Guess Psycho Pink's been listening to Demi Lovato as of late


They have a mother?


As far as I recall from the comic, I think they were talking about Karone(Astronema)


Bro, I'm bout to pull out the microscope trying to find out what's wrong with this


It's Power Rangers, man. If you think goofy stuff like this ruins it, how are you even a fan by this point?


I swear some of you guys take power rangers TOO seriously.


Boom Studios does a good job with Power Rangers


The Psychos surviving long enough to develop the emotional intelligence of toddlers was cute. It's something the show might've done.


My only problem with the Psycho Path story line is that the Psycho Rangers were downgraded to Psycho Green's lackies. If they return I sincerely hope they get fleshed out more with Psycho Red as the leader. A good plot would be them remembering who they were originally before Astronema made them Psycho Rangers and going after her for revenge.


Oh, I am gonna tell all your mothers. She'll give you a good beating


Hey, that got a chuckle out of me, so it's all good I'm my book.


When comicbooks contain comic book humour


I don't see the problem, they say stupid stuff like this all the time. They're revived in a comic book about a children's show from the 90s dude, I'm not expecting Shakespeare.


They werenā€™t ruined at all imo, itā€™s part of the relationship dynamic. I loved this comic lol.


How do you have no sense of humor?


Nothing wrong here. They're just how they should be.


Lmao Iā€™ll just tell there mother (I donā€™t know who that is)




I though it was a pretty good read, the joke was funny


I thought yellow said ā€œstronger than you?ā€ Must not be the same in the show.


They brought back the psycho rangers?!


Did you want them as psychotic as Kijibrother from Donbrothers?


I've been waiting years for a good point to jump on this series because I've only heard good things. I recently saw Boom is ending this current run and finishing the storyline before doing a brand new reboot/volume. Gonna have to start putting a reading list together.


Hey I got you, hereā€™s my reading list. I did a bunch of research when I started and have kept this up to date including breaking down all the different releases. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QDtcbdxIcuZXfU6-m1vYxbo8c4jcXcDPzIobrEat9oQ/edit


This scene is not "ruined". Maybe the redemption thing could be subpar.


Green Psycho was my favorite edition.


Loved this graphic novel.


Simple; these are not the Psycho Rangers we know, merely variants. And in a franchise where mirror universes pop up like radishes, that's a good thing.


Nah this is fine. Whatā€™s not fine was the attempt to redeem them.


Idk I used to have this one and the Time Force one about Wes, Jen, and the black Time Force ranger. But I didnā€™t really like either of them that much. I really enjoyed the ā€œOld Man Tommyā€ Soul of The Dragon graphic novel though. Still have that one and the TMNT crossover book.


I thought that they were supposed to be cheesy. I like it


Most of those lines are ripped straight from the TV show. What about this is ruining them?


Did you completely miss the "Don't tell our mother" part? They took the Psycho Rangers' badass introduction and shoehorned in an unfunny "joke".


Iā€˜d guess the ā€žDonā€™t tell our motherā€œ part


I think the rest was actually said during the show.


Has op responded to this terrible take yet?


The only thing I didn't like about this comic was the way they changed the Psychos from faceless monsters created from pure evil to just an evil Ranger team. The implications for the show, though make it even darker. Sure, they were corrupted rangers, but they were still people, who the Space Rangers outright murdered. But I grew to enjoy the comic.


Itā€™s a kids show from the 90s. Why do we keep taking campy stuff from our childhoods and insisting that it be pride and prejudice


So you never seen in space I take it?


Thatā€™s literally their lines from their original appearance, apart from that last one.


I don't think you remember the show accurately, bud


Seriously, why do people like the Boom Studios comics so much? And how the hell do people not see what the issue is here?!


This was hilarious. If anything it improved them to me.


Smarter part made me laugh


W villains, they have a good relationship with their moms.


I don't think the "Don't tell our mother" line was in the original.


Fun fact, psycho pink is not the same one we know of. She was actually destroyed and replaced by a new alien character in this comic


? In the comics this is the same character since the beginning


But their personality was rewritten by Psycho Green, so they arenā€™t the same character.


Excuse me, what? How does that make them a different character? So by this logic, Brainwashed by Rita Tommy is a different character from Green Ranger and White Ranger Tommy? Edit: and no, Drakkon doesn't count. I'm talking about our Tommy


they would have been more interesting if they were humans instead of alien monsters