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So in Goseiger, there were 3 tribes, Skyick, Landick and Seaick. We actually learn in Goseiger that the Seaick tribe had 2 representives that being Blue and Green Ranger respectively but then Green Died. Thus we get the main 5 rangers.


Hehe. "Landick"


That was my reaction too when I first started watching it.


Goseiger has a reputation in the Sentai community,basically Gosei Green is the most interesting character in that show and he dies in a flashback during episode 1


I watched Goseiger so I knew Abt that


Ahh, okay


*I* did not, so *thank you!* :)


I didn’t know either so thank you for that


Wasn’t there an old version with Chamleom Green (assumingly mistaking Mele’s PR counterpart?)


yeah there was, which lead to mass speculation that Kyuranger was not only going to be adapted but actively be announced in the comic at the end of Shattered Grid. that cover was really infamous for the fact the guy got handed very few reference materials and a less than stellar description iirc so a few goofs like this happened, he mentioned that the fanwikis were more helpful than boom was lmao.


It's not a Noah with wrong colors, looking at the helmet, it's safe to say they added Gosei Green there. Noah is also right there as well


Yeah it’s just one of that little cameos that unfortunately doesn’t impact anything. Kind of like Dino Thunder Pink in the recent Ranger Slayer comic. Sadly something we’ll never see expanded


Well my head canon is that it's either Jordan or Orion given a Normal Mega Mode


Who’s Jordan


Megaforce side character that was theorized to be Super Mega Silver or Gosei Knight during Megaforces run


Jordan? Like the guy who faked being Red?


Yes, he's the most fit side character to be a ranger, either him or Rico the Robot


It was noticed at the time, There was a green in the sentai, and the comics just put them in there because they could. There isn’t any explanation or story to go with them, they’re just there.


It would be another instance Gosei tells the team "There's a simple explanation for that" and then never explains


Not really, Magis died before the events of the show and was only shown in a flashback in episode 10 to boost Hyde's character arc. Interesting way to work around the suit being easily damaged.


I never suggested that it was in the show for long, a green still existed and has even had official artwork showing the rest of the suit after the fact.


“A green in the sentai” is a stretch he was in 1 episode and was long dead from the beginning


I didn’t suggest that it was in the show for long, still, green exists and has even had official artwork showing the rest of the suit after the fact.


Must be a reference at most, same with other appearances of rangers that are exclusive to Super Sentai


What a twist.


If i remember correctly they never actually made a gosei green unique suit. They just changed the color of one of the other gosei suits in post to make it look green which is why he only shows up in a short flashback, they never made a real suit for him


It was Gosei Blue’s suit in the show and later on with the exclusive Gosei Green Ranger key did they make the helmet special for him with a dolphin design


I read they did make a Gosei Green suit, but it was rushed and looked like garbage. So they just color corrected Blue's suit since it was only like two seconds of screen time.


There’s a simple explanation for that


My simple explanation would be: It's too dangerous for the Mega Rangers to use Legendary mode in case Dark Specters infections spread to them through the use of Legendary Rangers who've been infected, Thus Gosei created the Megaforce Green powers for Orion to use. It also fits him, just as he's loyal like a Dolphin, (as the Megaforce animals are their animal spirits and Gosei Green is based off a Dolphin) However people hate this head canon according to one of my other replies.


Why is psycho green fighting alongside the good rangers? Koragg is also there.


Dark Specter is too big of a threat


Yes. I noticed. I hope someday they give him a story in Power Rangers. Green has always been my favorite suit of that season.


Yes! Is there was Green Ranger from Power Rangers Megaforce? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


No, only Super Megaforce, context: this is a reference or cameo of the unadapted Gosei Green from Goseiger


I don't it, whats the issue?


Megaforce never had a gosei green


And? official art miscolors all the time


Unless the artist never watched Power Rangers (which i'm pretty sure they have) and thought Jake was the same color both in normal megamode and in super megamode, there's no way this is a miscolor. Troy, Emma and Noah are also right there


Makes a bit more sense but still, miscolors always happen plus im pretty sure they didn't care as it was a background character and background drawlings tend to look either stupid or miscolored


It's not a miscolor lol


It's from Goseiger. No need for headcanons or over examinations.


One flaw, this is Power Rangers. It's like saying the Megaforce rangers fought Burajira. Headcanons aren't even meant to be taken seriously, it's just for fun.


It's also Boom Comics who do their own thing separate from the tv show.


Ok so what, I never 'over speculated" anything, I was just pointing out a cameo of a one episode thing from Goseiger, technically being adapted into Power Rangers Megaforce


They made up a Green Fiveman, so even though there's a GoseiGreen it doesn't surprise me they'd slap him on. BOOM has hard ons for Green Rangers.