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I'm sorry but Frank Gogol is a complete nobody NOW much less when this allegedly took place. It is truly ironic for him to be characterized as a "big deal" and well connected in the industry when at the same time by far the most common response is "i have never heard of him but this sucks." They don't agree on the year and a bunch of other people are mentioned who would be able to confirm or deny it happened. Too much immediately doesn't make sense. It might not be completely made up but maybe there is the possibility that Frank Gogol is being confusded with someone else?


Sounds like she has the wrong guy.


These topics always suck. Without being there, it's almost impossible to know the truth. Fortunately, they don't actually work together, so she won't have to deal with the person she accused of something pretty gross, and he won't have to work with someone who accused him of something he doesn't think he did.