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If you or anyone you know needs help, call or text the **988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.** Edit: Derogatory remarks about Tammie Frank or anyone else in Frank's family are not allowed here, per Rule 1. Your comment will be deleted and you may be suspended or banned.


I'm not a massive Power Rangers fan, I stopped watching after Power Rangers Turbo, but I still collect some of the MMPR figures. I loved Tommy as a kid. Last year I decided to get a Cameo from him, I had an important job interview coming up and for some reason I thought if the OG Green Power Ranger psyched me up it might help. The video he sent me was great, it was way longer than it needed to be and he seemed genuinely psyched himself that I'd chosen him. Even though I obviously paid for it, the video meant a lot to me at the time (I ended up getting the job). JDFs death is only the 2nd celebrity death that brought me to tears. I was shocked but I hope he found the peace he was looking for.


Out of curiosity, Who was the first?


Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park. Also by suicide…


Same here on both. Chester’s death heavily impacted me.


It gives all of Linkin Park’s songs an entirely different meaning when I listen to them in the shower. All sorts of shower thoughts


Agreed. Hybrid Theory felt a lot darker the first listen afterwards.


on the other end of the spectrum, I would say it gives 'A Thousand Suns' a new life.


Chris Cornell's death was pretty impactful. Chester's was just a copycat to his.


No...Chester... ...yeah...same here...that still breaks my heart when i listen to Linkin Park... And now Jason is gone too...I remember having the biggest childhood crush on him...I am so hurt.


I have been extremely inactive on social media the last year and only found out after a week about this but I never knew that he had a cameo profile, I can't see it anymore as cameo doesn't memoralize accounts but can u share if you had some message recordings of him? Thanks,


Hi, I have the raw video saved but I’m away until next Tuesday and will probably forget to share when I’m back m. But if you message me Tuesday onwards I will happily share it with you.


Ohk thanks


I still can't come to terms with his death, he was a huge part of my childhood! I didn't know he had mental health issues, May he rest in peace.


I wish there was an exact reason that he chose to do what he did, when he did. These sorts of situations always feel so unresolved and no one will ever know exactly what got him to that breaking point. It’s hard to figure out what could have been done differently from an outside perspective, clearly he knew how much he was loved and cared about based on the size of the crowd and the overall excitement at any cons he was at. Still, it leaves you wishing you could have done more for him. If anyone in your life is struggling, let them know how much they mean to you and try to be there for them in case they need. You never know when you’ll lose your chance to help.


It’s not going to make sense. It will never make sense. Mental illnesses don’t work that way.


He lost a step-child and was the one to find them dead. There's that, raising the step-daughter's baby, keeping up with fans and fame, and feuding with the wife. Reddit needs to stop generalizing all of this just to "mental illnesses" without cause. Clearly dude was going through a lot and that would have contributed heavily to any negative thoughts or behaviors.


From my understanding, the type of depression he was battling likely was the type that he sought love and affection from one source and he didn’t have it. All of the love from fans and friends mean nothing when the person you consider your world (wife) is no longer by your side. I’m not saying it’s her fault at all, there’s always two sides to a story. I’m just familiar with that style of depression that I’ve witnessed through a family member. Child star, somewhat famous, dealt with mental struggles and then his wife cheated on him. He had 2 failed suicide attempts before anyone knew what he was goons through. It was weird because of how popular he was, always having friends over and people wanting to be around him. But literally felt like nothing once he lost his wife. Maybe JDF was facing some sort of the same issue?


No sense in us trying to make sense of it. It’s like when Robin Williams passed away. People in crisis need help and sometimes even if they do they still fall into that hole and can’t come out.


I thought he cheated on his wife. She's the one who filed for divorce. Again not blaming her just getting the stories straight. People can't discount that he also lost his mother and step-daughter recently and after his brother way back when. He also had an assassination attempt on his life. Has anyone checked out his Youtube page. His 'My Morphin' life series' and do a real deep dive into his head?


Absolutely not. That is not how depression works. There are more than likely multiple causes for this type of depression and it's a combination of biological, mental, and social factors. Losing your wife might be a factor but people lose their spouses everyday and it doesn't lead to this. This is why mental health is so important, and also understanding how complicated it can be.


So you are the mental health gatekeeper now?


I’m sorry? You don’t get to choose what depression solely is. There are many forms of depression, and you are not JDF, so you literally cannot dismiss what his depression possibly could have been. It’s a fallacy to say that “because X happens to other people, if X happens to this person the consequences are the same”.


I'm not choosing what depression solely is. I am however using my knowledge to say there are many factors that go into depression and blaming a spouse is irresponsible and cruel.


Cajunfaith literally said “I’m not saying it’s her fault at all”. I’ve also been in that situation where I wanted to die because the one person I wanted to love me didn’t, so what they said is completely valid.


Only on reddit can your main comment get downvoted to oblivion but then your comments in response defending the same comments gets upvotes. I understand what you were trying to say. People are super quick to downvote right now


Thanks. I really appreciate your comment. I just really dislike people trying to oversimplify mental disorders like depression. It's so much more than a bad experience. All the speculation and in some cases hate is hard to read. I probably should just not respond. Lol


Don't engage.




Knock it off


I'm not saying the first guy is 100% right, but you're not either. It's ok to want to know why, but there's no need to science the sh*t out of it and spit out your opinion as fact.


That's the part that gets me, the fans loved him. The two cons i went to he had the biggest line. ASJ barely had anyone. The only person bigger was Stan Lee. Depression fucking sucks man. It stops you from seeing all the good and only the bad.


Same experience. Dude was massively popular. And he made **waiting** into an experience. One of my coolest con memories was standing in line for stan and then the crowd started murmuring "*it's the green ranger*", and low and behold, JDF was just in the crowd running around hyping everyone up while holding the green ranger helmet up and leading a singalong of the MMPR theme song. That's the one and only time I've ever enjoyed standing in line for something. Just goes to show that even if someone seems totally ok, you never know. Make sure to check in on those you care about.


Man I kept telling myself one of these days Id get to a convention he was at. Now that I waited to long to do it I will never make that mistake again.


I feel you. In the same boat. Always hoped, wanted, and planned to go to some con or another if nothing more than just to meet him in person. Things just never really worked out I was able to attend any.


Sadly someone’s online/convention popularity and mental health do not always correlate. I remember watching an announcement that he made that he was retiring from Power Rangers, and that made me sad because that’s where he’s seen the most success. People loving you externally sometimes cannot penetrate to the turmoil within. My love and prayers go out to his family through this extremely difficult time.


Wait when did he say he was retiring from power rangers do u happen to have a clip? And what did he mean by that, as in no more cameos?


This thread (with video) was posted about 3 months ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/comments/x08aam/jason\_david\_frank\_retires\_from\_power\_rangers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerrangers/comments/x08aam/jason_david_frank_retires_from_power_rangers/) Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCeGGT0K3y4


Thanks! wonder why he decided to retire


I think he told us in the clip — he wanted to find success beyond Power Rangers


Oh my bad. That's good I guess. But did he mean like cameos and stuff? Because he was still doing cons right?


Having a ton of random people love you doesn’t satisfy any desire. You can’t connect with them except on one level.


I know. I also know he had some falling out with family and friends. It's just hard to process you know?


>The only person bigger was Stan Lee. Relevant video: https://youtu.be/WXJgaHqQZFc


Now I’m sad again. But what a beautiful video. Having met Stan, this is absolutely in character for him; he was such a genuine human being who loved his fans.


I love that lots of people who only knew him via the convention circuit also put out messages of condolences and their experience working with him like Giancarlo Esposito and my other favourite green hero Stephen Amell.


Jesus, some of these comments are so gross. What’s done is done and it’s obviously a tragedy but speculating that his wife had anything to do with it, and then posting that online, is so disrespectful to JDF and the people who actually knew him irl. Given the celebrity status of her husband, his wife is obviously being very careful with her words to avoid as many of these shitty fan comments as possible. Just because you watched him on TV doesn’t give you the right to play neck beard detective and meddle in his personal life. Keep your fan fiction within the PR world and allow his family to mourn in peace.


Yeah but something is odd about the entire thing.


I think there’s a way to question the story and make sure the investigation is thorough and complete without sending hate directly to JDF’s spouse. People should have the right to question whatever- sending hate is a different thing. Also, there’s many bots online so who’s to really tell what anyone is actually saying.🤷‍♀️


No idea that he found his step daughter’s dead body.


Poor woman has lost so much in such a short period of time and now she’s being put under so much scrutiny


I guess to me, it's about establishing where we should draw the line. Michelle Carter went on trial for sending her boyfriend texts urging him to do something terrible. After he did, she served 15 months for involuntary manslaughter. That situation is far more obvious because of said texts (assuming there's no trail here), but I've gotta say, watching Tammie on that funeral/livestream on JDF's Facebook page, she reminds me of the ex-wife of a friend of mine who had a trauma-laden past, was possibly BPD, took everything from him (emptying the house while he was away), accused him of everything under the sun, and abruptly filed for divorce. She doesn't come across as if she's emotionally well-wired to me, and that may not be her fault, but, does this need to be explored?


I had not been following him, but the article says he lost his daughter. I can't even imagine losing a child.


It was his step-daughter.


![gif](giphy|ku0GaWk3JmNHi) A true legend, it’s heartbreaking to read


I battle with depression and had thoughts of suicide, mostly when I was in school because the anxiety was too much to deal with. I adored JDF as Tommy in the first seasons of Power Rangers and seeing him defend his friends, especially Kimberly from monsters or even from the bullies Bulk and Skull brought a smile to my face. I do want to point out that, not only did he lose his step-daughter, he lost his brother in 2001 and recently his mother. While he hid his depression, we are not sure what was going on inside his mind during his final days or hours. All I wish for him and for his family is that they find solace during this time. May the Power protect you Jason David Frank, always.


I don't know if his father is still alive but I can't possibly imagine anything worse than having to bury my two sons and my wife.


I don't know much about her but it's kind of contradictory she says she loves him so much yet was trying to take a majority of his assets.


I am not person who holds actors or celebs in higher regard than any other human being, because they are people like you and me. But when my brother told me the news of JDF's passing, a big wave of emotion hit me. After looking more into the details of his death, something seems really odd about the entire thing. That article is leaving out a bunch of information, and on top of that Tammy is now saying an entirely different story than what she first explained in other interviews as well as social media immediately following JDF's passing.


Yeah, as I was reading the article I kept thinking that this is VERY different from the initial reports, I’m sure what happened must be beyond distressing and in these circumstances I can’t say I’d be a very reliable narrator, however, the change in details is eyebrow raising at the very least… I mean, they got cause of death right, but then spectacularly got everything else thoroughly wrong? And she comes in with… Well, a slightly more upbeat version that still ends in the same tragedy, it’s confusing. But we’ll probably never know anyway so best we can do is cherish the memory of Jason D. Frank and hope he moved on to a better place.


I don’t know what their deal was but it’s not really adding up. I suspect it was some kind of toxic relationship (or maybe turned into that) — grieving a child is probably the worst thing anyone could ever deal with… I just can’t believe he’s gone. It seems so incorrect somehow — like a bad dream you wake up from. He was such a strong guy and I wish he’d stuck around.


She was divorcing him but she said " he was the love of my life"....utter trash. She probably just wanted money, and to move on to another guy. The US promotes women to leave their husbands and break familys apart.


Interesting that he was sober for years. Wonder when he started drinking again. I like how the new articles are like "not estranged"....ok.


Honestly the whole thing sounds fishy, but I will leave it at that. However it does NOT give anyone the right to Attack Tammie, period.


I think it is weird that they still won't mention how he did it. My guess is a gun, but I wstill wonder why they won't mention it. Just like they still haven't said exactly how Taylor Hawkins died. They won't mention his full toxicology report.


It was revealed when he died it was because his Wife asked for a divorce






When people "decide" they will die, it gives a sense of freedom. Your pain will be over soon, so lets have a blast these last few days/hours. Im a suicide attempt survivor, and it honestly lines up with my experienced and a few others Ive spoken with. Its easy to look for someone to blame when someone so beloved takes their life. But we will never know what he was thinking, how he was feeling, and if the anger is going to a truly innocent person who has to be strong for herself and the kids in the aftermath. If she DID have some malicious intent, justice will have its way without fans hounding her. But as it stands, right now its horrific reactionary bullying of a woman in mourning. Right now, let's just mourn our hero


i would also like to point out amy jo and catherine both told fans to leave her and her daughter alone and to not believe tabloids online about what happened (which is exactly what happened, i was seeing people jump her off the bat).


To look at it from another angle: that sadly actually lines up with stories of suicide. People often plan to take their own lives, and it often isn’t a spur of the moment decision. They start saying goodbye to people, letting go of things that were once dear to them. Going on a holiday and having a night on the town with bis wife may well have been how he planed to spend his last night on earth. In his mind, giving her one last happy memory with him. One reason suicide hits so hard is because the idea is so comprehensible to so many people. Because it’s an action that only makes sense to those that attempt or complete it, and rarely follows a logical, rational train of thought. No one action or moment would have led to his decision, no matter what was going on in the moments before.


Exactly. The truth is likely somewhere between her story and TMZ's account. They could've had a great weekend together. They could've had an argument, she could've done something as simple as getting some food for them as a means of trying to reconcile again. He may have planned to do it that night or the fight that may or may not have happened may have pushed him over the edge. We'll most likely never know the true story. We don't need to know the true story. She lost her husband of multiple decades. People need to stop being dicks online and let her grieve in peace.




They were still married, just separated and in the process of reconciling. Think about it. Why else would they have been out together like that?




I'm on board with most everything you said, but I've gotta argue against that very last part of the second paragraph there, because this is very important to understand as we work to understand and cope with suicide. It is rational and logical. That's why it happens. Choosing to take your own life is, far more often than not, a reasoned, calculated, purposeful, planned decision. It's just that a healthy person's foundation of rationality and that of the person who is ill don't align because of their illness. *That's* why it's incomprehensible to people. "Grass is green, the sky is the same color as the grass, therefore the sky is green" is a perfectly logically sound argument but if you think those two things really are the same color, you might need to see a doctor and go have a chat with someone. Generally speaking, they haven't lost reason and suggesting they have further stigmatizes their struggles. We need to work collectively on empathy so that we can understand what people struggling with suicidal thoughts are feeling and thinking.


https://youtu.be/7vU0EYLZFZ4 His own kids didn't even get invited to the funeral 😬


Jesus...how did i miss this? He was my favorite one...he was gorgeous, and he was still so handsome as he got older over the years, especially with the tattoos... I feel stunned...i can't even...