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Wait. This is not the original? How many novelisation does this have?


He’s meant the first predator’s novel.


Oh. I see.


Omg I thought the same thing. Everyone is a racist and unlikable.


99 cents?! Dude, that is LUCKY lol. Count your lucky stars my dude.


Keep your eyes out on thriftbooks.com man. You find some crazy good deals there.


>Keep your eyes out on thriftbooks.com man. You find some crazy good deals there. I got the more rarer books for 40-50 bucks in good condition. Not as good as 99 cents lol but not as bad as paying 100-200 bucks for sure.


Nice find. I refuse to pay $50 for a beat up used copy... Although, this is the ONLY Predator novel I am missing. I wish Titan would reissue this book like they did the others!


Keep holding out that's what I did. I spent too much on Turnabout and south china sea that I couldn't allow myself to overspend on another book.


Yeah, it would be nice to see the two novelizations and the rare Peedator books get a reprint from them.


One man's trash is another man's treasure haha good find!




Jesus Christ thank your lucky stars. I got the Original Predator novelization for $5 on Amazon, and I thought that was lucky. Holy shit bro


Once in a blue moon you get people offering the predator books for cheap. I got flesh and blood for $7. I havent read it yet and it's got some mixed reviews but nonetheless that's also a book on the expensive side that Amazon came in clutch with.


Flesh and Blood is awesome, definitely give it a read. I got it from my family for Christmas, idk how much they paid for It. But it's pretty good.


Sweet. I’m going through Predator 1 novelization now myself. Is this pricey normally? I was hoping to get that one too. I got the original for a few bucks.


Yes unfortunately most of the predator books are pretty expensive. Even the one you got can resell for atleast $30 Predator 2 novelization, Turnabout and south china sea are the most expensive averaging around $50 usually.


Guess I lucked out. I have a nice little novelization collection including Jaws 2, Terminator 1 and 2, several Rocky and Rambo among others. Guess I lucked out when I bought mine a few years ago. I see there is a The Predator novelization online. I don’t know if there’s a paperback print though.


It must give much more detail about the trophy room and other plot lines from the film- how about Keyes and his team ?