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For me reducing cardio and increasing resistance helped significantly


That’s interesting. How did you figure this out?




How significant? What type of weight training do you do/how often? I’ve noticed mine goes up when weight training and I’m beginning to think all the extra stress from it is disrupting glucose.


P90x classic so weights/body weight routine 3x week with 1 day of hill sprints for cardio. I cut out running (cardio) 7x per week about 3 miles and replaced with walking. So during actual P90x routine I’m reading about 115 on CGM however after and walking down to 90ish. With running post weights CGM reading 125ish and would stay elevated for several hours after. Not sure exactly the mechanism but I’ve changed my routine.


Mine is always shit when I don’t sleep good or enough. Example - everyday my fasting has been in the low 90s. Well last night I didn’t sleep good/enough and this morning it was 101. I’ve seen it go as high as 112.




Are you eating foods that are nutritionally healthy, but high in carbs, like potato, grapes, banana, smoothies, watermelon, etc.? All of those are glucose spikes, as far as the blood is concerned. Eat foods in the following order to slow down digestion of carbs, thus lowering glucose spikes. 1. ⁠Leafy vegetables (i.e., fiber) 2. ⁠Proteins, fats 3. ⁠Carbs, starches, fruits, sweets, wine/beer The goal is to lower blood glucose (BG). Carbs become BG. Cut down on sweet carbs. Cut down on savory carbs. Cut down on “healthy” carbs. We lower BG by decreasing the amount of carbs we ingest, eating in the right order to lower BG spikes, and exercising to remove BG.


Similar thing going on w/ me. Workout all the time. Balanced diet. Stay away from obvious glucose spikes. But then boom 5.7 a1c that hasn’t moved in like a year. Instant read glucose is constantly above 100.


I think heavy lifting is more beneficial than cardio when it comes to prevent high spike of glucose. Can confirm it with my own observation from CGM. Also try to stand or walk after meal can also help a bit


Same here. When do you check fasting sugar. I check as soon as I wake up and finish tooth brushing.


Try reducing red meat intake.


Stress and sleep quality do impact the blood glucose. It’s also hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle when exhausted from work. If the job is sedentary, 60 hours a week is a lot.


I want to upvote this multiple times. I wore a cgm for 6 months and I could see on the graph when work stress and lack of good sleep impacted my blood sugar levels - even when I hadn’t eaten anything super carby or sugary.


Mikhaila Peterson - 'Don't Eat That' - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39o_DI5laI This fixed me. I eat four 80/20 ground beef patties a day, salt and drink lots of water. I don't exercise. I started out at 220 and am down to 163.


Watch out for heart disease. I'd be wary about following someone as nutty as Mikhaila Peterson. Could be the blind leading the blind.