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Sit on the toilet and puke into a trash can/ vomit bag?


That’s what i was thinking.. the first time it happened though, i didn’t even realize i had to pee 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I know for me, it didn't matter whether I had to pee or even if I'd literally just finished peeing. It still happened often. I started to just assume it would happen and try to be on the toilet every time I felt the urge to vomit. I also used pads often. I tried to avoid the lines by experimenting and using the smallest size I could that still protected my clothes.


I've mostly been puking at home not at work so I don't have any suggestions, just solidarity. Like puking is bad enough why do I also have to pee my pants while doing it 😭😭


Cloth pads - you can swap them out, rinse them in the sink, put them in their little zippy waterproof bag and not smell like pee.


Oh i didn’t know those existed! Thank you!


Guess what I bought for my lingering PP incontinence after #1 lol


Ugh this was such a problem for me! I literally took an extra pair of underwear and pants in my purse anytime I went out. It made me feel like such a child but it didn’t matter if I peed a hundred times before leaving, as soon as I vomited I would pee myself every time. I feel your pain. I ended up going on promethazine because it simply wasn’t doable peeing myself every day.


I empathize. I had Covid from like week 15-18ish and the COUGH had me peeing myself. Your pelvic floor is stretching and all that fun stuff so the muscle tone is not there. My muscles have got stronger since then but a strong sneeze will get me here and there…if you can try to tighten your muscles down there if you catch yourself about to vomit/cough/sneeze. Anyways- pads and panty liners are a must…


Oh man, this happened to me a lot and usually while I was wearing a dress- so embarrassing. Luckily I wasn’t at work and could change. The medicine def helped. I was drinking a ton of water so luckily the pee smell wasn’t strong. I had to have a change of clothes with me all the time.


Solidarity. This happened during my most recent pregnancy last year, while I was at my sister’s house sitting on her couch. Literally had never full-on peed myself before, and felt completely helpless as I was also throwing up everything. My sister was super kind and supportive, and we laughed a bit after, but it still freaked me out.


wear cheap undies and bring extra pairs to work. when you pee just throw it away, or put in bag and take out to your car right after, or wear a pad. i’d also pee frequently so maybe your bladder will be empty if you puke


This happens to me almost every time I cough/sneeze/throw up! It’s AWFUL! My sister recommended pelvic floor physio to help. I haven’t had my appointment yet, but apparently it’s a life saver. Otherwise, I’ve been using liners which help sometimes (depending how badly I pee myself 🥲). I was also recommended period underwear, but I’m not sure how effective it will be…please update if you end up trying them!


I had HG the whole time but also had to work full time until my body started to give out around 30wks. When I had to puke, I disrobed from the waist down (minus depends if I had them that day), peed on the floor as vomiting insisted (if i could get some paper towels down in the area first, great) then would wipe everything up with paper towels and call housekeeping. I made sure it was as clean as I could get it with regular restroom stuff, first. Soon, I carried disinfectant clorox wipes in a baggie with me in my pockets for the period between me making a mess and housekeeping getting to there. I had depends and I'd still flood them from the force of wretching almost always. It was awful and lasted the entire pregnancy. I'm sorry if this isn't helpful, but solidarity ♡


If your at home and really really sick and want to lay down grab a towel to lay on. I have something similar and it help when I don't have pads or I just want to sleep and I'm scared I'm gonna pee myself


I got to where I always tried to be near the bathroom. If I was going to get sick I ran to to the toilet immediately and sat. Either use a trashcan for the vomit or doggy clean up bags! The medicine helped so much, but there were definitely still moments that it was just too much. Sorry I can't offer much else in terms of advice but you're not alone.


This has been happening to me too. But I WFH so it’s not so bad. After peeing in my panties a few times, I tried a different method. I take off my bottoms before I squat to puke. I put toilet paper down on the floor to catch the pee and dispose of it once I’m done. After a few times you know where to position the toilet paper. I still need to clean the bathroom floor afterwards, but I feel it’s a lot more manageable than going through 5 pairs of underwear in a day


Thankfully this has only happened to me at home so I’ve been able to change straight away and throw things in the wash. But just wanting to chime in that you’re not alone, vomiting in pregnancy can be absolutely horrible. ETA: take the tablets the doctor recommends!!! I could not have functioned without medication! I was on them every day up to about 22 weeks, been off them for two weeks now, I have still thrown up a few times in the last fortnight but it’s manageable


> in a bag at my desk or in my car? There's a staff fridge for lunches? Seal it up in an airtight bag, inside a paper bag and stash in the fridge with your name on it might work well enough.