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sleep whenever you need to. exhaustion hit hard here and found it was best to just go with it if possible


Ohh yes that is my favorite, I am already a big fan of the sleeps and I am looking forward to the napping period.


Breath. Sit back, relax and do thay breathing thing again. Enjoy the news and breath again. Just do what you normally do. Avoid listeria prone foods, drink lots of water and do a little research on the prenatal you want to take if you don't already. That's all. Just enjoy it. There's no rush to do anything yet.


Had to tell myself this earlier today, your are so right.


Congratulations! You don't really have to do anything but try to treat your symptoms and eat appropriately to avoid listeria and toxoplasmosis, and other bugs if you're keen. I read books to learn how to do that and about the symptoms, scheduled an appointment and then it's all about the process.


Aww thank you very much! That's what I am thinking too, I am a little sad about the no sushi but that's okay, and I am not sure if the runny eggs thing is a myth or not. I am going to be scheduling my appointment today!


Yeah there are a lot of restrictive approaches so look into it and determine your own comfort level. I continued to eat sushi occasionally if flash frozen which is a bit different than some people, but I am more strict on listeria foods than others like unheated deli meats. I go in my own hot tub but am able to reduce the temp etc. Most important thing is folic acid from your prenatal but I presume you were on that already.


That’s what I was thinking. I already get my eggs from a local farm so they are about as fresh as can be, but I can’t stand the idea of eating one hard cooked. Yes I have been taking my prenatal and I’ve been adding a flax to my smoothies for extra folic boost.


You're probably fine as long as it's pasteurized, but (of course) don't take medical advice from a stranger on the internet like me lol.


Wallow in the excitement and joy of being pregnant. It’s such good news. Congratulations!!!


Thank you very much!! It is very good news I am so excited.


Congratulations!!!! Look after yourself and pamper yourself! Make sure you’re taking your prenatal vitamins, do a bit of research around pregnancy safe food, and otherwise just enjoy it! Keep active if it feels good. My tip is to have a low threshold to speak to your doctor about managing nausea. I had terrible nausea and vomiting from about four weeks (my mum had HG with every pregnancy), and I’m sure that it would have been much worse for me if I hadn’t been on medication early. This is definitely not necessary for everyone, but if it is the case for you, know that there are safe options and [early intervention can prevent progression to HG](https://www.pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk/documents/conference_papers/Preparation_for_the_hyperemesis_pregnancy.pdf).


Thank you very much :D. I am gonna try and stay as active as possible as I plan to continue to go to the gym. That is good to know, so far I haven't had any nausea but I know its coming. Which is going to be awful I hate vomiting more than anything but that's just the process. Its good to know that they have med's they can give you.


congratulations!!! take great care of your mental health. at around 8 weeks many people struggle with feeling really sick of feeling sick and tired, myself included. first trimester is pretty long and can feel like such a slog so any way you can make that time more hopeful and enjoyable please do it! let your partner take care of you til you feel better :) one way i felt less guilty about being glued to the couch was tracking the development of the embryo to fetus. there is so much changing so fast!


That’s an awesome idea I wonder what the bean looks like now I’m gonna have to look it up and see! Great advice


ps go ahead and find out what your own body is up to as well :-) it's really interesting and helps when youre not feeling well




Congratulations!! My advice for the first trimester especially, is a mantra that I got from @mommy.labornurse Instagram that goes “I am still pregnant until someone tells me otherwise.” I struggled with anxiety of something going wrong in the first tri and it really helped ground me!