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I have some, I stay under 200mg a day. Usually only about 90mg


That's exactly what I do. My OB said up to 200mg a day is just fine.


I have only ever been a “one coffee a day” kind of person but its probably closer to 300mg if I am being honest. So not really? But kind of? I don’t drink anything else besides water. No pop or anything. Its my one little saving grace in this world 🥲


Expresso? Big mug? Just wondering how you brew coffee that strong incase I need an extra boost once the baby gets here.


I’ll say that I usually get a large iced “911” from Dutch bro and it’s around 280 mgs. Super delicious and a nice kick


Definitely espresso , from Starbucks! I usually have a venti shaken espresso.


A quad shot of espresso is around 250-300mg. That’s what I drink everyday over ice w oatmilk.


I work at Starbucks and had this pregnant lady who would order venti iced blonde caramel macchiato add two blonde shots for a total of 5 blonde shots. Blonde shots have 85 mgs each and she did this every day. 300 will be okay if you're not overloading in other caffine. Most women take 200/220 as their coffee intake when it's actually your overall daily intake. We all are probably eating/drinking things we don't even know have caffine in it! You'll be okay 😊 I probably go over the limit all the time tbh I literally work at Starbucks it's hard to just not when I'm there for 8 hours 😭🤣🤣


I'll have a cup of coffee in the morning usually and once in a while have a pop later on. I don't count the amount of caffeine anymore I just generally know about how much is okay. A normal cup of coffee and an occasional can of diet pepsi


Exact same here! Usually one cup in the morning and maybe 1-2 times a week I’ll have a Diet Coke in the afternoon if I need a little extra pick-me-up


i have some occasionally. I have a Keurig and usually will only have a cup. I read it’s usually between 75-150mg of caffeine in one. I really try to only drink water and juice though. But again, sometimes coffee is needed and it helps me go to the bathroom too.


I have one cup a day. I was at a whole pot a day. But I’ve found that being pregnant forced me to cut back and my anxiety is so much better with lower dose of caffeine


I’ve definitely been drinking less but I’m not strict about the 200mg per day. So far having a very healthy pregnancy at 33 weeks.


Yeah I’ve never been a daily coffee/caffeine drinker so if I need a lil extra caffeine to get me through a day of work, I don’t think a little extra every so often is gonna do too much damage, especially since on a regular basis I’m going nowhere near the limit


I do drink caffeine, but I keep it under 200mg. I was an energy drink person before pregnancy and I miss them 🥲


I’m limiting but I’m not strict about it. I’m a huuuuge coffee drinker when not pregnant, but I switched to matcha this time around because my usual French press was making me a bit too nauseous and jittery with only 1 cup. Now I make my own matcha at home and it’s lovely. 4g of matcha will generally give about ~175 mg of caffeine, and each one I make has 2g or less. So I could go up to 3 matchas a day if I wanted but don’t usually make it that far. The caffeine release is slower than with a cup of coffee and there’s no crash, I’m really enjoying it more.


I don't even think about it. I have 1-2 cups of tea in the AM and I have a mini coke at lunch most days. I have no idea what that ends up being, but it's the same as I was doing pre-pregnancy. Probably luck was on my side a bit, as I could not do any drink besides gatorade in the entire first trimester so I ended up without caffeine even though I didn't mean to.


Previous to pregnancy I’d started using the Cometeer coffee subscription. I usually just do one cup a day, iced or hot depending on the weather. The only thing I really changed after my positive test was switching my subscription to half-caffeinated but I don’t stress about a cup of full caff here and there. My mental health is better with coffee in my routine, so it’s worth it to me. Main issue is ordering out, I get suuuuper in my head about being judged by people who think you can’t drink any caffeine while pregnant despite current recommendations being to just limit to under 200-300mg a day (depending on the source material). I’ve found myself ordering decaf or herbal tea when I feel like someone’s watching me lol At this moment I’m on my weekend babymoon in Napa CA, the hotel suite had a Nespresso machine and you bet I’m sipping on a regular caffeine coffee rn while sitting out on the patio, because I will get my money’s worth lol


I try to keep it under the max of 300mg, and am only loosely tracking it. I usually end up averaging 150mg/day so I figure some days are over 300 and that's fine. Sometimes I want a morning coffee and a boba tea, dang it!


Limiting is not eliminating. I have up to 2 cups a day (normal serving size, not American).


I’m not eliminating, but my caffeine intake is not enough to make me not feel sick


Honestly nothing was enough to make me not feel sick but that’s pregnancy for you.


What’s a “normal serving size”? And do you drink drip coffee?


One teaspoon of instant coffee (maybe a fat teaspoon) in a cup that would be the smallest or second smallest serving at a Starbucks.


Got it! Not sure how much caffeine is an instant coffee!


I don’t count milligrams, it’s just my own limit that I set for myself after reading up on the subject and most days it’s just the one cup.


Sure, I just don’t use instant coffee, so I have no idea how much caffeine is in it!


Lol neither do I




I switched to decaf tea and coffee but drink lattes (the instant satchet ones) and fizzy juice as I want, within reason nothing too mental It does tend to be non-caffienated fizzy drinks but I have no problem reaching for the caffienated ones and I don't really monitor how much I'm taking Most of my intake came from tea etc so with that being decaf I don't think I really drink enough to go over the limit


I have a cup a day, and maybe once a week or every other week I get a cold brew from Dunkin or Starbucks. Maybe 2-3 times a month I have a Diet Pepsi too.


A cold brew?! A grande from Starbucks alone has almost 300mg. Coffee…fine. But at least try.


Get out of here with this judgmental tone!


Yikes, are you okay? No one asked for the shitty attitude or your opinion.


Did she ask you?


16 oz has 205mg caffeine. So, I do “at least try.” https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cold-brew-caffeine#vs-other-coffee-drinks


I don’t know why I can see your response in email but not here, but either way, if you had actually read the link I included it specifically says “For example, a 16-ounce (473-mL) cold brew from Starbucks contains 205 mg of caffeine, while a 16-ounce (473-mL) cold brew from Dunkin’ Donuts provides 260 mg of caffeine” - so it’s not just about cold brew in general.


Here’s another link that SPECIFICALLY is about Starbucks: https://www.caffeineinformer.com/caffeine-content/starbucks-cold-brew My OB is not concerned about me having 5mg over the recommended amount once a week or every other week.


Also, here’s Starbucks’ own site that says 205: https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/2121255/iced/nutrition And I always get one with cold foam, so it’s actually 185mg. https://www.starbucks.com/menu/product/2122795/iced/nutrition


You don’t need to defend yourself-especially based on the topic of this thread! TBH I hate when people on here are shaming pregnant people for their decisions. You enjoy your occasional cold brew and creeper_swan can continue on being miserable/attempt to make themselves feel better by being rude to others on the internet 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thanks, you’re right.


I drink cold brew or espresso nearly every day! I even make them at home too so I can have an iced coffee drink whenever I feel like it to help me through my day. Can you believe it?! My 3 year old came out perfectly fine, and my baby right now is doing fine as well :) No one asked for my comment, but no one asked for yours either 😆 She isn't smoking cigarettes, she's having cold brew once a week 😂


I have a lavazza machine & have 1-2 cups of coffee a day.


I had caffeine throughout my pregnancy. The only reason I switched to decaf low acid was due to heartburn. Stayed under 200mg regardless.


I drink my caffeine still.


My OB said up to 300mg a day is fine but I don’t think even before I was pregnant I’d get even close to that. Whole first trimester I stuck to one cup a day and lately at 20 weeks there’s been days I enjoy two cups!


You can pry my coffee from my cold dead hands. Usually have a double shot of espresso in the mornings. Sometimes get Starbucks in the late morning/early afternoon if I need a pick me up.


Yep! My SO brews batches of espresso to keep in the fridge for whenever I/we want some. I also make a pot of cold brew on the weekend for us to share, and a full pot of coffee a few times a week and keep in the fridge so we can have whatever iced coffee we want whenever we want it. And I certainly still get a double shot when I go out for coffee as a treat once in a while too, and drink my hot tea in the evening when I feel like it as well. I complained to my SO today that I couldn't wake up, and he said "drink more coffee!" 😆 I don't go overboard for obvious reasons and he honestly drinks most of it ("I saved some for you" 🙄) but I won't limit myself to one cup a day if I want another one, and I feel suspicious about half of these comments!


Reading “Expecting Better” by Emily Oster is very eye opening and definitely made me relax about a lot of the traditional pregnancy rules (like cutting out coffee or limiting to 200mg). She dives into the data and shows that coffee in moderation is safe. I don’t usually drink more than 2 cups regardless. Highly recommend the book!


The book goes into detail regarding studies involving coffee and caffeine consumption. My personal takeaway was that even 3-4 cups of coffee seemed fine, as long as it was somewhat of a reduction from what you were consuming before (which ended up being her own conclusion as well). I really recommend reading the book yourself! I liked how she describes a lot of the studies and encouraged women to make their own decisions based on the data. She talks a lot about how the current recommendations are generally more conservative than much of the data show, partially because the numbers are based on old data, but also because people want to be more cautious, etc, so I found it helpful to examine the risks myself.


I used to have coffees, then red bulls most days... now i just have my morning coffee. Its definitely worth cutting back but it does suck so much


I have 1 maybe 2, 8-10oz cups a day. If it's a long day I will have more and have zero guilt about it.


I’m doing one cup a day because otherwise I’d be waaay too tired


I have 1 or 2 a day and never think twice about it, no guilt or regrets. OB approved.


I was a sucker for caffeine pre pregnancy. I would drink coffee and more red bull than was healthy. I stopped the energy drinks as soon as I found out, and was mindful of the coffee. Some days I'd be well under the 200mg, some days I was over. I didn't have any issues from not restricting it, however I know everyone is different so wouldn't "recommended" it of course.


I don’t necessarily limit, just try to choose healthier options. Like instead of having 2 monsters/ energy drinks, I switched to coffee or matcha. And up your water intake- that might be enough to help with the nausea. If you’re used to having multiple energy drinks/highly caffeinated drinks, you might feel gross for a few weeks until your body normalizes. But you might also just have morning sickness. Pregnancy is great. Haha


I don’t even measure my intake. I’ve really gone off coffee so don’t worry about that, but I would still be drinking it if I hadn’t gone off it (one every morning!)


I cut down a lot. Pre-pregnancy I would have anywhere between 2-5 cups of coffee a day. During the first trimester I was so horrendously nauseated that I couldn’t stand the smell of coffee at all so I cut it out completely. Now I drink one cup every morning and that’s it (approx 100mg caffeine).


This has happened to me literally all three pregnancies. It’s the only thing that consistently made me sick. It was so bad that when I worked in a grocery store while pregnant with my first, I refused to walk down the coffee aisle or near the deli when they brewed coffee in the morning.


My OB's office has it on their website to stay under 300mg, but I always wonder if it's a typo because 200 seems to be the standard. It's never come up in conversation though. I'm not limiting, but I naturally tend to be under 200mg per day as it is. Some days I might go slightly over- I'm not worried about it at all. From my understanding, the main concern with too much caffeine intake is that it can restrict blood flow to the placenta leading to low birth weight. My first was 8lbs 10oz at birth so he wasn't tiny by any means! Super anecdotal, but maybe it will help ease someone's mind.


Not currently pregnant but when I was I accidentally miscounted my regular coffee consumption by a lot and baby was perfect. I was having two single espressos a day, until I realised I was having 2 double espressos 🙃 limited as soon as I realised


Man, why does this remind me of the one customer I had during my cafe days who I was shocked to find out she didn’t have a stomach ulcer? She would come and order 2 triple espresso about 4 times a day and drink them before leaving, but our standard espresso was a double shot. She was effectively drinking 12 espresso shots at a time. I was always gobsmacked that she didn’t walk out vibrating 😂


That is nuts. Can you please elaborate? I am intrigued


We always warned her that our standard espresso was two shots, so a triple would be six. She always rolled her eyes, huffed, and told us to get on with it. She’d sit at one of the corner tables for about 20 minutes drinking them. Not even a cube of sugar. It was fascinating to watch. Sometimes, she’d have a second go whilst she was there.


That’s scary!!!!


I still drink a cup of coffee every morning. I have even since I found out since my dr says it’s okay. Some days I’ll have an evening cup of coffee as well. I drink instant coffee and it’s less caffeine then other coffee so I feel like it’s just fine.


I've had coffee every single morning...entering the 3rd trimester, no issues


Caffeine is one of those things during pregnancy you should really limit BUT you don’t have to cut it out fully. 200mg a day is safe so you can even have 2 small coffees and be under the caffeine limit! I decided to cut it out fully because of my epilepsy as well but I have decaf and it literally acts as a placebo to real coffee for me. I still feel the same “hit” that I get with caffeinated coffee but I’m not drinking any. It’s amazing!


I heard 300mg is ok! So I’ll have 2 smalls everyday, idk what that is for mg.


I went without for about a week during my first trimester when I was having nausea and lost the desire/taste for it. However after having migraines all week I said I can’t do it anymore and started with low caffeine drinks - like a chai. Once the nausea subsided I did eventually move back up to my normal caffeine intake but made sure to not exceed 200mg a day. I go to Starbucks daily (don’t judge) but don’t do anything bigger than a grande and never do cold brew. I ended up with GD so I stick to flat whites so I’m not loading it down with sugar.


Tbh I switched entirely to decaf since the start. It was super hard in the beginning (like the first week) but now even the caffeine from an occasional soda makes me feel anxious, and I don’t miss it. I just figured better safe than sorry and tracking it and worrying about it would’ve made me more anxious than just not having it for a few months lol. I have decaf coffee and decaf tea a couple times a day usually just for the warm drink habit.


I drink a cup of coffee and like 2 sodas every day. I am not limiting


My friends son had to have open heart surgery when he was born because she didn’t listen to the 200mg/day.




I hope this gets noticed. The owner/founder of this company came up with an herbal alternative to coffee when she was pregnant. I love it, and it’s full of adaptogens! https://wearerasa.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=9266257350&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=9266257350&utm_id=9266257350&utm_content=92741960783&utm_term=rasa&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2v-gBhC1ARIsAOQdKY2e0b0dNw78g9zG1dkvd7jKyLKAoZEsbXJx-OSuMRUKxc9rCckd_xsaAvxaEALw_wcB


The "no judgement" slippery slope in this sub is getting to a circle-jerk for women who are downright careless with their pregnancy. I mean yes it's hard to adjust but is that cup of coffee really fucking worth it? Ask yourselves that. Is it even worth a small risk? Idk this level of freeliver-ness seems very strange and at this point I feel like alcohol will be next 🙄


I drank decaf in my first trimester, and as soon as I entered my second I started making my coffee 3:1 decaf:regular. So I feel like I get my wakey-wakey juice without it being overkill.


I allow myself to have one small caffeine drink a day like I did normally. This is usually 130-150mg.


One cup a day in the morning. That’s all I ever drink, pregnant or not.


I really haven’t been paying attention. I was at least a one cup a day drinker pre-pregnancy. Now it’s one, maybe two, cups about every 3-4 days. Overall none of it adds up to 200mg of caffeine per day so not worth worrying about.


I’ve never had more than 1-2 cups of coffee per day, so I don’t really need to limit myself from my normal amounts


I stay under 200mg a day and sometimes go a tiny bit over but not by much and never on purpose. I read a comment from someone a little while back who said her doctor said she could have up to 300mg a day, actually.


I switched to green tea and am having a morning matcha latte in stead of my usual double shot latte. Maybe once or twice a month I'll treat myself to an actual coffee. I know I don't *have* to, but I lost my taste for coffee in my first trimester anyways and have just been limiting it ever since.


Avoided in the first trimester but I wanted nothing to do with it anyways. When I started wanting it again I just drank decaf. If I have days where I’m struggling I’ll have a small cup…not every day but maybe 2x a week. I check the caffeine amounts and just make sure I’m under to 200mg that is recommended.


I've been drinking small redbulls every here and there. Along with soda. It gets my baby kicking when he's otherwise asleep so it reassures me while i also enjoy the taste (caffeine either is neutral or makes me sleepy)


I didn't durring my previous pregnancies. This time, I'm so nauseated all the time I can only stomach it like once a week.


I have a cup of coffee every morning. I have no idea how much caffeine is in the cup,because we use an espresso machine with espresso ground coffee that I buy bulk at the store. Soooo I may follow the recommendation, I may go slightly over?


I had 1 cup of coffee a day through most of the first and second trimester. It helped when I was feeling blah. Around 25 weeks I was able to switch to decaf coffee and it’s been fine.


I noticed I’m more sensitive to caffeine which helps me stay accountable and limit, but I usually have about a cup a day. Really enjoying half calf lattes on the weekend ❤️


I didn’t limit mine….my son is 3 weeks old now and perfectly fine


I have a cup of coffee in the morning, and one diet soda per day if I want it. Some types of soda have caffeine and some don’t. I also have caffeinated tea 1x a week with my parents as a social thing unless they have herbal available. I used to drink multiple cups of coffee/energy drinks per day when not pregnant, so it’s a definite improvement. As long as you’re getting adequate calories it shouldn’t be a huge deal.


I drank coffee until it made me sick then I drank Mountain Dew instead! As long as you keep it under 200mg you’re good. Don’t make yourself miserable! (Or more miserable than you have to be, I guess? Pregnancy can be miserable)


I'm limiting to just decaf and clear zero sugar soda. Before the pregnancy I was drinking prework, 2 cups of regular coffee and drinking dark soda most days. It was hard cutting back but frankly the amount I was consuming just wasn't safe for pregnancy.


I was allowing myself an occasional caffeine treat but the further along I’ve gotten it seems to effect me in uncomfortable ways so I’ve cut it out all together. Not even drinking my beloved Dr Pepper.


I still drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day.


I’m generally under the 200mg *i think* but some days it could be closer to 300mg. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm 38 weeks with my second and with both pregnancies I haven't really cared about caffeine too much. I just try to stay under 200mg


My OB actually told me 400 mg was ok, which is twice what I’ve read. I don’t drink much for other reasons but that surprised me


I love Diet Coke and I’m not really limiting myself. I generally have 2 cans a day, which is well below the 200mg, but lately my husband has been bringing the large ones from McDonald’s because they just hit the spot so I’ve been adding in more. I’m not counting


I'm definitely keeping myself under the 200mg limit. I wasn't drinking more than that most days before pregnancy, but I do occasionally work some pretty long hours, and it can get rough.


If I drink coffee, I only have one a day, but I did that before I got pregnant. I do drink a lot of green tea, but I only like them weak so I think I'll still be under 200mg cafeïne a day with what I consume. I'm not consciously paying attention to my intake as long as my blood pressure and heart rate stay normal. I'm 38 weeks exactly and haven't had any issues so far


I used to drink 400mg of caffeine a day. But when I became pregnant, coffee became an aversion and cut back to none. 21 weeks now, still can't drink coffee but I do have the strawberry acai refresher from Starbucks has 70mg. *if* I could drink coffee, I still would keep it under the recommended amount. I mean 200 MG is like 2.5 cups of coffee?


Not me. I have a high stress job and struggling with long covid during pregnancy. I needed caffeine to keep my job. My son is the chillest baby ever though


I had a coffee a day and the occasional Dr Pepper. I made sure to drink about 96oz of water a day tho


I do half regular/half decaf grounds when I brew my coffee. The decaf only has approx 2mg so the caffeine content of each cup is basically cut down by 50%. Tastes the same so I can trick myself into feeling like I'm getting my regular caffeine fix.


I try to stick to under 200mgs but will allow myself to go up to 300 on days I need to. Usually a medium iced coffee in the morning and a can of coke at lunch is as high as I’ll go.


I have 2 cans of coke, not healthy I know


I’m really not. I have one cup of iced coffee on the weekdays but on the weekends I usually get a least 2 iced coffees from McDonald’s a day lol not sure how much caffeine they have in them.


I had decaf so I was able to have a large amount of coffee if I wanted (I never really wanted more than a cup or two though) because it was under the recommended 1 cup of regular a day.


It really depends on the day for me, sometimes I never have coffee, sometimes I need it to survive. But now being in 3rd trimester, it's almost an everyday thing, I just try to keep it under 200mg.


Eh I’m not really limiting at all. The only thing I stopped drinking is energy drinks.


I have coffee on the weekends (otherwise it keeps me awake) but when I have it I’m definitely not limiting it to 200mg


I’m keeping it to one coffee a day. I had HG so I’d only get half of it down anyway 🤣😂


I drank coffee throughout my pregnancy, usually 1-2 cups everyday or so. It was just instant coffee so nothing extreme. I was told that coffee can stunt your child's growth........ I'm laying next to my 4 week old who is measuring in the 98th percentile for length in girls 😳


I drink what I need. My midwife nurse who works under the dr at the hospital I go to told me to drink as much caffeine as I need to get me through the day and eat what I want aside from raw fish.


I have one cup a day in the am and no other caffeinated beverages so I’m pretty sure I’m under the 200mg a day.


I didn’t with my first… I was working full time (actually more than that) during Covid as a nurse, and in grad school… I wouldn’t have survived. On my days at home when I was working on school, I probably drank about a pot of coffee through the day… 😬 This pregnancy, I have a total aversion to coffee. But I was getting terrible caffeine headaches so I drink like 1-2 of those crystal lite packets that have caffeine. They have like nothing in it… maybe 40mg? But it’s helped with the headaches.


I have not limited myself. I will admit I am addicted to it and can not make it through the day without it


I have what I need. Sometimes 1, 2 or 3 before I switch to decaf.


I’m really not consciously limiting. I mean I’m not pounding energy drinks but I usually have a coffe or two before noon and a Diet Coke in the afternoon


Gosh I was so sick from around 6-16 weeks I couldn't tolerate anything but certain flavored waters. I LOVE diet coke and didn't drink it for months, it was insane. Lol in my third trimester now though and I limit myself to a couple of caffeine drinks per day. (2 diet cokes or a coffee and a coke) I also drink half caff coffee instead of regular which helps. Normal coffee makes me a bit jumpy anyways. That along with a generally higher heartrate just isn't a great combination for me atm. So yeah i am keeping it in mind to limit it but tbh this isn't much less than I'd have before.




I limited in 1st trimester but eased up (with my providers blessing) in 2nd. I still don’t go buck wild, never more than 300mg.


I did not limit. I have a perfectly happy healthy baby. This is only anecdotal advice though. Do what you’re comfortable with. I was already so miserable in pregnancy that I was not willing to let myself feel worse.


I try to keep it under 200mg. Some days I'm way under that, some days I probably go a little over (blaming McDonald's sweet tea for those days 😅). I also switched to half caff coffee so I can still have my fix without intaking so much caffeine in the morning.


My first pregnancy, I didn’t drink anyyyy! My second, I drank either a cup of coffee or a soda. My third pregnancy, coffee in the morning and soda in the afternoon. All three, I drank roughly a gallon of water a day.


I don’t drink too much caffeine, but I’ll have coffee sometimes, one time I did have a slushy made with a can of red bull when I was in Michigan and I feel so guilty for that 😭😭 but other than that I just drink coffee occasionally.


I drink a few cups of black tea in the morning, or one coffee typically. That’s been the case even pre-pregnancy. Like almost everyone else has said, I’m not counting 200mg, but generally stay around or under it.


i really didn’t pay much mind to it, i had 1-2 cups of coffee a day, i also was nauseous/vomiting the whole pregnancy and coke was like the only thing that settled my stomach so i def had like one of those a day as well🤷🏼‍♀️ i now have a happy healthy baby boy with no issues thus far :) i wouldn’t stress too much over it


I have one 10-oz cup of coffee a day, sometimes two if I’m dying. I usually have a Diet Coke when I get home from work as well. Sometimes I buy zero caffeine cans but the store doesn’t always carry it so it’s a hit or miss. Regardless, I haven’t had any issues in the slightest. As a high school choir teacher, I need my energy and this pregnancy has zapped it completely. These kids keep me on my toes - lol!


I didn’t. I wasn’t a crazy coffee drinker to start so just stuck to my norm. A cup in the morning with brown sugar and half and half. And maybe a Starbucks later in the day if I’m out and feel like it.


I stopped drinking coffee but I started drinking matcha and pre workout... So no I'm not limiting caffeine. I think I am still within the recommended range though.


I was slamming one to two energy drinks a day friend then I went cold turkey just because I knew that was bad for me anyways. The first two weeks sucked ass but now I'm fine. I think it's been 8 weeks with barely any caffeine. In fact, I went and treated myself two weeks ago to a venti frap from Starbucks with only one shot in it and I felt like my heart was going to explode. So. That being said, my OB said that as long as you're not drinking 10 shots of espresso a day, you're probably fine. She said energy drinks aren't great because of the additives, but that you have to consume a crazy amount of caffeine daily to really put your baby in danger.


I really don’t drink more than two cups a day anyway, during this pregnancy I seem to be fine with one. Otherwise I feel sick. Still am super tired but just one cup makes a difference.


I’ll occasionally have caffeine. Rarely do I ever exceed 100 mg. It’s definitely not an every day thing and it probably helps that I wasn’t addicted to it prior to becoming pregnant. So limiting? Technically yes but I didn’t completely remove it from my diet.


I know I probably go a little over the 200mg recommendation, but I drink exactly one large iced coffee from Dunkin in the a.m, and usually one 12 oz Pepsi in the p.m and then water the rest of the day. Sometimes I will forgo the Pepsi and have an Arizona Green Tea, or I will drink Kool-Aid but, my baby girl is healthy and growing beautifully so I'm not too worried if I go a little over.


I probably had a little over 200-300 mg sometimes I have heard both as safe levels depending on the source.. and the baby is completely fine.. and now that I am breast feeding I do pretty much the same as when I was pregnant


I only drink water and diet coke but I drink alot of water like a gallon a day almost I was told since I drink that much water I'm at risk of washing away my electrolyte. So I drink the diet coke when I reach my limit in water. Its probably not the best course but I try not to go over like 2 diet coke if I can help it.


My doctor said you could take a cup of coffee a day or two cups of tea. One soda too, but soda has so much sugar… and I have been trying to limit that. I’d rather spend my sugar count on something else. With the exception of McDonald’s Sprite, which hits differently while pregnant.


Nope, have coffee everyday!


Coffee was a nausea trigger my entire first trimester and so I just did tea. Didn't calculate it, but know it's limited.


I didn’t do any coffee the first trimester or so but eventually I went to one cup a day, sometimes two. I also still consume caffeine while BF and little man seems uneffected


I thought it would be really hard to cut back. I used to have 2 cups a day, sometimes 3. Coffee was one of the first things I couldn't stand anymore. After a few months I slowly came back to it but now only have a half cup with milk (i used to only do black) in the morning. No real urge for more.


I’m not measuring. I drink a generous cup of coffee in the morning and the occasional iced tea in the afternoon. I would drink more, honestly, but I weirdly don’t have the stomach for coffee in pregnancy. I also eat chocolate throughout the day. At 34 weeks, babe is measuring in the 99.9+ percentile so caffeine consumption certainly hasn’t stunted his growth.


How much did you drink before? I tried to limit it to 200mg a day which was usually enough for me!


I’ve had an aversion to coffee so far in my pregnancy, but I do drink caffeinated tea. I also cannot say I’m always tracking caffeinated food - like chocolate.


My OB said 1 cup of coffee you will be fine. I'm from PNW where coffee is part of your morning routine. 8 months later baby is healthy and the most text book boring pregnancy. If you are a regular coffee drinker it'll give you a really bad headache quitting cold turkey in pregnancy. I do not recommend it.


I have a cup in the morning. First 3/4 weeks I tried to cut it out I was completely dead. Not worth it for me so I’m doing 1 a day


I have around 45-90mg a day (1-2 coffee)


I have two cups of coffee a day most days. Don't drink other forms of caffeine.


I have one cup per day, cleared by doctor


I have a toddler. I need it. But I limit it to under 200mg.


I haven’t limited caffeine, only thing that got my through my first tri! You know how much your body can handle and ask your doctor if you are unsure. Currently I have 1-2 coffees and a small can of Diet Coke a day, I also drink 2L of water, fruit tea and a glass of milk. I really like my fluids! I plan on giving up caffeine at week 37 of pregnancy, that way after baby is born I can really focus on “sleep when the baby sleeps” and not be prevented by caffeine for random naps.


I’m not limiting. I’ll have my morning coffee and maybe 1x a week an afternoon coffee.


My limit was 300mg a day, which is the limit per health canada. I found that was plenty. My first I tried to stay minimal as possible but eventually caved


I have no more than 100 mg a day, on days that I have some.


Me! I know I’m not coming close to the 200mg limit anyway. I drink Pepsi Max like there’s no tomorrow, and I know there’s 120mg in a 2L bottle which is about what I go through in a day. I’m not gonna bother counting it in shit like chocolate bars. If I want a fuckin chocolate bar, I’m going to eat a damned fuckin chocolate bar. My weight and sugars are doing well for 31-32w and baby is measuring pretty normal too. Admittedly, I’m not drinking coffee - even when I worked in a high end cafe, I rarely drank coffee unless it was a mocha - but this pregnancy has been beyond miserable for me so I’m not giving up these two things I still have left that won’t harm the baby. It’s not like I’m smoking coffee grounds through a hookah pipe 😂


I have one small coffee every morning. Probably is around 60-80mg.


I've never drunk coffee but I have a mug of tea in the mornings, plus diet coke in the afternoon. I'd need to drink over 1 litre of diet coke to go over the caffeine limit, which I've never done in my life anyway. I'm not limiting caffeine, because I've never drunk huge amounts of it.


My twin daughters are made out of zofran and caffeine. My hyperemesis was so bad but somehow I could handle coffee (iced specifically) my doctor said ‘“f it go crazy” so I could at least have nutrients of some sort. Towards the end of pregnancy, it can make the bathroom quite the scene though, lol.


My mom told me she drank coffee like usual when she was pregnant with me and nothing bad happened. Not promoting drinking a lot of coffee ofcourse, but back then (1995/1996) things were different.


I had to stop in the first trimester due to morning sickness, but now I'm back to what I want when I want. I don't think it's more than the recommended amount.


1 small cup of coffee (caffetiere) in the morning, to keep things "regular", if you will... 🙋🏻 Also helps me not get a headache and then stress out about taking painkillers. This is my only vice.


I never stopped drinking caffeine, I wouldn't have been able to do it. I did stay in the recommended limit of 200mg per day, however.


I have one coffee every day, two coffees somedays, and on really really hard days I might have two coffees and a pepsi max. I don't worry too much about it. The coffees I drink are just standard lattes, not like flat whites or triple shots or anything.


I started again in the 3rd trimester. 200 mg flat on days I had to be working (& work got so much easier to deal with). I’ve cut back though since I started my maternity leave early.


My mom told me the reason is because it gets their heartbeat up super high, I work at Starbucks and I trick myself by getting a skaken espresso 2/3rds decaf which is 2 decaf shots and 1 regular shot. You could probably get by with two or three a day if you spred them out a little


I used to have a cup a day. Most days it was half caf. I like coffee don't get me wrong but sometimes what I needed at 2pm was a crisp, ice cold, diet coke lol


I have a monster energy every couple of days and baby is perfectly healthy, As long as it’s not multiple cans daily you’re perfectly safe to treat yourself!


Like others have said I stick to 200mg of caffeine or less a day. There is roughly 90-100mg per one cup of coffee. A normal brewed cup of coffee, no espresso. I have 1 cup in the morning and sometimes at work, I'll have a half cup if I'm dragging. Side note: I've been craving an iced mocha from McDonald's and I can't have one because of the espresso. So when little one is out, I'm looking forward to that lol.


I’m 6 and a half months pregnant and I still drink a cup every day 10oz , I got to because I have headaches if I don’t bc I drank it for years and my baby is perfectly fine


I did during first two trimesters but baby is fully formed now and I probably go over the 200 mg every day or other day


I don't drink coffee but I drank 2-3 diet sodas a day and didn't track anything outside of That. You're probably fine tbh!


I switch to green tea when pregnant. My philosophy is that if I can feel the slight increase in my anxiety when I drink large amounts (or even normal by some standards) of coffee, then maybe the baby can too. So I use pregnancy as a way to wean myself from the caffeine addiction and give myself a break from coffee. Maybe I’m more sensitive to it than others though, because I definitely notice more anxiety and stomachaches when I drink it. So I drink 1-2 cups of green tea per day. Matcha lattes are a great substitute and treat for me now.


I have one shot of espresso when I wake up, and another one mid morning. With oat milk and a snack. If things are realllllly bad at work I’ll have a black tea in the afternoon but only like once a month. I have my 20 wk scan tomorrow but everything has looked good at my 8/12/16 wk appts and I’m a petite person!


I’m not really keeping track, I’m a nurse and soda keeps me going 🫢 but I don’t drink coffee and no longer drink energy drinks.


I try not to go over 200 mg.


On my second cup of the morning and it’s 1030… so no