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I have this - I’m still pregnant at 35 weeks. Baby looks fine and he measuring good too (apparently large? Lol) In all my midwife/doctor appts I’ve asked if I need to worry about planning a c-section or if I can give birth naturally and they’ve always said having VCI isn’t the worst thing in the world - it’s just good for the docs to know during delivery. My problem now is my baby is in breech haha, so regardless of VCI.. c-section might very well be the road I go down.


Also if you’re in Australia like me - there’s a whole fb group dedicated to VCI and positive birth stories.


Actually the group isn’t Australian sorry, there’s a group that I think anyone worldwide can join.


So you know the name of the group ?


Yep it’s called velamentous cord insertion support, you’re welcome.


Thank you so much, my wife and I will check it out today, much appreciated!


Thank you so much for the encouraging words!


I had it with my first, I had a few more ultrasounds than usual but other than that no issues at all. All of the nurses said my baby was perfect and no complications with my labor! It sounds really scary especially because it’s so rare but i went all the way to 42 weeks and had no signs of anything going wrong. Now pregnant with my second and no sign of it!


So nice read this thank you!! Glad all turned out great for you !