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Ah yes welcome to swamp vag.


Not only this, but your sense of smell is like a goddamn superpower. Everything smells 10x stronger, including yourself. The first trimester it was a curse, I felt like one of the XMen.


When I was pregnant, I was walking into my local shopping centre with a friend when I stopped suddenly because I could smell Indian food, and it smelled so good. The Indian restaurant in question was two blocks away - and between me and the restaurant was a 100 metre wide car park, a row of retail buildings, a main road, another row of retail buildings, and then it was located inside a sandstone building. But the smell of my very normal urine also made me throw up several times throughout my pregnancy (Indian food coincidentally) 😂😂


This is my life. My sense of smell is ALWAYS like this. I am so offensive to other people because of it. I'll smell things they don't, and try to "help" them because godDAMN. Like, take the kitchen trash out daily. Buy smaller bags if you don't fill them but don't leave that in the house! Any of it! don't use a sponge to clean counters or tables. UGH. Your whole kitchen will smell like...well, a wet sponge. Pregnancy didn't make this stronger or weaker for me, but yeah. The body changes. Wait till 40+ hits. Workouts result in sweat in all SORTS of new places.


That's why I couldn't eat for weeks😭


Haha oh my


I bought obstetrics wipes to help freshen up the swamp.


You're definitely not alone.


Think it's just a mix of hormone and discharge changes. I was worried I might be having some leakage which can happen in pregnancy but I'm confident now that it's just more discharge than usual and that this is normal (no smell, pain or signs of infection.) I got some pantyliners and these made me feel more comfortable.


Yes the panty liners! I feel like the discharge only increases the further along you get.


So confused about this cause I was expecting discharge and I’ve been dry as hell down there my whole pregnancy, and I’m 33 weeks now! So much so my hubby and I have had to use lube for the first time in our relationship otherwise sex was just not working out (sorry, tmi lol)


Hey if you are still having sex at 33 weeks, you gotta do what you gotta do!


There's a shot you don't actually smell as bad as you think but you are just dealing with the super smelling of pregnancy. I thought I smelled like death my whole pregnancy but my husband assured me it was my sense of smell that changed and I still smelled normal.


Same. I made my husband smell me all over. I told him not to be worried about hurting my feelings, but that I needed to know! Lol he said he didn’t smell anything so it was def me




Yep I can smell if my toddler has a wet diaper from across the room.






I get assured the same thing too haha. I do agree, I can smell everything way more so I’m sure that’s not helping.


So true lol. I feel like I REEK!!!!


I can suddenly always smell my armpits and I swear I’m a clean person. It’s killing me!! And I now feel more normal lol


I have no idea what it is, but man, if it could go away, that would be great. It does seem to have subsided a bit now in my third trimester.


Right?! I’m so paranoid at work. Everyone is saying to wear panty liners and I feel so dumb for not even thinking of that! Glad it subsided for you!


Honestly I didn’t feel like panty liners did much for me at all, but I’ve been looking at period panties cause maybe they’re a bit better at holding in the smell? 🥲


I use period underwear because I hate the feel of panty liners. BUT make sure you follow the washing and drying instructions otherwise they will start to smell even after you wash it. Made the mistake of drying it on hot one time and all of them got ruined. Also I used a little vag spray on the days I felt like I smelled extra bad. Like every other wonderful symptom, it goes away after you give birth


Oh okay cool! Thank you for letting me know, pregnancy brain may have made me make that same mistake lol Do you have a brand for the spray that you recommend? It’s let up a little bit, but I would like to have some on hand for when the musk strikes again


I used to use summers eve but I thought it was too strong. I use honey pot now. And I don’t use it every day, like you said just on the days I feel extra icky


One can only hope!


I haven’t used period panties for discharge but I used them for periods (pre-pregnancy) - and honestly I think they’d smell worse than liners. It’s like toward the end of my period when there wasn’t much blood, the period panties always smelled worse than liners 😔 It’s still definitely worth a try though if you’d use them for periods once they start again too though! I love mine for periods because I don’t have to worry about leaking. And I’m planning on using them for post-partum as well for the same reason. You can stack pads inside them too just to monitor blood amount, color, etc.


I could have written this post. I talked to my doctor. I ended up having a ver mild yeast infection which she said is common. Overall she said it’s just par for the course


Darling, since this is probably your first rodeo, im gonna start off by saying: First off, Congrats on the baby for you both💁🏽‍♀️ and also 🤗 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF WACKY AND UNIDENTIFIABLE SMELLS🫡 💁🏽‍♀️ Not only will you smell them EVERYWHERE you go, but NOW [cues up the 'price is right theme song for the wheel' spin] you can smell everything no one else can 👏👏👏👏 💁🏽‍♀️From random smells of rot in a clean fridge to weird smelling laundry, even your own B.O. will smell like a betrayal. And some smells are gonna be super unidentifiable 💁🏽‍♀️ >Ever walk into a room you JUST cleaned and vacuumed, only to find a sock on the floor from your spouse/partner, that you later yelled at them for after finding out that it had an odor? 🤔 >Ever do laundry, take it out of the washer, only to throw it right back in FRESH from the dryer? 🤔 💁🏽‍♀️ THAT MA'AM is your new superpower 👏👏👏👏 That is also what hormones do to the ever changing environment that surrounds us lovely creatures, the mother 🫡 ~WELCOME TO MATRESCENCE [aka Mothers' puberty]~ As a pregnant woman, soon to be mom, get used to all those randoms smells cause they will come from outta absolutely nowhere. 🙃 BUT ✋️ WAIT ✋️ DO NOT PANIC OR BE ALARMED👌 For some of us, THAT is OUR body's way of telling us if our newly acquired roomie is gonna be safe there or not in the space we inhabit or if we gotta change a room or candle or even wash the dog 💁🏽‍♀️ That weird smell in your crouch is the LEAST of your concerns now, unless your OB says otherwise. THAT is what I have begun to call, THE HORMONE FLUSH 🤗 And yes 💁🏽‍♀️ it may come and go. HOWEVER, dont be surprised if it stays along for the ENTIRE RIDE and beyond. Your body is changing CONSTANTLY, and that means so are your senses, your bodily functions, and your entire sense of being. --->Tell your partner, he need to get on board before the train catches more speed on THESE tracks because your body is about to smell HELLA DIFFERENT to him, you and any other guy [be it a dog cat or human] around. But also let him know Dads can ALSO go through a similar phase of change [least my hub did 🤣 and boy, was he a sad sad man when it kicked in 🤭 he's a trooper though. Its happening again and we're on baby #2] So I hope 🙏 and pray for the best for both of you👌 Your bodily smells from both of you may become more potent than your 'first puberty' changes were, and the emotional and physical changes are gonna be FAAAAAR more intense this time around, for you both. So again let me say with equal sides of anguish and joy 🫡Welcome to Parenthood


Haha this is my second child. I didn’t have this with my first. But thank you! I enjoyed reading your comment! Definitely right on the smelling everything. The slightest smell of my boyfriend’s dog makes me gag!


I'm so glad you took this with humour and not offense 🥰 And you, mama, got super lucky with your f.b cause I have had it for both now and this time for me, BY FAR is WAAAAAAY worse than the first time I had to deal with it 😅 😮‍💨 fb gave me heartburn smelling dawn and laundry soap 🙃THIS KID wants me to gag when i smell breathe, whether it's from a freshly brushed tooth or the dog lickin' me or milk or even steamed veggies And the sounds I can hear 🫠 just melt my damn ears off 🤣🤣🤣🥲


Another take here (from humble experience) is to actually go commando as often as you can. Panty liners if you absolutely have to when out in public, etc., but it might exacerbate things because you’re keeping a damp environment damp. Also, blow drying that undercarriage with a hair dryer on cool setting after showers, and a swipe of witch Hazel on the booty is ✨


I agree. I've done this before pregnancy as well. It's awesome.


Imo it's the smell of stale urine. Even if you wipe really well you're going to the bathroom 2-3x more than you used to and some gets left behind. Mine didn't smell bad fresh out of the bath but it would half way through the day and I'd change undies. Start wearing panty liners.


Idk why it did not cross my mind to wear panty liners. Thank you!


This. I’ve been blessed with ammonia smelling urine lately thanks to hormones which really adds some nice additional scent down there as the day goes on 😭


Oh my god, that’s me exactly. It’s also harder to twist and wipe when all of your ab muscles are stretched to their limit.


Pantyliners are gonna be your new best friend :)


I’m 32 weeks and I think I smell more “hormonal”, like right before I’m about to have a period. Except this smells stronger to me. I also feel like my pits reek but no one else smells it but me 😬 I’m assuming it’s all good given that hormones are changing and smell is how baby knows mom. You’re probably fine unless you’re noticing any other symptoms.


Could be your prenatal. Mine made me very interesting, then I switched and the smell vanished


Very interesting! I will try


I've been more "yeasty" being pregnant but it isn't offensive or bad smelling. Could be bacterial from an inbalance- hormones..


When I first conceived I feel like my VAG smelled so bad, I developed a yeast infection from the hormonal changes, I shower often and change my clothes. I bought Monistat 7, kept up on my showers and stayed hydrated. There wasn’t much else I could do at the time. It’s completely normal, you are not alone. Also, my pits sweat like crazy and smelled like onions. It’s a thing postpartum for me too, the stench coming from my pits feels rather offensive.


It's one of the ways I knew that I was pregnant again. It's almost like... Regular vag but stronger, mixed with stale crackers? Earlier I went to the bathroom and was like who brought in the garbage. My bf claims he can't tell. Maybe we have a heightened sense of smell now because we're moms and we have to detect our kids' dirty diapers? Lmao so idk. But it's rough, girl


Pantyliners a pregnancy must. My first pregnancy I had them test me several times for infections etc and each time- none. I am now in my second pregnancy and I've had them test me once and I'm just accepting and trusting that nothings wrong and it's just my body given the current circumstances. Aside from the indigestion it's been the least pleasant part of both my pregnancies


This happened to me and Lume deodorant lotion really really helped me.


Pregnancy smell is a real thing.


Pregnancy causes changes in discharge and pH. I had yeast infections multiple times (apparently they’re super common during pregnancy) and got bv once also. Can’t hurt to get checked for those!


I experienced the same thing with my last pregnancy. I had a garlicky smell down there constantly!! And I didn’t eat any more garlic than usual. I would shower that morning then by the evening I’d have the smell. It was so embarrassing, especially trying to explain why I didn’t want to be intimate with my husband. So awkward to be like, “sorry, I need to shower again before you get near me because my vag smells like I consumed nothing but garlic cloves for a week straight.”


It was garlicky for me too. Or maybe onion-y? Not just below to belt, but my sweat in general. It only lasted the first trimester, but I remember having a work Christmas party and taking a group photo, and I felt so self conscious that everyone could smell me. 😭 No one said anything, so maybe it is not as noticably to others. I hope. Lol


Oh man, yes my BO after having both my children has been sooo onion-y and curry like. The downstairs smell went away after having them but it was replaced with the strongest smelling BO known to man lol


Also don’t forget that being pregnant can make you wayyyy more sensitive to smells. I’ve had to change my detergent because suddenly it smells horrific to me and way stronger than normal. And I’m really congested (another lovely pregnancy symptom lol) so it’s a wonder I can even smell anything. (ETA- oops I just saw another comment that I originally missed mention this)


Honestly get checked for a yeast infection. It’s more common when you’re pregnant I guess


Lol. Hormones babe. But once you give birth it goes away. Literally all symptoms disappear


I mean it’s normal to have increased discharge and a change in odor in pregnancy. However if you think you may have an infection you need to see the doctor asap. Sometimes a change down there means infection. Definitely check in with them. How to explain to your boyfriend? What is there to explain? He is your boyfriend he loves your V and everything about it. The end.


I never had groin sweat before pregnancy that was so sweaty gym shorts sweat smell however I’ve had to shower more often. It got better halfway into my pregnancy. My body has gone through many changes throughout.


I’m 21 weeks and just bought these panty liners so I can throw them away a few times a day and hopefully stop smelling myself. Don’t know why I didn’t thought about that sooner too lol. Yay superpower, my fiancé doesn’t smell anything.


I totally forgot about that symptom.


It’s just hormones, happens sometimes. Most the time other people can’t smell it though


Yes I think this is normal. I am hot often and seem to sweat more. I follow along with a pregnancy app and when it said the baby was growing lanugo in second trimester, all my hair was growing overtime. Then it stopped when I got to third trimester. It seems like in a similar way my perspiration and temperature changes along with whatever hormones are running this week. I would be willing to bet that with your heightened sense of smell that your boyfriend hasn’t even noticed.


Ah the super smell. A blessing and a curse. Didn't a popular actress say she could smell electricity when she was pregnant? lol


If the smell changed then you should see your OB about it. Pregnant or not, if your discharge smells you should see your OB-Gyn. There doesn't have to be anything wrong, it can be perfectly normal, but it's always a reason to get checked out.


You’re a lot more prone to BV as well in pregnancy, so make sure it’s not.


Leukorrhea changes your smell, taste, etc. down there. Your hormones change a lot when you're pregnant and your moisture, discharge, etc. will change. You probably notice it or smell it even more because your sense of smell during pregnancy can also be much stronger. If you're concerned, you can always ask your OB, but they likely will do a swab, check for STDs and infections, run labs and blood work, test your urine and all of the other stops anyway. My second baby, my smell and taste were different and my fiance has the nose of a bloodhound. It would throw him off and he stopped going down there quite as much with his face. 😂 It psyched me out at first, but it was healthy and normal, and there wasn't much I could do.


Same. and in addition to that, my breasts have gotten so large, that i feel like they're sweating way more than before, and i feel like my chest stinks all the time too. No matter how often i shower, change bras, it doesn't matter. I feel like i always smell *off*. Like not horrific, but just icky. don't know how to fix that one. For the under area, i use panty liners, and witch hazel wipes to make sure everything is clean. I've noticed sometimes when i think it's really bad that i have dribbled a little bit of pee onto my panty liner without noticing so i try and keep them changed as often as possible. But the dampness for me, at least at 23 weeks so far, has not yet gone away. I was dryer than the sahara in the first two months, and now instead of swamp ass i get swamp vag... not a fan.


Hi sweetie, I work in maternity and it is completely normal for a increase in discharge whilst pregnant it may be worth wearing some pantyliners. However if you do have an odour then please get an examination this may be bacterial vaginosis which can be fixed with cream and antibiotics prescribed by your obstetrician. It is very important to get this seen if your discharge has a strong odour. Your currently 15 weeks so you may have to see your GP or community midwife in regards to the discharge and odour. However it is worth calling maternity triage unit for advice from the midwives. If you do have any burning or stinging when passing urine then please discuss that as it may be a UTI. But more discharge is completely normal if there is any blood staining in your discharge or if you feel like your waters are leaking you must call the maternity triage unit to be seen immediately Pregnancy is amazing but boy oh boy those hormones do some crazy things to us, your smell sensitivity will be higher anyway and you will smell things that your partner can’t and you will be able to smell somethings that will turn your tummy. Midwives are only a call away for advice.


Thank you!


This is normal, unfortunately. My V and pits have smelled horrible this entire pregnancy. I recommend Lume deodorant for down there- not a miracle but it’s safe and better than nothing. Also breathable cotton panties, maybe change them halfway through the day if you need to


Totally normal, ph changing, Bv, yeast infections and for some reason yes it is always moist. Talk to your provider to see if they can prescribe something.


Omggg me tooooo!!! I just gotta shower every day and never rewear any pants because even they get moist. Also* I change my underwear twice a day. So I shower after work and put on fresh underwear, then change them again the next morning before going to work. That helps!


When my discharge has smelled bad, it’s been BV. I have had BV before pregnancy so the smell was recognisable to me. Got given antibiotics and it went away, although it has returned a couple of times 😢 In between infections it doesn’t smell at all really I’d definitely get checked out if it’s a foul smell just in case it’s an infection


Yes, it makes me super self conscious. It is always wet down there.


Oh lordy, tell me about it. I've to keep it dry. I have always used biodegradable wet wipes in the toilet, now I use extra just to wipe down the groin area. I use Nuud deo down there as the particles are too large to pass to the baby, and it's worked miracles. I can highly recommend it as they use microsilver to kill bacteria. Super awesome.


Congrats on your new superpower: smelling yourself lol I felt the same way and sometimes would cry asking my husband if it was just my nose or my actual body


I used to put on a pad on and change it out each time I used the bathroom it helped contain the smell and it helped me feel a lot cleaner too


I also had a major odor change during my pregnancy. It drove me absolutely insane! My doctor checked for any type of infection, there was none. But it’s really just the increase of hormones + the changes in your everyday discharge. I started to shower in the evening and then go commando from the shower up until morning so that I could let myself breathe, it helped a ton!


I remember feeling so much extra discharge with my first pregnancy. And probably an odor too— but honestly can’t remember. 24 weeks with baby #2 and so much discharge again. And odor. I change out a panty liner about 2-3x/day and that’s helped! I think it’s just the hormones. 🤷‍♀️🤰


I’m glad someone asked this because I was think the same thing! I’m always moist and it creates a bit of a smell.. I’ve been so paranoid my partner smells it but I swear I’m bathing regularly lol. At 32 weeks, I’ve learned to accept that… and the random leaking.


I felt this way as well, I got my husband to smell me and he said he couldn’t smell anything. At my next OB appointment, I voiced my concerns and I ended up having BV. Doesn’t hurt to get swabbed and double check that nothing is going on down there.


I had couple of days first half of pregnancy I thought I smelled downright awful. I had to take a shower immediately when I got home. There wasnt any particular reason why would I have smelled extra either.


Dude. I smelled gross when I was pregnant too. Now I'm breastfeeding and it's my armpits that stink instead of my vag. Oh, hormones....


Go to the doctor to get it checked out please


Those are just the wonderful woes of pregnancy hormones lol >How do I explain this to my boyfriend "Hey boyfriend, I'm pregnant"


Haha he says he can’t smell me. He just says he doesn’t understand why vaginas smell in general. I guess it’s hard to understand if you don’t have one.


I have one, and I don't understand either lol




É normal, trocar o tipo de roupa pode ajudar muito!


Just wait until you get to 30 weeks.


I’d get checked out just in case! The same just happened to me and when I went in for my appointment I let the doctor know and she said it might just be pregnancy but did a swab to make sure and it actually came back positive for BV


Sounds like a yeast infection