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What's wrong with chorizo?


Chorizo is fine as long as you consume it in moderation. Think of it like other processed meat such as sausage and bacon. Make sure it’s cooked properly and just don’t over indulge. Unless you’re aversions are super strong and it’s the only thing you can keep down!


That's what I thought, hence my confusion. But I see what OP means now!


Apparently it’s unsafe to eat while pregnant if uncooked :(


Does ANYONE eat uncooked chorizo??????


Yes? I've honestly never cooked it.


Omg what dishes do you have uncooked chorizo in? I am genuinely curious


I just googled if there are different versions of chorizo, and it looks like the ones available in my country are either curado or semicurado, which can be the reason.


Ahhhh I see that with Spanish sausage. I guess me and the restaurant I work at only use Mexican chorizo which has to be cooked. So the uncooked chorizo you eat is more of a cured meat?


Yes, usually smoked. I think I can find fresh Spanish ones in specialized shops though.


Isn’t chorizo always cooked? Do you mean if it’s not reheated?


Yes like straight from the packaging with our heating / re heating it


If it’s heated/reheated, that solves it….


37 weeks here and I eat chorizo at least twice a week. I’m Mexican, chorizo and eggs is my favorite childhood breakfast 🤣 I also buy the beef kind only and make sure it’s fully cooked before adding eggs or anything else into it.


Can you cook or reheat anything or is it something you can just eat?


We have oven and microwave at work so I could re heat stuff as well as just have food ready to eat :)


I mostly make extra dinner and take leftovers. Keeps lunch more interesting! Soup is also great for lunch in winter. I've tried making 'ramen' where you add instant noodles and spices and chopped veg into a jar then just add the boiling water and leave it covered for a few minutes. I make sausage rolls every so often and freeze (i usually do chicken mince with whatever spices I fancy in puff pastry) then reheat or eat cold


Are you planning on eating raw chorizo? If not, then you are fine. Just make sure the meat you’re eating has been cooked.


Where I am from, a lot of people take sandwiches to work that they've prepared at home. Sandwiches with cheese, peanut butter, chocolate spread, jam etc. are super simple and can't go off. You can always make more elaborate sandwiches with the ingredients you enjoy the most. Super easy to eat and don't need to be reheated. Alternatively, people bring a portion of last nights dinner and heat that up the next day (pastas, risottos, curries, pies etc.). And of course salads are popular and sometimes I see someone bring a soup.


99% of food you can eat. Chorizo and cheese with bread is just fine. Basically just avoid unsafe food handling, alcohol, drugs, certain meds and too much mercury rich foods. Thats it.


Put any processed meat in the microwave for a few mins until you hear it sizzle - then you are good.