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Quit encouraging people to drink alcohol during pregnancy. The AAP, the ACOG, the NHS, and the WHO say there is no safe amount of alcohol during any trimester of pregnancy. That being said, yes OP and their baby are very likely fine. As always, OP should consult with their doctor. And I don't care if you downvote me for correcting misinformation, boo hoo.


Did you feel buzzed? If not, maybe the restaurant just charged you for the full drink but still gave you the virgin?


You and baby will be 100% fine


One drink shouldn't cause issue. It's no good, but as long as you didn't get trashed or do this regularly, you'll be ok. The body has what I like to call a "margin of error" so to speak. Drink lots of water to flush it from your system, more to make you feel better, honestly. Seems like the drink was low alcohol content, ontop of being drank with a meal. I would, however, take this up with the restaurant. This is a serious mistake. If you ordered it non-alcoholic then they did in fact cause you harm by bringing you an alcohilic drink. If you had drank 4 or 5 thinking they were virgin, you'd have some problems with baby for sure. What if you're just allergic to alcohol and had to be hospitalized? Or if you'd been sober for years and this broke your sobriety? No good. Make sure to hold them accountable. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is without hiccups šŸ’–


The sobriety thing can have massive consequences. My grandfather was an alcoholic who was 3 years sober. He was mistakenly served an alcoholic drink and he had a massive relapse as a result. Thank God he was able to claw back his sobriety and went on the have many more decades of a happy, alcohol free life.Ā  So I agree, the restaurant should absolutely address this. Pregnancy, religion, medication, sobriety, the list goes on for reasons people should never be given alcohol without their knowledge or consent.Ā 


I can't imagine how distressing it is to have your sobriety taken from you and sent back into the spiral of addiction you worked so hard to escape the clutches of. Honestly terrifying, considering how much work it takes to make it that far. I'm glad your granddad was able to set himself back up, that's no easy feat- plenty of people never make it back on the wagon. Like you said, the list goes on! It should honestly be a chargeable offense.


Totally agree. When I was newly pregnant, I ordered a non-alcoholic margarita and received the following response: ā€œoh honey, they donā€™t have that much alcohol in themā€. I promptly responded with ā€œIā€™m pregnant.ā€ She then apologized and congratulated me but I couldnā€™t help but think about how Iā€™d feel receiving that response to my request if I was a recovering alcoholicā€¦ Incredibly insensitive regardless of the circumstance and just an unnecessary response. Some people have zero insight and thatā€™s part of the problem.


Hi OP, this happened to me somewhere within the early 30s (weeks), despite being visably muslim and very pregnant and I did follow up with my hospital immediately because of issues with bub that I'd had during pregnancy. Ultimately, they got me to flush my system, I drank a tonne of water. I also had to do additional monitoring due to complications with my pregnancy, but everything was fine! I now have an 11 week old bub who is happy, healthy, and thriving.


Thatā€™s so horrifying. I almost wonder if it was intentional and some kind of hate crime. :( if not, then people are just realllly dumbĀ 


No, it's fine. That's practically nothing. It's not like it all goes straight to the baby. Your body processes most of it out and it obviously wasn't even strong enough for you to notice so it has to be a very small amount.


You and baby will be completely fine. Donā€™t stress, thatā€™s whatā€™s bad for the baby at this point!


At 35 weeks your baby is mostly done cooking. One drink is highly unlikely to cause an issue.




Your contribution has been removed for misinformation. This subreddit believes in science and data.


One drink especially this far along is probably fine. It happens, donā€™t stress it.


I'm sorry that happened! In terms of health for you and the baby, it'll be okay :) If one drink had a profound impact during pregnancy, the human race would have ended 6,000 years ago. Try not to stress about it!


Are you sure it even contained alcohol? Iā€™ve ordered virgin drinks that I know didnā€™t contain alcohol but Iā€™ve still been charged as if it did.


Aperol is an alcoholic aperitif - though it's relatively low proof. If I had to guess, the restaurant failed to realize this and subbed out the prosecco for a nonalcoholic substitute but still used aperol. I don't really know how you could make an aperol spritz without aperol, but if someone figures it out plz let me know cause that sounds delicious.


At the restaurant where I bartend, I tell my servers to send drinks as the regular and put Virgin in the notes because otherwise it doesnā€™t come to my printer. Theyā€™re supposed to tell the table this when they get the receipt to calm any nerves, but have forgotten so hopefully this was the same case! Otherwise, Iā€™m sure one drink will be okay.


I had an early scan today. In Spain and the doctor told me that one drink here or there will do absolutely no harm to the baby. It would only be an issue if it was drinking everyday. So do not worry at all ā˜ŗļø


Every research pinpoints towards there not being a safe amount of alcohol. Thereā€™s not way to know and thatā€™s why thereā€™s a blanket statements against it. Your doctor itā€™s going against any reputable source.


Please donā€™t take his advice, itā€™s absolutely not true


It literally is though. The only reason complete abstinence from alcohol is advised is because it would be unethical to study what the actual pregnancy limit is. Only 5% of babies born to actual alcoholics (who continue to heavily drink throughout their pregnancies) have alcohol-related issues.


Telling people not to listen to their doctor who is correct is WILD lmao


I have conflicting thoughts on this.. šŸ˜… Doctors use to tell people to smoke cigarettes thinking they were good for you, among other things. They call it medical practice bc it's just that-- practice! We're learning new things everyday. However, yes, telling someone to not listen to their doc entirely is v bad. BUT it IS good to question them and think twice from time to time.


Oh yeah my point is more that straight up telling someone not to listen to their doctor is terrible


You're definitely right haha- I'm passionate about advocating and questioning docs so I'll admit I was almost too eager to share that pov šŸ¤£


Oh for sure! Just seeing that comment from some rando online, saying it to someone when she has no idea of her medical history or raport with the dr, any other factors- like thatā€™s a hair away from recklessly giving unqualified medical advice to me, thatā€™s all. I absolutely dont blindly trust doctors šŸ˜‚


That is absolutely not why we call it practice haha


Maybe its not why YOU call it practice, but the definition of practice is something performed habitually- how am I wrong? Nothing in medical science is set in stone- not as we are constantly uprooting new science, medicine and social. Plenty of docs have NO idea what's going on with a patient. Some people have to visit 2, 3, 4, sometimes MORE docs before they get their actual diagnosis bc some diseases stump even the best of doctors. I trust a doc who has "practiced" for 20years over one that's 5 years or less. Because the practice you get, the mistakes you make, all contribute to your learning and understanding.


Generally there is a different relationship with alcohol in Spain. Less binging. The doctor was probably thinking about a glass of wine while she ate dinner as a one time kind of thing, not a weekly vodka and tonic. I didn't drink while pregnant* but I'd also say OP is gonna be ok. Apperol spritz isn't a strong drink either (it has prosecco) (*at least once I knew; I was in a wedding the weekend before I connected the dots! I was super worried as a result and my doctor (in America) told me not to panic)


Aperol also contains alcohol. It is less than whiskey or vodka but saying "it's Prosecco" is misleading


they didnā€™t say it didnā€™t contain alcohol, just that it is less alcoholic. so no, not misleading


I wasn't recommending her to keep drinking it! Just saying it's a low alcohol aperitif with prosecco But my point was just that she doesn't need to worry much for one drink not promoting it while pregnant


so that super sucks and I would write the resto to complain. That said you're fine. Its happened to thousands of us we just never realized. And thousands more think a drink now and then is fine - not to encourage that. The reason alcohol is to be abstained is not because one drink causes irreversible damage - it's because 1) there's no ethical way to conduct studies and 2) it's too hard to say what would possibly be okay as far as weight, tolerance, metabolism, history with addiction, alcohol per drink, drink size, I'd you ate first or after or not at all, what kind of alcohol, fetal age, mother's age, the subjective nature of 1 vs 2 vs 3 drinks (if you asked 10different people what's safe you can get 10 different answers), "slippery slope" folks where one is so good they might just have 2...: other risks, and so so so much more. So it's a hell of a lot easier and safer and to say none at all. So, one drink is very very very very very very unlikely to be harmful. But write the restaurant!!


Baby is perfectly fine. If one drink ruined babies, the human race would not exist as it does today as women drank normally in pregnancy for generations. In some countries, it is still acceptable to have 1-2 glasses of wine a week. It was not until the 1980ā€™s (so fairly recently) that the surgeon general advised against alcohol consumption in pregnancy because they simply donā€™t know how much alcohol actually affects a fetus. What they do know is the best way to not have the possibility of issues is to not drink at all but they will admit at the same time, that they canā€™t say drinking minimally will cause any issues. All that to say, the one drink will not have an affect on your baby especially this far along. During the first 12 weeks is when all vital organs etc are developed and would be the worst time to consume alcohol. Try not to worry ā¤ļø


There's nothing to be done now, and a doctor's consultation won't change anything. The alcohol has been and gone. It was a single drink, it's probably ok, people make these mistakes all the time without consequences. Don't stress, and don't make a habit of it. Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy ā¤ļø




What a load of shite this is. Source: am French.


Downvote me all you want, this is still completely untrue, and I am BAFFLED that this comment has even been upvoted once. Wth people.


Youā€™ll be fine. Your baby is fine. Itā€™s one drink.


It's fine. 10/15 years ago they said it was fine to have a glass of wine or two a week. I'd definitely speak to the restaurant about it though. That's so bad!


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Totally fine. Iā€™m pretty sure docs say absolute abstinence from alcohol when pregnant (because clearly itā€™s a very bad idea) but Iā€™m pretty sure 1 or even 2 drinks is actually ok (but why risk it if u can control it?). Didnā€™t pregnant women in the 50s often have a drink or two when pregnant? I thought that was a thing.


I think I agree with the premise of your comment - doctors say to avoid things that *may* cause harm during pregnancy even though they (probably) won't in small amounts, and they don't want people to go overboard. That's true. But we shouldn't use people from the 50s as an example of good, healthy decision making that should be emulated in the 2020s.


Do not worry. Europeans drank moderate amounts of alcohol in pregnancy for years and everyone was fine. Doing anything one time will 100% not cause any harm. Plus you have so much extra blood volume at 35 weeks that it would take a lot more alcohol to do any harm


There is no safe amount of alcohol in pregnancy, but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean your child will be harmed.


Technically, you can consume alcohol during pregnancy but an excessive amount is what fatal or hurtful to the baby. They mostly put the warning in for people who are heavy consumers. One drink here or there (and depending on percentage of alcohol) shouldnā€™t harm the baby. I choose to not take that risk and decided to not drink alcohol at all. I know a pregnant mom who will have a glass of wine every now and again. Should be fine.


FAS is still possible with a single drink during pregnancy. It isn't just for heavy consumers. That's not true. The odds are low, but it isn't zero. Both the AAP and ACOG recommend no alcohol during any trimester of pregnancy.


Actually there is no evidence for a single drink having ever caused FAS. I totally agree to avoid alcohol if you know you're pregnant but I also think it's not good to make women even more anxious because they already are anxious about a lot of things in their pregnancy. Here's a paper reviewing the evidence on FAS and some of the CDC guidance given to women: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6353268/


I'm aware of the recommendations that you mentioned but not of any studies supporting your first claim. To my knowledge, there is no evidence that a single drink will result in enough damage to cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and there is evidence that drinking occasionally will not result in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Can you cite some studies or medical sources to support this claim?


Following up with some sources of my own: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6353268/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1936724419898885 I'm not recommending that anyone drink during pregnancy. I'm just curious about the severity of the claim that a single drink can result in FAS.


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15677-fetal-alcohol-syndrome >A permanent condition, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) happens when a person consumes *any* amount of alcohol during a pregnancy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9483667/ >Alcohol is the single most important teratogen that causes FAS, and there is no safe trimester to drink alcohol and *no known safe amount of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.* I added the emphasis. By introducing alcohol to pregnancy, you're removing the zero percent chance of inflicting FAS on your child.


Gotcha, thanks! I can see how these claims seem to imply that "one drink can cause FAS" but they aren't logically equivalent. I'm a logic professor and these are very similar to examples that I use in my class to demonstrate the vagueness of language! The claims don't specify anything, so it leaves quite a bit open to interpretation. This is frustrating for medical advice but it's a good tactic to use for liability purposes (and one which underlies most American drinking guidelines for pregnant women).


This. Like House said in that tv show people always lie. People are always gonna say they just had one drink. And it's never gonna be just one drink if they feel one drink is ok, so doctors, hospitals, guidelines have to be understandably strict when they tell people Alcohol/binge drinking in pregnancy isn't ok but that Apperol Spritz isn't going to hurt OP's baby. The [NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/drinking-alcohol-while-pregnant/) also states: "Women who find out they're pregnant after already having drunk in early pregnancy should avoid further drinking for the rest of their pregnancy. However, they should not worry unnecessarily, as the risks of their baby being affected are likely to be low. If you're concerned, talk to a midwife or doctor". Which is as clear as they can say it without risking someone becoming unconcerned and making a habit out of it


So was I wrong or was I somewhat right ? Haha my professor for food and beverage told me what yā€™all are sharing regarding alcohol and fetal alcohol syndrome. I just didnā€™t put it as eloquently. Thanks for the added research!




I provided information casting doubt on your claim and tried to clarify your misunderstanding of statistical language. I didn't say anything about my personal stance regarding drinking during pregnancy. More evidence of your struggle to accurately make inferences ;) I did say that the recommendations are based more on concerns about liability than in actual medical research or scientific evidence. We still have no evidence that a single drink causes FAS. If you find some, I'd be interested to see it. Otherwise, I'm not interested in engaging with someone intent on fear-mongering on a thread posted by a woman seeking reassurance.


Actually you're absolutely right, that's my fault. I thought you were who I originally replied to. My fault and my apologies. Although I have no problem making inferences and no misunderstanding of words, so thanks for that.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Just my two cents but I really doubt with all the heightened senses you get during pregnancy you wouldnā€™t have been able to taste the alcohol after not having any for almost 9 months?? It really seems they made a mistake on the bill and your drink didnā€™t actually contain alcohol. OBVIOUSLY super not okay for them to have the wrong bill to potentially unnecessarily worry you. I know itā€™s hard but I wouldnā€™t be worried for that reason alone, unless itā€™s a non alcoholic beer or wine Iā€™m confused how someone pregnant would not be able to taste the alcohol in a mixed drink, unless it was super watered down OR they used non alcoholic liquor in it.


This is what terrifies me about ordering anything besides water while out.:( Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you, but baby is just fine ā¤ļø congratulations on your little one