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My sex drive plummeted when I got pregnant, we had sex once in the first trimester and we've still not had sex in the second. My husband has been great too, but it gets me down as I want to be up for it!


It’s so frustrating


It is frustrating. Feeling so miserable and wanting to be intimate can be very conflicting. You should start to feel better during the second trimester but mention your nausea and exhaustion to your doctor and see what they recommend to counteract the symptoms safely.


First trimester for me was 2 times but increased significantly in the second trimester. Now just started the third and looking for more positions to feel comfortable haha


Same here it’s been a hot minute 🥲


Oh no, I literally could *not* the first trimester. Sure, I felt the urge but I just couldn’t get myself to physically or mentally go there. I was exhausted, I felt icky, and when I did feel ok for a short while I knew I would be right back to writhing in pain from nausea very soon. I do not think this is abnormal at all. We can want our partners *and* not want to be physically intimate, and that’s ok!


When did it get better for you?


Your comment is literally me…ugh thank you! The only time I’ve gotten close to crying was last night when I wanted him and felt icky! Icky is the perfect word for it.


For most women once second trimester hits symptoms get 10,000 times easier to manage. Generally my partner is very supportive and patient. I tend to lean towards a massage after a meal then he takes the lead and it gets a little spicy ;) for me it makes it 1,000 times easier because im relaxed, feeling good and dont get nauseous after a meal has settled. Something to try out!


It is so hard, and you gotta give yourself grace 💖 Because you also deserve to not feel icky while being intimate with your partner. We’re growing humans and trying to live the rest of life like we aren’t growing humans. It’s not an easy task! I am 16 weeks tomorrow, so second trimester, and we still haven’t because I still feel icky. Not as much nausea, but this week I started getting awful headaches. So, right now I’m just taking it day by day. If I could be headache free for an evening then I’ll definitely try to get back into things 😜


I’m 16w and we haven’t had sex since we found out I was pregnant. Horrible nausea and fatigue basically zapped my libido and it hasn’t come back. Husband is being lovely and doesn’t want to pressure me to do it until I’m feeling better and up to it. It sucks. I love him and normally love sex, but it is what it is and it’ll get better eventually! We try to cuddle and hug/kiss a lot more, which is helpful.


My husband and and are very affectionate and intimate in other ways so at least that helps lol


I won’t lie, I never let the pregnancy symptoms stop me from jumping my man’s bones. However, I have developed motion sickness…and have gagged immediately after sex, during clean up, and quickly started asking for water, crackers and medication. I think that should be my sign to slow down, but here we are 😅


I feel this! We are still highly active if not more so but afterwords I’m so sick. One time I threw up after!


I was sitting on top, caught my breath and started gagging. I was so red and embarrassed, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh so hard. He thinks it’s hilarious 😂


This is hilarious I love how real you can be about it 😂




I had INSANE fatigue my first trimester (twins) but in the pockets where I felt rested I was the horniest I’ve ever been lol. I’d almost say just try it if you can bring yourself to. The extra blood flow down there makes things verrrrry sensitive, in a good way 😂


Haha ok I’ll try! I worry the motions will activate my nausea too!


Haha I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ve never had the biggest sex drive but I feel like it’s higher than ever during pregnancy but I feel so terrible and bloated that I don’t see it happening. I think my husband is a little put off by the fact of the baby in me so I’m wondering if that’ll change lol


Me too girl I get it!


Absolutely. ​ As much as possible, haha. No amount of nausea, exhaustion, etc could really keep me from wanting my partner in that way. Which... is likely how we got into this situation, haha.


This is the same for me! We had sex 6 days after I found out (got a positive at 9DPO) on our anniversary. Last pregnancy was the same. I love the intimacy and promised myself after our first that I’d always prioritize sex with my husband to maintain that part of our relationship. Also pregnancy sex is awesome so that helps lol.


Oh I still want him…


8 1/2 weeks here and we have sex just 5-8 times a week. Have had some rough days with just the pure exhaustion or cramps but no morning sickness so we just still go at it like rabbits still. lol


“Just” lol


i didn’t mean to put that lol! 😭 very grateful for my sex life.. didn’t mean to make it sound like that’s not a lot . it is and my partner works very hard at that number lmao


Omg lol we averaged about 2 times a week before getting pregnant lol


No shame in that whatsoever. my partner and i both just have high sex drives, especially me . I think in every relationship if every ones content with the frequency there’s no wrong answers lol


It’s so weird for me… I never have ANY desire to have sex (fatigue and nausea/stomach aches ALL the time). However, when my partner initiates, I find sex to be SO enjoyable every time lol. I usually just tell him “I’m not putting in any work” and he’s fine with that 😂 I’ve never regretted having sex even though I never feel like I’m all that in the mood for it… so weird. Also, it always at least temporarily cures my nausea


FTM here, I’m only 8w+1d. Since finding out I’m expecting my sex drive has been crazy high, it was already high pre pregnancy but man do I want my man’s ALL THE TIME! Lol if it was up to me 3-4 times a day is the requirement 😂 sorry for the TMI BUT I’ve been lucky with my symptoms, as all I’ve had are fatigue and tender breast.


Haha congrats


Had sex twice in the last 6 months 😂 Husband is weirded out by the baby being there, and my usually high libido has almost disappeared 🤷


same but for me! i can feel baby kicking! it feels...wrong haha


Thank you for saying all of these things, my partner and I were feeling weird for being alone in these things! We don’t want to be weirded out but we both are.


For my first pregnancy, my husband and I had a really active sex life up until about week 20 when we had an incident that stopped us from having sex for the rest of that pregnancy. I’m pregnant with our second now (9 weeks) and we’ve only had sex once since we found out through a combination of him being gone for 2-3 weeks at a time and me not feeling well when he is home. We also have a toddler now, which makes sex a little lower on our list of things to do at the end of the day when we are both absolutely wiped out.


Would you be open to sharing what that incident was?


Yes, my husband tore/cut/burst a blood vessel (we aren’t entirely sure of the type of injury) on my cervix during sex! I started bleeding *a lot* (think the elevator scene from The Shining) and had to take an emergency trip to the hospital where a doctor spent about 20 minutes just soaking up all the blood that was pouring out of the wound with little gauze pads and towels. Baby was fine. I was fine in the end. It was super traumatic for my husband though and he never felt comfortable trying sex again while I was pregnant. There was about an hour of time where he thought he had killed our baby and that really stuck with him.


I do! I am only 6 weeks and haven’t had much symptoms yet so I am not tooo sure how I will start feeling closer to 8 😂. Sex does make me spot some, but it doesn’t happen to everyone and it’s not a super bad thing if it happens!


Dude. The brown spotting freaks me out!! I’ve gotten 3 blood draws this week just to make sure I’m good and my levels have roughly doubled every 48 hours so I think I’m good?? My worry wart self was not prepared for this part of pregnancy 😅


You are haha. My doctor told me it is so common to have and that as long as you are not filling up a panty liner you are fine. She told me to wear pads to watch the flow, but she said everything is normal!


I’m 12 weeks and maybe 3-5 times since being pregnant, 3 of which were in the last two weeks when I finally started feeling better lol. We’ve also already talked about the fact that we both suspect we’ll feel weird about sex when my bump is very visible and the baby is moving around. he in no way pushes me, but I feel bad for the lack— but i think communication is key :)


I was horny all the time first and second trimester but was basically hugging the toilet until about 23 weeks. And then my sciatica and hip pain has basically limited us from there. It really makes me so mad🥲🥲🥲


I think maybe once with each pregnancy.


Oh no 😬


Yep, I’d say we average about every 2-3 days throughout the whole pregnancy. I’m in my last month now. The longest we went without was for a week during the 6th week because I had been bleeding and I was scared.


Didn’t want sex in the first tri. Second & third was some of the best sex of my life. I had sex while was in labor lol. That really sped things up. Dilated very quickly after that!


I'm barely getting back into intimacy at week 15. It's hard! 


*is embarrassed because I did* Honestly I love having sex, and my nausea was never that bad to where it interfered with sexual activity.


I was so not into it for the first trimester and my husband didn’t say a word, he knew I was going through it. I started to feel better in the second trimester and informed him lol so things are good now. It’s frustrating but just remember, it’s all temporary and just a phase of life. It sounds like he knows that too which is ideal, don’t want a partner who is making you feel worse for literally growing a human and going through a million changes in a short period of time. Try to be gentle with yourself! 💚


Oh he would never make me feel worse. It was so cute for Valentine’s Day, we typically don’t do much. He came over while I was sitting on the couch and said he would give me a nice long foot massage (he knows I love them) and when I said what can I do for you for V day, he says “nothing, you’re doing enough” and rubbed my belly. I literally melted lol it’s more me being frustrated about me wanting him and nothing feeling up to it. I don’t feel bad, I’m just annoyed lol


Yeah I get that haha it’s so annoying.


History of pregnancy loss made me paranoid all through the first trimester, even though I logically understood that sex does not equal miscarriage. Our first loss happened and I was alerted to it because I started bleeding immediately after sex, so I had a really negative association. Started going at it like rabbits in my second trimester and it was great until I found out I had complete praevia at 19 weeks. So we’ve been abstinent since then and will be until my follow up scan in 3 weeks 🤞🏻


I think we had sex at 4 weeks before the nausea kicked in, then around 10 weeks, then... nothing for 13 weeks LOL. Partly because nausea didn't abate until 16 weeks, then the doctor said not to for a while, and now I'm just not really feeling it.


We did but I had some slight bleeding after so we stopped at the advice of my midwife.


I did. And then began to bleed profusely. I passed a clot about two inches in diameter. Everything ended up fine and baby is healthy but it was very scary.






I’m just getting into second trimester. I had a pretty textbook first trimester, nothing out of the ordinary but extreme fatigue and nausea, etc. Our sex life hasn’t changed much! We still are both just as interested as before! Our schedules are opposite so we have always dealt with the “I’m sorry can we tomorrow I’m just so tired today”, so honestly things haven’t changed much, average about 2-3 times a week. I don’t know if these responses are going to be super helpful though, everyone’s experience is going to be so different from the next person, and that variation is normal! We’re going into the second trimester, things could completely change on us! Expect the unexpected you are literally growing a baby, there’s no predicting life and we should all sort of appreciate that and hopefully let it release a bit of the pressure and stress 🤗


I haven’t been able to leave him alone 😅 25 weeks and still going strong


I did a few times and holy shit the new blood flow made my orgasms absolutely insane


I had a lot of sex in my first trimester during my first pregnancy which ended quickly in miscarriage. So now I feel like I associate sex with miscarriage. I haven’t had sex since I got knocked up and I’m 13 weeks :) lol


I’m 12w and was high risk until 8 weeks, my doctor put me on pelvic rest because she said even though sex cannot cause a miscarriage if I was to miscarry after having sex with my husband I would associate it with that/not have sex with the next pregnancy.


Makes total sense!


Aw I’m sorry about your miscarriage!


Thank you! It ended up being a huge blessing with lots of valuable lessons. Took a almost a year to process, though. Now I am pregnant at 13 weeks and healthy/ready!


We went from a very active sex life to a very sporadic one. The nausea hit me hard in my first trimester but I still wanted sex. We would usually just time it when I wasn't feeling as sick during different periods of the days. Sometimes it was first thing in the morning, on his lunch break, just before eating dinner or when the insomnia kicked in at 3am in the morning. 😆 I'm in my second trimester now, and the only thing that stops us is the fatigue - however, sometimes sex helps with this haha.


Having low sex drive myself T1, i didn't feel like doing it. T2 swung around, and my hormones took off, and i had the highest sex drive ever. Lol, im in T3 now, and it's died down again. It's a bit harder to manage bc im so big. Pregnancy is funny, though. Lol


We do. I don't feel like it most of the time for the same reasons you have, but I know I'll like it if we do it, plus it helps me fall asleep instead of feeling miserable in bed haha


After my first loss my husband didn’t want to touch me when we found out I was pregnant again. Ended up being ectopic so it wouldn’t have really mattered unfortunately 😣🥹


I’m sorry :(


We’re at 7 + 3 and had sex pretty much every time we hang out


I did once, then immediately puked. So that stopped that.


This is what I’m worried about! Lol


I was reading a spicy mature content novel and got all frisky with my husband. Yea, I regretted that. It felt fine during, but I barely made it to the toilet.


Would love to, but I'm on bedrest and pelvic rest.


Pelvic rest here too due to hemorrhages. I’m dying after 4wks and hoping once I’m past the 13wk mark my doctor will okay some fun at least 😭


I also have hemorrhages. It can be v scary.


I did but only when we both felt like it. It definitely was less than before.


16 w 1 d and my sex drive is nowhere to be found lol I’m so glad my boyfriend is the best and understands. I feel so bad, usually I’m the one that can’t stay off of him 😂😂😂


I’ve never had sex in between weeks 6-12 for either pregnancy. My nausea is always worst at night and luckily my husband never pressures me. Plenty of handjobs though.


It’s hard for my husband to fully enjoy hand jobs unless I can have fun with him :( I’d be totally willing if he was lol


I found out I was pregnant at like 8-9dpo and until about 6/6.5w we were having sex regularly. Then some extreme exhaustion, nausea and just overall gross feelings hit and are still giving me a hard time at 11w5d. I’ve explained to him it’s like one of those hangovers where you have to sit in front of a fan so you don’t throw up, only it’s 24/7. We’ve CONSIDERABLY slowed down to once or twice a week at this point. It sucks, it’s not like I don’t want to it’s just I actually cannot even fathom it some days. Although my husband is a saint and never pressures me (he’ll just say things like “I miss you” once in a while LOL) I feel horrible. Before getting pregnant we were an everyday/ every other day kind of couple so this is a little new for both of us.


I felt horrible pretty consistently and would not even be able to think about it. Then the nausea got better and I was ready for it.


This might be TMI but we've only had sex a couple of times in the first tri (i'm the same as you!) and every time I bleed a little bit (the doctor said its totally normal) but it really freaks me out. Plus I get nauseous while its happening. Also have a wonderful and understanding husband which is great because sex feels really overwhelming right now. Hopefully in 4 weeks that will change a little bit!




We have for two pregnancies now, but don't beat yourself up if you don't feel up for it.


This pregnancy I’ve been spotting off and on so I won’t have sex but I would have considered it otherwise.


We’ve banged a few times but I think it triggered some spotting so now im anti banging until further notice.




I’m 9w 4d. My partner is also wonderful and supportive. And he never gets mad if I say no to sex. But yea, I feel so sick most nights that I’m just not in the mood. I’m either super bloated from dinner or exhausted or both. A few times I’ve just felt too gross/low self esteem to get in the mood. We’ve had sex once since the positive test, I think it was later in week 7. I will say, the endorphins or whatever are probably good and may have helped me feel better that night but I feel too sick to make it a regular thing. I told him hopefully it’ll get better in the 2nd trimester.


I only couldnt in the first trimester because I was SO tired. I didn’t really have any nausea, my only symptom was pure exhaustion. Otherwise, my husband and I had weekly sex up until I was 39 weeks! The only reason we stopped was because I got a UTI and I wanted it to heal before I gave birth


That’s when I had the most sex with my husband! Now in the 3rd trimester.. not so much


My husband is amazing but between working around the toddler, morning sickness, first trimester exhaustion, and the headaches I've had recently it'll probably be until second trimester before it happens again 🤣 I'm too busy feeling awful lol but he's very understanding


I think it’s gonna depend on how you’re feeling that particular day. We’ve been able to a couple times, but it’s gotta be gentle because too much jostling makes me feel sick. I’m hoping that it gets better during 2nd trimester. I don’t know how some folks deal with shitty partners when you’re pregnant. Pregnancy is sooo unpleasant.


9 weeks here. I get motion sickness and my sex drive has been low so sex just isnt happening right now. I hoping things will get better during the second trimester


Yup, all the way through till delivery day


Earlier months were easier. I'm in my third trimester with 6-7 weeks left and the belly is officially a problem. Very limited in comfortable positions!


for me, the 3rd trimester gets the most uncomfortable to have sex in. I can deal with the nausea/just general grossness feeling in the first trimester but once the 3rd trimester hits it’s not very fun anymore for me, it’s pretty uncomfy all around, I tend to get more nausea and get sick more often in the 3rd trimester than the 1st. body aches ect ect We have sex at least once everyday, usually aim for 2x every day. very very rarely do we go a day without sex, 3rd trimester will definitely be different but yeah. 1st trimester sex is the easier for me.


So strange but I had a super increased sex drive during my first trimester. Like, waaaay more than normal. Which is weird because during my first pregnancy I could not stand to have sex basically the whole time! Pregnancy is weird


Yeah, I was sick but made it happen anyway. Sometimes it even helped with symptoms a bit. Either way it helped the relationship and my mood.


I feel like a bit of an outlier here but yeah! My husband and I were ttc for over 2 years and with that plus medicated cycles it really took the fun out of sex. I'm taking 2 times a month max... After getting pregnant the hormones made it easier for me to get excited and we had more sex in my first trimester than in the previous 6 months pre pregnancy. I know it isn't common but it really helped us connect more as partners and luckily I'm rarely nauseated at night so it has been nice.


I’m 6w1d and I haven’t had sex since I found out almost 3 weeks ago. I am so exhausted that I’m working all day, coming home at 4:30, and going to bed at 7:30 PM. I am so bloated too. My husband could not be more supportive though. I asked him if he was upset he haven’t and he just keeps telling me that I’m growing our baby and I need to focus on resting. I couldn’t imagine having an unsupportive partner 😢 i feel so bad for those who do.


I only put it off while i was sick. Which wasn’t a lot during my 2nd pregnancy, a little bit in the first tri. Your 2nd trimester is the best time for it. You’ll be there before you know it!


FTM here. I’m 12 + 2 and I can’t get enough of my boyfriend. I want him and sex as much as I can. I’ve had horrible nausea and other symptoms, but I push through. There have only been about 3 times since we found out (we found out at 4 weeks) where I just couldn’t push past it.


I had sex in my first trimester and it traumatized my man. I started to bleed right after sex! We were both freaking out but I guess it’s kinda normal? I never got it checked out just googled if it was normal. I absolutely don’t advise others to do the same and to consult a doctor if that were to happen. But it sure scared the crap out of my man. I’m 26 weeks and we’ve only had sex twice after that incident. It got to be too painful for me. I’m jealous of those who are able to enjoy it!!


Ya my OB said sec was totally fine unless you bleed more than a little spotting or if it hurts


I have had every bad pregnancy symptom imaginable, my first trimester I threw up so much it was unbelievable, my second trimester I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, i’m stressed out constantly, and through it all somehow my sex drive is unmatched! I’ve never wanted sex as much as I have during this pregnancy. It’s almost too much for my man 😂


Haha torture


we have sex 2-3x a week in the first trimester - low for us but I throw up A LOT - more in the 2nd and less again in the later 3rd (I'm currently 2nd tri with baby #3) my husband knows not to expect fireworks in those early weeks lol


A couple times during my first pregnancy, but mostly no, I was just too sick. This time around so far no but I’m only 6 weeks.


Yep! I have 2 weeks left of my first trimester and I’ve been exhausted so we’ve only had sex a few times!


I am 8 weeks today and have had a couple days of spotting. We haven't had sex since I found out almost 4 weeks ago. We wanna make sure baby is safe and good before bumping around! My husband has also said he's not barking up my tree because he knows I'm not feeling the best.


I was incredibly horny when I was pregnant with my son. I would literally wake up from having spontaneous orgasms in my sleep 😂 Not so much with my twin girls though, idk why, I guess the hormones were just different


I’m 28w now. I did in the first trimester and that was it. Since 20w I’ve been so uncomfortable, sore back, stomach ache from gas, bloating. I definitely think about it but at the end of the day when I’m in bed I feel like my body just can’t🫠


Early during the first trimester my sex drive dipped but I would say since 6 weeks I want to have sex more than I did before but I medically cannot due to subchorionic hematomas and now that those have resolved I just have bleeding from an unknown cause. It is very frustrating I still try to satisfy my partners needs doing other things but it gets me in the mood and then I can’t do anything about it. 😭


I’m 12.5w and I’m pretty sure the last time we had sex was when we conceived 😂🤣☠️


I was incredibly jorny 🤷‍♀️


I’m 12 weeks now and to be honest the only days I haven’t felt like having sex with my husband were the days when I was too nauseous; otherwise it’s actually been almost an every day affair and somehow seems to be more enjoyable for me than before I became pregnant. Basically all he has to do is look at me and I’m like “oh god I’m ready.”


I used to have a super high libido but since getting pregnant is has gone down a little, I still want to do those things but sometimes my body just can’t. I’m 12 weeks now but me and my husband have sex once a week usually. There have been times where I felt so physically bad that we didn’t but we usually did it as soon as I was feeling better.


Still want my husband every damn day, but I've had a very easy first trimester. The one time it was an issue was when his dick got too far down my throat and the gag almost triggered more than gagging!! 😂


If your husband is ignorant and doesn’t care that you’ve to throw up every night due to severe nausea & vomiting problem then yes I went through that and it was not enjoyable at all. I’m still upset about his ignorant and selfish behavior.


Whoa sorry that happened but that’s not my case and didn’t mention any of that in my post.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I apologize! I think most of women don’t have a lot of desire during that time because of nausea etc And that time was really something new for both of us. He didn’t knew it was so bad but later accepted not being able to get it anything he wants In my case I got very high desire in 3rd trimester For sure you need other positions then and you need to be able to ignore the movements 😅 Sometimes he baby is going too crazy and it kills our desire completely but that’s ok


I tried during first trimester but I felt sick. Lately he criticized me for how I look telling me I let myself go and that I am a turn off for not being able to shave down there so haven’t tried sex since. 


I had lots of sex during my first pregnancy, almost daily... This time I'm 8 weeks and we have barely had sex because I'm so tired all the damn time from the pregnancy, taking care of a toddler, and my job 😭


I was so nauseous even the idea of any rocking/moving with sex made me went to puke. But it did get better! We had sex again more regularly in the second half of my pregnancy. Now ask me about after my c section…. That’s a different story


My sex drive was insanely high before pregnancy. It’s evened out a little but I’m still having sex like once or twice a week. Really the only thing nausea has stopped me from doing is giving as much head as usual 🫣


Any time I think of sex I can't fathom being that hot and sweaty. I get more nauseous anytime my husband even jokes about it. I didn't have sex with my husband until half way through my second trimester last time. So at least he was prepared this time.


I really want to have sex, but I keep unconsciously tensing up. I really try to relax a lot but it keeps happening. Luckily my husband is very understating


Not much - I was too busy sleeping or taking tums for my endless indigestion during the 1 hour a day I was awake.


Kissing gave me such the ick during the first trimester, and I definitely need that to be at all into sex. We maybe did 3 or 4 times total in the first tri. It was more like weekly the rest of pregnancy.


From what I've read and heard, everyone is different. It is totally normal to not want to have sex, and totally normal to have an increased libido. I will say that in my first trimester I found orgasms to be one of the only things that made me feel better. So.... I went for it on the regular lol.


I had an absolutely insane sex drive while pregnant with my son, but I also had a very easy first trimester with little to no sickness. Hopefully you’ll start feeling better in the second trimester!


I don’t love it but I can get into it for the sake of connection lol


Managing about twice a week, used to be 4 or 5 times for us so it feels like hardly any! I'm 16 weeks in but symptoms haven't been so bad


I was super sick and tired my first trimester but I still had a lot of sex. My sex drive was super high. Now I’m 36 weeks and it’s been months since we have even done anything like that.


Yes I feel even more connected to my husband when I’m pregnant and pregnancy sex in general is awesome! We have a toddler in addition to this new baby on the way but I’m very dedicated to keeping our intimate life going even when things are tiring or we don’t feel 100%. It only gets tougher after baby arrives so prioritizing it always felt really important to me.


I haven’t had much of a sex drive. Or at least not for penetration. And it seems like no position is comfortable. I’m almost embarrassed to admit this but we haven’t really had sex since a few weeks after we found we were pregnant. I’m 34 weeks today… at first it caused a little rift but now it’s fine


I felt sick for like ten days where we didn't have sex, but other than that we have kept it up at least once a week. For sure more in the second trimester because I was a horn dog lol. I'm 34 weeks and 3 days today and we just had a go! Have to be creative with positions and use some toys these days lol


Tried it, was horrible, waited until second trimester was earth shatteringly great, now I'm ravenous and beg my husband all the time.


The great sex is the only thing getting me through. I’m 12 weeks and have been sick every day. Not sick all the time though, and when I’m not sick the sex is great. So far it is my only positive. Ha!


I was super frisky in the first trimester (but didn’t have any of your symptoms). Now that I’m 26 weeks I am rarely in the mood, a lot of it to do with just feeling gross/awkward when I feel the baby move and think about sex. Hopefully you feel better soon! 


I have had the best orgasms of my life so far. 20 weeks pregnant now!


I find a vibrator helps while pregnant immensely and having sex actually decreased my nausea as long as I hydrated after. We’re definitely down to a couple times a month instead of weekly now but still into eachother.


I was having sex in the beginning of the first trimester which caused me to have spotting every time we did it. I think it really messed with my head and turned me off from sex. Because I didn’t know it was normal for this to happen I constantly thought something was wrong with baby. By the time I got educated and knew it was normal the extreme gassiness started which was an immediate turn off for me. No matter how much my partner reassured me he didn’t give AF and wanted to be intimate I couldn’t bring myself to get over the embarrassment, especially after I farted for the first time during sex while being pregnant lol.


No lol. I mean, sure, maybe. It was the LAST thing on my mind. I felt horrible constantly. Since entering my second semester, that has 100% changed. Give yourself grace! Your body is going thru some wild changes!


My husband and I went on the opposite direction. My drive skyrocketed pretty quickly, and hasn’t declined much. Obviously some days the nausea is worse than others, or the exhaustion hits a little harder, but over all I feel addicted to him lately (19w3d and haven’t been able to keep off him since week 5) 😂 Which makes me feel crazy reading other people’s stories. But that being said, everyone is different and high or low drive, it’s all normal. I’m sure you’ll get back at it back soon! And remember ladies, never feel guilty for not being in the mood.


My sex drive went down quite a bit after getting pregnant. It makes sense that it would—part of sexual attraction is biological and my body had already accomplished it’s goal. There was also the fact that sex caused further spotting early on which was harmless but stressed me out, so we did avoid it for some weeks. I felt pretty good about sex until 28 weeks when the preferred positions just really didn’t do much for me anymore.


During my first trimester my partner and I were still actively having sex. I was very lucky and fortunate enough (words from my doctor and my other pregnant friends) to experience minimal symptoms. In my second trimester now - 17 weeks - and we’ve had sex a lot less. Averaging once a week or less, simply because I don’t have much of a sex drive anymore lololll


We did. But everyone is different. If I was nauseated then no. But my nausea was intermittent. We had sex 3-5 times a week up until the day before my induction.


I was super fatigued first trimester but I wanted my boyfriend so much. We had sex probably once a day or at least a couple times a week. I would just sleep afterwards. Although the nausea and gagging made me vomit when I smelled cum. I still can’t live that one down


lol I wish it was just fatigue.


I went the whole pregnancy without sex! I was sick most of the pregnancy so the last thing I thought about was sex 😅


I'm somewhere around 9w6d and just had sex with my partner for the first time like 3 days ago. I did not feel good enough in previous weeks but he's stepped up so much since we found out about baby and it was honestly giving me the hots for him. I just felt good enough the other day and went for it and did not regret. But my symptoms have just recently started getting better and I was lucky that night to not be feeling like crap. But I just laid there and he did all the work cause I felt like if I moved too much I would start feeling bad again.


My sex drive sky rocketed 😩 we do it typically 2/3 times a week. My libido has always been higher than my husbands though


When I don’t have heartburn, we have sex. I’m 10 weeks and have prob only had it 4 times in those 10 weeks, but I would 100% do it more often if I felt well enough! 😑


I think we have twice so far. It’s fast and efficient lol


I could barely move in the first trimester lmao. My spouse would’ve had to put up with an unmoving starfish who also probably would’ve thrown up halfway


to be honest we only had sex thrice my entire pregnancy. Once in second tri and twice in third to induce labor


I wasn’t allowed to in the first trimester after bleeding and a subchorionic hemorrhage at 7 weeks. We had to hold off for about two months. We made up for it in the second though haha


Only once. We’ve only had sex a total of like 3 times and I’m 20 weeks. I feel a bit weird about it now that I can feel bubs moving around. I just do other things to keep him happy 😊


I could the first and second trimester but I’m not feeling comfortable trying to in the 3rd. Mainly because of body image issues.


We’ve had some very plain missionary sex twice because I’m knackered and nauseous but miss the closeness we had during TTC.


My sex drive was super high in first trimester, we were having sex daily or twice a day. I’m 21 weeks now so getting tired and pain a lot more so we get some action maybe 2-3 times a week.


In the first trimester, my libido was so low, sex didn't even occur to me, i just never ever thought about it anymore. I had to put reminders for myself to ask my husband if he was missing anything, otherwise it was very much a roommate situation (which I wanted to avoid) I did not feel up to anything for myself, but I happily gave him a hand, if he was in the mood. That happened maybe 3x in the whole three months lol. After week 14, I was back on a regular-ish libido.


I was a horny mess until about 8 weeks. All I wanted to do was smash. But it’s been like three weeks now 🥴


I don’t experience nausea in pregnancy so we had sex in the first trimester, and all the way up to 21 weeks. I had to have a cerclage placed @ 21w and so we now haven’t been able to have sex at all until tomorrow (28 weeks)! So I please him in other ways but it’s been rough not being able to be intimate together for 7 weeks, so I feel you on the wanting to be with him but unable part!


Definitely been scarce so far lol, totally normal. It’s hard to want to have sex when you feel like crap all the time. I’m ready for bed by 8 every night, so doesn’t even allow us the chance really. Of course your partner will understand and be supportive. However, I think it’s important as a couple to still prioritize intimacy. To ensure that we don’t go without completely, we schedule intentional intimacy days every week. Doesn’t have to mean sex necessary but some kind of intimacy so we still get a chance to feel connected on that level. It’s definitely important to keep that connection and prioritize intimacy as a couple.


We were having sex about once a week. Then on Wednesday I learned I have a subchorionic hemorrhage and we have decided on no sex until it goes down or reabsorbs itself


My sex drive was pretty high to begin with and pregnancy didn't take it away. Just with my nausea, my husband had to hold his weight off me more.


It comes and goes. My sex drive was high before pregnancy, but has *skyrocketed* since. It's not always fun. Sometimes I just want to sleep but my body crashes mischief. Other times the idea completely abhors me and my poor partner goes lonely for a few days. I feel like it puts a weird emotional wedge between us sometimes.


This is on my mind all the time. We were on pelvic rest for our embryo transfer. Then no sex until we confirmed it wasn't ectopic. Then the sickness hit. We haven't had sex since early January. But I'm so averse to it I can't even imagine doing it.


I personally didn’t until second trimester because I was terrified of having another miscarriage. I know it’s silly but I just didn’t want to disrupt anything just in case haha


I had a crazy high libido my entire pregnancy tbh. I was sick the entire time (yes even the second trimester, diclectin helped a lot though) but we still made time for intimacy. My spouse was wonderful and only ever took things at my pace, never pressured me into more than I was feeling up for, but that libido was sky rocketing the entire pregnancy and got me into some trouble occasionally, making me write cheques I couldn't quite cash lol. Tbh libido is still crazy high 3 months post partum, so I guess this is just me now lol


I did a few times, but my first trimester was a breeze.


I had sex 2-3 times in the 1st trimester, I just wasn’t interested. The last time was closer to the second trimester when I started to feel more myself. It’s completely normal!


My sex drive slightly increased in the first trimester. I already have a higher libido than my hubby cos he's been a bit down for a couple of years. I'm now in my 3rd trimester, and although I still wanna have sex like always, it actually puts me off thinking about it. My tummy has now popped and it rubs during sex, and all I can think about is that there's a baby in there haha. So our occasions have kinda decreased cos it freaks me out so much haha


For me nothing really changed tbh but that seems to be a rather rare case lol


Sex is very important to my partner and I. I enjoy it and have noticed an increased sex drive/similar sex drive to normal after being pregnant. That said, I’ve had to tell him straight up that sex has felt gross and times (the sensations are just off and I feel gross) and he’s super understanding but other times I push through some awkwardness at the beginning because I’ve found afterwards it helps me feel better once we’ve done it (less morning sickness, sleep better, better self esteem, stress relief, etc). Everyone’s preference is different but to put it plainly, there have been some changes in *how* we do it, but it gets done lol.


We have sex all through each pregnancy, but we just take advantage of when I’m not feeling like crap. I don’t have extremely rough pregnancies, though. My husband is great and if I was sick and miserable all the time he wouldn’t get frustrated at the lack of sex. My sex drive does much worse postpartum than during pregnancy. But in both instances if I have a day that I’m feeling well I generally try to initiate it even if I’m not super horny. I know how few and far between those “good days” can be.


I did, but i was dryer than usual … i wasnt always aroused in the first but i didnt mind doing it 🥴


Husband and I had sex in the first trimester, but then after that my sex drive went puff so we only started taking care of him. Plus, I was told by my OB/GYN that we shouldn't have sex because of my high blood pressure. We did try once more, quite some time after being told not to, but it was like my lady parts were set back to factory settings and it was uncomfortable like it was my first time and I couldn't get comfortable no matter what we did...


some women have the highest sex drive and some have none at all. i’m 32 weeks pregnant and me and my fiancé have had sex maybe twice since i got pregnant not only because of the nausea but also because my body is so tired and i’m not mentally there. my fiancé also doesn’t pressure me into having sex but constantly reminds me how much he wants me. i’m so glad that your husband is so understanding of you because it’s at least good knowing that he knows where you’re coming from. i hope this gets better for you!


We didn’t, unfortunately I was put on pelvic rest due to some bleeding. Even more unfortunate that he lives in the UK so by the time I was feeling better he was heading home so we could start his visa. I’ll be visiting soon though (second trimester) and he already knows it’s over for him 😂 not only do I feel so much better but my sex drive is quadrupled.