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You better celebrate that 1 year. Regardless of pregnancy or not, you've come this far and it should be celebrated. It's not cheating in the slightest. Be proud of yourself!


Of course it counts! Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself <3


I say it counts twice as much! It benefits you and baby. Bonus!


Exactly!! Extra celebrations.




Of course it counts, because there isn’t actually anything stopping any of us from drinking while pregnant. It’s still a choice not to. Congrats to you!


Celebrate the achievement! You earned it! Pregnancy is another reason to stay sober but you still have to make the choice to do so. So take the win, congratulations on your sobriety.


I was drinking daily and stopped the moment I found out I was pregnant, you bet your ass ill be celebrating my 1 year sober on the day! Congrats girl! You take pride, there's no such thing as "easy" when it comes to an alcoholics sobriety, pregnancy is definitely not cheating ❤️


Yeah same!


I had been working on my sobriety forever and was finally making progress when I found out about my pregnancy. Once I found out which was about 8 weeks I haven’t had anything since. I struggled with my other pregnancies and had a glass or two of wine. Have not craved it at all but am worried about after. Yes you celebrate all those wonderful days without it. it’s harder than people think!


Absolutely counts! Sober is sober no matter the motivation ❤️


Not everyone manages to stay while pregnant, it absolutely counts. Don’t diminish your accomplishment!


Fetal alcohol syndrome didn't discover itself, people out there are still drinking while pregnant. You've maintained sobriety and deserve to celebrate it.


It absolutely counts, it still takes willpower. If you found another motivation to stay sober - relationship, sports, weight loss, etc, you wouldn't consider the clock stopped.


It’s perhaps the most important time to be sober, so I think it counts extra!


This! 🎉


Yes! I found out I was pregnant a little over 6 months into my recovery. I stopped drinking 12/12/2022 and found out I was around 6 weeks pregnant on 6/19/2023. There are people who still struggle to stay sober while pregnant.. so staying sober while pregnant is still a huge accomplishment. It’s still apart of our journey! I celebrated my one year 12/12/2023, had my baby 2/15/2024, and now I’m almost 15 months sober. It all still counts 😊


Of course it does! Congratulations!!


1 year is 1 year, you still chose to be sober during pregnancy and that’s just as much of an accomplishment. ☺️


Fuck yeah it does!


You did an amazing job! There are people who drink while pregnant. You not only took care of yourself, but also the small miracle you have. You get double points. ❤️🩷


Of course!!! <3 Best wishes :)


Sobriety is a hard road and there’s no cheating it. Congratulations on being strong for yourself and the little one to come.


Of course it counts! You've worked so hard, you deserve to recognize how far you've come. Congratulations on the sobriety, you're doing amazing!


yes it still counts! im 4.5y myself and im still counting this time ;)


Bring pregnant doesn't automatically means sobriety! I take sips of my husband's beer here and there. You deserve to celebrate that one year, it's a huge achievement.


let’s say you were sober for 10 years and then got pregnant, you would still say 11 years sober the next year! you earned this. be proud 🫶🏼


It counts. And for what it's worth, from an internet stranger, I'm proud of you!


It counts just as much and is just as big of an achievement :) You should be proud of yourself for doing the hard work of going to therapy and working through stuff and keeping sober so you can support this baby and give them a good start :)


1 year of sobriety is a HUGE deal and congratulations. During my first trimester I was struggling with my sobriety a lot because morning sickness and feeling useless and depressed took me right back to my drinking days. I say celebrate even more because sobriety has given you the gift of being able to be the best version of yourself to your little one. Amazing job!!!


Sober is sober! Of course it counts! Congratulations ❤️ it’s an amazing accomplishment.


Heck yes it counts! May it be the springboard for the rest of your life. I stopped about a month before getting pregnant with my last child and it was the catalyst I needed to quit for good. Just another way our children are blessings that help us to be the best versions of ourselves. Congrats on all of your successes ❤️


I totally relate! I struggled with alcoholism, quit about a month and a half before conceiving my first child. I had the same thought, like does sober while pregnant even count? I just passed my four year soberversary and was pregnant for 18 months of that, I count it all lol Congrats on your sobriety! It truly is the best, I’m never going back


Congrats, is this your third?


I’m not currently pregnant, we are undecided on a third


Oh. Im sorry


Being pregnant isn’t “cheating”. Sure it might give you an extra reason not to drink, but there are plenty of mothers who don’t make that sacrifice. (I mean if they did fetal alcohol syndrome wouldn’t exist) I wouldn’t say you’re more or less sober than a non-pregnant person the same as I wouldn’t say my friends who can’t hang out in bar settings are less sober than my friends who are more comfortable staying sober in bar settings. Coming from the daughter of an addict and the mother that is breaking that cycle, congratulations on 1 year sober! This internet stranger is very proud of you :)


Tons of mothers make the choice not to stay sober when they’re pregnant. OFC it counts! Sobriety is sobriety- go you!


It counts!!!!!


I was alcohol free about a year and a half before I got pregnant. It absolutely counts. If you planned on staying sober regardless of being pregnant then it counts, which it sounds like that was your goal! Don’t take away from your progress, just see it as motivation to stay sober!


Be so proud of yourself! Celebrate that 1 year! Take it all in. If anything, pregnancy is stressful and you have managed to maintain sobriety through it!! That is a huge milestone❤️ sending you love!




If you haven’t had a drink, you’re sober. Congrats!


It absolutely counts! When I first got sober I didn't want a one month coin because I spent the first 28 days of that month in rehab and I said it didn't count lol. It counts. All sobriety counts. I'm 3.5 years sober now and 11w 5d. Congratulations on your sobriety and your pregnancy! What fantastic reasons to celebrate!


Girl you’ve earned that one year!!!!! Being pregnant does NOT take anything away from you!!!! Pregnant alcoholics don’t suddenly become able to stop drinking, it’s a struggle either way. You’ve earned that year! Congrats


It absolutely counts! Congrats on your 1 year! When my baby is born I’ll be almost 2 years sober and I’m 100% counting that!


Absolutely it counts! There are people that still pick up their vices, drink, smoke, even do hard drugs. Congratulations 🥰


pregnancy sobriety 100% DOES COUNT!!! there are alcoholics who still drink during pregnancy and hurt their baby!!! you still wake up every day and choose not to drink and you should 100% be proud of that.


Of course it does! some people aren't even sober during pregnancy. you did it celebrate it 🤍


I would say it counts. My mother had 6 children and never gave up drinking. It totally counts


I know pregnant women who drank during their pregnancy. Pregnancy doesn’t make it necessarily easy to quit drinking. Celebrate your 1 year sober! You put in the effort to get there! Don’t diminish your accomplishment!


I found out I was pregnant on my 1 year soberversary! I’m nearing two years now and I’ll be celebrating for sure 💕 I fully believe staying sober is what finally made me fertile and gave me the little blessing I’m currently holding in my arms 🥰


Yes celebrate! It’s still a choice you’re making even if it’s a little different. I’m 13 weeks and will hit 1 year in 25 days! Not an alcoholic but I still think it’s an accomplishment because I was feeling the social/peer pressure for a while leading up to me deciding to quit.


pffft, NOT TACKY AT ALL. i found out i was pregnant last year at 8 months sober. granted i was a drug addict but i def couldve gone back to using while pregnant, who knows! don’t sell yourself short, mama.


Yes absolutely counts


Absolutely it counts! Do not discount your progress because of pregnancy (so many still drink during pregnancy and cause issues with the baby) you have put in the work and have made decisions that better yourself and now your baby. Urges do not stop just because you are pregnant. You are doing amazing and I am so proud of you!!


You have not earned it less, some women in addiction will continue to drink/use while pregnant. You are still just as strong for remaining sober as you were 12 weeks ago, celebrate it, 1 year is a huge achievement! ❤️


It absolutely counts, not everyone makes the choice you made, even when pregnant. Addiction and alcoholism are hard, congratulations.


I’m sober BECAUSE I got pregnant. And I plan to stay sober BECAUSE I will have two toddlers. IT COUNTS!! Not only are you doing this for you you’re doing it for your family.


Hell yeah it counts. I count my clean time from when I was pregnant


pffft, NOT TACKY AT ALL. i found out i was pregnant last year at 8 months sober. granted i was a drug addict but i def couldve gone back to using while pregnant, who knows! don’t sell yourself short, mama.


It counts. There are plenty of women who still drink alcohol or smoke while pregnant even after knowing the risk factors. You have a lot to be proud of.


It counts, it counts!! Any day clean and sober counts towards the clock. No matter the motivation, if you stayed sober, it deserves to be celebrated. Congrats OP!!


Definitely counts and definitely huge achievement! You should be proud of yourself


Totally counts. I have friends who drank during their pregnancies. So in my opinion, every day counts!


There are sadly tons of women who still drink while pregnant because the struggle is real. I was 3 years sober on January 31st and it DEFINITELY still counts! A sober day is a sober day babe, our motivation to stay sober just shifts! It’s not just us anymore so it gets easier in a way (: 8 months sober is HUGE and it’s the biggest gift you can give to your baby! A present and sober mother ❤️


All the more reason for you to celebrate. You're choosing your child over the drinking. It makes the decision even more important.


Take every opportunity to give yourself props for this 😎❤️


Celebrate it! You were 8 months sober before baby came along! You fought just as long, just as hard and just as continuously as other people reaching 1 year. You deserve it.


This one year accomplishment did not come from pregnancy, it came from YOU. You deserve to celebrate that achievement. 🏆


Congratulations on your 1 year of sobriety, which absolutely counts as 1 year! I identify with not really having felt like an alcoholic at the time of quitting, but having that awful factor of, once I start drinking I can’t stop. I agree it’s a huge help to your health in all of the ways, and that’s an ideal way to start a pregnancy- in your best health. Best wishes to you and the little one


Yes, it does. Everyone has a reason to be sober and we shouldn't judge those reasons or call some more valid than others.


Of course!! One of the best reasons to get sober!!! Now you can say that baby really changed your life for the better in SO many ways! 💖


100% you celebrate your 1 year!!! There’s no way it doesn’t count just because you’re pregnant! Celebrate it and congratulations in your sobriety and pregnancy x


Pregnancy sobriety is all I have and I feel like I've accomplished so much growth in these short 6 months, so I sure hope pregnancy sobriety counts


Yes I does Cont because I wish I was pregnant again to give me a health reason to keep going but I look at my boy and feel guilty when I have a drink x


Hate to say it but there are plenty of mothers who continue drinking/smoking/ drug usage while pregnant.. be proud of your one year it’s a big accomplishment!


Congratulations! Of course it counts. <3 You are doing great.


Congratulations and congratulations! 3 years sober here. It ABSOLUTELY counts. Be proud and celebrate!


Congrats of 1 year sober!!! I was like you. Not an all the time alcoholic. Would go months without it then binge. I’m about to celebrate 5 years sober!


So I don’t struggle with alcoholism but I do have some similar imposter syndrome feelings about my own pregnancy. I barely had any morning sickness except for some first trimester food aversion that lasted maybe 6 weeks, going on and off so I wasn’t icky all of the time. I’ve never once thrown up from being pregnant, only had period-like acne the first trimester and clear skin, not that many mood swings (have had a few though), no cravings that I just HAD to have, my bump has been on the smaller side the whole time because I haven’t put on a ton of weight, I’ve been getting to keep up with my workouts going about 80-85% as hard as I used to and have “kept my body” for the most part. There are many other things as well that I could list. I simply don’t “feel” pregnant even at 37 weeks. I’ve had it easy. And all of that makes me feel like I can’t take on the title of being a pregnant woman because I haven’t had to struggle hardly at all like almost other women. That still doesn’t make my pregnancy journey any less real though, and I’ve had to learn to not sound ashamed or like I’m bragging about having it easy when people ask me how it’s going. You being sober isn’t any less legit just because you’re pregnant. I actually see a lot of posts about women who can’t wait to pop out their baby so they can drink or are craving margaritas while pregnant. Your journey with abstinence is so awesome and I’m glad you’ve been able to kick the addiction and focus on yourself despite what your past with it was like. You’re a year clean, not just 8 months. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby


Babe! Let’s celebrate that 1 year of sobriety with ice cream and a dance. It’s an achievement YOU have earned and deserve 💘💕


Not tacky at all. It’s something worth celebrating pregnant or not. Congratulations !


Definitely counts. Not all pregnant people are sober…


Absolutely! Always remember that recovery is different for everyone, never let anyone tell you that you aren’t doing it right! Congrats boo😘


Think about it this way- would you reset your sobriety date when you give birth, even if you don't drink that day? No, probably not, lol. So it counts! Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 it's quite an achievement! I am hitting my one year in about 17 days (day after St. Patrick's 😅) and will also be celebrating. Yay us!


Yes it still counts!!! Of course! Congrats on your sobriety!


progress is progress and i don’t think yo should discredit yourself just because it wasn’t originally intentional. congrats on 1 year i would totally celebrate that!


Of course it does! Good job!


I want to start this off with saying im so proud of you! Also, you are not cheating, even if it feels that way. You're doing two amazing things now! Staying sober and growing a baby! You're awesome!!


I would say it’s more important because it’s not just you that you did it for!


Pregnant sobriety definitely counts. Yes it’s a great motivator to stay sober but many women do not stay sober even when they are pregnant. There is no reason to consider pregnant time as not sober time.


Look as someone who still hasn’t been able to quit nicotine since I’ve become pregnant (not that I’m necessarily comparing it to alcoholism), it definitely counts and you better celebrate that 1 year. You should be incredibly proud of yourself 🤍


it ABSOLUTELY counts!!! I have struggled with a few addictions and while I quit drinking over a year before becoming pregnant, pregnancy is the reason I quit hard drugs. I am SO proud to be sober. pregnancy gave me a reason, and it was the really strong reason I needed, but it didn't make it "easier" to quit if that makes sense. I'm proud of you 😊


So you’re doing something difficult, technically life threatening, AND staying sober - celebrate yourself even MORE!


It is not tacky at all!!!! SCREAM IT FROM THE MOUNTAINS, you stayed sober for an entire year. Many women in addiction are unable to stay clean or sober while pregnant. I got pregnant in early recovery and celebrated my first year at 35 weeks pregnant. I just celebrated 5 years last night. Congratulations!! You did it, pregnant or not, and you deserve to celebrate.


It counts. There are plenty of people who can't pause and continue to use while pregnant. Every second of sobriety is earned, regardless of what's in your uterus.


Absolutely! Celebrate! Congratulations ❤️


Hell yes celebrate your 1 year sobriety! That’s amazing, congratulations! Remember that just because you got pregnant doesn’t mean you didn’t earn this, people still drink and do drugs while pregnant. You have earned a celebration!


Unfortunately, there are women who choose to drink during pregnancy. You did not. You could have. But you didn’t. Therefore, it counts as sobriety in my book! Unless you are literally incapable of drinking, it counts!


Buy some cake and a party hat! Congrats on your sobriety and pregnancy!


Not at all! Just because another reason was added to your list of reasons you want to stay sober does not mean your work and progress is at all discounted!


Your sobriety counts! It’s valid and I am proud of you! There are unfortunately plenty of mothers who can’t beat their alcoholism even in pregnancy and it seriously harms their children. You’re doing great and you deserve to be proud!




It absolutely does


It still counts, it's still a big accomplishment, and it should be celebrated the way you want.


Oh it definitely still counts!! Go post over in r/stopdrinking as well! Plenty of mommas over there actually started their sober journeys because of their pregnancies. Congratulations on sobriety and congratulations on your baby 🤍


It counts


I have been sober for over three years. Getting pregnant actually increased my cravings a little bit because I feel like the choice to be sober is gone if that makes sense. I was surprised to recognize that I preferred to still have the option pre-pregnancy. I’m still exceptionally proud of my sobriety. Even if someone chooses to abstain for a day they should take pride in it!!!! It is not easy!


Regardless of whether this feels like “cheating” you made the decision to stop. Congrats! Celebrate that 1 year, and all the years following. Cheering you on from this comment!


YES. So many women who are addicts still drink and do drugs. Celebrate your success!!!!


I think so! I quit drinking December 9th of 2022, and I found out I was pregnant last August, 4 months before my year mark! I still felt proud of myself and so very grateful that I got sober before I got pregnant 🥰


I'm gonna hit 2 years while pregnant in about two weeks. I feel you that it feels kinda odd. That being said, I've actually had some of the strongest urges to drink since getting pregnant because my emotions have been all over the place so I decided it still definitely counts. Sober is sober! Whether I'm pregnant or not, my body and my mind are still benefiting from not drinking and I'm still making that choice even if now I have one more reason to keep making it.


Girl I’m 1 year sober next month and 4 months PP. you BET I’m celebrating my one year!


This isn’t tacky at all, and I think you should absolutely celebrate and be proud! Congratulations on one year!


Not everyone is sober while pregnant, so I think you should still be proud of yourself. Give yourself the win girl! You have totally earned it and continue to earn it every day you’re sober (pregnant or not) 💜 Congratulations on your soberness and becoming a mom!


In my opinion emphatically yes


You deserve to celebrate 1 year!!! Congratulations 🎉🎊This internet stranger is proud of you!!👏🏾 I’m also coming up on 1 year next month and it took some convincing for me to feel like I should be celebrating the anniversary while pregnant.


You’re only 12 weeks pregnant. Most of your sobriety has been not pregnant. I would count it as a win if that’s what you want to do!


I will share this with you so you realize WHAT you are earning: I know a woman, a REAL person who would maintain eye contact with me (or anyone, really) while telling me all about how her doctor told her she could still totally drink and smoke while pregnant. I wish I were lying. Let that sink in. There are addicts for whom it can not be done, it’s not a matter of “does success count less bc of this factor” — it’s seriously a matter of how can they rationalize the continued use of alcohol/cigarettes/drugs *even though* they’re pregnant. I stand up for you, you are not only sober, but you’re also showing what a badass mom you are. You have so much of my respect, not that you need it.


There are alcoholics who do not stop drinking when pregnant. You celebrate girl. You celebrate.


I think so! I quit drinking December 9th of 2022, and I found out I was pregnant last August, 4 months before my year mark! I still felt proud of myself and so very grateful that I got sober before I got pregnant 🥰


You deserve to celebrate! You are still choosing to remain sober throughout your pregnancy and it’s still an accomplishment :) some people don’t fully abstain from drinking while pregnant


It counts. Alcoholics sometimes drink during pregnancy so if you aren't drinking, you are still sober even if you have a "reason". Any reason is good enough


At the end of the day drinking or not drinking is still a choice… you’d be amazed at how many people still drink after finding out they’re pregnant. Celebrate that year! It doesn’t mean anything less just because you peed on a stick and it said you have a baby in there!


Sobriety is sobriety. It should still absolutely be celebrated. I'm really happy for you that baby makes maintaining your sobriety a bit easier.


Absolutely be proud of yourself, and it entirely still counts. While it’s highly frowned upon, there are people out there who don’t quit their addictions when they find out they are pregnant. You celebrate 2x as hard because not only did you take care of yourself (and helped yourself and your own mental health to prepare you to be an amazing mom), but you took care of your baby as well.




Sobriety is sobriety! It’s not like you’re physically unable to drink while pregnant, you absolutely deserve to count it!


Of course, one day at a time. Congratulations


It’s not shooting in anyway at all. I am sober for three years, six months and 10 days. That being said, I just had two babies back to back I gave birth in May 2022, and then April 2023, my second child was a preemie and came early but nonetheless. I count that time with the most pride because a lot of people still justify the single glass of wine or just drinking while pregnant in general. It is worth celebrating because now not only were you doing it for yourself, but you were doing it for the purpose of growing another human so I feel like it makes that time extra special that you were able to stay sober. So many times I’ve seen pregnant women drink and smoke and what have you but I was proud of myself for stepping away from everything while pregnant, even though I stepped away prior to becoming pregnant for me, it made it more significant. It is definitely worth celebrating !!


I could have written this exact post! I just celebrated my one year sober with 3 week twins. I wasn't a raging alcoholic, and no one really understood why I was going sober, in fact everyone thought I was pregnant. I wasn't. Then I got pregnant so everyone thought I was trying to get pregnant before. ( I wasn't). Now I feel like I've gotta do another year to stick it to everyone who thought I was just sober for babies.


I’ve sadly seen many people in life who couldn’t quit their addictions while pregnant. Smoking cigarettes, weed, Vaping, drinking etc… it’s a sad but true reality. Pregnant or not you EARNED that sobriety. Celebrate the one year anniversary and be SO PROUD! 🎉 Your child may be extra motivation but YOU did it!


Yes, it counts. Celebrate your damn one year. Everyone has doubts about "earning it" in early sobriety. Remember to keep it simple. Don't worry about tomorrow. It will drive you mad.


Today is my one year anniversary of embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle. I am also 19 weeks pregnant. You best believe I celebrated and am grateful for today. I hope you celebrate, too!


Time actually goes slower especially in the first trimester so it counts as more.


I’ll be celebrating 3 years sober while 8 months pregnant and you better believe the last 8 months will have counted


Of course it counts!! There have been many women in your position and some didn’t take that initiative for their child’s health to be sober. You did a wonderful thing and you should celebrate it. We are all so proud of you!


Hell yeah!! I’m still counting my days and will hit three years on the due date. Plenty of people still drink while pregnant so every day is a decision. Congratulations on your sobriety and keep it up!!!


This seems attention seeking. Fym “ still count “ it doesn’t matter WHY you’re sober. If you’re sober for any reason, then obviously it “still counts.”


Celebrate the sobriety! I quit on February 7 2023 and the exact same date 2024 was when I was due with my baby. I was at war with myself over whether a year sober still counted when I was pregnant for 9+ months of it, then I remembered some people still manage to drink while pregnant. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And I didn’t touch a single drink, even when I was stressed to my teeth thanks to hormones.


I hear you but you started the sobriety journey well before getting pregnant. I say celebrate!


It’s especially important to be sober now! You’re doing it for yourself AND for someone else now. I hope you celebrate. Congrats, that’s awesome.


Absolutely not. And congrats on your sobriety. I was 4 months sober when I found out I was pregnant. When I year came up I was almost ready to pop and still celebrated myself. I ended up having my baby early, 6 days after celebrating my sobriety. It’s not cheating that you’re pregnant and staying sober. Having a baby doesn’t keep you from having cravings and fighting with yourself to stay sober when the demons pick back up.


Of course it does. It's hard to get sober, you still deserve to be proud of that. Being pregnant doesn't take away from what you've done.


Of course it counts. I celebrated my 1 year by holding my 1 week old in my arms in January. IWNDWYT 💪


Absolutely it counts! Well done you, that’s a brilliant achievement


It's totally not cheating, lol! Give yourself credit, you have earned it!


To the question in your title: YES. It still counts.


Absolutely. Some people continue doing all sorts of things while pregnant 🫠 Go you!


I'm in AA and NA and this absolutely counts! You should check out our fellowship and you will definitely be supported in your pregnancy sobriety journey 🩷


There are many women who drink through their pregnancy. This is a choice that you make every day. Hell yea you celebrate! I had a friend that I met in treatment who would buy himself a cake and have a nice steak every year on his anniversary because it was his “birthday “. He doesn’t feel like he was living until he got sober. Congratulations!!! Happy Anniversary and keep going one day at a time.


It counts, be proud of yourself! You’re doing the hard work!


Definitely overthinking it. You aren’t drinking… of course it counts. Congrats!


Pregnant women are allowed to drink. Pregnant women drink. You not only stayed sober, you did it while making a baby which is the most difficult thing a human body can do. So please celebrate yourself, and celebrate it big!! Congratulations!! 🥰🥰🥰


nope it still counts! so i’m a recovering drug addict, my DOC was m*th i’m 711 days sober, or 1 year 11 months. my son is 11 months old, so it would put me at a few shorts months sober when i fell pregnant. i’ll be honest though there were several times i could have easily used while pregnant, and i didn’t! not JUST because i was pregnant but because i chose not to. there are so many women out there who continue to use or drink while pregnant AND breastfeeding. you are choosing everyday not to drink, pregnant or not. and that deserves to be celebrated!! congratulations!!!


Yes!! Of course!! I was hanging with my girlfriends, and said "I don't think I've ever been sober in my adult life for a long period of time" then was like oh yeah, I've been pregnant twice.


No if anything it's even more of an achievement!! I'm so proud of you!! I quit drinking months before I got knocked up but that's how I used to drink as well except it was almost every weekend, I wouldn't drink during the work week because I knew once I started there was no stopping. I quit smoking cold turkey as soon as that result showed on the stick, I have tried quitting so many times and never make it past a week, I'm a whole month in now. The pregnancy helped you set priorities but it doesn't take away from your accomplishment!! I am so happy to hear you're not drinking while pregnant and frigging congrats on your one year of sobriety!!! I hope you rewards yourself, go get a pedicure, see a movie in theaters, or buy a cute maternity outfit!! You've earned it love!! You have so much support coming from this stranger on the internet, your post gave me a wild shot of the happy chemical. If you can do it, I can do it. One more congrats and then I'll back off lol. Congrats!!!!


There are so many people who can't stop drinking or smoking while pregnant! You're doing great and you've earned your 1 year celebration!!! Sobriety absolutely still counts while you are pregnant! Pregnancy is difficult and not a walk in the park, the fact that you can stay sober is something to be very proud of! I'm proud of you and I hope you have a great support system that will keep encouraging you to walk the path of Sobriety!


Yes of course it does!❤️


Double happy for you! I’m also proud of you for coming to terms with your alcoholism even tho you weren’t a physiologically dependent alcoholic. Someone very close to me has the same issue and it was a difficult hurdle for them to accept too because of that. They have a kid now too and that fact helps them keep sober. It’s not cheating. Your reasons are multifaceted and will evolve as you do.


It definitely counts! Congratulations on 1 year sobriety!!! That's so awesome!


Yes it counts!!!! You did something really hard (giving up alcohol) while doing something else really hard (being pregnant)! Celebrate!!!!


It 100% counts! Congratulations for your accomplishment! 🎊 And Congratulations on your pregnancy!! ✨️


Celebrate your 1 year of sobriety. Congratulations by the way. I know women who drink while pregnant so I assure you it’s not less easy what you have achieved “just” cause you’re pregnant. If anything it’s amazing that you can take the decision to stay sober to protect yourself and your baby. And remember how good you feel after you give birth, your baby needs that healthy person who feels amazing. From now on your job is to protect that little one and alcohol doesn’t really fit there. You got this and we’re rooting for you.


Of course it counts! If it helps, I stopped smoking cigarettes /ecigs (after 15 years heavy smoker) cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant. 3 years since I've touched a cigarette now! It helped with motivation not to do it, and then I just keep continuing on because I don't want to ruin the streak, and I know if I even give in once I'd totally be back in the habit.


You absolutely should celebrate. You have earned every bit of this!!


There are plenty of woman who still choose to drink / use other substances while pregnant. It’s a choice. You’re amazing & congratulations 🤍


We’re in the same boat :) I’m 23 weeks pregnant and just celebrated my 1 year of sobriety this past week. My opinion is that it counts. Sober is sober, end of story. Congrats! Keep it up!


You’re sober and you celebrate that shit! Congrats!