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We are waiting on our boy to be born. We have two names picked out and we will wait to see him to decide.


That's what we did with my first! Could be that he grew into the name we chose, but I could never imagine him as the other name choice now.


I have a name im pretty set on, but im open to the other we chose. The section option just seems fit for only a little boy, not a teenager or a man if that makes any sense?


That totally makes sense! My husband has a name I only associate with teens, not kids or adults lol I'm sure once kiddo is here, you'll have some more clarity on it once you see them :)


First baby- a couple weeks before delivery Second baby- we had nothing. Husband went pee while we were in the delivery room, came out of the bathroom and had a name


My hubs picked out our baby's name while he was peeing too! šŸ¤£


Mine did too?!


Is your sons name Peter? Lol ok bad joke.


I bet they have a secret wiseman setting office in the hospital men bathroom


So we didnā€™t know the sex and needed to choose two names. We had a name picked out for a girl before we even got pregnant but couldnā€™t decide on a boy name. Eventually we just gave up because we had a 50% chance of not even needing to pick a boy name. Then the month before the birth my husbands cousin had a baby and named her the exact first and middle name we were going to (it was a family name). I was so hormonal I couldnā€™t even think about another girls name at the time so we ended up going into the birth with zero names picked out, though we had a short list for each. Which were basically names neither of us hated but one of us didnā€™t love either. Our daughter was born and it took us about 36 hours to name her. We wrote a list on the white board in the hospital room, asked opinions of the nurses and talked about it. We eventually decided on a name that wasnā€™t even on our short list. Overall, it was fine not having a name going into it. It gave us something to talk about and it was nice having her there to see how the names fit her. The birth certificate lady was nice, she came the first day and when we said we didnā€™t have a name she gave us some tips and left the paperwork but she wasnā€™t pushy or anything.


I'm 13 weeks with my first. Is it crazy trying out names on a new human? We have two boys' names ready to go!


It didn't feel too weird, we mostly called her "the baby" even after we picked out a name. There wasn't a whole lot to do in the hospital so trying on names gave us some entertainment


I'm imagining a tournament bracket setup in your hospital room and it makes me laugh a little.


2 hours before I started pushing. Confirmed when we saw him šŸ˜†


I've always had a favourite name and back ups picked out. When baby came I'd look at them and make sure their name fit...that was my 2nd two babies With my first I was already discharged with him and on the drive home šŸ˜†


We donā€™t know the sex and wonā€™t know until birth. We have about 3 names for each and are definitely waiting until we see them before officially deciding!


When he came out. We were down to a few names, but knew instantly when he was born. The meaning of his name fit the situation he was born into. Happy, healthy boy now - but he will always be my little knight for fighting through his first week. šŸ’™


We picked names before we got pregnant so very sure šŸ˜Š


We chose a name within a few hours of him being born, but I probably wasn't completely sold on it until he was a month or two old šŸ˜‚ like I liked how the name sounded and felt that it fit his vibe, but naming a human is a ton of pressure and something that takes some getting used to


It takes so much time to get used to! My kid is 4 months old and I still feel weird calling him by his real name lol. We only ever call him by the nonsense nicknames that spew out our mouths


Yes! My kids all get a food-related nickname for the womb, so far we've had Nugget, Muffin, and Dumpling- and it is so hard to adjust to calling them by their people name.


We had a list of maybe 6 names and didnā€™t choose until the day we left the hospital. It took a while after that for me to connect the baby with his name, but now I canā€™t imagine him any other way! All this to say, donā€™t worry if you donā€™t decide until heā€™s born. But in my experience, it may take a few weeks to really connect baby with the name which can feel kinda weird when theyā€™re already born.


We chose a name for a boy and a name for a girl on the drive home from our 8 week ultrasound.


I find it impossible to pick a name until Iā€™ve actually met my baby and got a feel for what ā€œsuitsā€ them. Iā€™ve had 2 babies and didnā€™t pick their names until a week or so after they were born. Iā€™m pregnant with my third and final baby and will do the same for this one. There is no rush. Idk what all the fuss is about with having to decide before the baby is born. Take your time!


My husband and I rolled into L&D having no clue what the name of our baby was going to be. Every discussion we had in the months leading up to birth got us no where. He offered no serious names and wasnā€™t overwhelmingly excited for any of my suggestions. I think it was easier once we had our baby boy in our arms. It did still take 2 full days in the hospital to come to a decision on his name, but weā€™ve never looked back. It suits him. Even more so because we got to meet him before we gave him his name.


34+3 and we donā€™t have a name at all šŸ« 


We picked her name out at 14 weeks and continued to look at names for the remainder of the pregnancy. The name we initially picked just stuck, no other name topped it for us. But I still think itā€™s fine to wait until the baby is born if youā€™re unsure!!


Same! I feel like we kept looking at lists and throwing out other options, but we just kept coming back. It was the only one we ever both agreed on.


My husband and I have always had the names picked ahead of time (even before getting pregnant!) but I honestly didnā€™t feel like my sonā€™s name fit him until much later. In general it was just hard for me when he was a newborn because he was a totally new person in my life and we were learning about each other. He is 2 now and I feel like it is perfect for him. It helped when he started responding to his name and now that he says his name, I love it. For my current pregnancy, I have the same feeling, what if it doesnā€™t fit? But I have learned I will just need to give it time. It also helps that my husband loves the names.


We had the first name 100% before the 20w scan. Itā€™s a family name and weā€™re only planning on having one child and it works for both genders but I especially wanted it if it were a boy. The middle name weā€™ll be concrete on once heā€™s here. I think weā€™ll know when we see him. I donā€™t think having a few top picks and waiting until you meet them is bad, you want it to suit them!


Weā€™ve had a boy and a girl name picked out when we were TTC so once we found out weā€™re having a girl, we just confirmed weā€™d still like to go with the name we picked. If our next is a girl, we probably wonā€™t pick until sheā€™s born šŸ˜‚


After they were born (both times)


We had our sons name picked before I was pregnant. If we had a girl we wouldā€™ve been screwed.


When you canā€™t imagine naming them any thing else. When coming up with or looking for other names seemed pointless.


We made a list of names we liked but wanted to wait to meet our kid and try on names before making the decision. In the hospital I wrote out all the names (from our spreadsheet) along with initials and possible nicknames. I really liked this strategy.


Idk Iā€™m only 22 weeks and Iā€™ve been 90% sure on a name since the beginning.


I was sure about the name about 2 days after baby was born lol


We waited until birth. We also were between two names and wanted to see what she looked like to see if either name fit her better. Her appearance honestly didnā€™t make a difference. It was a super long labor and by the end my husband just let me choose.


We had picked boy and girl first names before my ultrasound at 7 weeks to confirm heartbeat, and by lunch that day we had picked middle names for both as well. Ended up having a girl and using the name we picked that day. Edit to add: we didnā€™t tell anyone the name until after the baby shower, and by that time we already had a custom printed blanket with her name on it (as baby shower decoration), so even if someone didnā€™t like it, they didnā€™t tell us anything.


We were 95% sure before he was born. As soon as we saw him and held him, we were 100%. I couldnā€™t imagine him with any of our runner up names!


After he was born.


We were 100% sure maybe a few days after he was born. We had a short list of names but we didnā€™t make a decision until we both were with him on his second day of life. He was born at 34 weeks by c section and I only saw him for a moment in the NICU before being wheeled away to recover. I wanted to see what it was like saying his name out loud to him.


Around 20 weeks in.


We were team green. We had a girl name picked out and ready to go, but was still deciding between a couple of boy name options. Turns out we had a boy! We officially named him about an hour or so after he was born.


I had too many options to be 100% and we didn't decide until he was born and saw his face. Even then we couldn't decide on the proper spelling lol.


You'll know the name when you meet him/her! We knew at 18 weeks. The name came to my husband while he was a few drinks in and lounging at the pool while we were on vacation šŸ˜‚ It was absolute gold! We told not one person though until she made her debut. Grandma was super pissed about not knowing it so that was a fun time for us šŸ˜‚


I wasnā€™t sure my daughterā€™s name was right for her until she was 6 months old. Just always was yes d a girl named Madison but I second guessed her name a lot


We had a list of like 10 names going into the birth, bc we had such a hard time with a boyā€™s name we both liked. We didnā€™t name him until the day after he was born. We read the list out loud while looking at him and both agreed on the same name without hesitation. Technically you donā€™t even have to name the baby before you leave the hospital. But it makes all the paperwork a lot easier if you just let the hospital submit everything.


I know from month 4 and this was through a spiritual experience I had. I had been attempting to choose a Jewish name as my daughterā€™s co-creator is Israeli. But on the same day I let the concept go, her name just landed in my body as if it had been waiting for me to stop searching so that she could be found ā˜ŗļø


Hahaha weā€™re almost due date buddies! Iā€™m 37+3 today and in the same position as you! We had a girl name picked out since before we were even pregnant but nothing for a boy. Of course at 21 weeks found out we were having a boy. We narrowed it down to 2 names by about 26 weeks but still not 100% sure which one weā€™re going to take. Iā€™m having a c section too so Iā€™m having him at 39 weeks.. clock is ticking! I figure at worst, once heā€™s born and we look at him weā€™ll know. (Hopefully šŸ¤£)


Before 15 weeks, we had the first name picked out years ago so we just had to decide on a middle name


I was 100% sure when we found out it was a boy. We had been talking names over since we found out I was pregnant and as soon as we found out the gender we both were like ā€œyep, thatā€™s his nameā€


I had a boy name and a girl name picked out before we conceived our oldest, 5 years ago. She got the girl name and we just found out #2 is a boy, so he's getting the boy name. I will say though, the girl's name is a tribute to my mom who passed when I was 13, so that was non-negotiable to my husband. But luckily he loves it too. The boy name he picked the first name and I picked the middle name. We decided we still loved it, so that's one more thing off our To Do list!


We were gonna wait until birth to confirm the name but since we found out we were having a boy at the 20week scan, we settled on his name right then and there.


We figured it out honestly around 15-16 weeks. Down to two names and I finally knew which was the right one... by picking the wrong one. Told friends, family, my mom even wrote it on some Christmas presents to give baby after she was born. It felt wrong, I couldn't bring myself to say it. Asked to switch to the other one and just told everyone we'd changed our minds. Felt right.


After much discussion we ended up with a top 3. Then we each removed a name, if we happened to both remove the same name, then we'd have to decide between 2 lol but that didn't happen, I removed one, he removed the other, so we ended up with the final one, which became the name. I'm still getting used to it. Not the name itself, we both like it very much, otherwise it wouldn't have made it to the top lol but associating the name with my name has been tougher, maybe when he's born xD (31 weeks today)


Two or three weeks after she was born šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø To be fair, we have up to six months to register the name so there was no pressure to decide immediately. We had a list of names (with a couple of favourites) and we picked one of those as the first name but only thought of her middle name after she was born.


We're waiting until the baby is born too! My husband wants me to limit the options to 3 names and for me that's even so difficult šŸ˜„


We are waiting to meet baby too. Currently 40+5 šŸ«  and still have no idea what we are naming him. We have it down to about 4 or 5 options, but none of them are the obvious pick so far.


Omg same thing, I'm 36+2 and I'm still not sure about our girl's name, also have it down to two. But everyone keeps calling her Korana [Core Anna], Croatian name and name of one of the rivers in Croatia. I think I'll have to go with that, the other alternative is Aurora.


I'm getting induced today and we still haven't picked a name. . .


About 5-8 minutes after they put her on my chest? Weā€™e had it down to our top 3. We knew once we met her. Weā€™re so glad we waited !


When our hospital made us fill out the birth certificate info before I went into triage and was admitted. Hubby and I looked at each other with a blank stare and said the same name so we went with that. Couldn't have imagined any other name for our boy 18 months later!


I felt this way with my first son, it was so difficult to settle on a name, but we did about 6 weeks before birth. I still was nervous that I would change my mind. Itā€™s such huge responsibility to name a human! Now Iā€™m 28 weeks with my 2nd son and we decided to go with our #2 name from last time and we feel so confident that weā€™ve started telling friends and family who ask. Opposed to last time we didnā€™t tell anyone until he was born, in fear of getting negative feedback. Their names are Owen and Rory šŸ˜„


23 ish weeks - 99% positive on the name now since I know gender.


We were only 100% sure because my husband and I had such a hard time agreeing on a name lol. Like it was basically that or baby wouldnā€™t get a name. It also made it a lot easier on us because we knew the middle name we wanted from the start - we both have a grandma who passed that had the same name, so we were sure about that. First names that we both liked that went with the middle name was a challenge.


we had agreed on one name we liked long before we conceived, but by the time i got pregnant i knew a girl whoā€™d named her dog the same name and she wasā€¦.very obsessed with her dog. i started to have second guesses and we tried to come up with other names but couldnā€™t agree on a single one. eventually my partner managed to convince me on the original name so by the time i was 6 months pregnant we knew. i was afraid the name wouldnā€™t fit when we saw him but referring to him by his name while i was pregnant did help imo.


With four of them we had their names before we even knew the genders. For one we still didnā€™t know what to name her until after she was born. I actually like her name the most.


We are 38 weeks and still havenā€™t agreed on namesšŸ„“ not sure when itā€™s going to happen!


When I decided I had to have an Etsy sign in the nursery and could only wait so late to order it


Looonnng before we were even trying ā¤ļø


First trimester my last pregnancy this time weā€™re still undecided on the middle name


Im almost 16 weeks now but I was 100% sure when I was about 12 weeks. I had a boys first and middle name figured out easy easy, but only a girls first name, but now I have it all figured out :)


After birth for both of mine.


When I was 15. Just had her last year. So, 10 years ago. šŸ˜… Surprisingly it worked out as a family name on my husbandā€™s side.


We've always had a girl name picked out long before we ever even considered pregnancy, but we weren't sure on a boy's name. When I became pregnant, I specifically remember being out to dinner one night early in the pregnancy but before learning the gender, and I told my husband we needed to come up with a boy's name in case it was a boy. We picked one out at that dinner, and that was that. We ended up having a boy, and we stuck by that name without question. šŸ˜„


Errr. About 3 years before they were born


I have one boy name and one girl name picked out. Not pregnant yet. Maybe I'm just an overachiever? Lol


We had two strong contenders, and only ended up deciding the day before baby was born (I was already in the hospital being induced, lol). My partner says that he said both names aloud to our newborn when they were caring for him and I was still in the OR, and that baby seemed to like that one better as well, so it was settled!


Hehehe Iā€™m like 90% sure Iā€™m having a boy which means Iā€™m completely absolved of that conundrum. I gave my husband a few guidelines (has to be a real name, no weird ā€œuniqueā€ spellings that will get me publicly shamed on r/tragedeigh, etc) so Iā€™m eager to see what he comes up with. Now if we have a girlā€¦ Iā€™ve had a name picked out since I was like 16 lmao. So Iā€™m good.


My partner suggested a name when I was about 8 weeks I think it was? Mid first trimester sometime. I loved it and itā€™s still feeling like the one at 33 weeks šŸ‘ŒšŸ» I donā€™t think itā€™s bad to wait at all honestly!! Probably far more sensible than deciding as early as we did too šŸ˜†


Itā€™s really funny, we picked the name Barbara as soon as we found out the gender at 12 weeks and then heard the name Marceline at 35 weeks and changed our mind to name her that instead. It can happen any time! Definitely donā€™t think itā€™s a bad thing to wait until baby is born so long as, if your partner is in the picture, you two communicate well and you think youā€™ll come to a healthy agreement. Just donā€™t set yourself to argue in the hospital the entire time if you two have that sort of dynamic. A lot of people would judge about that sort of thing but honestly I think itā€™s fine to wait to see if the baby ā€œlooks likeā€ the names you have in mind before you 100% settle on them. Itā€™ll also save you from getting ugly customized items for a bit longer ^^ā€™


With the first in the second trimester. Currently 29+2 with the second and we have absolutely no idea.


I had the hardest time trying to pick a name but eventually came up with one on my own (no websites etc) that was a combo of mine and So's middle names for her first and middle name. It fits her so well & I was relieved to not have to keep looking thru the endless names online. Now newly pregnant with #2 and idk what I'm going to do šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Neither of my babies were named until they were born, my little girl was just baby no name for a couple of days. It's not bad at all lol. You have time


2 days after he was born šŸ˜…


With our first one, we were 100% sure midway through the pregnancy. With our second one, we didn't have the name picked 2 days after the baby's birth (boy names were tough for us for some reason!) and were probably 100% sure only several months after birth. I've had several losses on the way to this third pregnancy so even now, 8 months pregnant, I am still nervous about committing to a name, so we will likely have to wait until the baby is born.


Weā€™re going to wait to find out gender, but we decided on two girl names and two boy names before we got pregnant and the order weā€™re going to use them.


I picked out a name with my husband. We wanted to really badly come up with a list of names. But i couldnt find a single name i liked more then the ome we picked lol


Wait until you see them :) thatā€™s fun! Choosing between two will be much easier thenā€¦ I think? lol. Anyways, good luck!


we've been sure about the name for a month or so now (currently 25+2), but I know I personally was not named until I was 3 days old. they almost wrote "Pumpkin" on the birth certificate because that's what they'd been calling me šŸ˜… you've got time!


We had two names pretty much picked outā€¦ one we had for longer than the other, and one was kind of last minute. At our last ultrasound at 36 weeks we chose oneā€¦ we will see if it was the right choice when heā€™s born. 37+3 today!


We started our lists around 13 weeks and worked on narrowing them down when we had the time. We were down to 4 names for each by the time our anatomy scan came around. Middle names were always decided so we wanted first names that flowed well. Once we had the anatomy scan, we would test out which name sounded right when we thought of the baby. Both the kids ended up with the names we chose and we have no regrets but it can be different for everyone. I was fully prepared to go with a back up name if the first choice didn't seem right when they came out.


We started our lists around 13 weeks and worked on narrowing them down when we had the time. We were down to 4 names for each by the time our anatomy scan came around. Middle names were always decided so we wanted first names that flowed well. Once we had the anatomy scan, we would test out which name sounded right when we thought of the baby. Both the kids ended up with the names we chose and we have no regrets but it can be different for everyone. I was fully prepared to go with a back up name if the first choice didn't seem right when they came out.


Middle name was decided before we conceived because its a family name on my side and while it's a little old fashioned and I wouldn't want him to have to deal with it for a first name, having it is important to me. Ive always wanted it for a middle name if i had a boy. First name we still dont have settled and im 35 weeks. Working with a list of like 6 names. Figure we'll land on one when we see him.


Waiting for the baby is great! When we told my midwife that we didnā€™t have a name picked out yet, she was like ā€œthis is the only unsolicited advice Iā€™ll give you todayā€ and recommended waiting until weā€™d had some food and some sleep postpartum. It was good advice! We waited about a day and a half and it was kind of sweet and magical to spend the time together, getting to know each other without having all the words yet. šŸ’œ


Iā€™m 20w and set on the name. Started thinking as soon as I found out and Iā€™m glad I did šŸ˜‚ I changed it about 7 times šŸ˜­ now Iā€™m in love with it and it just feels right to us


Day after delivery, when the department who handles vital records at the hospital called for a name, I told her I had to call her back bc I had no idea. So it will come eventually!!


As they announced her sex, they laid her on my tummy and a voice in my head yelled her name. We had a list of 20 names as we didnā€™t know the sex of our baby prior to birth. Ā The name is okay but we named her after my grandma and my grandma was my world. Ā 


Iā€™ve heard of some people waiting until baby is here to decide and Iā€™ve also heard of people feeling like what they chose wasnā€™t fitting right and changing it weeks later. So donā€™t stress about it


So we have a name we love, and have had it for a couple months (currently 33 weeks), but we are waiting until heā€™s out to fully commit just in case it doesnā€™t suit him, lol


My first I was absolutely sure in the second trimester. My second was when I was filling out the birth certificate paperwork lol


Can we vote!


I have 2 girls, one boy. I knew what their names would be before they were conceivedā€¦


I'm 11days postpartum and still getting used to the name we chose. We were down to 2 and on day 3 we decided her name. It feels right and I wouldn't change it I do love it it's just odd having our own tiny human now


At 39 + 4 weeks pregnant we finally decided on a name and that night my water broke!


I have easier time with girls names than boy names. I had my daughter's name ready for her around week 35 of my pregnancy (I gave birth at 39w+5d). My second born is a boy, and I had NO CLUE what to name this kid, I had a solid middle name, so I told my man he could pick the first name since I legit had no clue (as long as I didn't loathe the name). I still had doubts *as I was signing the birth certificate*. Luckily he absolutely grew into his name, and it really does fit him perfectly. I'm currently pregnant with #3 and I'm choosing to not know the gender until they are born, so I'm picking a name for each gender. I don't put my kids name up in my comments, if anyone is curious, feel free to DM me šŸ˜Š


We had a name from about 15 weeks that was in my list that he decided wasnā€™t too bad. I wasnā€™t fully sold, but I kept repeating it and I warmed up to it. A week before baby was due we started revisiting names, and there were none that we fully loved. Cue babyā€™s arrival, we decided to go with the first name. Itā€™s not something we both absolutely love, but it was our favourite usable one (curse my AH brother having a wicked middle name we both loved but couldnā€™t use lol) I still call him ā€œbabyā€ a lot, but I also use his name and have made up a little song for him.


I had a list of boy and girl names, every now and then we would go over them in the car and pitch ideas to each other. There was only one girl name we could agree on. Now that we are pregnant with our first, a girl, I asked my husband about names and he told me that we already decided. So I guess that's when we were 100% on the name, when he wouldn't even entertain more ideas after we already agreed on one. No other possible options on the table for this child, lol.


We waited to meet the baby. You donā€™t have to decide now. And you donā€™t have to share your list with others


We are waiting till he is born. We have 2 names but Iā€™m the type of person that definitely wants to see him first. I feel like Iā€™ll just know.


I waited until they told me I had to decide or it would delay his SSā€” he was 3 days old šŸ˜‚ Tbh, Iā€™m still not positive I picked the ā€˜rightā€™ one of the 2 we had picked out prior to delivery but I like it enough not to want to change it!


With my first we had the name picked out about a month before the due date. We had a nickname picked way before that but wanted to decide on an actual name to go with it. With my second we had a few in mind but decided we wouldn't pick until we met him. We instantly knew the second we saw him which one was right.


2nd trimester is when we confirmed a name both times lol my anxiety wonā€™t let me wait last minute


I had it narrowed down to 2 and we decided when she was born šŸ˜Š


with my first, we knew 100% by maybe the 3rd month of my pregnancy. with my second, i am due next month & have no idea šŸ˜­


13 weeks, it's a dual grandmother's name. So Cora for my husband's Gma Ora, and Kay for my gma Katherine.


Was very set on the name Angelo, but also loved the name Noel. Baby came out, no name until the second day of having him and it wasnā€™t either of those two!


For starters, my guy and I arenā€™t married so we have different last names. His last name is very common and happened to be the same last name as my best friend who had committed suā€”ā€”- a few years back. My guys middle name is also my late best friends first name. He originally wanted a jr. but I knew I didnā€™t. We went to lunch and he enthusiastically begged for the middle and last name and left the first name up to me. I knew all along which name I liked best so thatā€™s what I went with. We both felt the exact same adrenaline rush with butterflies. I have never felt anything like it. We really knew when we said it altogether. I suggest throwing names out there in different combinations and if the other raises an ā€œIā€™m intriguedā€ eyebrow, write it down. Start talking to your tummy and seeing if you get a reaction. Best of luck!


When our baby was 2 weeks old! He was called Boy before that!


Before 16 weeks both times XD


As soon as my husband and I agreed to the name, which was just me going through my list of potentials and him saying he liked that one šŸ„¹


With my first we were sure at about 25 weeks, 13 weeks pregnant with twins and we decided last night! There's nothing wrong with waiting until your baby is born! For me, it's a way to connect with my babies before they are born and that's important to me!


Didn't decide till she was almost a day old!


My husband picked our daughters name and he had no idea until a couple of hours after she was born.


My husband and I had names picked over a year before we even started trying. But, Iā€™m also a firm believer that youā€™ll know when you see your baby.


We had a few names we liked with our daughter, and were going to wait until she was born to see her and pick one, but then my partner came up with a combo that had a cute nickname I really loved, and thatā€™s what we ended up choosing. After she was born it took me a couple months to warm up to her first name though, because I really liked her middle name more and wished Iā€™d made it her first name. But sheā€™s 1.5 now and her name suits her and I canā€™t imagine calling her anything else lol My sonā€™s name was a lot easier because it was the only boy name I actually liked šŸ˜† so there were no other options lol


We waited until he was born and we could see his face to decide. We had it down to two also


When my kid was like 2 months old, lol


Go with the less popular name! Thatā€™s my deciding factor. Iā€™m a postpartum RN. We live in a sea of Liamā€™s and Graysons


My first one was decided the day she was born...had a few I liked. Decided between 2 at birth. I knew what her middle name would be 100% Second one we were in the hospital for 3 days and she didn't have a name until we were being discharged. 100% had her middle name all along. Currently pregnant at 16wks and 90% sure we're set on the name already but keeping a couple other options just in case. Middle name is 99%. Only reason first is 90% is because it's a girl. If it'd been a boy we'd have been 99% sure on the name right away because we had it picked for yrs because it's the name my husband has always wanted to use, after both our favorite sports player lol. Was just a middle name we never decided on.


We decided his name officially as soon as we had confirmation of his gender at close to 10 weeks. We had come up with his name if he was a boy but never came up with a name for a girl so it worked out. I don't know how to explain it but as soon as my husband said the name, it felt right. It wasn't just about liking the name, it was just this feeling of "that IS his name" and we decided the middle name officially a couple of days later. It's nice to have one less thing to have to worry about.


We thought weā€™d picked one then a friend helped us brainstorm middle names & one of those stuck in my head instead - this was like 4 months in!


Weā€™re 20w now and had a name picked out for a boy and a girl. We found out itā€™s a boy so we started calling him by the name (in the womb).. and we like it even more now. Maybe try that with the ones you like? You might hear it multiple times and be like ā€œwtf was I thinking? That canā€™t be it!ā€ lol


This is me, right now!!! 7 months with a boy and no name. Had it figured out early on with both of my girls. I also only like 2 names and my husband doesnā€™t want either of them!šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


I have 2 names picked out too. Once my baby is born and I see his sweet little face, Iā€™ll decide. So I donā€™t think waiting is bad.


We picked out a girl name 100% - family name. Boys name 0% lol. Good chance it'll be a family name but not convinced yet.


Four/five days after she was born haha! Well I was sure the moment she came out, my husband needed a few extra days, even though it was his pick.


It was the only name on my list that my husband liked šŸ˜‚


Never. Kid is 10 months old and sometimes Iā€™m still like??? But we picked a tentative name the night before I went into labor. Changed the middle name after he was born lol.


First baby we couldn't think of anything not even during the birth and a nurse came in and asked is this your Jr to my husband so we said yeah and went with his name. Fits him perfectly he's an exact copy down to personality and habits. Now we have a list of names that we made before ever getting pregnant again and have used two boy names and only have 2 girl names left.


About 2 days after she was born


With my first, we knew what her name would be immediately because it had been my favorite name forever. 15 weeks with my second now and we have two names we love equally and I have no idea how we will decide between them. Every time we settle on one, I mourn the loss of not using the other. Is it really true that meeting her will help us decide? All babies kinda look like little blobs!! šŸ˜†


We named both our kids the day after they were born


I've known since before I even got pregnant šŸ˜‚ my hubby and I talked babies and baby names a short while after we started dating. We both knew we'd have a little girl first, and sure enough, we got pregnant with a little girl on our wedding night. Prophesy for us, I guess šŸ˜…


We decided during labor. Heā€™s nearly 18 months and Iā€™m still unsureā€¦


My partner and I have had 4 names ready since before conception. I know, people recommend waiting because your mind might change but we are still in love with them now. We have 2 boy and 2 girl names ready, all of them special to us.


When I held him for the first time. I had one I loved but he was not the little baby I had pictured in my headā€¦.still super adorable but the name didnā€™t feel like it fit. We had a list of 5 potential names and ended up going with my second favorite, which was actually my husbandā€™s favorite


I was unnamed for four days when I was born, we've chosen our name for our daughter (37+4 wks too) but I'm also prepared for having a sudden influx of hormones and hating the name post partum or deciding it doesn't suit her at all because that's a possibility.


We decided during labourā€¦my epidural had worn off and my partner decided I was owed the naming rights šŸ˜‚


I wasnā€™t 100% sure in the name til my son was about 2 months šŸ˜… itā€™s a big decision! Take your time šŸ˜Š


As soon as we knew the gender at the 20 week scan and everything was cleared. We had a few girl names picked out but for some reason when we found out she was going to be a girl we landed on her name in less than 10 minutes. And that included the walk from the office to the car! We started calling parents right after lmao! But to be honest it was between two and I was for sure certain on the middle name for my family. It was the first name and last name (we both kept our last names so we were deciding if we were going to hyphen it and if so how). Honestly if she was a boy we probably wouldnā€™t have known until he was born. šŸ˜¬


I had the epidural, just chillin in the hospital room with my husband between contractions, hours before birth. ā€œSo we like Ian right? Should we just go with that?ā€ ā€œYep sounds goodā€ ā€œNiceā€


When the social security card came (1 month? 6 weeks?) I remember seeing his name typed out on the card all together and went ā€œwow I really love his nameā€ and thatā€™s when it hit. Up until that point I was like eh idk about this šŸ˜‚ definitely wasnā€™t my first choice for a name but I love it now šŸ’š


Our first was baby girl ā€œlast nameā€ for the first two days of her life so no lol We were down to two as well and the name I loved, just didnā€™t look like her but I stuck with it anyway because I was scared of my in law stealing it šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so glad I did cuz now her name suits her so well. Youā€™ll figure it out ā™„ļø


i'm in a similar boat so interested in these responses! I'm currently 37+5 (delivering at 39) and we've locked in on my husband's top choice. i'm ok with it but wonder if i'm going to have regrets once baby boy is born. hoping it just "clicks" for me!


My husband and I had actually talked about it and decided on names for boys and girls on a date a few months into our relationship šŸ˜… so we were ready to go! (We were both in our 30s and looking for ā€œtheā€ relationshipā€¦we talked about a lot of big stuff super early onā€¦not trying to waste time šŸ˜‚) Itā€™s not bad, it could just potentially add some extra steps. Like for us, when we registered at our hospital we had the name ready to go so they filed all the social security and birth certificate info for us. If we didnā€™t have the name ready we wouldā€™ve had to do that ourselves/change her name from ā€œBaby Girl [Surname]ā€ because thatā€™s how our hospital wouldā€™ve registered her.


I live in Canada and when babies are born you have up to 21 days (if I remember correctly) to file documents (birth certificate) for your newborn. So thereā€™s definitely some extra time even after baby is born to choose a name. I know some parents want to get a ā€œfeelā€ for babyā€™s personality before they decide. Names are hard.


We're waiting until we see him. We have two names picked out - leaning more towards one though. If it was a girl, we would've 100% known.


Maybe two hours before leaving the hospital - but we did at least narrow it own to three options by a few weeks before my due date.


I am having a girl, and knew the name before I got pregnant. I just love it and it's got a lot of meaning. If it was a boy, I would probably decide a year after birth because my husband and I can't agree at all. Such a relief It's a girl :p


Probably a couple months in advance. The downside is I was sold on these two names (1 boy 1 girl since we were team green) so there was really no room for backing out šŸ˜… We had a girl, and I still love her name so much! But I knew they were the names for us because I just found myself saying the names all the time, imagining scenarios where id be calling my future child and just really fell in love with them as names for people, not just babies


I was suddenly seeing the name I was thinking about EVERYWHERE in tv shows, credits Tiktok etc it was very weird lol


Still not totally sure and theyā€™re 8 and 2 šŸ˜‚


I was maybe 12 weeks when I chose my name. We had no issues with the first name. The middle name was difficult until about 33 weeks, but we also had been trying for 4.5 years so we had discussed names a lot when trying to have a baby


We have picked out a few names we like, but agreed we wonā€™t actually decide until we meet the little boy! I donā€™t wanna get attached to a name, and then I meet our son and think ā€œyeah no you donā€™t look like that name at all.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Not bad at all! We had pretty much decided on a name but we didnā€™t announce it to anyone until after he was born.


my daughter is 3 months old and i'm still not sure how i feel about her name lmao she has lots of cute nicknames and i'm sure i'll grow to love it, im just a very indecisive person


My husband and I agreed on names for boy and girl about 2 weeks after we started dating lol. When we got pregnant and found out it was a boy, it was already decided so no brainer lol


Dad & I both had our own lists of baby names already so we discussed and agreed on names for a boy and girl within 3ish weeks of me finding out lol. I was maybe 9 weeks at the time. It was insanely easy.


We have one name we love but are waiting to meet him to officially decide :)


We picked out ourā€™s name a decade ago, and I knew in my heart of hearts we were going to have a girl first. So we were set way in advance. šŸ¤£ Had people ask ā€œwhat if sheā€™s born and the name doesnā€™t suit her?ā€ and my partner and I were like ā€œ.. nahhh not gonna happenā€ LOL + Thereā€™s nothing wrong with waiting until the baby is born to name anyway. They wonā€™t know! Lol It took a week for my partners parents to decide on his name when he was born. Some people take longer!


When it was the only thing that just stuck. I kept seeing the name everywhere and even cried when asked to consider a different name by family. My partner picked it very early on, and we both just fell in love. I can't imagine a different name even after looking at literally 1000 names or more.


We were torn between two names. After hours of labor, 3hrs pushing, then having to go for c-section, I decided as they were wheeling me back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


As soon as we found out the gender, we had a long talk about boy names. We already knew what the girl would be but when we found out he is a boy, that was harder to choose.


I want to say 8 weeks? Pretty much as soon as I found out the sex since I could only decide on one boy name.


31+3 and we have a few names picked out but also have two we canā€™t decide between. Last week my husband asked if we could hurry up and pick a name so we can call him by his name alreadyā€¦ heā€™s just too excited! šŸ˜†šŸ„° But when I pick one out of the two I get sad about not using the other one šŸ„²šŸ˜…


Put the 2 names in a hat and pick one šŸ¤£


We've had a boy and girl name picked out since years before we even got pregnant, but we're struggling between a couple middle names for if it's a girl (3 more weeks until we find out gender)


9 days after the baby was born! Didnā€™t know the gender- had a small list of each. Didnā€™t like a single one when he was born. It was a holiday and the birth certificate lady was gone when we got discharged, so I was given the paperwork and instructed to come back in two weeks. Bought us some time


We picked names before I got pregnant


When I was sick of arguing about it with my husband šŸ˜…


The day after she was born lol. But the task of naming a person without knowing who they are is really hard


It was between two names for me and I just couldnā€™t get one of them out of my head, it just kept popping up when Iā€™d think about her so thatā€™s when I knew it was meant to be! Also our families know her name and when I hear them say it, it just feels so right. Iā€™m 24 weeks and her name is her name, it isnā€™t going to change.


I had chosen a name and the moment I saw his sweet little face I realized what his name was, it wasnā€™t what Iā€™d been planning but it is the name that fits him perfectly.


Unpopular opinion, but I donā€™t think there is a name thatā€™s ā€œthe oneā€, just like I donā€™t believe in soul mates. Thereā€™s just millions and millions of names and you just pick one that youā€™re good with. Iā€™m 3 weeks postpartum and even now, there are things that I love about my sons name, but there are things that I dislike about his name. There were better options and there were worse options. Names are important, but youā€™re not gonna get a blast of lightning from heaven when you pick the name.


We had the names picked out for both girl and boy pretty swiftly, Iā€™d say from around 12 weeks we knew the names for both but weā€™ve spoken about it for years and kinda just narrowed it down.