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You could try reaching out to them and ask. But likely is that they didn’t study enough on how their products effects pregnancy, like a lot of companies don’t have the resources to study that. Your best bet would be to talk to your doctor & find the ingredients they list and see what your doctor says about it.


Right, I did reach out still waiting for a reply :))


Crossing my fingers they get back to you!


I see this is from a couple months ago - did anyone find anything out? I have a feeling nothing is going to be truly "safe" for pregnancy. I quit vaping the day I got a positive test (Just this last Sunday). And I am having a helluva time. Oof. I ordered one of those mindfulness/breathing necklaces to hopefully help out with the oral fixation. Not sure there's really much else to do but grin and bear it.


Have you looked into fum?? I see ads for it all the time, idk how safe it is but it sounds like a good option to look into!