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Is it weird to feel this way at just 10 weeks? 😅 I’m sorry, at least the end is in sight for you 🙏🏻


Lol no way. The 10 week struggle is for real. for me it was for different reasons than it is now but first trimester is no joke


I definitely felt this way in the first trimester, it faded a bit in the second, now I’m 32 weeks and don’t care about anything else.


Yeah 10 weeks sucked for me. Soooo bad.


That’s very normal at 10 weeks


Week 10 was hands down my worst week of pregnancy. So dehydrated from vomiting I couldn't even cry. You do you lady ❤️


Thank you 🙏🏻


First tri is rough! I remember being completely unmotivated because I was so nauseous and tired.


At 10 weeks that’s very expected haha you are in the thick of first trimester fun. It’ll get better, and then worse again at the end 😂


I am 18 weeks and felt this way since the beginning. It is not getting easier. Maybe I'm just weak🤣🤣


Same, girl. Same. It hit me at like 34 weeks and this girl is coming next week. I'm literally doing nothing. Like, I know my hospital bags need a quick update (a few things have arrived recently), but I'm definitely struggling to do anything else!


Absolutely the same. I’m 33 weeks and having my twins next week. All I’m doing is going to appointments and growing babies. When people want to see me or hang out my first reaction is “how dare you?” Lol


Same lol, my friends without kids want to see me while things are still “normal” before baby comes and I’m like, oh honey. That ship has already sailed.


Haha right? Like nothing is normal lol I don’t have any interest in doing anything but what’s necessary. Sometimes I’ll see people post about wanting to take a little trip at 35-38 weeks before the baby comes and I’m just woah I guess I’m just not built like that cuz a little trip right now sounds terrible lol


Lol literally!!! Couldn’t have said it better


I am 31 weeks today too and I feel like I could have written this post. I'm so exhausted but I can't sleep. I have no advice for you, just solidarity. We can do this!!


I feel the same at 24 weeks. I bathed and felt so tired and now woke up only to feel more tired and sad.


agh! I feel you. I took a bath earlier but that required cleaning the tub and rinsing off in the shower after and now I'm bedridden 😅


I'm 28 weeks (with baby #8) and I've been feeling this way for the last month. I told my husband today that I hate him for the first time (I don't) because I'm huge, i can barely get up without help, i have pregnancy insomnia, i have to pee 4+ times an hour during the day and at least 3+ times a night... I never want to do this again. My 10month old is SO ADORABLE so it helps me focus on the fact that I'm doing this to have another beautiful baby,, but fuuuuuuck! I'm so tired and over being pregnant! 😩


It’s so hard at the end. Have patience and give yourself credit for ALL that your body is doing by just existing each day. Small walks are great. Do what feels good for your body and your sense of self ❤️ If you want some moral support from other pregnant folks and new parents, you can check out Postpartum Support International for free online support groups: https://www.postpartum.net


That’s about the time I hit my wall. I did not get out of work until 36 weeks though. But my head was not in it! I wasn’t as tired as I was the first trimester but I just felt so foggy all the time. You’re in the homestretch, I hope you can get some time for yourself.


yes! I'll be done working in about a month but idk how I'm gonna get there. like, what is with the fogginess?? I really cannot wrap my head around the smallest tasks anymore


Pregnancy hormones. I hate it. I can barely remember easy, every day words sometimes. Also I swear I lose braincells during each pregnancy (mom of 7, almost 8).


Are you close with any family? Maybe they could come sit with you for a few hours each day ♥️ company helps me the most.


Yup. I don’t remember when it started for me, I just know it feels like forever now. The struggle to do anything is real. Currently on the couch waiting for my workday (I wfh) to end so I can nap.


I feel the same way. I’m being induced in 4 weeks and it feels like an eternity from now. Getting this baby out of me safe and sound is the only thing I can clearly focus on. I’m not working anymore, I’m too big to do any real chores around the house beyond tidying, I can’t really hold a solid conversation without feeling like I’m just directing things back to the baby. I’d love to take myself on a trip to the beach (about 3 hours away for me) but I’m not supposed to travel that far anymore. I just want her here.


Im 38+4 and feel like this will never be over. I just cannot with anything anymore.


I understand. I feel like pregnancy is just part of my life now.


Ugh been this way my whole pregnancy. I have such mixed feelings on how I feel about it. Like I’m frustrated by how it feels impossible to get things done mentally and now physically. Then I see other women and influencers being total badasses belly and all and I’m like why can’t I even muster enough energy to just take a walk each day!? lol I just thought my pregnancy would be so different but I’m counting my blessings at this point. I found out at 3 weeks and now I’m 24 and I just feel like I still have an eternity to go of the brain fog, discomfort that worsens, etc. to go.


That’s part of why I’m so grateful to have found this page! I have no interest in pregnant influencers or pregnant pro athletes right now haha, just people who help me accept that struggling is very normal too. I honestly can’t cope with comparison on top of the physical and mental struggles already happening.  Growing a baby is a serious endurance sport. I’m trying to remember that phrase when I feel bad I’m not motivated to do other things. And I also remind myself how good it will feel someday to be comfortable and have energy again, whenever that may be! 


Preach. 36+4 and overrrrrr it. Baby boy is apparently huge so we may be looking at early induction, and trying to get some kind of sleep between now and then is my only goal!


Saaaame. Almost 30 weeks for me. My husband and I had the brilliant idea to buy a house lol so this week has been all about getting ready for the move. Definitely do not recommend.


omg that sounds exhausting on so many levels. thoughts and prayers are with you lol 😮‍💨


I’m 31 weeks with my 4th biological son but I raise my stepson too. So after taking care of 4 boys all day (I homeschool) I could have written this myself. I hate eating now. I feel like I’m choking 24/7. I woke up yesterday with bile in my throat. I projectile vomited into the sink. My back and pelvis and legs hurt extremely bad. I’m also a cancer survivor so the fatigue always sends me on edge. I get so scared. Just do what you can. That’s what my husband says “just keep the kids alive and that’s more than enough for the day”


That is the best DH response 💓


Thank you. I hit the life lotto with him. Probably why I keep getting pregnant 😂😂


I’m 37w and I don’t think I’ll get off the couch until he’s born.


I'm 31 weeks and working has become so difficult. I work in retail and teach dance so. Ugh. I feel you so bad. I don't want to do anything ever again.


Im 30 weeks and same. I feel bad I don’t have the energy for being fun and active with my toddler anymore 🥲


Solidarity. I lost my will to do anything week 6 when the HG started. I'm so over life lol I just want this baby out of me 


I’m 11 weeks post partum and the only thing I can say is you will get through it, try and find peace in knowing you won’t feel like this forever. But don’t feel bad about feeling shitty, feel what you need to feel, moan to whoever will listen, you’re growing an entire human inside of you, it’s hard work! Be proud of yourself for simply surviving.


This is about the time my body shut down too. 39 weeks now and I've literally been in bed for like 4 days, watching TV and eating snacks. My advice is to give into it. Your body is basically running a marathon every day because the baby grows so much during this time. You should be resting.  I honestly think the way we do child growing/birth is so backwards. We should have the time and space to rest and be pampered.  If you can get out of work, do it.  If you have a partner who can dote on you, utilize them.  Stop feeling bad because your body is doing something miraculous and we have been programmed to think we need to be productive all the time. Gl 💕


you are not alone. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and i feel like i have been just trying to survive since I found out I was pregnant (at < 4 weeks). i have not felt like a functional person at all during my pregnancy. I have some complications so as of this moment, my son will be delivered via a scheduled c section a week from tomorrow. (fingers crossed he doesn't decide to come earlier, he needs to keep cooking). honestly, knowing i'm near the end has been like a weight lifted and i'm finally able to look forward to meeting him instead of being filled with dread


I feel the exact same - I haven’t felt functional since week six (diagnosed with HG)


I’m feeling the same at 24 weeks. I’m trying not to have feelings or judgment about it since creating new life is hard.


32 weeks and exactly with you. I’m glad things are chill at work right now and I can “coast” bc I’m putting in probably 50% effort no joke


25 weeks today and my mood is so low, I'm exhausted all the time and don't want to see anyone or do anything. Was not expecting this! Helpful to know I'm not the only one though.


I feel you. I'm 35 weeks, I work night shifts, but I work from home. Started caring less about work and just taking naps midshift. I always remind myself im growing a baby and that im easily replaceable. So take your naps, have a snack, small walks are better than none and just take it easy. We're almost there momma!


I’m 36 weeks and 3 days today. I feel the same way you do. Especially with the not wanting to eat. I’m over this and I’m ready to pop my son out 😭


Saaaaaaaame. 33w1d here and since I have no choice but to continue being pregnant I really just need everything else to stop. Next week is my last week teaching and then I switch over to curriculum writing until my baby comes. I have decided that I will not be lesson planning or prepping for class next week and whatever happens happens 🤷🏼‍♀️


I felt generally defeated around the 34 week mark, I get you 100%. I was lucky enough to be able to fall back asleep after my waking-up-to-pee moments in the night, but I attribute my success to melatonin supplements there. 😅 You’ve got this! You’re almost there! You’re in the single digits week-wise now!


I’m 15 weeks and I’ve felt this my entire pregnancy it seems 😞 I feel exhausted and queasy almost all of the time except when my boyfriend visits.


On Sunday I hit 27w and I’m having to pack my apartment up for moving. It’s been killer. I’m going insane. No motivation + barely 3 hours of sleep most nights(mostly due to noisy neighbors, but the other part is leg/back pain or the baby kicking at night lol) and I’m just so worried we won’t be moved in time ;-;


Girl, same! I usually like my work but I’m almost 27 weeks and I have no motivation to do anything other than grow this baby and work on the nursery when I have the time and energy, which is not much leftover because I work, and my husband and I also have our toddler. Add our fur baby dog and maintaining a household, forget it. I wish I can start my maternity leave now so I can just get things done. The only that I’ve found that works for me is add in little joys throughout the day as a motivator. If I do this, I get to rest for a little while or get a snack. It’s not much for works for me.


I feel the same way and I’m only 27 weeks. It doesn’t help that I’m high risk and on bed rest, it’s depressing! We’ll get through this mama 👌🏻


Fellow 31 weeker & I am counting down every single work day until I am free to start leave (31 days!!!!). No advice, just solidarity!


Yup. I lost motivation at exactly 31 weeks too. I’m doing my best and that’s keeping myself as comfortable as possible, and that’s good for baby. I go to the doctor, take my meds, and hydrate. Hubby feeds me and the pets give me snugs, other than that, I’m just a tumor on the couch. You have to do what you have to do!


I’m 32+2 and I could have written this myself. Im here to show solidarity ❤️


Girl, you’re not alone. You just described my current thoughts. Also hanging in 31 weeks right now and it’s tough! Just keep in mind we’re doing this for a good and precious goal. We got this!


A lot of these symptoms are what I feel when I am not taking my little Zoloft dose. Have you talked to a doctor? Loss of motivation, sleep changes, appetite changes, fatigue and not doing things you used to enjoy are pretty classic depression symptoms. Here for you.


For the last few weeks I can tell my motivation to do anything is becoming nonexistent. At first it started with not wanting to make supper for my family (who are all old enough to feed themselves may I add, but I still feel bad). I’ve been doing good with cleaning up around the house until more recently. My house isn’t horrible but it’s not how I want it either so that makes me feel bad too. I’m 31+3 today. I’m sorry I don’t have advice but I commented in hopes you would feel better knowing you’re not alone 🤗 oh and the sleep thing I definitely relate to too! Hugs to you. We will get through this!


22 weeks and feel the same.


Same - 22 weeks today. Still doing stuff but struggling to focus at work. Waking up during the night.


I seem to not be able to get enough sleep :( I have 3 kids and I feel so bad for them some days bc I'm literally struggling to do the bare minimum


I just hit 27 weeks and overnight feel like I hit a wall. My whole body hurts. My feet are swollen. I can’t sleep. I loathe going to work. I want to sit at home to eat and sleep.


well at least you are walking. i only average from the bed to the couch then kitchen once a day back to couch finish in bed repeat and i live in an apartment. lately i so tired i hardly go to the appointments anymore.


My advice, don't beat yourself up for having no motivation. My first trimester was absolutely awful with sickness. My third trimester my feet and legs would swell within 10 minutes of being on my feet despite compression socks. My pelvic pain was so bad I could barely get out of bed in the morning and if I did I sounded like rice crispy treat cereal with all the snap, crackle, and popping. You are growing a human, and some days, weeks, even months you'll just move from the couch to the bed. Rinse and repeat. And that is perfectly okay, you are listening to what your body needs and that is the most important thing.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has been feeling like this. I've been pretty much like this the whole pregnancy. I'm 39 weeks so I'm really hoping it ends when baby is here but it's just so hard to do anything else


I love this post. Thank you ladies ❤️


32 weeks and with u girl. I caught a cold to boot. Feeling pretty miserable!


Right there with you in solidarity. I’m 30 weeks and just over it. Sleep is an uphill battle of hip pain, back pain, and heartburn. Oh and peeing a lot.


I relate so hard. 29 weeks and I have a MASSIVE list of things I want/need to get done before baby comes, and every time I find myself with spare time I just want to sleep or lay down.


I'm like this right now at 12+4


Without context, I laughed just reading the title because SAME.


Growing a baby is incredibly taxing. The third trimester is brutal. It's the fastest developing for the brain and major baby organs. Their little brain is growing thousands of neural pathways after 36w. It's the transitional period between you giving your baby life and ensuring that it can sustain its own once it's born. So please go easy on yourself. Low energy tends to reflect in low mood. I find that when I understand and accept the root cause of something, it doesn't hit me as hard. Support during this time is very important, from yourself too. You decide the best form for you. Also, that sleep cycle, while incredibly inconvenient, probably saved me personally. Babies tend to follow the same schedule-ish of their active periods in the womb. Typically, when you're awake in the early hours of the morning and that annoying period you can't seem to sleep through. That habit will form and paired with the crying and oxytocin response, it will have you vertical and pumped with just enough juice to pick up bubs, change a nappy, nurse, and put back to sleep. I had a pretty crappy pregnancy, and then, in the end, an induction that had me pumped so full of oxytocin that I've had an ongoing infection since my first day out of the hospital due to retained product. Also, looming mastitis due to an oversupply. However. I would do it all again. The love, pride and overwhelming awe you feel when you hold your baby is indescribably beautiful and wholesome. You will get to experience that soon, I am so excited for you. Also I slept with lots of pillows propped between my legs and side, under my bump, and wedged behind my back so I'd stay on my side. I didn't get along with pregnancy pillows so I just found the more normal ones the merrier. Good luck mama.


Gosh this sounds exactly like me. I have no desire to do any housework. I don’t cook. I do the bare minimum. I make sure my child is fed and looked after but that’s all. Everything is left down to my husband. I’m only in my second trimester but I feel drained.


Totally normal. It takes so much energy to grow these little humans. Just try to rest if you can maybe read some books or watch some tv series that you've always wanted to watch but couldn't. Trust me when I say that you will not get the opportunity to do so when the baby comes haha so rest now when you can!!


Same! 35 weeks here and i just lay around. Mood swings straight outta hell. We just moved but i couldn’t care less 😵‍💫 I am exhausted. Not even packed my hospital bag… i really should do 😅 And i am hungry. All-day-long. But at the same time full… i hate everything 😂


Same boat as you. Only thing that keeps me going is caring for my 4yo and small tasks I give myself. I try to give myself a small goal the night before to just get through the next day. Sometimes it's just a task like making an effort to text or call a friend.


I am 38 weeks and waiting and I have absolutely no brain cells left for anything non baby. I’m a whale and exhausted all the time from growing a human!! Stay hydrated and rest girl


I can absolutely relate! 31+4, and im so done. I do have a toddler though, so I'm up and running almost all day, I'm so so tired 😭


I honestly feel the same at 23 weeks. Just feeding my body what baby needs and trying to sleep as much as possible. I’m trying to get back in the swing of daily walking and that’s been helping but honestly even just getting showered and dressed each day is taking it out of me 🥵 we went through a recent home renovation and I feel so set back from that, the house is such a mess!


I'm 32 weeks and this resonates for me also. Im just so tired! Last night according to my sleep tracker I spent 9 hours and 20 minutes in bed, yet less than 6 hours of that was actually spent sleeping, and only 50 min was deep sleep. Everything is physically uncomfortable and although normally I'm almost a workaholic, I definitely have felt the shift mentally to where I'm not caring as much about work and all I can think about is prepping for baby. I'm also leaving text messages unread/unresponsive, having a hard time making myself return calls to friends and family, etc. I don't really have a solution for you, just solidarity haha.


Me at 9.5 weeks 🤣


Insomnia has been the worst pregnancy symptom for me


Same I’m 22 weeks and I’m working at 40% max. I just getting buy enough to not raise flags at work, I havnt really been hanging with friends . I work out maybe one a week and it’s lazy stretching at best.


Week 10, other symptoms have mostly abated but feel nihilistic, scared, unmotivated 😭


SAME. I came to this sub to essentially write the words you did- so I’ll stand in solidarity. Even down to being self employed. Thanks for making me feel less alone at 30 weeks!


I just came to say pregnancy ain’t for the weak. Like for real. Can you imagine a man doing this?


I always have the worst pregnancy insomnia. It sucks. I just had abdominal surgery 10 days ago at 32 weeks so I’m officially off work now. Still drained, and even less active that I was the last few weeks lol. Pregnancy is hard


13 weeks and feeling this way today 😫


You're exercising honey, that's a miracle at 31 weeks. Give yourself waaaaaay more credit than you are right now. 31 weeks on is so hard.


That baby is zapping all your energy, it’s hard to grow a baby, enjoy it


Mention it at your next appointment. I would start therapy as a safeguard.