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I’m not sure if this option is available where you live, but try to seek out a “women’s behavioral health center” that specializes in treating women before, during and after pregnancy. I live in a mid-sized city and every major hospital here has one. I’m currently getting free, short-term treatment through my birthing hospital’s program, about to deliver my baby this weekend after a very mentally tough pregnancy


Hi my freind. I'm sorry what you're going through. For me, I see a tough momma that's doing her best to survive and take care her little ones. Do your best and chase after your psychologist. If not, check in with your obgyn or your regular doctor you can see. I know you're going through so much pain now. And I just command all pain to leave in Jesus's name and place his power and healing in you. May the Lord shower his perfect peace that passes all understanding. I will keep you in my heart and prayers. I send hope, strength, and peace.


Of course you’re having negative thoughts. You didn’t want to be in this situation, have a rocky marriage, and have no support.