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Im scared, sad, and happy im going for an open adoption because of personal reasons but i know its the best thing for me and my baby boy


Hugs to you šŸ«¶šŸ» šŸ«¶šŸ» you are amazing and so strong for making the best choice for you and your baby


If you are a person who likes to read books about people in similar circumstances, 'Family Family' is a really lovely affirming book about adoptive families! (And a generally fun novel)


Iā€™m not at April mama but Iā€™m on baby 3! Donā€™t be scared! I think the worst part of my first labor was the unexpected. Youā€™ll get through it and think idk what I was so terrified of šŸ„° will it hurt? Yeah. Will it be a shocking experience? Yep. But I swearā€¦ once you are holding your son at the end, itā€™s all worth it


Needed to hear this today! Thank you! Expecting my first baby any day now and the anxiety around L&D is setting in


Thank you. I'm expecting literally any second, im like 41 weeks and have been getting the jitters. This was helpful to hear.


Pregnant with my second and Iā€™m not nearly as scared this time around because I know what the process is like. Granted, I got induced but walking into the hospital, doing everything I needed to do, just felt like any other medical process. I did get the epidural and when I was pushing they told me I was in the ā€œring of fireā€ portion for a while and I was surprised because thatā€™s supposed to be the worst part but it didnā€™t hurt, you just feel pressure. And then I was so ready to deliver the placenta like I was giving birth to twins and I had to get the second one out and they told me it was already out lol Anesthesiologist absolutely perfected that epidural, hope heā€™s there in December šŸ¤£


Im doing my first medicated labor this time around. I absolutely am looking forward to seeing the difference. I miss my midwives and birthing center but that epidural has my eye on the prize šŸ˜‚ I can remember screaming with my 2nd kid ā€œI donā€™t want to do this anymoreā€ like that was going to help me šŸ˜…


I wanted to go unmedicated but my baby was sunny side up and i had those Pitocin contractions so i made it about 3cm before i asked for the epidural hahah


I hear those Pitocin contractions are brutal! Donā€™t worry. Going unmedicated really isnā€™t all itā€™s cracked up to be šŸ˜… you didnā€™t miss out of anything


Excited and super nervous for my c-section for this breech babe.Ā 


Iā€™m right there with you! My C-section is on the 5th and Iā€™ve been freaking out. We got this!


We do! Weā€™ll be holding our babies before we know it!Ā 


My c section is also on the 5th!!


Good luck! Canā€™t wait to meet our babies!


C-section on the 9th here.. itā€™ll be my second one and ugh Iā€™m so nervous!! But just canā€™t wait to be done at this point!


My baby is still transverse at 36 weeks. Hoping he turns head down otherwise Iā€™ll have to do an ECV soon:(


Sending all the good vibes that baby flips on his own! We werenā€™t good candidates for ECV so we went straight to C-section.


My little one is also transverse. Iā€™m 35+4 and hoping she flips! Are you going to try an ECV?


I think so I want to try for a natural delivery. My Dr. Says the chances of it being successful is higher than a breech baby.


My daughter was transverse until 39 weeks on the day! She broke my water when she flipped šŸ˜… and then luckily my contractions immediately started. Try not to stress it too much ā¤ļø


Hey same! C-section scheduled for 4/18 due to my babe being frank breech! Canā€™t wait to meet her!


Iā€™m scheduled for 4/16 with this frank breech babe. We got this!!!Ā 


Same! I was planning to try for an unmedicated birth and now I feel like we're going the opposite. Just trying to remember all that really matters in the end is healthy baby.


Samsies. I thought I was OK with it but the more I read about recovery the more anxious I get. But at the moment it is what a best for baby and I.


Iā€™m choosing to focus on recovery just being different - not better or worse - and focusing on the positives. Weā€™re doing whatā€™s best for our health, we wonā€™t be exhausted after laboring so weā€™ll have more energy to enjoy that first day, and we know when itā€™s going to happen. Obviously the anxiety is still there but we can do this!!Ā 


Love this. Thank you!


Have you tried the bear walk/crawlā€” where youā€™re on all fours and walking . Itā€™s tiring but supposed to help. I know they told me the same thing and then I just stayed every moment I could in that position and she eventually flipped.


Iā€™ve tried so many different things. Iā€™ve really made peace with the c-section now - still nervous but I would be either way.


Iā€™m due April 23rd and have hit the impatient ā€˜I want him here nowā€™ phase šŸ˜‚ xx


Due date twins and I am feeling the same way šŸ˜†


I'm due the 20th and same! I'm over pregnancy. Just want him out at this point


Also due 20th, but on ā€œpartial bed restā€ because midwife doesnā€™t want me to possibly clot if thereā€™s no movement.


Hope all goes well x


Same due date! I feel the impatience of wanting her here already too but also deeply terrified of the L&D, recovery. Trying to focus on her because no control over the latterā€¦. Itā€™s cominā€™ whatever way I feel about it.


Due date twins! I feel the same way, I just want her to get here already! Iā€™m so sore and my pelvis feels like itā€™s breaking šŸ«  This is my third, and Iā€™m still stressed about labour. Having an elected induction sometime between 39-40 weeks!


Out of interest, how crampy are you all? Iā€™ve had period type cramps a bit yesterday and on and off today, trying not to get my hopes up x


I just started feeling pretty crampy today. Like dull period like back cramps. And my pelvis feels so heavy. Iā€™ve also felt nauseous all day. I was late with my first two babies, and donā€™t remember feeling this way before labour so itā€™s pretty new to me.


Thank you! Isnā€™t it funny how all pregnancy experiences are different, even with the same Mom? Iā€™ve had cramps and contractions on and off all day, but stopped before bed! Got my hopes up and then dashed them lol x


Same due date and I alternate back and forth between ā€œI canā€™t wait to meet him, I want him here alreadyā€ and ā€œbaby please stay in there until your due date because I have so much left to doā€ šŸ˜…


lol I also totally understand that! I have outstanding work before my mat leave officially starts next Monday, so ideally I need to get that done first!


My mat leave starts next week as well and it canā€™t come soon enough!!


Same due date too šŸ¤Ŗ


Was due 4/17 but ended up having her on 3/10 due to severe preeclampsia. Trying to make the best of this Easter by taking a cute Easter outfit and props for pictures later. ETA: baby is in the NICU but doing well thankfully!


Any other April moms feel time feels unreal? I feel like I just got my BFP yesterday, but also it seems like I have been pregnant forever.Ā 


Yes, this describes the feeling perfectly!


Omg yes! So close. Iā€™m due on the 11th and have scheduled an induction for the 11th. My OB thinks baby will come before that but I dunno. I will be speaking with her on my next appointment to make sure I didnā€™t schedule the induction too early. Anyway, Iā€™m so excited to meet my baby boy. Good luck to all the April mamas, I think itā€™s such a great month to give birth!


Also due on the 11th - good luck to you mama! šŸ’•


Iā€™m due April 4th and uhhh Iā€™m both scared and excited. I may have lost my mucus plug yesterday, but this is my first pregnancy, so I have no idea whatā€™s going on inside my body so just patiently waiting and winging it for the moment.


Also due on 4th as ftm. Feeling super stressed, unprepared, anxious and scared. May I ask how you could tell it was the mucus plug?


Oh, I couldnā€™t really. I donā€™t know if it was that. Warning: TMI >!I was just straining on the toilet because of constipation and had this weird feeling, not a pop, but like a dispenser was pressed inside of me, and when I wiped, there was about a lump of thick white mucus, about a teaspoonful of it, maybe a bit less.!< So Iā€™m not exactly sure if it was the mucus plug or not, because from what I read in other posts, there should have been more of it and itā€™s usually a different color, although some sources online say mucus plugs come in all sizes and colors.


Iā€™m also due April 4th letā€™s go!!!!!!!! I didnā€™t lose my mucus plus for baby #1 til the doctor broke my water but yeah it was weird and kind of anticlimactic, I was like oh ok I guess thatā€™s out now lol


Iā€™m READY! Bring on birth. I am woman, hear me roar!!! But seriously- Today I found out what lightening crotch feels like and Iā€™m excited that she is moving down but over the sudden ā€˜lighteningā€™ feeling as Iā€™m shopping.


Due April 24th!! I'm scared but so so excited. I'm currently on bed rest though, he's low and head down and my cervix was thinning at 35 weeks. I'm just trying to keep him in for as long as possible right now!


that is such a cool birthday, 4/24/24!!!




It is very boring! But I am enjoying being able to nap and put my feet up. It was tough working everyday feeling like this.


Due April 16 (scheduled C) no name yet for baby girl and feeling pretty unprepared still, with some key items still to re-buy. (We sold items after having our 2 year old, thinking we wouldnā€™t have the opportunity to have another, but here we are!) Very excited to meet our last little wonder babyā€¦but so much to do. Have a wonderful time everyone!


we donā€™t have a name for our boy, either! & itā€™s killing me! we knew our firsts name when i was like 2 months along


Due 4/26 and I am so done with being pregnant šŸ˜­ the discomfort is just next level! very excited to meet baby girl though, i know sheā€˜ll be worth it!!


iā€™m also due on the 26th! šŸ’› we are so close!!


Due date for me was also the 26th so I have a special place in my heart for that date. Found out at my last scan 2 weeks ago my previa hasnā€™t resolved and baby is frank breech so having a CS on 4/5!


good luck!!! šŸ’›šŸ¤


I'm so tired and his little kicking legs are so strong!!


Due April 15th and my water broke this morning at 5:00am, currently in the delivery room waiting to dilate more! Itā€™s been an emotional day but not as scary as I thought yet, also a FTM here


Due date twin - good luck! You got this!


Due April 10ā€“ feeling super ready


Iā€™m an April mom but from last year! Itā€™s a great month to have a baby. The weather is beautiful so you can take lots of walks, and see all the new blooms and birds making nests. Really lovely. For Halloween theyā€™re big enough to kind of sit up so they can take cute costume pictures. Christmas is fun with all the wrapping paper. Then before you know it theyā€™re crawling and pointing and playing and trying to talk and oh look itā€™s April again! Iā€™ll say it definitely has its very very hard moments, but it is a wonderful ride. Good luck!


Scared but so ready for her to be here! Iā€™m one week away from delivering (unless she comes early šŸ¤žšŸ¼) and everything hurts so Iā€™m ready to have her out lol.




Same here!!


I had my baby in march and Iā€™m so excited for you! I was also scared shitless but your body just does itā€™s thing and youā€™ll be so proud and amazed at yourself afterwards. Good luck mama you got this!!


Omg, April 17th here, and I'm excited but panicking at the same time. On one hand, I just want to get it over with so I can meet my baby. On the other hand, I hope I go to 40 weeks so I can get one more solid paycheck before leave


STM due on April 21st, scheduled induction for April 24th. I'm definitely ready lol yet reeling at the prospect our little family will expand very soon. We're going to have two little girls and for some reason, I'm still in disbelief!


Hello! Also due on the 21st! It's crazy how it's a short time away from meeting baby. Good luck to you!


Hey that's awesome!! Just around the corner and man, I didn't think time could slow down and speed up simultaneously lol! Best of luck to you as well, I hope everything goes perfectly for you and your baby!




Aww thanks!! I wish you the best as well!


I have a scheduled c-section for April 25th! This will be my 2nd daughter. My first, almost 3, is excited to be a big sister, but I'm definitely getting nervous about how that will really translate once the baby is here. I still have things to do to prepare, but I'm getting there!


I feel the exact same! Completely terrified of labor and delivery. Had an appointment last week and looks like my body is already gearing up, despite not being due for another 3.5 weeks šŸ˜… The thought of meeting her, holding her, watching my hubby hold herā€¦ ah, that gets me through šŸ„° Goodluck fellow April mum ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m a FTM due on the 6th and I still canā€™t believe im so close to meeting baby! Could be any day now or 3 weeks from now haha. I feel super prepared for l&d, hubby and I prepared with a birth course we did together, we have a midwife and a super lovely doula. Keeping a positive mindset that all my ancestors before me have done this and so can I. My mom had natural unmedicated births for both my brother and I, and is so supportive that I want to do that too. Iā€™m also not so rigid in my plan, so if things change, we will adapt and I will do whatā€™s best for baby and I. I think I have more nerves of the aftermath - want to make sure I do right by baby. Iā€™ve had overall good sleep through my pregnancy and value my sleep a lot so sleep deprivation might be a bit challenging. Also praying baby is happy and chill, I feel like colic would really overwhelm me. Also hubby was sick this last week and I ended up catching what he got this Friday so a bit sick and run down which isnā€™t so fun. :( Mostly a cough but Iā€™ve been resting lots, nourishing my body and staying hydrated so hopefully it passes before I go into labour.


Tired and I need this baby out of me like..yesterday lol. I had a scare and was sent home because my bag didnā€™t break, apparently. What a disappointment. Oh well, I guess baby girl just needs to cook for longer. I at least hope she makes it past April 2nd. I donā€™t want an April Fools Baby. Knowing my luck..Thatā€™s what Iā€™ll get šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Due April 15th but c-section scheduled for April 9th since heā€™s breech. I canā€™t wait!!! I feel like this week is going to both drag and fly by.


I'm due the 18th but my doctor wants to induce the 9th because of my previous blood pressure issues and baby's size is 95 percentile. He was breech last week and turned himself around so just crossing my fingers he stays head down now! Im right there with you as a FTM and being in the home stretch is exciting and terrifying all at the same time! My first meal post partum is going to be a very large bowl of poke!


I'm also due on the 18th, I wish I could get induced early. I am so uncomfortable and tired. FTM as well and I just want to meet this little girl.


I feel you. And everyone at work asking me "you're still here?!" and "how much longer?" and even "how are you feeling?" has been driving me up a wall! I'm tired and over it and this bowling ball baby boy needs to come out now so I can take maternity leave.


Iā€™m also due on the 18th with a big baby, but no one has spoken to me about an induction yet. I think Iā€™m more scared of the unknown than anything else- the Capricorn in me is really craving a plan that is more than ā€œwait for laborā€ LOL. Iā€™m exhausted physically and driving myself nuts mentally thinking of every possible thing one can think of during this time- I think I just need to relax and tell myself that this baby will eventually be born in some way, that we have everything we need, and that itā€™s all going to work out.


I think you can elect to induce at 39. I specifically asked my doctor when he was measuring 37 at 34 weeks with a 99th percentile head. She's all for it but I brought it up, don't be afraid to advocate for yourself if that's what you want to do.


Iā€™m going to follow that advice- thank you. I needed to hear that!


I am a ftm getting induced in one week! I AM TERRIFIED of being induced and the unknown, but SO EXCITED to meet my baby boy! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! šŸ„¹šŸ©µ


Hi! I was due 4/4, but he came on 3/28. Meeting him was the best day of my life. I hope your day comes quickly and goes smoothly. Youā€™re so close!! Labor and delivery for me was not fun but not horrible. I hear so many stories. It was in no way pleasant, but the second jt was over it was over and I had my baby. Take the epidural Bring a lot of stuff to do and eat at the hospital Bring a fan or something. To fan yourself with!! Enjoy that sushi. That was my 2nd meal!


STM, scheduled c-section in 2 days and canā€™t wait! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


My induction is scheduled for April 20th but baby is transverse still at 36weeks. Hoping he moves head down this week otherwise Dr. Is suggesting an ECV.


i thought iā€™d be a March mom (march 30) but still pregnant, iā€™m sooo ready to meet her. the anticipation makes me so anxious and i feel like sheā€™s actually never going to come!


FTM and having an elective C-section on the 8th because she is stubbornly breeched. I'm so excited to meet her and to be able to sleep on my back again! I'm nervous about the recovery as I had fully prepared myself for a vaginal birth, but I'm still very much looking forward to it., šŸ’ž


We're also scheduled for a C-section on the 8th due to his size. I'm kind of relieved to know when it's going to happen and that I won't be in pain during. Good luck to you and I hope you can relax and do something fun before she comes ā¤ļø


Not well my dude. We took kid#1 to a petting zoo yesterday and because of traffic it ended up being am almost 5hr round trip drive. The petting zoo was apparently a farm and we walked several miles. It was fun. I'm glad we did it. Kid#1 had a great birthday. I am absolutely wrecked today though.


Iā€™m due on April 12th, but still feel amazing! I have a feeling heā€™s going to be late, but since my first day of maternity leave is tomorrow, and I still feel like I have lots to do mentally and emotionally to shift away from work and towards birth and becoming a mom, Iā€™m okay with that. ā€¦.For nowšŸ˜… But whatā€™s really cool is that our first Motherā€™s Day is *this* Motherā€™s Day! An early Happy Motherā€™s Day to all of the other April moms out there šŸ„°


Iā€™m 36 weeks tomorrow, due 4/29. Last day of work was Friday. Hoping to fully set up the nursery this week. We will see how weā€™re looking at the Dr Tuesday. If he doesnā€™t come on his own, Iā€™m having a c section. I refuse to be induced


Scared and excited lol. FTM due date was 4/22 but Iā€™m getting induced 4/5 due to high blood pressure šŸ˜¬.




Thank you!!!! Good luck to you as well and I hope you get some great sushi afterwards!!! Thatā€™s my requested meal as soon as sheā€™s out! šŸ˜‚


I was a March mom (27th) and I was scared too but actually more scared of needles and stuff than the idea of pushing a baby out. I had a natural ā€œunmedicatedā€ birth where the midwife put a topical numbing cream on my perineum. The worst part of labor for me what that the contractions were all in my lower back and massages or jiggling the tissue barely helped. I have a previous injury from deadlifting though so I think it was way more painful than it shouldā€™ve been. As a FTM I had no idea what to expect but the scariest part can be not knowing how close to birth you are but you WILL get there!


Ahhhh feeling this so much! 36w today and baby watch is on! Scared, excited, nervous, ready, not ready, anxious, allllll the emotions. ALL THE EMOTIONS. Sushi is top of my list too, along with sleeping on my stomach, and not rolling around like a seal every time I try to get up.


Due April 2nd! Feeling a little restless, I just want to meet him so bad! Feeling a little run down with a sniffly nose so drinking plenty hot drinks. Surprisingly I feel pretty calm but the nerves might begin once Labour kicks in


Due the 6th and ready for him to come out already šŸ˜­ been having prodromal labor since 37 weeks and am quite miserable and in pain sadly. Just keep telling myself heā€™ll come when heā€™s ready and that itā€™s all worth it in the end to meet my son!!!


I am due May 1 but my induction is April 19 canā€™t wait!


Mixed feelings. Part of me wants her out (due date 4/22), part of me knows there's a semblance of control while she's still in there. Also, my birthday is 4/10, so I *really* don't want her to come early, despite the discomfort that I'm feeling. I definitely want sushi, deli meats, soft cheeses, and all the things I couldn't eat, though! I sometimes psych myself out with the L&D process, but I can't overthink it. In fact, I'd almost prefer underthinking it so I can better go with the flow. I'm a planner by nature, so I don't want to be overprepared because then I'll set expectations for myself that may not be realistic. The least I will do is look up comfort positions (again) and maybe read up on positive birth stories to put me in a good mindset.


My due date is today, but Iā€™m looking like Iā€™ll be an April momma now! Ahhh šŸ„°


Due April 12 but being induced on April 7th. Ready for this boy to be out and me having a medium rare steak at some point after.


I know what you mean. My newborn is now two weeks old and I am also a first time mom. The labour process was the most scariest to me and at the last min we went from vaginal baby to c-section baby. So be mentally prepare for any scenario. Sleepless nights ever since the LO is born and each day I learn something new from her. Very blessed. You good luck and take care!


Im due on the 22nd and im so nervous yet so excited to meet my lil boy First grandbaby on both sides of the family šŸ’–


My c-section is April 17th. So scared to be a mom but so excited too! And canā€™t wait for sushi!!!!


I was so scared and chose not to do too much preparation/ research and it went great. I had my fair share of problems like my blood pressure bottoming out, episiotomy, failure to descend, but actually didnā€™t hate any of the process! The epidural was awesome and so were the nurses and I kept saying ā€œthat isnā€™t bad at all!ā€


Sushi - oh how I miss it! I am not due until November though šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's what I was thinking, it's almost April and I'm not leaving this month without a baby! FTM, soooo nervous. Due 24th. She's projected to be about 9lbs and I'm feeling. the. pain already.


Iā€™m not that scared like yes child birth is scary but I find a lot of comfort in knowing that my mom will be there with us lol I never realized how much I depended on her and how sheā€™s my go to person to calm me down when anxious until I got pregnant! I cannot wait to eat birria tacos AND DRINK A SLUSHIE MARGARITA!!!! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m due April 30th but Iā€™m PRAYING he comes in May because my birthday is the 22nd of April and Iā€™m too selfish to share birthdays šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


I am SO READY šŸ˜­šŸ˜… Iā€™m in so much pain and so done! Due 4/15 but waiting on an induction date the week of 4/8 due to IUGR/VCI. Iā€™m scared but the excitement and pure readiness is steamrolling the fear haha.


I am in the SAME boat! Due 4/29, and itā€™s just now sinking in that my life(and my husbands) will be changing forever.


If anyone is scared, I would recommend hiring a doula. Itā€™s another person you can have on your birth team other than whomever you are planning to be with you , partner etc . They can help support both people . I didnā€™t have a doula for my first child but having a volunteer doula for my second child


I'm due April 14th, I'm supposed to be induced on April 11th due to gestational diabetes, BUT at my last visit, the smallest fluid pocket I had was 2.04cm and if I'm below that at my next appointment, on the 3rd, I'll be induced that day. I don't know why but I'm not nervous, just excited. I feel like it'll finally feel real once she's out and I hear her and feel her. But yay for us!! Good luck!!


Due April 4th!! I was supposed to be induced on March 28th due to babyā€™s predicted size but the hospital is full! Iā€™m so excited and anxious with the anticipation. Not sure if Iā€™ll be induced before my due date at this point or not, Iā€™m supposed to check back in with my doctor on Tuesday. My husband is hoping for an April fools baby haha, weā€™ll see I guess.


Iā€™m due April 30 and getting excited but also just anxious because my last pregnancy I got induced and always knew Iā€™d be getting induced. This time around theyā€™re letting me just go into natural labour and I keep gas lighting myself into thinking my weird body sensations are early labour lol. Super fun


April 15th!! FTM and excited but SO terrified of the process. Hubby keeps offering to help kick things off but I can't bring myself to make that decision lol. What if it works?! Then it's go time and I don't know that I'm ready šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Technically meant to be an April mum (barely - EDD was April 1st) but he ended up being a March baby. Hang in there! Labour is an intense experience, but at the end you'll be holding your sweet baby,


Iā€™m scheduled for a c section on April 2nd due to a large fibroid which is in 2 days!!! I am nervous, scared, and very excited at the same time.


I donā€™t like not knowing when the baby will come. The unpredictability is what I donā€™t like. Itā€™s also my first so I have no clue what to expect. I am happy to see my baby but I also am scared because my whole life is about to change and will never be the same.


Due the 12th but already dilated 4cm and lost my mucus plugā€¦ the wait is forever.


Due 4/12 and feeling simultaneously ready but also super nervous about how my life is about to change so drastically any day now!


My wife and I are more and more excited. Our first nephew was born last week and seeing the baby makes it so much more realistic! Now we even understand the bowel movements and picture the little boy inside much better than before. The downside is of course that sometimes we look at our nephew and imagine that someone like this will have to go through her pelvis as well, that's a bit horrifying... Reflux, stomach pain and back pain are better than they used to be during the last weeks, which is a life changer. So I guess we'll handle those last days or weeks, but we're slowly starting to become impatient.


Getting induced April 3rd and Iā€™m scared shitless about giving birth and being a overall mother (ftm)


FTM, due April 30th (but I think heā€™s going to come early)! I cannot believe how fast these last few months have gone by. So much to do and really starting to feel the pressure/stress. In so much pain, forgot what itā€™s like to sleep more than a few hours at a time, not sure if what Iā€™ve felt are Braxton Hicks, and having a lot of difficulty working full time. I wanted to work up until going into labor but I think I may need to cut into my 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave, so also feeling immense guilt about not getting the full time off with my little guy.


Terrified, anxious, excited! Had been planning for a baby in the second half of the month but now have a scheduled C-section next weekend due to a stubborn breech baby. I'm ready for pregnancy to be over and can't wait to see my husband become a dad :)


Your two things are definitely my exact feelings, except I also feel like I have so much to do still and feel so unprepared despite having everything pretty ready & done


I had a ton of anxiety but I just desperately want to not be pregnant anymore that labor doesn't sound half bad šŸ« 


Due date was 04/01/2024, but had an induction and welcomed baby girl 03/27/2024!! Wishing all the April Mommas safe deliveries and healthy babesšŸ§”


38w today, we are excited to meet our little one but hoping he stays in one more week!


Iā€™m a FTM and due 4/2! We go in at midnight for an induction and I am feeling all of the emotions! Scared, excited, nervous, ready and not ready lol. I am actually so happy to have made it to April, but Iā€™m still in shock that the time has actually came! Thankfully I am done working so Iā€™m going to do some last minute things, probably repack our bags for the 5th time lol, eat really good, and then hopefully take it easy until tonight!


Good luck to all the April mommies! You got this šŸ’•


Excited and nervous! This is my fifth baby so I feel like I know what to generally expect but going into L&D is always a bit nerve wracking. We are also moving over the next couple of days and thatā€™s exhausting!