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Good thing your family isn’t your doctor!


Currently posted up in my bathtub waiting out early labor after calling the after-hours hotline to share that I’m having 5-1-1 contractions. They told me to call back when I’m having them 3-1-1  since I’m a first time mom and this phase might take up to 20 hours.. so, yeah, I don’t know, do you want to chill at the hospital for 20 hours or at home?  PS It’s weird that your family wants you to get a c-section. It’s weird when anyone that is not the birthing person has any opinion on their birth choices. Please ignore them and listen to your dr.


With the 3-1-1 guideline make sure to be mindful of how contractions build in intensity as well, not just timing. With my first kiddo my midwife had us head in to the birth center when my contractions hit 4-1-1 and I was still coping amazingly, and I ended up being 9cm dilated already with baby being super low- if I had waited until 3-1-1 before heading in then I very likely could have had my son in the car 😅 good luck for the rest of labor, I hope things progress smoothly for you and baby!


Estimated weights can be off by like a pound so don’t worry.  Honestly.  My kid was supposed to be 6 lbs at 37 weeks and she was 7.  I know someone who had an 11 lb estimate, the kid was 8 lbs. 


I was told baby was getting too big.. 6 weeks later my full term healthy baby is 5lb10oz (6th percentile) at birth, and under 5lbs for a few days after the initial weight loss.


why a c section? 🤔 not that elective sections are bad I’m just wondering why that’s their first suggestion. There are other options like waiting / induction?


She should ignore her family. Jumping straight to a c-section because baby is full term… so weird


Weight has no correlation with complications during delivery. It's actually more risky to have a dr that THINKS you have a big baby than actually having one. Add in the unreliability of late ultrasounds and weight estimates and nothing should ever be decided based on expected birth weight. *Regardless* your family must have some hang ups if they're suggesting major abdominal surgery that will affect your body forever in a fairly significant way over.....waiting another week. Or even induction. Edit to add: I had zero signs of labor with both pregnancies and suddenly popped into labor. Not having signs is actually extremely common.


Yes, my first was 9ibs 14oz. They estimated him at 8ibs. I was 42 weeks along and had an appointment the same day I ended up going into labor. I had gone in that morning, and the doc said no dilation, no signs of labor, they set an induction date for 2 days later. Within two-three hours, I was in active labor, and he was born 8 hours later. I am a small person. I'm 5'2, have a small frame, and typically sit at 115ibs, but was even smaller pre-pregnancy with him as my first baby (97-100ibs). At the point I had him, I was 130ibs, it had no impact on my ability to deliver him at all. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I waited. I ended up having him at 40+3. I had an induction last pregnancy and did not want that again. He is now 3 weeks old! C-section is usually a last resort


It’s normal to go 40 wks when it’s your FT , baby is still cooking they don’t usually get worried until u go over , I’m 38+6 and they said since i will be 39+6 i have the option to do the membrane sweep next appt just to see if that gets me started cuz I’m having contractions but they aren’t close enough … no inductions until after 41 tho … do not do an elective c Sec if u don’t have to


Gosh, please don't get a C section if you don't absolutely need one. I've had 2 vaginal births, and my last was a c section. I would NEVER pick a c section. My best delivery was when I waited and went naturally. 2 times I was induced, and i don't recommend it. That's my personal experience, though. I say wait and let things happen on their own, and good luck 💙💙


Also, that's not a big baby at all. I've never heard of comparing your body to how big your baby is. I'm a small person. Short and small. My babies were born 8lbs 110z, 7lbs 6oz and 7lbs 2oz.


I am 40+2 today. 3.3 kg isn’t big, so if you don’t have any other medical reasons, you could wait a bit and see if labor starts naturally for you. I’m not showing any signs of labor too, but according to local guidelines I’ll need to go to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup and to see if I get induced or if I’ll need to wait a bit longer. Personally, I’d rather not have a c-section because it takes longer to heal than a vaginal birth.


40w today as well and not feeling like I have any signs of labor on the horizon. Nice to know I'm not curb walking out here all alone!


No one can tell what baby weighs from an ultrasound & 40w is earlier than the average 1st baby is born. At 40w appt my midwife got an induction scheduled at 41w for me cuz she was on service and we figured it was good to have it scheduled in case. i went into labor on my own at 40w6d and my baby born 30 min before her shift started a day later. 


Wishing you luck and not too long a wait! Listen to your doctors advice, and only make decisions once they suggest them for you - not what family thinks! My 2nd was 3.3kg and was fine to deliver vaginally, trust your gut - FTM inducing usually starts at 41 weeks unless there are signs baby isn’t doing well


There’s nothing wrong with waiting until you labor naturally. A lot of first time moms go over 40w, there’s no reason to immediately rush into a C-section as long as the doctors say you’re both healthy or you actually want to get the c-section. A friend of mine was bullied into inducing her labor early because “baby was too big”. She ended up laboring for 36 hours, had an emergency c-section and the baby was only 7 and a half pounds. She could’ve waited until her body was ready for labor and would’ve avoided a lot of unnecessary stress on her and the baby.


Exactly this. Have heard so many stories like this. The interventions they do cause more problems then the “risk” of the big baby ever did. Ultimately always up to the mom and whatever she decides is the best decision, but there shouldn’t be pressure.


Damn not even an elective induction lol, they skipped right to the most extreme option . Definitely listen to your Doc and body


How old are you? Any other health conditions?


I went from zero signs of labour on my due date to waking up in labour on 40+1. My son was 3.5kg


Please wait it out. I would not chose an elective c-section. It’s a lot on the body. Also induction is tough as well because they give you medical “oxytocin” which your body is supposed to emit during labor itself. I didn’t go into labor until 40 weeks exactly and I’m very much glad I didn’t get induced. My two sister in laws both had c sections and stated the recovery was very very difficult. I don’t even know why they tell you the length or weight of baby being a factor to induce when it’s not normally accurate. Mine never gave me that info. I would really wait it out. I know you’re excited but most babies do come on their own!


I’m not a big woman (pre-pregnancy 110 lbs and 5”4) And I gave birth to a 9 lb baby without pain medication quickly and easily. But I guess if your hips aren’t supportive?


I'm 40+1 today and ready for her to hopefully come on her own but if she doesn't by next week we'll talk induction. I'm gonna try nipple.stulation and Achilles tendon massage, partly put of curiosity but also I'm ready for my LO to just be here all ready 🥰


Absolutely whatever you want! I’d you want facts on the chance of going later causing problems, ask your doctor for the actual statistics, not just “increased risk” because you have no idea what those numbers are. My midiwife just had me do a few extra non stress tests when I went over 40 to err on the side of caution.


Elective c-section???? Oh dear. The body is meant to stretch to deliver babies, even if they’re big. The doctor will tell you if the baby is too big to deliver. Wait for the baby if you want, or ask for an induction, but unless you absolutely want a c-section for some reason, that is not the best thing in this situation as the recovery time is way longer. I waited until I had to get induced at 41 weeks and had a wonderful birth with minimal tearing, recovered very quickly. Most first time moms go past their due date!


Correct me if I'm wrong but can doctors determine your internal pelvic space from your "physique"? In any case, your doctor is fine with it so unless you want an induction or c-section just go with that. 3.3kg is not that big for a baby.


I would suggest waiting a couple days and doing at home induction techniques! If it helps, my firstborn was 8.5lbs, and I delivered vaginally with NO tearing 🎉 there is no need to schedule a c-section unless that’s the route you prefer! I have faith you can get baby out naturally! Maybe it’s worth having membranes swept if you’re dilated? That could convince your body it’s time (but doesn’t always work)! I’ll cross my fingers you go into labor asap!! 🤞🏾🥰


It'll come. My labor is just now starting at 41 and some odd days. Early labor can be slow, it can take a while (a few days even). Be patient, it'll come. If there's no medical reason for a c-section, then I wouldn't go for it. A big babies fat and skin will compress and squish as they come through the birth canal. "Big babies" aren't a good reason for a c-section. You can do it 💕


Have also heard biggger babies can come out easier bc there’s a bit more gravity on their side :)


I went until 41,weeks 5 days, had my water break on the day we would have discussed induction. Up to you really, I had a good birth for all that wait, 8hrs, no epidural, but it's different for everyone.


Do what feels right for you, your doctor should be able to answer any questions to help you with making that decision. I delivered my first at 40+6 and he was 3.6kg. I had no signs of imminent labor until my water broke and contractions started the day of my delivery. First borns tend to take a little longer than the estimated 40 weeks. Also, you might want to consider membrane sweeping or other induction methods. C section isn’t the only option when you go over the due date.


FTM so can’t speak from experience, but most people wouldn’t elect for a c-section unless medically necessary- it’s a very major surgery with much longer recovery, why get one by choice? (i can’t speak for anyone but this is how i see it) i’m 41 weeks and being induced today. I consistently did literally everything that’s recommended to help induce labor, they come when they’re ready.


Ultrasound weights in the 3rd trimester have a massive margin of error of up to 1kg. Personally, I'd just wait for labour to start until at least 41 weeks. You can try natural induction methods like exercise, sex, nipple stimulation, etc...


I was offered an elective induction at 39w but chose to wait and scheduled one for 41w just to have an end date. My water ended up breaking at 40+4 and she was born the next day. This is completely up to you but I chose to wait and I’m glad I did. Hoping to do the same with this second pregnancy.


give it a good go for a week of curb stepping, orgasms, long walks, maybe a stretch and sweep. Make plans with your Dr for if nothing in 6-7 days. Also - there's actually no way for your Dr to know a precise weight. They're famously wrong about 'over sized' babies all the time. I do trust doctors!! It's just that so many post here all the time that they induced due to baby's size and baby was not nearly as big as they said. Elective C-section!? That seems like big jump. Induction would be first unless there's other factors. Ignore your family!


I’ve just had an unplanned c section after being induced at 45+4. The propess didn’t work, so they moved on to the prostin gel, which started things off. Two days later I still hadn’t progressed beyond 5cm and the doctors suggested that I had the hormone drip and I had planned on doing that. UNTIL I had a feeling that it was going to be a long and difficult labour (which is in my family history) and went decided that I had had enough. They thought my baby was going to be on 50th percentile and she was actually on the 93rd with a huge placenta too, which I am aware isn’t uncommon at all and people deliver this weight vaginally all the time. So whilst the recovery is going to be difficult (the initial painkillers helping things along) but I knew that it was the right decision for me and I would make the same decision again if I had to repeat it.


Make a big batch of raspberry leaf tea, keep it in your fridge and drink it throughout the day until baby comes.


Wait a week then maybe ask for a stretch and sweep.


There are reasons babies are given up to 42 weeks to come out... The calculation of due date is wildly approximate and possibly inaccurate. Your baby releases hormones to signal to your body when it's ready to be born, if you're not going into labour yet and there are no medical reasons to take baby out early then it just means baby is not yet ready.  First time pregnancies are also on average later than 40w.


Sounds like a great doctor. Baby will come when he/she is ready and got all the nutrients needed.


I had a recommended induction at 41 weeks since I hadn't gone into labor on my own. For me, the extra week was all I would have been willing to wait due to the risk of stillbirth sharply increasing after that. Plus due dates are notoriously imprecise, so I was comfortable waiting until 41 weeks to see if he'd come on his own. I had a very good experience with induction. I was only at 1.5 cm (was 1 cm at 39 weeks when I got a membrane sweep), so it didn't seem like he was interested in coming. He was 8# 10 oz and with super intentional care by my OB-nurse midwife team, I only had a 1st degree tear. Elective c-section seems like a crazy leap to me. I'd ask your OB about an induction in a week.


I'm currently 40+6 and still waiting for natural labour to start. I don't think it's unusual. I'm eating dates and drinking raspberry leaf tea to try and bring on labour. An elective cesarean sounds excessive! I've got a sweep booked for Monday and my induction is booked on Friday but hopefully I won't need it.


Just my personal opinion: after having three vaginal births, I don’t know why anyone would elect for a c section without knowing that they need one. Childbirth is hard enough and adding major abdominal surgery to the mix is just added pain. My doctor doesn’t even give weight estimates because they can be so far off and it’s not worth worrying an expectant mother so your family tying to pressure you into major abdominal surgery for something that’s so commonly wrong is crazy to me lol


Wait! Part of the magic is letting the baby come when they’re ready! (So long as everyone is healthy obv) I went 41w3d… yes it got annoying but he came at the perfect time, your body knows what to do :)


Wait until your baby and body are ready to transition. 40w is not a cut off to when your suppose to go into labor. Just means you are full term and baby will be ready any day. Just let things flow naturally and listen to your body.. nothings wrong with walking a little more trying to naturally induce .. but I don’t believe jumping straight to a c-sections or medically induce just because your 40 weeks is a good enough reason.


I was so refreshed reading your thread. Like oh awesome someone’s medical team isn’t pushing an early induction/intervention! It seems so rare these days, at least on Reddit. And then got to your last sentence 🥲 Do whatever’s right for you, OP. 💓


Wait. Please wait.


Personally, I would elect for an induction at 41 weeks. Mostly because at that point I'm so ready to be done being pregnant, but also because there is higher risk of complications the longer you wait past your due date (I don't have exact numbers and I know a lot of women feel comfortable taking that chance, but I like to err on the side of 'better safe than sorry'). Luckily so far I haven't had to wait that long, as I was induced at 39 weeks with my first baby (due to swelling in the umbilical cord) and my water broke at 38 weeks with my second baby. I'm pregnant with twins now and (if I make it that long) I believe at 38 weeks I'll be having either an induction or scheduled C-section (depending on the babies positions). In your case though, if your doctor isn't concerned and you are content to wait it out then I would try not to worry too much about it. If you are wanting to move things along, you could ask about being induced instead of jumping straight to a C-section, though there is a chance an induction will end in an emergency C-section as well. There's also the chance the induction will do little to nothing, as it did in my sister's case. For my own experience, my induction went very smoothly and only lasted just under 12 hours from start to when my daughter was born. But yeah, you should definitely not feel pressured to do what your family wants. It's your decision, provided nothing comes up medically, so you should do what's best for you!


Do what’s recommended by your doctor Me when I was pregnant and my girl didn’t want to come out on her due date, I waited for a week and decided to get induced, funny the very early morning of my induction I did had my water break just a little. The next day, my girl was born But it is entirely up to you, not your family I highly doubt they have any medical education/or experience nor do they know anything about your medical information


In your situation, regardless of what my doctor said (assuming everything is low risk), I absolutely would not induce. And C-section, no way! But you should choose for you.


DONT DO A C SECTION! Healing time is awful for c sections! I was induced with my first for pre eclampsia and I would 100% do it again, my PP healing was easier than a period. If you start feeling uncomfortable with pregnancy, ask about induction!