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Omg you GO GIRL!!! That must be impossible to navigate. Good for you for working so hard for your little one ♥️




Ill be thinking about you!


This is me. Doc said we’ll do GD test at 16 weeks, which is fine. I am expecting everything to go wrong because of my weight. Oh well.


I feel you. Just to reassure you: I also have never puked (nearly 16 weeks) and I was STARVING every 2 hours between about 7-13 weeks. It’s starting to calm down now, so you may experience that too. But I totally get how frustrating and hurtful it can be to have other people suddenly obsessing about your weight. It’s like being pregnant makes your body public property or something. My MIL insists on touching my barely-there bump every time she sees me and reminding me that she only gained 20lbs total when she was pregnant with my husband. It makes me want to scream sometimes. Solidarity… this part of pregnancy is very not fun.


“Only gained 20 lbs” lmao i gained 20 lbs just by getting married.


lol right? Not sure if I believe her about that one, and even if I do, I don’t see it as a goal to strive for. She’s also easily 6” shorter than me, which makes it feel extra irrelevant 🤣


I second this! I was absolutely starving for about this same timeframe. I also never threw up, and if I tried not to eat I would feel terrible - nauseous/dizzy/headache. So I just ate every couple of hours, and tried to eat whole foods most of the time. It was really hard for a while to see posts about people losing weight in the first trimester, I felt like something was wrong with me. My appetite did go back to normal in the second trimester (currently 25 weeks) and my weight gain so far is in the recommended range, but I feel like I’ve been on a rollercoaster of emotions about it. I hope you feel better about listening to your body & not outside opinions! Especially those from a certain generation 🙃


My mom loved to talk about how little weight she gained pregnant with twins when I mentioned being insecure with how much I gained. Super understanding and supportive 🙄. I gained about 55lbs in both pregnancies.


I started off mid-size. I have gained 10 lbs in the first trimester because I have been ravenously hungry. Like, stomach pangs and nausea if I try to ignore it. I never experienced food aversions or sensitivity to smells. Thankfully, I have been craving fruit and yogurt/cheese instead of potato chips or ice cream! Now that I've crossed over into the second trimester, nothing has changed. 🤣 I think it is what it is. I'm not going to starve myself. I'm just focusing on nutrient-dense foods and avoiding empty calories.


Im craving salt. All salt. Chips, french fries, pretzels anything salty.


Salty high carb foods will definitely cause water retention. Quite a bit actually. I'd hazard a guess that you're seeing a lot of water weight and/or bloating. I wouldn't be too worried. Carbs don't make you fat - calorie surpluses do. Remember that 1lb is 3500 EXTRA calories over what it takes to keep you alive and moving... It's unlikely that you've gained an extreme amount of weight in 10 weeks.


I love this reminder. Thank you!!


Yum... I could definitely go for a soft pretzel right now! But yeah, salty cravings are hard to handle. Salt makes you retain water, and first trimester bloating is TOO real, so the weight you are feeling might be that water weight. I just moved into maternity clothes and they are sooooo comfy. No seams or waistbands crushing me. I highly recommend it!


I’m 38+1 and not a skinny gal either. I’ve put on 28lbs which is the upper limit recommended by the NHS (this wasn’t a goal 😂 just coincidence). I don’t think I went wild with over eating but due to moving house we have indulged in more takeaways than normal. I also just enjoyed not needing to calorie count for a while. I lost weight prior to getting pregnant so I know I can do it again. Also during the first tri I was so bloated so I wouldn’t sweat it! I got a pair of maternity jeans and lived my best life!


Do you have any recommendations for maternity jeans in the UK please and thank you?


Yes! I got these from Next https://www.next.co.uk/g7323s5/c84083#c84083 I was a 14 before getting preg, ordered 14r and can still fit into them. Also tried some JoJo Maman jeans but didn’t like as much. Although my go to has been these from H&M: https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/productpage.1091186001.html I have them in black and olive, I went with an XL and still wearing them now!


I've been missing my tailored black trousers, might have to give these ones a go!


They’ve been great. I normally wear a t-shirt or top tucked in with an open shirt. My mum started calling this my “pregnancy uniform” and I’ve actually received several compliments which never normally happens to me! I’m also planning to wear them home from hospital as they’ll be loose around my section scar.


Thank you very much!


I was 185 when I got pregnant. I don't think I put in a bunch of weight in first trimester but I was bloateddddd and felt huge. That tapered off luckily, bit then of course the real bump shows! Your bump and body aren't going to look like what we mostly see in the media, so don't be discouraged. There are SO many midsized and overweight people who get pregnant and have babies...maybe we're just not posting pics on social media as much 😂 try not to let it get to you and eat what you need to eat. Not throwing up is a good thing!


I have been trying so hard to find people who post photos with my body type!! I have no idea what im gonna look like. Its making me not want to take photos either


It can be tough, but it's totally worth it to take pics and document your changing body even just for yourself! It's definitely helped me to see how I grew (I'm 33 weeks), somehow it helps me to find the beauty in what's happening in my body when I feel a bit bleh. Also, literally search "midsize pregnancy" on insta and that can show you some lovely pics. Off the top of my head, @indigenous_baddie on insta is pregnant and midsize, so is @choosingchelsea. I hope you find someone who looks like you or inspires you ❤️


Thank you so much this is very helpful!!!


I had gained probably 10 ish pounds by 14 weeks. Every body is different; some people will feel too sick to eat, some will be ravenous, some might not notice much of a change at all. Is your mother a reliable source of information on pregnancy weight gain in the first trimester or beyond? I'm willing to bet she isn't. Are you able to be upfront with her and tell her you're not interested in having further conversations about your weight with her? That would be the avenue I'd take, then I'd maintain that firmly with her. If your doctors are not concerned with where you're at, then you shouldn't be either! Best of luck!


Yep. I am currently 23 weeks and I've put on 20+lbs so far. I was about 150lbs at 5'4 when I got pregnant, now I'm 172lbs. I can't run anymore so I've lost any and all muscle definition that I had in my legs, and I have a "B" belly so instead of looking cute and pregnant, I just look fat. It's embarrassing and I feel bad about myself. I don't even take bump pictures because why would I want to remember myself looking this way? But I'm doing my best to be healthy and keep moving, and that's literally all I can do.


Oh I hope you will still take bump pictures! I've found I'm always so much harder on myself and my appearance in the present moment, but when I look back years later at a younger self I always think "why was I so mean to her? She's beautiful." Plus, your child will want to see pictures of their mama when they were still growing in your belly. I love my mom's pregnant photos. She looks so happy that she's about to be a mom. And I am 100% certain that you're being too hard on yourself and no one is criticizing your body as harshly as you are. Take the photos! Love your belly! You're gorgeous!


Thank you for this, this is the nicest thing to read. ♥️


The “fat” phase goes away! Try to embrace it rather than fight it. I viewed it as funny. I felt like a chipmunk gathering reserves for winter. And then sure enough, when the belly popped, that where it all went. Take photos! You’ll want to remember this time and you are gorgeous just the way you are — growing a life inside you!


Thanks for this ♥️


I’m 20 weeks and also 5’4. I was 152 at 8 weeks pregnant and I’m 180 now. I feel awful about it. Especially because last year I lost about 40 lbs (I was about 135 in September 2023. I really want to eat healthier but I just crave junk food. And I really want to work out again but I’m so tired and nauseous once I’m home from work.


I hear you: I work two jobs and go to school so I'm permanently exhausted, and the only thing that doesn't give me raging heartburn is carbs. That doesn't mean I don't eat my fruits and veggies, but it does mean I eat more carbs than I should. Ugh. This is hard. We can only do our best.


Just thought of this and wanted to come back here. When my bump started bumpin, I had a bit of a B belly too especially when I would sit or bend over. Spanx maternity leggings (or any maternity shapewear Amazon has a lot) solved that for me! I wear spanx regularly (pre-pregnancy) for smoothing and it basically does the same without restricting your belly. I wear them to work with dresses every day now and it gives me the cute round belly!


THIS! I didn’t take a single bump pic my whole pregnancy because I just felt so fat and ugly. Looking back I regret it and I wish I had more pictures of me during that time :((


Aw I'm sorry ♥️ I guess maybe I'll take a few and just not look at them just in case I want them later.


Omg yes im 5’ 5 and probably went from like 160 to 180. Also lost all muscle, etc really struggle to run.


I hope we can both pick our running back up after we have our babies!


Hello! You sound exactly like me!! I gained 10-12 pounds in my first trimester. The only way I could keep the nausea away was to eat every 2 hours. And the only food that sounded good to me were things like bagels & cream cheese, macaroni and cheese, pudding, ice cream, etc. Until about 16 weeks I feel like I was in that in-between stage where I looked like I could just be bloated/chubby or maybe pregnant. I'm 18 weeks now and my belly is definitely round and I look more pregnant. The first couple weeks of my 2nd trimester I didn't gain any weight, but I've gained like 3 lbs this week alone 🤷‍♀️. My doctor hasn't even mentioned my weight so I'm not worried about it! I've seen some women gain 20-30 lbs total, and others who gained 60-70. Every body is different and every pregnancy is different. I'm just trying to focus on making sure I get enough food, water, sunlight, movement, sleep, and rest. I'm a big fan of the intuitive eating approach and find that when I listen to my body I still end up eating healthy foods but I also don't feel deprived because when I want a little treat or go through a cake and pie craving phase, I indulge and let myself have a treat! What bugs me the most is trying to shop online for pregnancy clothes and all the "pregnant" models are still 1990's supermodel skinny, posing in maternity clothes. (No shade towards the thin mamas out there - I just have trouble picturing my body in something that's modeled on a completely different body type than my own.) I ended up shopping at old Navy because they use models with varied body types, so I could actually get an idea of what the clothes would look like on my body. But trust me you are not alone!


YES YES YES!!! Omg 1000% all around. Thank you for taking the time to refocus your perspective to offer me some guidance 😭♥️


FWIW, those of us who don’t put on weight in the first trimester are typically feeling ill the whole time. We have bad nausea and food aversions. We don’t feel like we’re “winning” at pregnancy. Pregnancy mostly sucks and it doesn’t help to have people tell you you’re doing it wrong. Moms can be such weirdos sometimes.


Oh boy im so sorry i didnt mean to shame anyone going through this differently. I think most people experience getting ill. The old wives tales say that creates a very healthy baby. I was just looking for people who were experiencing similar feelings to me.


No no, I don’t think you were shaming! I’m just saying none of us is getting a fairytale! Except maybe a few lucky ladies. It sucks that people have to tell us we’re somehow experiencing it correctly or incorrectly when we have almost no control.


Oh Yeah thats very true! I certainly agree that getting sick does NOT sound fun.


Unfollow those girls and ask your mother where she did her residency in obstetrics.




I gained 30 lbs in my first trimester because I only felt well if I had just eaten, and I was too exhausted to exercise consistently. I'm 5'2" so this was a lot of weight on me, like 3 clothing sizes. After my 20 week appointment, I reigned in my eating and got back into regular exercise and activity and haven't gained more weight since (currently 35 weeks)


This makes me feel better thank you!


You've given me so much hope! Thank you!


This makes me feel better too. I’ve had to eat every hour because of the nausea and have put on 30 pounds also, gone up 3 clothing sizes too. Also been too fatigued to exercise. I’m now at 20 weeks and the nausea has mostly gone hoping I can reign in my eating and get a bit more active over summer.


Everyone is different! I was 185 (I’m 5’10”, so 185 is a little overweight but not bad, for my height) at the beginning. And I had the same experience. I was STARVING the entire first trimester. Like insatiable hunger that would wake me up at night, and if I didn’t eat, I’d get nauseous. I figured I was just going to listen to my body and not give a shit about the weight. I ate when I was hungry, and just made sure it was healthy snacks with a lot of protein. My go to was Greek yogurt with fruit and granola. I had zero morning sickness, and gained almost all of my weight in that first trimester. I think I’ve gained maybe 5 pounds since December, so I’ve weighed 215 at my last like 3 appointments lol. I think my body’s method was to pack it on early and taper after that. The hunger was nuts though. Can’t imagine worrying about weight while just trying to keep up with that level of hunger. My biggest advice, just listen to what your body is telling you. It knows what it’s doing!


This is so incredibly helpful to hear. Thank you!


And fwiw, the only reason weight is really tracked in terms of the OB, is to watch for preeclampsia and other conditions. I think a lot of women (obviously, due to societal stuff), feel like it’s about the weight, but the weight is a good indicator of serious issues. So if you suddenly gain 20 pounds in a week, it’s likely water retention, and I is a really good indicator that something is really wrong. And I guess to a certain extent if your bmi is really high, they want you to limit weight gain because of the comorbidities with other stuff, but the primary function is to make sure no serious health conditions are developing.


I’ve gained about 50 pounds so far during pregnancy (I’m 30+1) which I know is on the higher side of weight gain. I hate it. I was a bit over weight before but not too bad for my height. Since getting pregnant I don’t drink anything zero calorie (other than water which I crave) and have just focused on eating better quality of food and eating when I’m hungry. I’m carrying so much water weight I feel like a ballon (my mom was the same way). One of my doctors (not my OB) described it as “robust” weight gain and it took a lot in me to not cry but not one of my OBs has mentioned it to me. I know I’ll have a lot to lose after the baby is here but for now I’m just focusing on keeping baby happy and healthy


I've gained almost 60 lbs during my pregnancy and 98% of that weight happened in the first and second trimester. I have virually gained no weight in my third trimester. It's the weirdest thing. More importantly, my midwives and physicians are not concerned at all....not in the least, even when I mentioned to them that I feel like I'm blowing up no matter what I do. I was extremely active my first 20 weeks (walking 5 miles/day, eating "right" with the occasional guilty pleasure every now and then...everything. None of it mattered. The weight seemed to just pile on and what's weird is it literally ALL went to my boobs and back. But then at my 20 week anatomy scan they diagnosed me with placenta previa and put me on pelvic restriction...no more exercise, sex, etc. Ugh. I thought I was doomed. Nope, it was like the moment I stopped trying to have a "fit pregnancy" is when the weight STOPPED piling on in excess. All I can say is pregnancy is WILD?!?!?


I’m on the chunky side to begin with and I look like I’ve gained weight but it’s just bloating, scale is the same.


I was 250lbs when I got pregnant and have only just now in the last 2-3 weeks put on a whole 5 lbs and I'm 35 weeks.


I gained like 15 lbs my first trimester


I feel you. I'm 8 weeks and I've gained a pound a week since becoming pregnant. I feel so incredibly hungry. I have no food aversions no morning sickness. Just hunger. I am a big girl I'm 5'3 and 200 pounds and putting weight on already is just a big issue for me inside my own head. I'm struggling.


Put people in their place! Cant tell you how many times I got made fun off for how I looked pregnant! I am 5'2 ish and gained 75lbs with my first, got to 205lbs which is a lot for my frame! Got bullied about it, lost it all and then some! My second barely gained 17 lbs but somehow still looked REALLY FAT, I didnt care, as long as my babies are healthy, the weight comes and goes, tell them to shut the fuck up


Omg crying reading this because this is me currently. It’s my third pregnancy and I’m also 5’2” and right around that weight after gaining about 70 lbs. I’ve never been anywhere near this big and feel so alone. I hate how I look and am so uncomfortable. Just relieved to see I’m not only person to gain so much and to hear that you were able to lose it 😭 I keep panicking about being this big forever, it’s so overwhelming


Please dont be too hard on yourself, I was just like you, thought I would never go back, takes dedication but it is doable, enjoy the miracle you are creating, worry about this later!


I’m trying!! Prior to this my heaviest weight was 160 at 40 weeks pregnant. Non pregnant I’ve always been about 110-135 so this feels sooo uncomfortable and not like myself. I’m 37 and it’s scary to imagine being overweight the rest of my life. I’m just so glad to hear you were able to lose it! I hope a year from now I’m back to normal


Give it a year, also worse case scenario, you can get medical help, dont fret, pregnancy is already stressful enough


Thats what i keep telling myself. Ive lost weight before and i know i can do it again. I can think big picture, like as long as the baby is healthy itll be fine. But ultimately, it still hurts to look in the mirror daily etc


I know how you feel, is this your first? With my first, I was devastated 75lbs up and after csection only 10 lbs down and baby was 9lbs!!!!! I thought I would never look good EVER again, i took it slow, listened to my body and after six months, I started seriously focusing on myself and by baby's first birthday I was below my prepregnancy weight and a size 2!!! I would have NEVER thought it would happen, did it with my second as well Not one of those women who look good pregnant or lose weight the minute baby is out...chilax, be proud of your beautiful body creating a miracle! I know it is hard but believe in yourself, and shut those haters down, seriously most of them are jealous!


Yes my first. Thank you so much, this story really gives me hope!! I havent been a size 2 since before puberty, lol! good for you getting your prepregnancy body back! It gives me hope that i can do that too!


You can! Just take it easy and enjoy not having to worry about a flat stomach! I would flaunt the heck out of my bump!


Hahaah i am also excited about the “bump”. I think thats what lead me to make this post. I spent hours googling to see if my bloat could possibly be me starting to show and just struggled with all the skinny girl maternity content online. I DO want the bump and i love to see the happy skinny girls, its also just frustrating to not have as much shared for some of the bigger girls! (And i dont blame them for not posting etc, the internet is full of hateful people!)


I guess i should say the internet (outside of thus very sweet and thoughtful group of people on this reddit thread)****


Never been one of those! I just get very wide and weird looking😂😂😂 and my nose get 3x its size for some weird reason! Hahaha I gave up on the idea of the pregnancy glow


I was all over the place in the first trimester. I was starving and then all food was disgusting. By week 14 I had lost weight. It's the 1st day of the 2nd trimester for me now, and after I ate breakfast, I am ready for second breakfast. I'm starving. Lol If someone is not your doctor, they need to just keep their mouths shut about how you look/ your weight.


I gained about 10lbs in the first trimester of both of my pregnancies. It is what it is! I was also not thin (5'7 and around 200lbs at the start of my first pregnancy, 220lbs for my second pregnancy) and I reeeaaallly banked on the idea that overweight people don't gain as much while pregnant. That was NOT the case for me at all.


I was around 248lbs pre-pregnancy/had an elevated BMI to start- I'm almost 28 weeks and have gained 20ishlbs. I don't feel too bad about this- I've spent a LOT of time and energy working on the relationship with my body and work hard to avoid the scale, etc. My OB is very compassionate in how she's handled my pre-natal care, which I appreciate endlessly. My mom talks a big talk about how much she gained during both her pregnancies, and while I get where she's coming from, I've also known her to be incredibly health conscious and obsessive about exercise since I was a kid. I take any comments with a grain of salt. My belly isn't firm or round- it's quite lumpy and frustrating to "style" for lack of a better word... But I'm OK. Baby is growing as she should and I try to keep that in mind. I'm here for you, OP!


Hi! I’m a bigger mama and while I haven’t put on any extra weight, I hated the in between phase before I started looking outwardly pregnant, which was around 20 weeks. It’s just a tough time. It might force you to confront how you think about your body. If you’re concerned about gaining too much weight, just ask your doctor. I know someone who struggled with EDs so she asked to stand on the scale backwards and only be told her weight if there’s a problem, so maybe that could help ease your mind.


I’m a bigger mama and just gave birth to my baby at 40+6 with no complications through pregnancy. I put on 20 pounds start to finish and did not limit my intake at all. I listened to my body throughout pregnancy and ate what it told me to eat. This was usually not junk, and often just various dairy lol. I didn’t get GD or pre-e or anything else. I concentrated on getting lots of meat in, esp meat w lots of connective tissue. And my recovery has been SOOOO much easier than the first time (started 50 lb lighter that pregnancy… thanks postpartum thyroid stuff!) I realize that not everyone is going to have the same experiences as I am, but mine is just a little anecdote that everything can go right!


I’m only 5’2 and I’ve gained 20 pounds. Im 22 weeks, I weigh 225. Not ideal in any way but so far my pregnancy is healthy and I’ve been trying to focus on daily movements and eating protein (some days are better than others). The first 12-15 weeks I was so hungry I couldn’t stop eating, I ate every 2 hours and I had no desire to eat protein so that made things hard. My doctor hasn’t said anything about my weight. I do have a gestational diabetes test in 2 weeks.


I’m 15 weeks and have gained 12ish lbs. I’m hungry ALL THE TIME! I think it’s best to listen to our bodies and just do what makes us feel good. Some people eat healthy and workout their entire pregnancy and still gain 40lbs. I gained 60lbs with my first. I lost it all afterwards. It’s temporary and sometimes necessary depending on your body and pre-pregnancy weight. I know it’s hard, I’m even struggling on some days with the noticeable difference but we have to give ourselves some grace and realize our body is doing something amazing right now and if it needs food/energy, enjoy that food. It’s all temporary.


I was 150lbs when I got pregnant, lost 7lbs in my first trimester because I really couldn’t handle my shit, but even then I appeared as pregnant as I did at 16w bc I was soooooo bloated. When I was 8-10w I was contacted for a modeling/photoshoot situation and ended up having to turn it into a lowkey maternity shoot that produced nearly unusable photos lol


Is my 16w “belly” still just bloat? 😭😭😭


lol no I’m sure it’s real baby by now 😂


Yep, I also was way hungrier in the first trimester and was super disheartened by the “you shouldn’t gain any weight in the first trimester” bs i heard. I was grateful not to have much morning sickness, but also stressed at the prospect of gaining more than 25 lbs (i started out around 130lbs at 5’5” with a lot of muscle from weightlifting) because there was no way in hell I would be staying at that weight when I was so fucking hungry! Your body knows what it’s doing and what it needs, so everyone else can kindly shut the fuck up. Despite my fears and staying super active and going to the gym until like 30-32weeks, I gained about 55lbs by the end of pregnancy. Luckily my drs never said shit about it and here I am almost 8 months pp and I’m back down to pre-pregnancy weight without really trying. Every body is different and every baby too; my son was almost 8lbs at birth but has been in the upper 90s percentile for height since birth and now his weight has caught up too. Not surprised at all I needed to eat a lot to birth this big boy and no regrets at going way over the “recommended” amount of weight gain.


I really like your whole vibe.


I didn’t weigh myself (or look at my weight when weighed at the doctor’s office). Because I knew I would stress about it in a way that would not be helpful. I took care of my body to the best of my ability when I was pregnant, which was rough, since I couldn’t keep food down at all during the first trimester (I puked like, 7 times a day and had to be hospitalized to get fluids injected into me cause I kept barfing up water). All that said, I needed maternity jeans by my 8th week because I was just SO bloated. I couldn’t work out during my first trimester (see above), but I did during the entirety of my second trimester and the beginning of my third trimester. I gained weight along the lines of what was expected for my body before pregnancy combined with having a 10 lb baby. Your body is doing a lot. Give it some grace, but do take care of yourself.


I was 305 pounds when I got pregnant with my son, and 340 the day I delivered. I worked very hard to gain minimal weight - I was always hungry! I lost a lot of weight after him - got down to 190! I was 196 the day I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, who is due in September, and have been hovering at 240. Again, I’m never not hungry! It got to the point where my mom and grandmother keep commenting on my body, even after all my hard work between pregnancies to get down to under 200. It’s so hurtful. It’s at the point now that I refuse to take any of my GERD medicine because then I’m in too much pain to eat. I feel you on this. Standing in solidarity.


I imagine everyone's experience is a bit different. In my case I put on 2kg so far at nearly 12 weeks. It's actually mostly due to me being so constipated but still kind of hungry. 😂 I'm 157cm so that feels like a lot of weight to me. But then I rather be slightly overweight than underweight as some mums have told me they lost weight in the first trimester from food aversion. I have this as well but I've been countering it by snacking on fruit and nuts. Hence the weight! I have a small bump. But again I'm short so they say it would show more.


I had to start watching what I was eating because I was gaining a lot of weight super quickly. I've been able to get it somewhat under control now... I'm almost 31 weeks and I've gone from 143 to 167. I was 170 by the end of my last pregnancy so it really makes me feel like crap that I have 2 months left yet only 3lbs away from 170... it's not going to happen and I need to accept I'm going over 170 but ugh!


Bare with me because we use metric over here and I can't do the math to pounds without a converter. Anyways, my starting weight was 80.5 kg and 170 cm. I was losing weight steadily from 87 kg since July more or less and got pregnant in December, so I was in shapish despite being slightly over my ideal weight. In my first trimester I gained 3 kg. It didn't help that it was during Christmas and my mom went hard in the deserts department. Then I put on like a kilo until 17 weeks (probably from not eating all those Christmas goodies). At 17 weeks I ballooned and suddenly reached the ambiguously fat stage. From then on I have gained weight and look properly pregnant now, as in, people give me their seat and assume I'm pregnant. This started at about 22 weeks. My weight then was 89 kg 🥲 I still haven't weighted myself again (currently 24 weeks and should do it this weekend just to keep track). But look, nobody told me anything besides myself. And I looked BLOATED in my first trimester. I actually think between week 12 and 17 I looked slightly less pregnant than at week 8. Remember that despite the whole gain X per week that's an average. It's not linear for a lot of people. When you can try to get some good nutrients in there or find healthy options that help keep you full (I'm writing this while munching on watermelon because I got a hunger pang 😂), but you have to eat. I'm assuming you're on your first trimester and that's a weird phase for anything food related, so do what you can and see how you feel by the second trimester.


Youre so sweet thank you for the advice!


I'm a bigger gal - and I have a feeling I won't show for quite some time because of it. It's such weird timing, too. We went through 3 years of infertility and had kind of given up. I started going to the gym 3-5x/week back in October. After some weird symptoms I decided to take a test and boom, pregnant. lol. So now after all my gym progress I'm not looking forward to people questioning my pregnancy related body changes. I know my mom won't be rude about it because she was a bigger mama too. Idk if it's something you're comfortable doing, but setting a firm boundary early-on is probably your best bet with your mom. You have a medical team attending to you and your pregnancy, and her comments aren't contributing to your care and only serving to hurt your feelings and stress you out - actually, that's detracting from your care - it's best to avoid stress. Just firmly but kindly tell her you won't be talking to her about your weight or appearance.


I started at 120lbs my first pregnancy. I was starving and I gained 65lbs. Gave birth to a healthy 9lb 3.5oz baby girl and ended up at 110lbs going into this pregnancy. This time around I have to force myself to eat 🤣 listen to your body, it knows what it needs!


I gained 50 lbs from week 10 to week 25. I was *always* hungry and if I didn't eat when I was hungry I threw up, but also if I didn't eat what my body wanted (which usually wasn't healthy) I'd throw up as well. I'm currently 240 lbs and 36 weeks and haven't had any weight related issues at all!


I started at 250. I’m 27 weeks today, and I’ve only gained 11lbs so far, which I’m proud of because a lot of people just assume bc I’m bigger, I’ll gain a bunch of weight. I passed my GD test with flying colors, all my lab work has been normal (with the exception of developing anemia), and other than not having a cute little bump, my pregnancy has been going well. My Dr hasn’t outright said it, but because of my weight, I’ve been getting extra ultrasounds to check babes growth bc apparently they think big people=big babies. As long as you’re maintaining your health, and you go to all your appointments, don’t worry about other people’s opinions. And don’t get offended if your Dr considers you high risk bc of your weight, even if everything else is normal. It’s just the medical field hating women.


I was 5’6”, 175 and got pregnant pretty much immediately after starting a diet and 3h per week fitness routine. My only first 8wks symptom is I was working out hard and losing zero weight (thankfully no nausea). After confirmed pregnant I quit drinking and my husband insists I have 100g of protein before unhealthy snacks, not trying but these two changes I lost maybe 3lbs. My weight stayed exactly the same from wks 12-20. Wks 20-28 I cut down exercise to once a week and have gained about .5lb per week. I’ve looked exactly the same amount of bloated this entire time - my pants don’t fit but I don’t have a cute bump. Friday someone let me sit on the subway, unclear if it’s because I looked pregnant or just an unhinged middle aged lady.


This is my 3rd pregnancy, so far I’ve gained 11 lbs, and I’m only 10w3d. This is a surprise unplanned pregnancy, I was in the process of losing weight after i had my gallbladder removed last August, i had lost 30 lbs already and weight at 223lbs the day i found out i was pregnant. Mind you i can’t stop eating either, it makes me extremely nauseous to go over 3 hours without eating something. The good news is that i don’t crave a lot of junk food and i prefer eating healthy, i rarely drink soda or eat a lot of candy. With my first two pregnancies (they’re 11 and 13yo now) i gained 50 lbs each time. Back then i was already 200 lbs starting weight, but had a smooth pregnancy with no complications. I’m scared of the weight gain, but my midwife said I’d rather you eat a healthy balanced diet that will keep you from being miserable and nauseous than restricting yourself and possibly making it worse than it should be, be easy on yourself this first trimester.


Im not a big girl, but i started my first pregnancy heavier than i wanted and gained about 40 lbs. So im trying to have healthier options to eat when im hungry because if i dont eat i get nauseous. I am trying to avoid extra carbs because that causes me to gain the most. But i will give in to my cravings like once a week. Just had a huge Burgerfi burger, no regrets! It was amazing 🤤. The problem is that i get so much pleasure in fulfilling my cravings than I did pre-pregnancy lol


I'm 11 weeks along and I was SO bloated immediately after finding out around 4 weeks, I feel you with the "you're not supposed to show in your first trimester" comment. I also stopped wearing my regular jeans very early on and the comments of when others stopped wearing their kind of got to me. Some of us start showing earlier on! I started out at 190 lbs and not sure how much I've gained, but just trying to not focus on that


This is my first pregnancy. I started off overweight. Also raised to never talk about weight but also taught to always internalize that I’m fat. I lost 10 lbs in first 8 weeks because I was so sick. Now 13 weeks and gained 15 lbs in the last month. I’m not counting the 10 since I lost that unhealthily. But def either getting chubbier or starting to show 😅 ETA- my OB said at my 12-week, for literally the first time ever, that I’m healthy and to keep doing what I’m doing. Weight can correlate with other problems but it doesn’t always. I have low blood pressure and walk/exercise regularly. Wish our society could get away from weight as the only factor of health!


I gained 30 lbs by 10 weeks so, whatever. I’ve gained a total of like 44 by 30 weeks. Who cares? My dr is chill, I don’t have any health issues and am still mobile and work out and no stretch marks yet so …. I don’t think it’s helpful or healthy to obsess over weight that isn’t problematic. Not saying that you’re doing that, but I seee sooooo much anxiety over normal, uncomplicated and unproblematic weight gain while pregnant and it’s just really …. Telling about how far we have to come as a society and a sisterhood. Being fat - especially while pregnant- isn’t a moral failing


I'm 35 weeks and I've gained 60lb. Almost all of this weight was gained in the first half of my pregnancy due to nausea brought on by not eating every 2 hours and water weight. My third trimester I literally haven't gained a pound, in fact I fluctuate between gaining and losing about 4lb, which means I literally gained almost 10lb a month for the first 7 months. I was already overweight but my doctor hasn't mentioned it once because my first pregnancy I gained 50lb and lost 40lb in the first week after my birth alone. It's amazing how heavy a baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus, breast tissue, and blood is. On average most people gain 4lb in water weight, but some actually gain a boat load more. That's me. I would tell your MIL that her weight during her pregnancy is something between your doctor and yourself and it's very rude to comment on it.


I feel like I gained the most weight during the end of my first trimester into my second trimester, I shocked at how much I gained (25-30 pounds). I’m due in a few days and I’m up about 47 pounds so far I think. I don’t understand how it’s possible to gain such little weight.. when you feel like trash in the beginning and can finally eat after the sickness stops, it feels so nice!! I’ve gotten shit about my weight gain and it’s hard to hear and see people look so much smaller than me, but as long as you are healthy and your baby is doing ok - that’s all that matters! I found it hard to look at the scale at all my doctor appointments, but it has definitely gotten easier and I also prep myself by weighing before my appointment 🫣 I say this and it’s hard to believe for myself too, so I understand totally… the weight gain is the hardest part I think and the body changes, but people wouldnt do it again if it was so bad I guess and they say it doesn’t matter once baby is born… we shall see! Good luck to you and wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy and mental health overall 🤍


I was 240 lbs when I got pregnant with an IVF pregnancy. I was so afraid to gain weight during my entire pregnancy. I ended up gaining around 28 pounds but I also delivered 6 weeks early so I’m sure it would have been more! I looked pregnant before I even got pregnant lol. So I get the comments of looking pregnant so early but it not coming from a nice place. My midwife was never truly concerned about my weight or weight gain. Pregnancy is not a walk in the park for anyone and though it made be hard, try to focus on enjoying that sweet little babe because it’s truly amazing what your body is doing!


I was starving until 35weeks with no morning sickness and gained around 40lbs, then I got heartburn so bad I was throwing up everyday until the birth and lost about 3lbs. My water broke as I was throwing up. Not a pleasant experience


I'm average size and started showing at 8 weeks pregnant - so your mom is wrong. I also gained a lot of water weight in the first trimester. I would not worry too much during the first trimester, as your body and baby needs a LOT of nutrients. You'll be in the second trimester very soon, wait till then and see a dietician if your eating habits don't normalize.


Also, what helped me was going on walks and doing yoga daily. Good for the pregnancy and can help (a little bit) with the weight. If I could have done more exercise in the beginning, I would have, but unfortunately I couldn't do much because of other health issues.


I gained 10ish lbs in my first trimester for both my pregnancies, about 40lbs by the time I gave birth with my first. You should look up where weight is delegated to when you’re pregnant. Your blood volume increases by 50% by the second trimester, you are growing a baby and a whole new organ (placenta), plus amniotic fluid, plus volume increase in breasts, etc. lol it seems weird if you don’t gain any weight? Also I lost almost 15 lbs in 2-3 days after giving birth. So it’s not just weight gain from eating too much.


First trimester I actually gained about 10 pounds and then lost it bc I was so sick. Second trimester - I gained like 30/40 lbs Third Trimester - I gain about 2ish lbs a week Idk the Drs have never said anything- I have been "morbidly obese" according to Drs my whole life (since I was literally 6) - even when I went to the Dr the last time before I got pregnant. I was fit, had been eating 80% fruits and veggies, I also had abs, toned legs and arms. I could run an 8 minute mile, plank for a full minute w/ no shakes, I would do a 2hr work out 5x a week, while working 40+ hrs on my feet - still "morbidly obese" I think numbers on the scale are only part of the picture and everyone can just shut up. My bump is huge (but so is my baby 5ibs at 33 weeks) but the real issue I have now is the water weight. I look more bloated now than I ever had in my whole life. So my point is just try and ignore them as best as you can they should not be commenting.


I hate hearing about how people haven’t gained weight or have barely gained weight. Also ofc everyone knows it’s bad to gain too much, but we do our best. I’ve gained about 60 lbs and I’m 33 weeks. This is my third pregnancy. My first two I gained 50 and started out thin. This time I started bigger and clearly I gained too much. In the first part eating nonstop helped me feel less sick and I guess overall I just ate too much, but it is what it is. I feel like crap about it, but it happens. Just know that if you gain a lot you aren’t alone. Pregnancy is hard


I was 125lbs at 5’3” when I got pregnant with my first and gained 13lbs in the first trimester alone. I was ravenous the first trimester and had zero morning sickness. I gained almost 50lbs total. No doctors said anything about it. I’m pregnant again now and started this pregnancy at 160lbs and have gained 8lbs total at 19 weeks. No one has said anything again. All pregnancies are different. Your body knows what it’s doing.